Orange Tulip Obsession

Almost forgot to post tonight!

Not too much to share so I’ll just let you enjoy some photos from my orange tulip obsession.

Look, do you see the mini tulips that sprang up? Little unexpected baby orange tulips!

A look inside a regular opened tulip.

And then, I noticed this double tulip (sure there’s a more official name but I have no idea what it is).

It’s supposed to storm overnight with a wind advisory. I sure hope my orange tulips are still there in the morning.


6 Replies to “Orange Tulip Obsession”

    1. Thank you! I really like how these orange tulips seem to be lasting a lot longer than the others.

  1. The orange tulips are beautiful, Jean! I had tulips at the old place, but have none here. I need to visit Breck’s and order some. So pretty!

    1. Thank you! I bought a bunch of bulbs on clearance last fall (probably close to the end of October). Hope you are having a great week so far!
