Staying Up Too Late

It’s 11 PM on Saturday night and way past my bedtime. Instead I’m posting here after spending about 30 minutes working on this:

A graphic designer, I am not. However, at least I have a button/photo for this series. Didn’t want to bore you with sink photos every night.

And yes, I did clean out the sink tonight. I wanted to skip it but weather cut our band competition time short (the band got in their performance but opted to come home rather than stay for the awards portion). So, I had no excuse. Even threw in a load of laundry.

Had a chuckle reading through a few of the many (had forgot how many e-mails!) Flylady e-mails as next week is apparently kitchen week. And one of the tasks involved the pantry. Said don’t take everything out to re-organize it. Funny because earlier today I half-emptied the pantry thinking I’d do just that.

We’ll see what happens during the course of the new week. For tonight, I’m keeping this way past my bedtime post short and ending it here.

6 Replies to “Staying Up Too Late”

  1. Every time I am organizing a pantry, I have to remove everything. To me, if I take it all out, I can spread it out and see if something needs refilling, thrown away, repackaged, or condensed. I’m a visual person and I have to be able to see every little thing and be able to put my hand on it quickly when I need it.
    Tracy recently posted…A New AdventureMy Profile

    1. I like to take everything out to organize my pantry as well. Seems like this “mission” I read was more about making a grocery list, think the don’t take everything out order was to keep from getting side-tracked. Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend.

  2. I love a clean sink! I feel good if it is emptied at the end of the day. I don’t scrub it enough, and when I do, I am always amazed at how great it looks! My husband has a very bad habit of forgetting we have a dishwasher literally RIGHT NEXT to the sink! LOL Oh well. After thirty years, I should be used to it! Have a cozy Sunday, my friend.
    Billie Jo recently posted…October Is HereMy Profile

    1. Our dishwasher is also right next to the sink and yet, the dishes always land in the sink. I did try one of those cute clean/dirty magnets for the dishwasher but that doesn’t work either. LOL! Hope you’ve enjoyed this first weekend in October!

  3. Good for you for cleaning your sink even when you didn’t feel like it! We were out late last night too as it was my nephew’s 10th birthday. I didn’t get my sink cleaned out and still haven’t done it today either. As far as pantry cleanout, I have to take most of things out so I can see what I have, etc. I think it is better to do it the way that works for you and not worry too much about following FlyLady’s system to the letter if it doesn’t work 100% for you. Good luck with your challenge this week!
    Rachel recently posted…Work at work, walking, and work to do at homeMy Profile

    1. I’m really trying to stick with the sink part of the Flylady since that’s her big focus and it’s the one thing I usually ignore when trying to follow her systems. I do know that one of the Flylady bloggers I follow, Diane in Denmark, always says to adapt the flylady schedule to your own. Hoping to get at least a few things accomplished this week.
