Shiny and Not So Shiny Sink

I started my 31 days of doing the shiny sink thing a night early. In case you missed it, I’m doing a 31 days series titled FlyBaby Reborn. Started it yesterday (so a day early!).

So on September 30th before I went to bed, I shined my sink. True I didn’t go all in with the scrubbing. Mainly I just emptied it of dishes and cleaned it before going to bed.


Now, remember that I have a college aged son and a teenager living here. This is what I woke up to this morning.

Ugh. However, I chose to leave it. Made the bed. I don’t know maybe an unmade bed bothers me more.

And Tonight

It was a hectic first Friday of the month around here. Worked all day, afterward delivered a trash bag order to a friend and that turned into nice dinner out. We actually started with plans to get coffee but alas no indoor Starbucks at the location we picked so I don’t know…coffee morphed into a margarita. And dinner. And coming home to this?!

I didn’t even fix/eat dinner here tonight. Must say I am thankful they found something considering we didn’t have much. How exactly do deli chicken (we’ve been keeping some in the freezer) and rice make this kind of mess?

One margarita is not enough to answer that question. However, staying true to the Flylady form…I said nothing and simply cleaned up the mess. Realizing I forgot to push the button on the dishwasher last night. Oops. Loaded a few more dishes in there. And then, glad to have this stuff.

Just picked it up yesterday. I do have a long term plan for my late night snack fiends to find this and clean those dishes! And so, here is tonight’s “shiny sink” though again it’s mostly just clean not the full on shiny yet. 

And to start things off right and “official” tonight, I signed up for the Flylady e-mails (again).

Do you follow the Flylady sytem, does it work for you?


2 Replies to “Shiny and Not So Shiny Sink”

  1. I used to follow FlyLady. Maybe I need to get back into it as my house has become a disaster with me being back to work part time and just life. I laughed at your picture of the sink you woke up to. I don’t have teenage boys (yet) but I do have a husband that fills up the sink after I go to bed with his late night snacking, etc. It drives me mad at times, but I have learned it’s only going to make me upset with harping on him about it so I just clean it up in the morning. I might have to get on board with this new challenge you are doing!
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    1. It is hard to keep up with everything. I remember when I first started subbing a bunch breaking down and telling my husband that I couldn’t “do it all” and something was going to have to give. Thankfully, he started helping a bit more after that but also, I realized if things get a little messy during the weeks I’m working more, that’s just life. Of course, I do feel better in a clean house. I’d love it if you decided to join in with me 🙂 Hope you had a great Sunday!
