A Photo A Day

A quick post this morning as I’m off to work very soon. I still wanted to do a quick Five on Friday post. Thought it might be fun to share a photo from each day this week. These are all phone photos.


Day started rain and cloudy and ended cloudy. I got to see the owls (not pictured) while I was standing outside talking to one of my brothers on the phone, super exciting as I often hear but seldom see them.


The outside of a fun restaurant a little ways out of town where we ate lunch. 58 Diner, kind of food you’d expect. Suzy Q fries were fun.

And also, I did vote. And I have so much I could say about our (local) politics and how angry I am with certain sports teams (suffice it to say I voted a big NO on their stadium ideas). I’m not even sure I’ll be able to forgive the Chiefs for their scare tactics campaign to get the yes votes by the time football season starts. No (nice) comment about the Royals either. If the teams want to leave, hope the door doesn’t hit them on their way. Not the way to treat fans who’ve been loyal for years even when they weren’t Super Bowl material.

We better move on before I fall off my soap box.


Fun sticker from my favorite fancy coffee place. Also, keep trying to see the owls again with camera and/or phone in hand. No luck. Easter bunny showed up late.


Finally saw the hawk again yesterday. Hanging out in the front yard in the afternoon.


Seems I’ve shared a lot about the fancy coffees lately so just a pic to show what my coffee looks like most of the time including today.

Plain Folgers brewed from a regular coffee machine. No idea why it won’t let me make the photo big.


Don’t forget to check out Five on Friday! And now, I’m off to work (please forgive any typos as I wrote this very fast this morning).

Happy Homemaker Monday, April Arrives

Always strange to me when Easter is early. Now, what do I do with this entire month of April? Probably enjoy the spring weather (I hope!) and buy too many flowers (annually, annuals and perennials though).

Taking some time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for a Happy Homemaker Monday post.

The Weather

Nice out though rather warm for the first of April, it’s currently 76 degrees. We’re supposed to get rain later this afternoon into tomorrow and I really hope we do. It’s also supposed to cool off a bit (nothing drastic but enough that I’ll need to haul all my plants back indoors as some nights do hit the upper 30’s).

As I Look Outside My Window

It’s a cloudy, dreary kind of day. (The picture under weather was from one day last week.)

Right Now

Trying to get this post together while doing a bit of laundry.

Thinking and Pondering

Too much, had something coherent to write here when I started my post but I’ve forgotten so now all my thoughts are a jumble again: house next door, election on Tuesday, upcoming trip, work stuff, etc…..

How I am Feeling

Not too bad though we just finished lunch so a bit sleepy. Time for a nap? Too bad the bed is covered in clean laundry.

On the Breakfast Plate

carrots, pineapple, honey, eggs, butter, splash of milk or I guess we can call it by its proper name: a slice of carrot cake. Coffee, vitamins.

On the Lunch Plate

turkey sausage, orzo, and broccoli

On The Dinner Plate

white chicken chili is in the slow cooker

On The Menu

MONDAY: white chicken chili

TUESDAY: pork chops, baked potato, salad

WEDNESDAY: curry (made with the leftover pork)

THURSDAY: thai beef kabobs (probably just going to grill the steak and not make kabobs though)

FRIDAY: monte cristo sandwiches

What I Am Wearing Today

maroon t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Rachel’s Riviera Retreat by Daisy James but I’ve just started it.

On My TV This Week

I’m on season 2 of Gilmore Girls, such a fun show that I really didn’t expect to like nearly as much as I do. Delightful.  The last episode of The Ones Who Live, whatever randomly is on network tv but likely The Voice, The Masked Singer, Next Level Chef. Oh, and on streaming, the Spring Baking Championship.

Looking Around the House

Somehow without having company for Easter, I didn’t find the motivation to clean so it’s not looking very pretty today.

On My To Do List

Things I don’t want to do?

  1. Store *done, just needed a few extras/pantry replacements for rounding out the menu
  2. Phone calls/texts to return *procrastinating…*
  3. Laundry
  4. Probably should clean the house
  5. Some baking/preparing for our upcoming trip (We’re going to travel to see the eclipse)

From The Camera

We’ve determined a pair of Cooper’s hawks are building a nest in the backyard area (not our yard but one yard over). Fun to watch but I’m not sure what to do regarding my bird feeders. Am I feeding the hawks or do I just call it circle of life? Caught these 2 photos of one of the hawks over the weekend.

Quote for the Week

You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no. (quote found on Pinterest, from Tiny Buddha)


Five on Friday: Easter Past and Present

It’s Easter weekend and it’s going to be just the four of us on Sunday. Time for inviting got away from me not to mention J is playing in 3 services at church. We’ll only go to the last one but I know my introverted son will be d-o-n-e by the time church is over.

Anyway, it’s left me trying to figure out an Easter menu for just the 4 of us. And pondering why was it easier for me to plan a brunch for almost 20 people than to meal plan Easter for 4.

ONE: Easter Brunch Days (from the past)

For so many years, I hosted Easter brunch here. Sadly, the picture above is the only one I can find. Both our families would come over around 10 or 10:30 and linger almost all afternoon. When there were more small kids in the family, we’d have an egg hunt in our backyard as well. I loved planning the menu and preparing all the food.

I always insisted on doing all the food suggesting that if guests wanted to bring something, they could bring me flowers. And I always used our “good” serving dishes or special ones.

However, we did typically eat on decorative paper plates. I’d buy pretty ones and then, my husband would set out the sturdy kind. Ha. We did usually use both in the end.

TWO: Baskets (from the past)

I think these baskets pictured were from the not so distant past. Way back in the days of young children and before there were so many streaming services, the Easter baskets always included a movie for the kids to watch in the early morning. My Easter mornings often started at 4 or 5 AM as I’d get up to make more brunch dishes (or heat up premade ones) and set up the table for our guests.

The baskets for my adult children (if you live here, I don’t care how old you are, Santa visits as does the Easter bunny) are going to look very different tomorrow. Probably pretty sparse. Um, hello, inflation, I need to track down an oompa loompa to make me some chocolate ’cause it’s priced pretty outrageously at the store lately. I clearly should’ve done the Peeps baskets (part of one pictured below) this year instead of last.


THREE: Easter Dinner (now)

I was trying to remember when we stopped with Easter brunch, maybe the year of the dreaded Covid though I think I did a mini one that year for just my nephew, sil, and bil (we did most the Covid holidays with them). So perhaps it was the year after when they moved to a different state.

It probably sounds crazy to say I miss something that took such intense planning, required me to cook all day/night on Saturday and be up at 4 or 5 AM on Easter morning but I do. Mostly, the family coming over. And the food. Brunch food is my favorite. 

(Side note: I dug around for older pictures in this post and I know this one is really old. Can’t remember how long ago the kitchen walls were that color! I did love that color, husband did not.)

Here’s the much easier Easter dinner menu I’ve settled upon for the 4 of us (subject but not likely to change): half ham baked with pineapple slices, cherries, and cloves, asparagus, salad, potatoes of some sort. And for dessert I unearthed an ancient carrot cake recipe. We’ll also have a French silk pie (for my husband, buying that from Sam’s club). And I’m finally making the chocolate covered pretzels I forgot to make at Christmas, and then forgot about again at Valentine’s Day.  I’ll make the pretzels tomorrow so they’ll be for the whole weekend not just dessert on Sunday.

FOUR: Church on Easter (now)

We didn’t  used to go to church on Easter since we were hosting the big brunch. However, the past few years with J playing in the band for the services we’ve gone. I’m happy to get to go with my little family of four (adults) and attend church on Easter. J has to be there at 7:30 AM on Sunday (and I’ll drive him as he’s decided he doesn’t like to drive despite having his license). Then, we’ll all go to the last service at 11:00, I think, and come home after for our dinner.

FIVE: A Quiet Low-Key Weekend (now)

Our Easter weekends used to be full with soccer games for the kids and lots of cooking for me. Now, it’s just a quiet Friday today and no plans for marathon cooking tomorrow.


What are your plans for the weekend?

Joining in with Five on Friday hosted by Cathy over at My Creative Life. She’s trying to bring this back so I do hope if you are blogger you’ll join in with it.




Happy Homemaker Monday Night

Still trying to get back into the groove of blogging over here….

Just going to go right to the categories tonight.

The Weather

Nice right now but it’s supposed to be cold and snowy when we get up tomorrow? Well, we still need rain or some sort of moisture. Then, back to the 70’s for the weekend. Can’t even figure it out anymore.

As I Look Outside My Window

Um, the cat’s in the way and the windows are a bit dirty. Need to spring clean but haven’t been in the mood.

Right Now

Just trying to get a quick post done so I don’t go weeks without posting again.

Thinking and Pondering

Back to work tomorrow but I feel like I need another week of spring break (ha!) though last week wasn’t bad and I took an extra day for myself today.

How I am Feeling

Tired and a bit grouchy

On the Breakfast Plate

On the Lunch Plate

Sort of ate breakfast and lunch together as I didn’t eat before going to the grocery store so a weird combo of one leftover French toast stick followed by a grilled cheese and some grapes. Vitamins and coffee in there as well.

On The Dinner Plate

Roast pork loin, mashed potatoes, and dinner rolls. Not a green vegetable in sight. Just the way it goes sometimes.

On The Menu

MONDAY: roast pork loin (it was good but a bit salty, I didn’t adjust for having a smaller piece of meat. Oops!), mashed potatoes, and dinner rolls.

TUESDAY: Spaghetti, salad *I work 8-5*

WEDNESDAY: Chicken strips and French fries

THURSDAY: Turkey sausage/broccoli/orzo skillet *I work 8-5*

FRIDAY: Either out or Tacos…undecided

What I Am Wearing Today

Sweatshirt, jeggings, tennis shoes.

On My Reading Pile

Just finished The New Couple in Apartment 5B by Lisa Unger. It was creepy good. Not really a read at night book. Also, still working on the How to Break Up with Your Phone book.

On My TV This Week

Too much. Last week I started watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix, finally. Can you believe I’ve never seen it? Enjoying my “girly” show. Also watched a fun movie called What’s in the Barn (good one for you Halloween/Christmas movie fans, note there’s some language but it’s a fun holiday/horror type movie). Spring Baking Championship, Next Level Chef, The Ones Who Live, Abbott Elementary. Too much! Oh, and I also watched the Mean Girls musical movie, enjoyed it!

Looking Around the House

Well, I didn’t do any spring cleaning over my spring break so….it’s not exactly pretty around here. My “holiday” cactus bloomed when I wasn’t looking. (sorry, not a great pic)

On My To Do List

Not too much…probably just forgetting it all though

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. mail a couple Easter cards
  3. work
  4. join in for Five on Friday, you should, too!
  5. finalize Easter baskets…nothing big but I still like to give the boys baskets
  6. figure out our Easter plans (J is playing at all the church services but we’ll only go to the last one)

From The Camera

The tulips blooming in the corner of the driveway garden area make me happy

Quote for the Week

The great gift of Easter is hope. (Basil C. Hume)



Linking up as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

A Return to Five on Friday

Back when I blogged as So Not Organized, I really enjoyed joining in the Five on Friday community. Sadly, it went the way much of the older blogs have gone. Poof, just gone. However, good news!

My friend, Cathy, who blogs over at My Creative Life, is picking up the hosting reins and dusting them off for us. The “rules” are pretty simple, you can read more on her post, as you can really just share 5 things of your choosing each Friday.

For my first “official” return to the Five on Fridays, I present a hodgepodge of things from my week. Shall we go backwards?

ONE: The Morning Sky

These clouds caught my eye!

And then, I caught them this way while trying to capture the view from our cat’s back of the chair perch:

Now, we seem to have blue skies and sunshine. And I have a cat who is not on her perch but incessantly walking across the keyboard in demand of attention.

TWO: Last Night’s Dinner

I cannot stress how rare it is to get unanimous agreement that a new (to us) dinner is really good. Winner, winner, and it was a chicken dinner. Of sorts. I used this recipe to make spicy Korean chicken (grilled). No changes except for using regular chili powder as I forgot to search out Korean chili powder at the store.

Note while it has great flavor, it’s not overly spicy either. Served it with steamed rice, broccoli, and the rest of the cucumber salad.

My husband finished the cucumber salad when I injured my finger on Wednesday. It turned out a bit too pickled for my taste (then he shared he used less sugar as he thought 50/50 was too much. He also didn’t add enough red onion as he thought it was too strong.  SIGH. Next time I’ll use that guard that comes with the mandolin and make it right).

Still, dinner was a hit with all of us! I’ll take that win. (Or J can have it as he suggested the spicy Korean chicken)

THREE: Second amaryllis stalk blooms

The interesting thing with these blooms is I’ve hardly (read maybe once?) watered these bulbs. My pots of neglected amaryllis bulbs sat all winter in our bedroom in front of a west facing window where I ignored them short of maybe tripping over a pot once. And this one, just on its own decided to put up stalks and flower. Once the flower budded, I think I added a bit of water maybe once. And suddenly, flowers! Tell me a little sunshine isn’t the best thing ever.

FOUR: More Early Spring Flowers

Violets. Every year when these start taking over the lawn, I think about making jelly from them. Maybe this is the year the thought becomes a reality? These are just a few very early ones, need many more for jelly. And while I don’t think these are edible (to humans), the early pollinators adore the squill that takes over the yard first. It doesn’t like to be held in by any garden beds and just pops up randomly (it was here before we were) in the yard. I stopped fighting it long ago as it disappears long before the lawn is even long enough for a mowing.

FIVE: What Bird is That?

Me as I glanced out the back door earlier this week calling to my husband. Why? I’m the one who can generally name the birds. He didn’t know.

Oh, wait a minute. That’s the back of the bird! Turn around little birdie.

More, please and let me get the camera to focus.

Oh, not so little. Well, little for a hawk! Hello, some type of hawk. Is it a young cooper’s hawk? Or a sharp shinned hawk? Not sure. Did I mention to start we had 2 and then one flew away. The one that stayed played peek a boo with me for a bit. And then there was this brave or stupid little snowbird (dark eyed junco, spring is here go home!) out there at the same time.

He didn’t get eaten this time but I did see the hawk again the following day (in a different tree one yard over).


And so ends my hodgepodge of things for Five on Friday. If you are trying to decide what to blog about today, might I suggest joining in the Five on Friday and linking up over at My Creative Life.





Coffee Shop Breakup

Yesterday was an interesting day. Mostly good though it ended with injury. First, G and I went to see Dune 2 on the Imax screen. Worth it. However, after a bathroom trip, I took another trip right over my purse falling on my face. SIGH. Nothing injured that time but my pride.

Then, as I was prepping dinner and slicing cucumbers on a mandolin, I missed and cut my finger. Middle finger on my left hand. Ugh, thankfully, not hospital serious but not pretty either. And have I ever mentioned I’m left-handed? Please forgive any typos as I’m trying to type with minimal use of that finger (It apparently does have uses other than giving bad drivers the bird, I don’t do that. Really, I don’t. Just fun to type it out.)

Back when I blogged as So Not Organized, I used to sometimes do Tiny Tip on a Thursday. Here’s a not so tiny tip for today: ALWAYS use the guard when slicing vegetables on a mandolin.

Did any of the above have anything to do with my blog post title? No.

True Topic: I’ve broken up with Starbucks

We just grew apart. First the grocery store put up new entrance “gates” making it just a tiny bit harder for me to get my coffee treat after shopping. It required true intention and I discovered I often just didn’t want the coffee that badly.

Next, a new (to me) drive through coffee place (Dutch Bros) opened very close to my work where I am quite often. After a fumbled start, didn’t care for my first drink, I gave them another chance with a new flavor. Plus, a gift card helped our relationship flourish. However, I think they made me fall in love with them yesterday when I ordered a hot drink.

Up until yesterday, I typically ordered iced coffee drinks or maybe was in too much of a hurry to notice? If so, apologies to my new favorite coffee shop.

Starbucks, you should listen to a certain Bruno Mars song because you should have brought me lids with beautiful words.

What’s your favorite coffee place?

(For the record, I also love some local places but Dutch Bros is my new favorite on the go spot)

Happy Homemaker Tuesday, Spring Break Week

Sometimes the best intentions…meant to post yesterday but then never quite made it down here to the computer! However, I am *finally* back to posting and starting with a Happy Homemaker Monday (er Tuesday) seems like a great start.

A quick note about where I’ve been: Um, nowhere really. I was sick for a week and that lingered a bit as my work schedule was super full. Read, did not get enough rest. Sometimes you can know something and still do the wrong thing. Then, honestly, I kind of lost my blogging motivation during all of it as well. Still working on getting that back a bit. Time to post!

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Pick a season, any season! Yesterday, winter gave a last hurrah and we woke to temps in the 20’s with a 14 degree feels like temperature. Today, they predict a high of 70 degrees! Then, back down to the mid 50’s for the rest of the week. Rain chances for the weekend (kind of hope we get it).

As I Look Outside My Window

This is out the front window. I see tulips blooming! What? A bit early for these parts but my tulips at the edge of the driveway are blooming.

Right Now

Trying to get this post up and posted before the daily distractions begin. 

Thinking and Pondering

Currently, what to have for breakfast. Wondering what my one fun thing for my spring break week might be today. I’m trying to do one fun thing a day even if it’s something small.

How I am Feeling

Not too bad, glad the annoying lingering cough from being sick is finally gone.

On the Breakfast Plate

Undecided though I’m leaning toward toast and apricot jam. Plus the usual, coffee (already had some of that magical beverage, of course) and vitamins.

On the Lunch Plate

Again, undecided. Yesterday, J and I attempted broccoli cheese rice casserole with limited success. Today might just be a sandwich day.

On The Dinner Plate

Spicy potato soup

On The Menu

As always completely subject to change.

MONDAY: We had fettuccine alfredo with garlic butter chicken, salad, and breadsticks

TUESDAY: spicy potato soup *I have Bunco at 7*

WEDNESDAY: turkey sausage on the grill, cucumber salad, pasta salad (maybe?), chips

THURSDAY: spicy korean chicken, trying a new recipe at J’s request

FRIDAY: French toast

I also baked an angel food cake (from a box!) last night and we have strawberries/blueberries for it.

What I Am Wearing Today

A tee shirt with a blue/aqua/green palm tree like design, and currently, purple pajama shorts. I am letting lotion soak into my legs. However, I’ll change into black pants (or jeans) and tennis shoes before leaving the house.

On My Reading Pile

I just finished The Candy House by Jennifer Egan and didn’t get the hype at all. Nothing wrong with the actual writing but if I’m reading a novel, I expect a bit more of a cohesive story not something that feels like a collection of short stories that don’t always have satisfying endings.

Now, I’m onto reading a nonfiction titled How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life by Catherine Price. It’s copyright date is 2018 which isn’t too long ago but in technology terms is also almost ancient. I’m still intrigued by the concept.

And for a fun read, just my Amazon Prime first read pick of Matterhorn by Christopher Reich. I’ve barely started it.

On My TV This Week

Too much *but* I’m on spring break so I get to watch junky tv all I want. Regular TV: The Voice, I do like the new judges. Next Level Chef, and Masked Singer. Streaming TV series: The Ones Who Live, Spring Baking Championship, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, and TOC (another cooking competition show). Oh, and I need to catch up on Abbott Elementary. Streaming Movies I’ve watched this week/last weekend: Wonka, The Last Witch Hunter, and yesterday, The Meg. Today, you know I plan to watch The Meg 2. Ha! Again, I’m on Spring break! Also, did I start to maybe cheer for the shark during the last movie? Maybe…

Looking Around the House

Spring break hasn’t equaled spring cleaning despite my best intentions. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. We shall see. 


On My To Do List

Not a whole lot really.

  1. Grocery store *DONE yesterday*
  2. Pay bills *MUST DO TODAY*
  3. One fun activity for each day of my spring break and as I told G, the grocery store shouldn’t count. Here’s my small plan so far: MONDAY: bought a shamrock plant, tiny one on clearance, also enjoyed a small “adult” beverage last night TUESDAY: a trip to “save big money” at Menards which I’ll then use my savings for a fancy coffee drink from Dutch Bros in the afternoon. (Truth: I’ll be saving no money!) And of course, some outside time WEDNESDAY: G and I are going to go see Dune 2 in Imax. Super excited for that! THURSDAY and FRIDAY: Undecided though J and I have talked forever about checking out a new store (not exactly a thrift store but they sell reclaimed merchandise…) so maybe that.
  4. Clean off the front porch/deck to get ready for planting flowers
  5. Whatever I want to do without worrying about getting called into work
  6. Catch up with all my blogging friends 🙂

From The Camera

Mostly flowers and a cat photo. Did finally pick up the camera and walk around the yard a bit over the weekend to look for signs of the new season.

And of course, my helper ready to go back inside. It was warm by windy the day I took photos. She doesn’t care for the wind.

Quote for the Week

A kind word never broke anyone’s mouth. (Irish Proverb, found on Pinterest)



Quick Hello and Catch Up Post

Hello, I haven’t fallen off the edge of the Earth or gone sailing around it (oh, that might be fun!). A few days of sickness gave way into a crazy working schedule. All the teachers had a turn being sick with either a stomach bug or a nasty respiratory virus, thankfully not Covid. And I’m glad to have not drawn the stomach bug card at least.

My amaryllis bloomed!

Not sure how many Happy Homemaker Mondays I’ve missed. The first one I missed because I favored sleep over Internet activities. The past few I’ve missed because of working. Quite a few more early (7:00 AM start) shifts than normal, after those…again, sleep over Internet activities).

Today, I get a bit of a break as I don’t need to go into work until noon before returning to an early start tomorrow and another full day on Friday. Spring break is next week for us. My list of things for next week is growing exponentially each day. Catching up with all my blogging friends is absolutely on the list!

Other Happenings and Random Things

Somehow, it’s gone from snow to crocus blooms to daffodils to tiny purple flowers covering the yard and more daffodils. Hopefully, better pictures coming soon. It’s been too long since I’ve properly picked up my good camera.   

More daffodil pictures coming soon hopefully! Along with prettier purple flower pictures (squill/glory of the snow flowers)

G made dinner a couple nights while I was sick. Very helpful. French Toast and spaghetti, not at the same time!  Once I felt better, J and I attempted spring rolls (his idea) to go with the Korean meatballs. They were semi-successful. Rice paper is a tad difficult. Trying again tonight as accompaniment to our pepper steak. Oh and last week, I tried avocado toast at work. Really liked it so we had it alongside taco salads for dinner last night.

This Week’s Menu

Monday: I grilled bbq chicken and garlic butter chicken (saved for later) that I picked up already marinated from the grocery store. *I worked 7 to 1*

TUESDAY: taco salads and avocado toast *I worked 7 to 3:45*

WEDNESDAY: pepper steak, rice, spring rolls *I work 12:30-3:45*

THURSDAY: Leftovers plus I picked up a cookies and cream pie for Pi day (3.14)  *I work 7:15 to possibly 3:45, need to clarify* Mom’s Night Out! (If my work day is short, I might make a quiche for dinner instead to keep with the pie theme)

FRIDAY: fettuccine alfredo with garlic butter chicken, salad maybe? *I work 10:30-4:30*

Reading/TV watching

Didn’t do much reading while I was sick or I can’t recall much of what I read.  Casually read an early 2 book series by V.E. Schwab, Vicious and Vengeful. They were just okay. Her later books are so much better. I’ve just started a promising book called The Secret Life of Flora Lee by Patti Callahan Henry.

So much yet so little tv watching. Since I felt a bit like a zombie, I rewatched the first season of The Walking Dead and part of the 2nd season as well. Watched the new Rick and Michonne series, need to catch up on the last episode. Can’t decide, any other fans out there…what do you think? For all the hype, I think to start the Daryl Dixon series is way better.

Husband and I watched The Voice, of course now that they have their teams I’m probably done.

And once I started feeling like a human again, I was happy to watch Next Level Chef and see that the Spring Baking Championship is back (hooray, one of my favorite shows!).

Movies? Hmmm…Oh, I rewatched the original Jurassic Park just because. And the last half of the Oscars ( I was at Target/waiting on J’s band practice to end for the first half). So, I’ll end this section with my Oscar look via my silly phone game.

What do you think of my red carpet look? Ha.

Winter Wednesday Weather

Did you know today is the last Wednesday for this season? Our winter weather to see out the season calls for a high in the 70’s (again, yesterday was the same) followed by a chance of thunderstorms. Oh, how I hope we get some rain. Last night the rain missed our local area. Such a strange winter we’ve had! Makes me wonder what’s in store for spring and summer.


Stopping my not a quick post after all here. Thanks for reading my rather lengthy update if you’re still here.

Time for me to go get ready for work. Tell me what’s the weather look like where you are?


Happy Homemaker Friday?!

Thought it might be fun to do a Happy Homemaker Monday post on a Friday. Instead of a planning post, more of a what was planned vs what actually happened kind of post. So basically a week in review post with the Happy Homemaker Monday categories.

The Weather

On Sunday afternoon


The beginning of the week was beautiful, a bit above normal in the high 40’s and then, we hit the 60’s. Today, cold and snowy.

snowflakes and tree branches reflected in car’s windshield

As I Look Outside My Window

Didn’t have much time to look out my window on Monday.  I was called into open at work (meaning I had to be there by 7:00a.m.). Now, I see snow and I think the cat sees a bird.

Right Now

I worked every day this week. And I forgot my coat at work yesterday. So, after running into work to grab it early this morning, I’m finally sitting down to write a proper post.

Thinking and Pondering

Too many thoughts and too few words to express them.

How I am Feeling

Well, after working mostly for sick teachers all week…I’m still managing to be 85% healthy. Okay, maybe closer to 80%. Lots of vitamins in my morning routine this week. And early bedtimes mostly.

On the Breakfast Plate

Monday was some sort of flip yogurt, coffee, and vitamins. Today, I took the time to make lemon poppyseed muffins (from a box mix). Vitamins and coffee.

On the Lunch Plate

Maybe my leftover Chinese food from Valentine’s Day. Not sure.

On The Dinner Plate

Leaning towards pulling the minestrone I made a few weeks ago out of the freezer for dinner tonight. Or maybe some other form of pasta.

On The Menu

My sad attempt at KC Chiefs logo on sugar cookies from Sunday. Left these for the kids as we were in charge of taking salad to our party.

This is what a week with no menu plan looks like at our house:

MONDAY: leftovers from the super bowl…we took a big salad to our party so we had rotisserie chicken and salad. *I worked 7:00-3:30*

TUESDAY: Plan was for pancakes but I worked and then, went pretty much straight to the movie theater as I had plans with a friend. (We saw Wonka, I really enjoyed it!)  I don’t even remember what the husband ended up doing…I think he thawed taco soup maybe?  *I worked 7:00-3:45*

WEDNESDAY: We ordered in Chinese food for Valentine’s Day *I worked 7:00-3:40ish*

THURSDAY: They all ate leftover Chinese food for dinner. I ate a yogurt as I wasn’t super hungry. *I worked 8:15-6:10* (stayed a little later than planned to cover a different teacher)

FRIDAY: Pasta of some sort….*glad to have a day at home finally*

What I Am Wearing Today

Monday, I wore a Chiefs shirt, of course. Today, I’m wearing a pink work hoodie and blue leggings, tennis shoes.

On My Reading Pile

A December to Remember by Jenny Bayliss. Waited a long time for it, a nice perfect fun and lighter read so far.

On My TV This Week

Well, had this been on Monday, I’d obviously been saying how ’bout those Chiefs!!!! We had so much fun watching the game with friends (a couple of them were obnoxiously cheering on San Francisco, so lots of good natured ribbing during the game). Not really any time for much tv on Mon/Tues though I did manage to watch The Floor. On Wednesday, I finally had to just turn the news off and had G watch part of Dune with me. He’s agreed to go see part 2 in the theaters. Last night, I sort of dozed through Next Level Chef. Not sure what if anything I’ll watch this weekend.

Looking Around the House 

Looks like I’ve not been here much though we did manage to keep the laundry and kitchen areas somewhat on track.

On My To Do List

Mostly I went to work this week. Other things from my list:

  1. Grocery store
  2. Go see Wonka movie with friend (we’d planned on doing this over Christmas break but then, life happened…)
  3. Get Valentine’s for husband and kids *did NOT happen, it’s okay everyone was happy with their “million dollar Chinese food*
  4. Laundry *Husband helped with this A LOT, good enough Valentine for me*
  5. Sort out some issues with J’s college finances *In progress*

From The Camera

Probably goes without saying, didn’t really pick my camera up this week. All pictures in post are from my phone.

On My Prayer List

This city, this country, the world. SIGH

A Funny And Weekend Plans

Since I’d like to end this post on a lighter note, I thought I’d share a “warning” if you pick up candy from another country out of the discount cart at the grocery. Turn it over and see what is actually in it. I bought Italian candy labeled Caramelle Dure thinking oh, caramels! I like caramel. Um, no I’ve discovered Italian cough drops. They were menthol and eucalyptus candies. Yikes! Not caramel. Timely for having a slight sore throat, however.

No real weekend plans here. Anyone else have big weekend plans?
