Happy Homemaker Monday, Last Week Of Full Time

This is my last week of working a full-time schedule for a bit. It’s been fun but also a bit exhausting. This last week of it should be interesting as lots of kiddos are coming back from vacation and we are on a three teacher rotation in that classroom.

This is yet another Sunday Evening posting but I will be joining up with Sandra and the other fabulous bloggers over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom tomorrow morning or evening. Depends on how the morning goes.

The Weather

We had a beautiful weekend! A few sprinkles here in the afternoon (poured just a few blocks north of us) but mostly sunny and in the mid-80’s. This coming week is showing sunny and in the 80’s as well except when it inches toward the 90’s on Friday. I’ll take it!

How I’m Feeling Tonight

My back is a little sore as I planted lots of flowers over the weekend. And can you believe I only took one early picture  (shared on Instagram) of my project? I’ll have to take a few during the course of the week. However, I’m happy because my edge of the driveway butterfly garden is much closer to a reality.

On The Breakfast Plate

Same boring flip yogurt and vitamins I always eat (both today and tomorrow). However, this morning I did treat myself to an iced caramel macchiato from the grocery store Starbucks, thought it was pretty good.

On My Reading Pile

Not too much. I read Summer Island by Natalie Normann last week and really enjoyed it. Nice romantic escape to Norway.  Some magazines, my favorite free (local) gardening magazine. I’ll need to find something before J’s lesson tomorrow night, something light probably.

On My TV

Not much. Watched the season finale of Loki on Friday. And then, we watched The Tomorrow War which we’ve subtitled Tremors meets Jurassic Park meets Predator meets Terminator meets….you get the idea. However, still fairly enjoyable, not one you have to think too hard to watch.

On The Menu

Another week of keeping it simple!

MONDAY: chicken on the grill, tricolor pasta *I work 8-4:30* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: pepper steak, rice *I work 8-4:30*

WEDNESDAY: turkey sausage and zucchini skillet *I work 8-4:30*

THURSDAY: pork chops on the grill, baked potatoes *I work 8-4:30*

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza or OUT *I work 8-4:30*

SATURDAY: maybe ribs in the slow cooker?

On My To Do List

  1. Pay bills!
  2. Finish filing my complaints against trash company with BBB and Attorney General (They keep charging us for things they stated in a letter were to be provided at no cost, it’s been a 4 month saga at this point and I’m done with them)
  3. Take care of indoor plants (give them some plant food, probably give some to plants on vacation outdoors as well)
  4. Still need to enroll J for next year (provide proof of residency)
  5. Pick up some bird seed (didn’t get to it over the weekend)
  6. Still need to make list of all the things, might push to next week
  7. AND G’s stuff remains in the living room. SIGH.

From The Camera


Looking Around The House

If you spend the whole weekend outside doing yardwork, then you don’t have to look at your messy house as much. My tip. Ha! Suffice it to say getting the house clean again and in a bit of order is on the list of all the things.

To Relax This Week I Will

Take care of my flowers, work on my garden journal

Something To Share

Plants I’ve found that repel mosquitoes. Lots of lists on-line but the ones from those lists that I find actually work the best are: Lemongrass, lavender, scented geraniums, marigolds, and basil. Basil was a new to me discovery for the mosquito repellent list. Apparently, basil leaves are toxic to mosquito larvae. I did go and put the basil leaves in some standing water in the yard during our heavy rains and the mosquitoes didn’t seem as bad as they could’ve been this year.

Quote For The Week


When spying a dragonfly dancing on air, your Guardian Angel is hovering near. (Richard Doyle)


Apparently, my Guardian Angel needed a rest! Ha!



Happy Homemaker Monday, Workin’ For A Livin’

So much for scheduling a few posts last week. Maybe I’ll do better this week. After, I figure out exactly where my weekend went?

Right now, I’m just glad to have some photos to go along with my posting. As I was coming down here to write my post, I dropped the camera SD card under the basement steps. Not a great place for it to land. Or for me to really want to search. It’s not exactly a finished basement down here. However, I found it so hooray for pictures with the post! Not too many though as now the computer is acting up. Always something.

Writing this on Sunday night because I do indeed work every single day again this week. So, I’ll be linking up later tomorrow afternoon or evening with Sandra, our host, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

We’ve had a bit of a rainy weekend after a super hot Friday (100 degree heat index). Right now it feels like fall out there, 69 degrees with a light mist falling. After a hot and humid week, it actually (dare I say it as a summer lover) feels kind of good. Supposed to be a bit cooler early this week and then gradually heat back up to proper summer weather where it’s in the upper 80’s and 90’s.

How I’m Feeling Right Now

A bit scatterbrained. I can’t believe it’s already Sunday evening. Seems as though the weekend just started but no, it’s already ending. Lots of projects on my mind for when I’m off work again.

On The Breakfast Plate

Unusual but I did not eat breakfast today (however, I still drank my coffee!). Tomorrow, I’ll have the usual Chobani Flip yogurt.

On My Reading Pile

I did finish the Magic of Found Objects by Maddie Dawson last week. I usually love her books but for some reason this one wasn’t quite as good as previous books, I thought.  Probably going to read a book of short stories by James Rollins this week as I think my library books might all be due back very soon.

On My TV

Not a lot of TV watching happening. Did watch the latest Loki episode. And yesterday while folding laundry, I watched Into the Heights on HBO Max. Watching it was J’s suggestion, “even if it’s bad, maybe the music will be good” It was all around good, I really enjoyed it. Note: the teenager suggested it but did not watch it with me. Probably because I was folding laundry, ha!

On The Menu

Trying for simple again this week!

MONDAY: hot dogs on the grill, chips, watermelon (or if I feel like doing “real” cooking, we’ll have the 20 min turkey sausage and zucchini skillet) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *I work 8-4:30*

TUESDAY: Pepper steak, rice *I work 8-4:30*

WEDNESDAY: Maybe minestrone? I’ve been craving it. Might move it to Monday. *I work 8-4:30*

THURSDAY: Pork chops and potatoes *I work 8-4:30*

FRIDAY: Homemade Pizza, salad *I work 8-4:30*

On My To Do List

  1. Make a list of the things I want to do when I’m off work (house chores, cleaning and clearing out)
  2. Mow the lawn
  3. Mail nephew a birthday card
  4. Enroll J for next year
  5. Organize upstairs freezer (somehow it’s a mess again)
  6. Motivate G to go through his things so we can sort furniture out of our living room

From The Camera


Looking Around The House

See #6 on to do list. G’s stuff is still in living room. We’ve all been busy but it’s starting to bug me a bit more.

To Relax This Week I Will

Read my books, pick up the camera, have a cup of tea (either hot or cold with lemonade added)

Something To Share

I really don’t know why this old 80’s tune popped into my head when I started my post. However, here it is:

On My Prayer List

Friends who’ve lost loved ones very recently, our next door neighbor who is in poor health and once again the hospital, family, near and far, and strangers.

Quote For The Week

If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”
― William Ewart Gladstone


Hawk in the Backyard!

Keeping this short. However, I did want to make sure and share a few photos I took of the Cooper’s Hawk hanging out in the backyard on Thursday afternoon.

A robin was shrieking a warning for all the local song birds to be alert!

A cardinal was wary but not too worried. I thought that a bit odd. It kept it’s distance but didn’t stay out of sight. Maybe it was just staying out of range?

The hawk eyed me suspiciously and with not a little annoyance. I think I was making the hunting a bit more hindered tromping about with my camera.


Happy Homemaker Monday, Back to Work

My staycation comes to an end today. And after a week of waking up at the same early time each week, it figures today I slept in! Felt nice though I do hope it doesn’t mess me up for going to bed on time tonight.

Definitely going to need a plan for the coming week. Glad to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Link Up.

The Weather

While my staycation week started off rainy, it finished with nice sunny weather. Looks like more of the nice sunny weather for the rest of this week as well. It’s supposed to be in the mid 80’s to upper 90’s most of this week. Slight chances of thunderstorms, hope those chances stay very slight! 

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Still a bit disoriented from waking up late. Also, still a little sore from some yardwork we tackled on Saturday. Mowed the lot of an empty house so it wouldn’t appear empty. My shoulders are still talking to me about how no good deed goes unpunished.

On The Breakfast Plate

Chocolate chip muffins and coffee.

On My Reading Pile

Just magazines. However, J has a baritone lesson later and I noticed there’s a new Maddie Dawson book on the Amazon Prime First Reads list so I’ll probably download that for tonight.

On My TV

Finished up my Walking Dead series including the new one Walking Dead The World Beyond (only one season of that). Watched the latest Loki episode. And because it was randomly on TV one day, I watched Terminator (kind of a if it’s on tv, I’m going to watch it movie for me). Then, yesterday, because it’s tradition, I watched Independence Day. Not sure how much TV I’ll watch this week.

On The Menu

I’m still struggling with the menu planning. Different schedules for all of us. G is working now, keeping his own schedule hanging out with friends, etc. And my husband is probably going to work lots of hours to make up for last week. Probably going to end up shuffling the menu around a lot.

Still, we have to eat so I’ll keep trying…

MONDAY: grilled steaks (didn’t make them yesterday), crunchy coleslaw (leftover), corn on the cob, and strawberries. Probably salads as well. *J has a lesson at 6:30* *G works 3-8*

TUESDAY: spaghetti, garlic toast, salad *I work 8-4:30**G works 3-8*

WEDNESDAY: grilled chicken, baked potatoes, watermelon *I work 8-4:30*

THURSDAY: pork chops, no idea what we’ll have with them maybe rice? *I work 8-4:30*

FRIDAY: tacos, pizza, out? Depends on how the week goes. *I work 8-4:30*

On My To Do List

Decided I need to keep this category to stay somewhat organized and productive. Or at least to look and know the things I’m not doing that I should be doing. Ha!

  1. Fill out online forms for J’s college level chemistry class
  2. Fill out online high school enrollment forms for J
  3. Clean up our Fourth of July trash in yard and street DONE
  4. Laundry (In progress)
  5. Clean the house up a little, work with G to figure out what to do in his room. After getting his desk last week & rearranging, a lot of the contents of his room remain in the living room.
  6. Look into buying some new work clothes
  7. Go for a walk at least 2 times this week
  8. Spend at least 15 minutes working on cleaning the basement
  9. Write and schedule some posts in advance so it’s not silent on here all week

From The Camera

Red, White, And Blue in nature


Looking Around The House

See above about the contents of G’s room being in the middle of the living room. Some is also in our bedroom as well. And on the kitchen table. A bit of a project for today.

To Relax This Week I Will

Read, go for a walk, work in the flower garden areas in the yard or work on my garden journal.


Quote For The Week

So, I’ve been struggling with missing the way things used to be lately. The pre-pandemic days and really, even the times before that. Things are changing and that’s normal though I’m not one who does well with change. At all. I’m trying though. Interestingly, this was the verse in my Jesus Calling book this morning.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  (Isaiah 43:19)


And while it wasn’t listed in the book, the verse right before that one?

Forget the former things; Do not dwell in the past. (Isaiah 43:18)

Sometimes I guess we need a (not so) subtle reminder to look forward, huh?


Before I end my post, do you struggle with looking back? What are you looking forward to this week?



A Low Key Fourth Of July

Happy Fourth of July! 

We have no plans. It’s been nice and yet at the same time I’ve been a bit lost all day. Since I was spending some time reminiscing about our previous holidays by going through my Facebook photos, I thought I better post about our holiday on here. And I wanted to share the rest of my Flags4Freedom photos I took on Thursday.

Why? Well, it seems I decided to more or less quit engaging on Facebook in 2019 and had a hard time remembering what we did for that Fourth of July. Finally, realized that sadly, we didn’t do much as we left maybe the day after the holiday to go through the contents of my husband’s late grandfather’s house before it went on the market.

Anyway, better to have a record of a low key holiday than no record at all. I do like to look back and see how we spent the holidays.

First, speaking of reminiscing, I’ve also been thinking about the Fourth of July holidays I had as a kid. 

When I Was A Kid

My mom would fry chicken and then put it in the oven to make the best barbequed chicken (and no, I have no idea how to do it sadly). Plus homemade macaroni and cheese. And a lemon layer cake with vanilla pudding in the center and simple powdered sugar on top. We’d load up and drive to my Aunt Thelma’s house in the country. Relatives, kids, lots of fireworks, outside. A pond. That’s what I remember. 

As A Young Adult

One brother or the other would have a gathering. Lots of nieces and nephews (note there is a 7 year age gap between me and my siblings, I’m the youngest) running around with fireworks. Note the food, same as above or more…maybe my brothers grilling something, too much. Chicken, brats, hamburgers, hot dogs, pop, beer. Crazy fireworks. Let’s just say my husband’s introduction to my family’s Fourth of July was interesting. Did I mention 2 of my 3 brothers are retired from the fire department? Crazy fireworks.

As A Wife And A Mom To Young Kids

One Fourth of July gathering on my husband’s side (too tame for me) and I declared Fourth of July as belonging to MY family. No alternating though we sometimes did go see his family for a bit on the way to my family’s gatherings. The irony of having a child who HATED my favorite holiday. Trading off with my husband sitting inside while one of us was outside watching the fireworks. Second child takes after my side and loves all things fireworks. More than I do, I think. Still going to family gatherings with good food. Taking my now signature dish of crunchy coleslaw.

Recent Holidays

A rough one in 2017 after my nephew lost his father. Went to a friends with sister-in-law and nephew so as not to overwhelm (my family can overwhelm sometimes). The one from 2019 again lost in the black hole of grief. The weird pandemic one from last year. Sister-in-law and husband over for a cookout and then my nephew hanging out and doing fireworks with us. A pretty good time despite the pandemic.


Did I mention we have no plans? Seems so odd. Family we spent the holiday with last year moved out of state. My family hasn’t had a gathering since 2018. G has his own plans tonight.

This morning, I made red, white, and blue strawberries. Then, we took J and bought a few fireworks (G was sleeping and see above, he still mostly hates fireworks). Went out for lunch at a local restaurant. It was very good and none of us are hungry yet even though we ate at noon and it’s now 6. I watched Independence Day (a tradition).

Currently, I’m waiting for J to wake up from his nap, trying to decide if I’ll even mess with dinner, and sometimes sitting outside and listening to the neighbor’s party (they live a few houses away and we don’t know them or I’d crash it, LOL). We’ll enjoy their show later.

And I’m thinking that it’s time to host a family gathering soon….

Are you off doing something fun? Maybe having a family gathering? Going out to see a display some where later?

My Staycation Week

Know that saying about needing a vacation after your vacation? That’s me this week! Staycations are not my thing. It’s not been a bad week. However, I don’t feel as though I really had a vacation in the traditional sense at all.

Rainy Days

It rained every single day except today.

I’m good with a little rain so I don’t have to water the gardens every day but this was a lot of rain so I’m not going to need to water for at least a week.  Rainy days made it hard to make plans to do anything. Motivation lacks as the sheets of rain fall from the sky. Plus, I just couldn’t get it together with my planning.

A lot of the local things I thought we’d do were still closed or on timed tickets due to Covid. While things are better and mostly open,  I do miss being able to be spontaneous. SIGH.

So mostly, the teenager has slept (what he wants to do anyway though I did get 3 games of Connect Four out of him) and I’ve played Animal Crossing and watched too much TV. (oh dear, I found yet another spin off of The Walking Dead. I do love a good zombie show.)  Read a little bit as well.

Retail Therapy

I needed new tennis shoes for work. And while I don’t enjoy shoe shopping (I know! Really though I don’t like to shop for shoes.), I made myself go this morning. So I have some new tennis shoes to wear to work next month. And, I found this fun pair of Keds on clearance! I have a leopard print shirt so I’m excited to have matching shoes.

After shoe shopping, I ran in Five Below and picked up some random Christmas gifts to stash away. Then, I went to Target for cat food and cleaning supplies. Apparently, I’m not very good at retail therapy.

A Journey to Sweden

Sort of. We went to Ikea in Kansas to buy a desk for G. A bit of a belated birthday present. He knew he was getting one but we had to find one he wanted and that fit and all that. Finally, 2 months later, he gets his desk. Photo below is from a park near Ikea.

At least I finally got to see the Flags 4 Freedom that I’ve always wanted to go see.

More pictures of the flags coming soon.

A Weekend Project

And now, somehow, the desk set up has morphed into tearing up the carpet in G’s room (replacing it is long overdue). I’ve been mostly down here staying out of the way. However, I suppose I should go check on the progress of things (and the occasional raised voices I’ve heard).

Hoping things are back to a true normal where we can be spontaneous again and travel without worry next year. Did you take a vacation this year? I’d love to hear how it went!


Happy Homemaker Wednesday (Oops)

Better to join in late than never, right? Hope so! On vacation (staycation) this week, so I’ve been a bit lazy about coming down here and working on the blog. However, I still wanted to go ahead and join in the fun for this week!

If I can, I’ll still link up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. And of course, I plan to visit all the fabulous bloggers who link up over there as well.

The Weather

I’ll just let B.J. Thomas do our weather forecast.

We’ve had lots of rain! Every single day since Saturday maybe? Seriously though, I wish I could send our surplus to some of those places with the super high temps and drought conditions. At least only one day so far, felt jungle steamy. Waiting for the sun…

How I’m Feeling This Morning

Not too bad. I slept in a bit (that means I woke up at 6:30 as opposed to 5, sigh.). Kind of upset with myself for not running errands yesterday when it was a bit of a light rain as now it’s a pouring down kind of rain and a Wednesday (busier day to run errands).

On The Breakfast Plate

My husband went and got us doughnuts! I had a frosted apple fritter. It was okay, needed a lot less frosting and a lot more filling, it wasn’t the one he meant to get me but it was still a nice change. And of course, coffee.

On My Reading Pile

Just finished the book I was reading, Daylight by David Baldacci. It’s the 3rd in a series. It’s intriguing enough. Not sure what I’ll pick up next, maybe something from my summer reading list. Today, I’ll probably focus on magazines and getting the rest of the June magazines glanced at and recycled.

On My TV

Finished up The Walking Dead over the weekend (reminds me I need to cancel AMC+ now). Haven’t really started anything else. Been watching a few random movies, mostly ones we’ve seen before like Bourne Identity and Red. Oh and I’ve been watching Loki on Disney Plus. Husband’s been watching America’s Got Talent (I could never get into that one for some reason).

On The Menu

I need to go to the grocery store so I’ve been kind of day by day on the menu. I’ll really need a better plan for when I work the next 3 weeks.

MONDAY: We had BBQ roast sandwiches and chips plus I made jello *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Frozen pizza

WEDNESDAY: Maybe tacos?

THURSDAY: OUT, hoping to go on a daytrip at least

FRIDAY: No idea depends on what’s on sale at the store

From The Camera

A friend and I finally visited a local daylily garden last Friday! It was so peaceful and relaxing out there.

And yes, you could buy daylilies to bring home and plant so of course, I did that. The variety pictured below is called Mokan Butterfly and one now has a home in my garden by the front porch.

Looking Around The House

Well, it’s not awful but it’s looked better. I have big cleaning plans for the last week of July when J is at band camp and I *hopefully* have the house to myself.

To Relax This Week I Will

Not worry about the weather, spend time with my family. Read my magazines. Visit my silly Animal Crossing Island where maybe the sun is shining.

Something I Want To Share

Since the Fourth of July is this weekend, here’s something that’s just silly and fun I stumbled across this morning. (I think I can name relatives like most the characters portrayed in this video! Ha!)

Quote For The Week

May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary. (Xan Oku)



Happy Homemaker Monday, I’m Back

Back from nowhere. I didn’t actually go anywhere but the last two weeks were a bit of a whirlwind. Fun, hardworking, and happy. However, also too exhausted to come downstairs and sit at a computer each night and do any blogland visiting. “Thyme” to come back and do a Monday posting.

The whole month of July looks like the same kind of busy but I do have a bit of a break between now and then so here I am back to my routine. Sort of. Took the day to be a bit lazy so just now getting to my posting. And I should also get a chance to do some blogland visiting this week as well, might not be until later in the week though.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom as always.

The Weather

It’s been HOT. My kind of weather but even a bit hot for me a few days. Today is a bit of a reprieve as we had a cold front move through and it was in the mid 60’s this morning. A nice change after waking up to the mid 80’s most of last week. It’s supposed to be the mid 80’s/low 90’s for most of the week as our high temps not the starting points.

How I Am Feeling This Morning (Afternoon)

Not too bad. Looking forward to having a few days off and happy that it’s officially summer.

On The Breakfast Plate

A Chobani Flip Yogurt, chewy churro flavor, not a fan.

On My Reading Pile

Just finished two Alison Sherlock books in the past two weeks. The Village of Lost and Found (Riverside Lane #2) and A House to Mend a Broken Heart, one of her older books and not my favorite. The Riverside Lane series is great though.

On My TV

Zombies! Been catching up with Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead.

On The Menu

Didn’t really make a menu last week or maybe I did and we didn’t follow it. Seems to be the theme for my summer menus, make menu, change it all last minute.

MONDAY: Cooked Pork Chops (from freezer), baked potatoes, salad My husband ended up making us pancakes *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: pepper steak, rice *I work 8:15-4:45*

WEDNESDAY: chicken spinach skillet *I work 8:15-4:45*

THURSDAY: Roast in crockpot

FRIDAY: turkey sausages, chips, strawberries *J has an appt at 3* *I have am plans with a friend*

From The Camera

Planned to go take some quick updated pictures of the garden areas but when you don’t pick the camera up for two weeks, you don’t know the battery needs a charge. So, all the photos in this post are from 2 weeks ago…

Looking Around The House

It’s looked better, a lot better but it’s still livable.

To Relax This Week, I Will

Water my flowers, work in the gardens, take a walk, pick up the camera again

Something I Want To Share

Dumb joke I heard on the radio last week:

Why did Tigger stick his head in the toilet?

He was looking for Pooh!

(Not preschool appropriate but I thought it was funny!)

Quote For The Week

A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows (St. Francis of Assisi)



Are you excited for it to finally be officially summer?


Happy Homemaker Monday, A Full Week

Our calendar is once again full. So is my heart. I am so happy to see activities and places for us to be listed on there once again. Though it seems we might be making up for lost time this week.

That’s why I’m getting a jump on things and putting my Happy Homemaker Monday post together on Sunday evening. Later, I’ll link up with Sandra, the host of the link up, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Let’s just get straight to it.

The Weather

Sun, sun, Mr. Golden sun decided to shine down on us almost all of last week! It’s apparently now something called the start of the “meteorological” summer but I’ll take it. Very slight rain chances and highs in the 80’s and low 90’s this week. Hooray! My weather is here.

On My Reading Pile

Magazines. Tried to start Jane Eyre but it feels like a fall read so I’m not sure I’ll continue. I’ll find something, maybe from my list, to start tomorrow night during J’s lesson.

On My TV

Been catching up with the rest of the Lucifer episodes on Netflix. Other than that, just whatever happens to be on…enjoying Crime Scene Kitchen when I catch it though. Probably start the Loki series on Disney plus on Friday.

On The Menu

Now, you’ll see what I mean by a full calendar. Keeping things simple for my sanity this week.

MONDAY: French Toast and sausage, fruit *I work 7:45-4:15* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30 (HOORAY)*

TUESDAY: Pepper steak, noodles or rice, salad? *I work 7:45-4:15*

WEDNESDAY: On Your Own *I work 7:45-4:15* *I have a hair appt at 5*

THURSDAY: Greek sheet pan chicken and potatoes *I work 7:45-4:15*

FRIDAY: Frozen pizza or homemade pizza, salad *I work 7:45-4:15* *J has an appt at 3 or 4 (G will take him)*

SATURDAY: Moo shu pork in crock pot *J takes ACT at 8am*

On My To Do List

  1. Mow the lawn
  2. plant the flowers I bought today
  3. Try to visit the other local nursery before they shut down for the season (she told me they stopped after Father’s Day, it’s a local pop up kind of place)
  4. Remember to water the garden
  5. Get with husband regarding whether we’re actually going to go somewhere for a vacation
  6. Breathe

What I Am Creating

Maybe some day some pretty flower garden areas.

Looking Around The House

Please, don’t. Not this week. All the pretty outside flower pictures are supposed to distract us from that.

From The Camera

Need to be better about picking it up after work. Took all the photos for this post today except this one. A phone photo from Saturday. Think this is a newly hatched Katydid on my petunia. Stayed there all day yesterday.

Something Fun To Share

I got a last minute invitation to the ball (aka the preschool graduation, ha) last week. Had to earn my chair with parking lot duty (directing students and parents to their respective places) but didn’t mind. One of the songs the kids sang was this one. Very cute (obviously, for privacy reasons I’m not showing you MY school instead just a random video of a different school singing the song).

On My Prayer List

Friends, Family, Strangers. For things to continue to return to normal in the world. My dear blogging friend, Rebecca over at Rebecca’s Hearth and Home and her friends and family who are having some serious health struggles.

Quote For The Week

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. (Audrey Hepburn)


Seems silly but I had no idea eggplant flowers were purple! Excited for the new garden addition. Did you plant a garden this year? What are you growing?



The Cat Came Back

The catbird returned early last week!  Since I had a very busy workweek, all these pictures are from Sunday. However, my week was filled with sunshine so no complaints!

I so rarely see catbirds in our yard. Cats, yes. Catbirds, no. Usually we spot one or maybe two during spring migration time. However, I’ve never seen them at my feeders. I’m not even sure if they visit feeders. Hardly see them hanging around the yard.

And I usually only see one as it passes through the yard. However, my first catbird returned with a friend!

I think they were social distancing. They didn’t get much closer than in the photo above so snapping photos of the two of them together was a bit of a challenge.

Are they on a date? Or a married couple squabbling? Anyone’s guess.

Wait? What’s the weird lady over there doing? We’ll settle this later, let’s get away from that weirdo!

Maybe I’ll get lucky and see these catbirds again sometime soon.

Other Birds Spotted This Week

It’s a tough job to be more annoying than a squirrel at the bird feeders. The grackles seem to be applying for the job. SIGH.

It even seems they can empty the feeders on pace or faster than the squirrels. I’m not happy about it. Time to switch back to all safflower seed to see if that slows them down. At least they ignore the njyer seed. The house finches are currently making due with that.

The squirrels are still annoying the red bellied and downy woodpeckers at the suet feeders. As are my sparrows. The starlings seem to have moved on though. Cardinals, chickadees, and the occasional tufted-titmouse wait out the grackles. The doves seem happy with whatever falls to the ground.

What birds did you spot this week?

Linking up with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.

