Routine Adjustment?

So, I’ll confess that other than cleaning the sink out just a few minutes ago, I’ve done no other FlyLady work today. I did get up and wash masks at 5:30 this morning as I forgot to do it last night.  And I did a few loads of laundry while waiting to go to work (didn’t go in until 11).

Work was a little hectic (rainy days at a preschool = hectic!) and then, I stayed a bit later to help out as a couple of the afternoon staff called in as they weren’t feeling well and thought they should get COVID testing.

Home to find my husband made dinner (tacos not spaghetti for us this evening). However, that wasn’t the best part. Apparently, this cleaning out the sink stuff is slightly contagious. I had to run J to his lesson and fully resigned myself to returning to a sink full of dishes.

Nope! My husband did the dishes! There were only a few bowls and cups in the sink (teenagers). Quite a refreshing change in the routine.

I’ve not been saying anything (well, not much…) about the sink cleaning each night. Made it very nice to see someone else around here also make the effort. And a bit easier to unload the dishwasher and clean the sink out tonight. Hoping this pattern holds.

