Thankful Thursday: Little Things

How is it already Thursday again? Not complaining though as it means the weekend is around the corner. And I wouldn’t want to complain in a Thankful Thursday post anyway.

While I might be working tomorrow just in the afternoon, I’m extremely thankful that my Monday work shift cancelled because I’ve been fighting this sinus/cold thing all week. It’s not been too bad, just sinus stuff really…just enough to be annoying. And of course, I was happy to see the negative result on the home Covid-19 test I took just in case.

Downy woodpecker

So I’ve spent the week not doing too much and just appreciating the little details mostly. Watching the birds. Happy to notice the “snow birds” (dark-eyed juncos) have left the area. Now, just waiting for the morning I wake up no longer hearing the whistle of my white-throated sparrows. I’ll miss that just a little.

Books and TV

The weather’s been cool, cloudy, and rainy so the temptation to go outside and do stuff hasn’t been there. However, I’ve enjoyed extra time reading my book and watching TV. Despite all the Netflix controversy, it’s nice to know they still care enough to give “the message of shame” if you watch too many espisodes.

The Rain and Water

While I’m team sunshine, I do appreciate the rain water that helps my plants grow. Excited that the weather finally warmed up enough again for Lucinda the lemon tree to be outside getting a good drink of the rain water which she much prefers.

And I’m still thankful for quick and easy access to water on the inside for dish washing, laundry, and steamy showers to help clear sinuses.

Time For A Random Thankful List

Maybe I should just share a random list of appreciation for the following:

    1. Hot tea
    2. Instant cup of soup (my cure-all)
    3. Breathe air oil (mostly Euclyptus)
    4. Easy dinners
    5. Naps
    6. Having an 80’s song stuck in my head instead of preschool song:
    7. Figuring out how insert above video without messing up my numbered list
    8. Getting all the bills paid yesterday
    9. Having time to make resting a priority yesterday and not feeling guilty about it!
    10. Hearing my favorite flower/garden shop is open for the season
    11. Avoiding the temptation of a Bath and Body Works sale
    12. Pleasant conversations with both the kids
    13. My husband taking J to school a couple mornings this week
    14. Viewing a beautiful full moon on Saturday night before things clouded over
    15. And that special “moon” setting on the bridge camera
    16. An Easter egg pink sunrise the Monday after Easter
    17. That I didn’t plant my new climbing rose too early and it seems to be thriving:
    18. Peppermint mocha coffee creamer on sale (and that it was just a small bottle)
    19. A sale at Starbucks, coffee and a pastry for $5. Okay!
    20. Seeing the sunshine and feeling warmer air today

What little things are you thankful for this week?


2 Replies to “Thankful Thursday: Little Things”

  1. Ooh the ’80’s ear worm tune over nursery music definitely… thinking Baby Shark! Eek! Thankfully my boys were too old for that ha ha. I’m thankful for a loving family, for a God who is alive and still on the throne. I’m glad my car sunroof has been replaced at last – (roof tile fell and broke glass sunroof during a heavy storm) it took about 6 weeks to order and fit. Take care Cx

    1. Oh, I think I’ve heard Baby Shark enough to last a lifetime between my work and the marching band playing it for fun at football games last fall. Glad your car sunroof is all sorted just in time for nicer weather. Hope you have a wonderful week!
