Throwback Thursday: So Not Ready!

As most of you know, I used to blog over at So Not Organized. This year, I needed a change and started a new blog here. However, I started with So Not Organized in 2012. And I don’t want to just let 9 years of blogging slip away when my hosting agreement over there expires (it’s good for another year, so no rush).

After giving it a bit of consideration, I’ve decided to create an archive of my favorite blog posts and series from So Not Organized over on this site. I’m adding a page and going to slowly add to it each Thursday.

So far, the only way to do this is simply re-publish each post. Don’t worry, I plan to edit and carefully curate only the best of my previous blog. There are plenty of posts that frankly, aren’t worth a repeat performance. However, after 9 years of blogging, I also have many I don’t want to lose.

Below, you’ll find the very first post I ever published (date: February 10, 2012).


Like many firsts, it’s messy and not great. However, I’m sentimental and want to keep my first post ever!

I’ve been teetering on the edge of starting a blog since January and I’m still not ready but for some things I’ve learned you are never ready….to leave home, to get married, to be a mom, to not be able to go home again (sorry, you actually cannot “always go home again”),  to have your kids go to school, to have your kids finish school, to have them home for summer vacation (applies currently!), and many others but I must move on from this first, terribly too long sentence of the new blog.  So am I really ready to start the blog I’ve been thinking about since December?  No.  Not ready at all.   However, I’ve decided to take a deep breath and start one anyway.

Why one about organizing?  Well, actually it’s more about trying to organize and failing than actually organizing.  Write what you know.  I know I try to be organized.  I know I (usually) fail miserably at being organized.  I’m hoping I’m not alone and that this blog might offer the readers some good ideas (that while they didn’t work for me might work for them), laughter, and a sense of relief and realism (so, it’s not just me!) all at once.   I really do love the idea of organization:  the brightly colored bins and boxes, dresser drawers that are color coded with all clothing neatly folded (do you fold your socks or make sock balls?  Me?  I throw my socks in there and dig for matches….), canned goods in alphabetical order, and refrigerators with lists of contents posted neatly on the doors (there is a never a place for unidentified green stuff in recycled butter container though…).  I love that there are people who can accomplish all that!  I’m not one of them.  I could blame my boys and my husband (and for fun, why don’t we blame the cat as well!).  However, I lived alone for a while and I never accomplished any of that even without other people around to mess it up.  I managed to be sloppy and unorganized on my own (probably more so!) as well.

Hopefully, you’ll want to follow along and get some organizing ideas (even knowing what ideas don’t work is one step closer to knowing what will work!).  So even though I’m still not ready, I’m about to hit the “publish” button on my first post on my new blog.


3 Replies to “Throwback Thursday: So Not Ready!”

  1. There is a way to merge an old blog to this one. I’m not sure how to do it right off hand but you can Google it. I actually have two blogs. I blogged for years with WordPress but they started making alot of changes and wanted to start charging so I moved alot over to Blogger. But I keep running both. Alot of readers get use to one site and don’t want to follow the new sight so that’s why I run both. I will make a post on Blogger and then copy and paste to WordPress.
    Tracy recently posted…The Big 18My Profile

    1. Oh, you know what, I do know how to do that. I’d forgotten but I tried going over to Blogger recently (but I missed WordPress too much!) and did it. I’ll probably do it this way for a bit though as I really do need to weed out quite a few posts that aren’t really worth the hassle of moving over here. And I do think I probably lost a few readers when I switched but I’ve got a few ideas to maybe persuade a few others to move over here with me 🙂 Thanks for reminding me of the merging idea as another option.
