Happy Monday from snowy Kansas City! It’s the Epiphany and a snow day for many (we’re all home again today). I’m sitting here in my snow day uniform of pink leopard print velvety loungewear as I type up this post. Oh, and I have a few pictures to share of our lovely weekend weather and whatnot.
On my 25 for 2025 list item, I have publish 3 blog posts a week. So naturally, I’m starting this week by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The Weather 
It’s 16 and sunny with a cooler windchill. We’re under a cold advisory whatever that means. Oh yeah, also it sleeted, then snowed (just a little Saturday night into Sunday all day). Also, a cold week (20’s as highs but single digits/teens over nights) and more snow predicted for the weekend. Interesting.
Saturday night:
Took this measure today in the backyard where I figured it drifted the least: 
As I Look Outside My Window
Well, how about as I stepped outside on the deck to feed the birds. This was right outside the door: 
And then, further to the edge of the deck: 
Right Now
Just working on this post, waiting for my 3 Kings cake to cool down so I can glaze it.
Thinking and Pondering
Still haven’t decided on a word for the year though the phrases trust in the journey and joy in the journey jumped out at me yesterday. Church sermon was about trust and joy. And today, I thought maybe my word(s) should simply be: do better.
Or, I can’t remember where I saw this but here’s a good one: 
I might be okay with a year filled with spaghetti! (We actually had spaghetti for dinner last night)
How I am Feeling
Didn’t sleep great and the cold makes me a little achy. Throw in a small dash of cabin fever (all the cities are still saying please don’t get on the roads!) but overall, I’m alright.
On the Breakfast Plate
We went full on breakfast this morning: bacon, eggs fried in the grease, and toast. YUM. Always makes me think of my dad as it was his breakfast specialty.
On the Lunch Plate
After the bigger breakfast, not hungry in the least.
On The Dinner Plate
Turkey breast cooked in oven, sweet potatoes, and dinner rolls. Plus 3 Kings Cake. One last big dinner to end the season out right.
On The Menu

MONDAY: Turkey, sweet potatoes, dinner rolls
WEDNESDAY: Depending on the amount of turkey left, some sort of casserole or I might make sausage, broccoli, and orzo recipe but use turkey (or chicken) to lighten it up
THURSDAY: Chicken strips (whether homemade or from the red bag TBD)
FRIDAY: A clean out the fridge/freezer choice
On My Reading Pile
I just finished up a nice light, cozy romance called Snug in Iceland by Victoria Walker. It’s part of a series so I’ll probably just read whatever one is next. Or perhaps my library book that’s due next week: Habits of A Peacemaker :10 Habits to Change Our Potentially Toxic Conversations Into Healthy Dialogues by Steven T. Collis.
On My TV This Week
NOT football. (That loss was just embarrassing, second string or not). Not sure, maybe an episode or two of Resident Alien with the husband. Or I have lots of half-watched series to finish, Emily in Paris for one.
Looking Around the House

Keep the bedroom Christmas tree or put it away? Dilema. Excuse the mess, the rest of the house is so much worse.
On My To Do List
Main thing is to finish putting away Christmas. Then, start the usual January clean and clear out.
From The Camera
Took this yesterday before the husband yelled: What are you doing? Shut the door!

Cat’s opinion of both the weather and the deplorable play by the 2nd string Kansas City Chiefs yesterday. Wake her up when spring/summer arrives! 
Quote for the Week

In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. (Albert Camus)