Sharing Four Somethings: August Edition

I’ll get back to posting my trip report tomorrow. Today, I wanted to take a minute and join in the Share Four Somethings link up hosted by Jennifer over at Overflowing With Thankfulness.

I like how it keeps me somewhat mindful and paying attention during each month. My four somethings for August are listed below.


Taking an anniversary trip with my husband to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.

J starting college courses (He’s loving it so far).

Going out with friends. We went to a local brewery where they do a karaoke night two times in August.

And going to see the Barbie movie with other friends.

A  brand new preschool student telling me his favorite color was teal. (I just happened to have on teal capri pants that matched his socks). And then later, looking at me and going, “I like you” Things like that are what I love about my job.

Watching our hummingbirds and those at a local nature center.


How to use an ant moat on a hummingbird feeder, what it actually was and that our hummingbird feeder had one. It somewhat helped with keeping the ants out of it.

I’m a bit more of a fair weather gardener than I care to admit. Pretty lettuce flowers pictured below:

More about the opioid crisis than I really needed to know, still learning. (This relates to my reading choices not anything happening personally in my life)



Dopesick and now I’m reading Raizing Lazarus by Beth Macy. All because I watched a documentary on Netflix and then someone told me it didn’t get great reviews. So, I looked it up and found there was another one on Hulu and then, watched it. Decided to read the book. Down the rabbit hole I fell.

I didn’t just read super serious (and rather depressing) non-fiction. Some fiction titles I read in  August:

The Wedding Planner by Danielle Steel

This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar

The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont


We ate lots of good food and yet, I managed not to take a picture of any of it! How is that possible? I’m sharing the fun food items in random order as they pop into my mind.

Last year in St. Louis, my husband discovered a bakery/cafe called The Sweet Spot that offered up these fried croissant donuts that were amazing. Amazing enough that we went out of our way (just a bit) to get some on our way to Nashville. I was a bigger fan of the cannoli, so I got those.

As hot as it’s been, I should mention ice cream. With the heat, of course, we had ice cream a few times. We didn’t go out anywhere fancy. However, I did one night buy these fun Klondike cones that we all liked so much they’ve been in the freezer more than once this month. The unicorn ones were a bit interesting but the vanilla and chocolate flavors, huge hits!

An amazingly good flatbread pizza at the karaoke place.

Food we ate in Nashville: I loved the angry Hawaiian pizza at the Rock’n Dough Pizza & Brewery. We loved breakfast at the Nashville Biscuit House so much we ate there twice! I’d go back again if it were closer. And yes, I did have a hot chicken sandwich at the Germantown Pub and enjoyed it. Timing wasn’t on our side for the lines at the two famous places.

Pizza again for our anniversary from a local place. Schedules and all that though it was nice not to be attending any back to school open houses on our anniversary, we’ve done that many times.


So that concludes my 4 things for August. Soon it’ll be time to start loving and learning in September. And maybe remembering to take a food picture now and then.


3 Replies to “Sharing Four Somethings: August Edition”

  1. You had a full and beautiful August. I’m so happy for your anniversary and for the connection you have with the little kids at work.
    Have a wonderful September!
