One Of Those Days

This is just a quick post for the Blog 365. I’ll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

Today was one of those days.  A full moon kind of day, I guess.

Kids were a little crazy but we had low numbers so it wasn’t awful. Statewide tornado drill none of us knew was going to happen, fun. Animal guy presentation, teachers did know this one, and the kids were squirrelly (ha, no pun intended) even for him. Afternoon went better.

Didn’t come home to the best news (not really in the mood to elaborate, sorry to be vague).

Started raining this afternoon. Made chicken and noodles for dinner instead of the planned chicken parmigiana. We forgot to eat the strawberry pie for dessert last night so are having it tonight.

And now off to do something to recharge for hopefully, a better day tomorrow.


Day 65/365



6 Replies to “One Of Those Days”

  1. Ugh, that kind of day sucks. It’s like just one of those things in an otherwise normal day wouldn’t have been more than a blip on the radar, but when the universe lines them all up in one day . . . ugh. Here’s hoping your Wednesday is indeed better!

    1. Thank you. So far, (it’s barely 8AM) today is going better so I’m cautiously hopeful about things 🙂

  2. Oh yes. I know those days. And I am always tempted to hop into bed and sleep the day away. Hugs and hopes that today is better!

    1. Thank you. Yesterday was a much better day. And so far today has a lot of promise as well. Happy almost the weekend!
