Surprise! Another Post!

Not that I’m counting but I think this means I’ve posted four times this week! On a bit of a roll. Nothing special, just another random one with a review of the past week.

Believe it or not, these morning glories and this post inspired me to write today!

I’ve been tossing morning glory seeds around this post ever since my husband took the fence down a few years ago.  This post is right next to our backyard vegetable garden. I have visions of morning glories winding their way up and around the post. Every year: NOTHING.

However, Tuesday morning as I went out to check the garden. What did I find?

A morning glory tucked behind a few of its leaves quietly blooming away! A nice surprise from a rather rough morning.

Shall we grab a cup of something. And review the week. Maybe lavender? 

This planter, I waited so patiently for it to go on clearance at the grocery store, makes me so happy. And I decided to share the unedited version so you can see the mess on our outdoor table on the deck. I have visions of this gorgeous deck with plants but this is the reality. Maybe next summer.

This Week

Monday and Tuesday

Monday was our 24th wedding anniversary that we celebrated by doing absolutely nothing. I did at least bother to get my husband a card. I’ve just about simmered down over him mostly ignoring it. I did buy myself a few flowers at the garden center. Of course, I’d have done that no matter what.  Not all his fault as I did work that day until almost 6, then take J to his baritone lesson. And the weekend before was busy as well. Next year better be a fantastic trip somewhere though!

Tuesday was rather rough as I mentioned. J didn’t go to school saying he just needed to sleep. We’d got off last week to such a good start that this came out of nowhere for me causing my optimism about the new school year to take a dive. At least I found my morning glory that morning.

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday turned out to be a much better day. Took the cat to the vet in the a.m. (finally!) and let me just say putting a cat in a carrier is not a fun one person job.  I thought I had work training but I ended up not having it. So happy about it as I wasn’t in the mood. And G bought my lunch, it was just McDonald’s but it was good. Everyone went where they were supposed to go that day as well.

a bloom on my fall garden zucchini plant

Thursday ended up a full day for me. I worked from 8 until 4. And while I didn’t have the time for Thankful Thursday post (need to get back to those), I did find lots of little items of gratitude. Got to work in my favorite classroom. The school lunch wasn’t messy (it’s a bit of joke for us that whenever I sub for a certain teacher who helps the kids clean after lunch, that day’s lunch is always one of the messiest!). The garden continues to do well.

Last night was a meeting for the parents of the senior band students. And my husband actually went with me. Sure he was probably regretting it though as I’m not one to say nothing (ironic as I was always “the quiet one” who hardly spoke in high school and college). That could be a post all by itself so perhaps I should remain “the quiet one” in this space. Trying to remind myself that as a been there done that parent, I need to think kinder thoughts toward the first time parents of seniors. The difference between the parents of G’s class and J’s class, sigh. Give me the class of 2019 parents any day of the week. Has always been an issue for me.

TODAY: Happy Friday, the start of Labor Day Weekend

Everyone is once again where they belong today. I’m enjoying a few hours of bliss in an empty house before I go pick up J from school and run him to a 3p.m. appt. I’ve watered the gardens, started some laundry. Taken a quick run to the store as we were out of cat food. So I picked up a few snacks for the weekend as well as some strawberries on sale. While I could be filling the house with the scent of an autumn candle, I opted for baking an angel food cake instead.

The rest of this weekend should be low-key for us: out with friends on Saturday night and no plans as of yet for the other days. I’m hoping we manage a visit to a local festival for kettle corn and pork rinds (tradition) and of course, my garden chores are always there.

How was your week? What plans do you have for the upcoming weekend?



2 Replies to “Surprise! Another Post!”

  1. Your morning glory flowers are beautiful. I love that blue color.
    I hope you have a good weekend. Our plans get derailed when Ben tested positive for COVID Thursday night so we are in stay at home (except for Bill who has to work) mode. Probably be lots of college football watching this weekend and resting.

    1. Thank you! Sorry for replying so late, I don’t even know where the time went last week. Hope you are all well-rested and had a great weekend.
