Thankful Thursday: Spring Thoughts

Definitely, starting today by saying how very thankful I am to see no snow on the ground! Weather turned cold again yesterday and in the afternoon, something white fell from the sky.  Maybe it was just sleet?

However, it was cold enough that I called my husband and asked him to bring poor Lucinda Lemon Tree back inside. Then, after work, I brought my two amaryllis back inside as well (they didn’t bloom this year, I did something wrong but I still have green leaves so maybe next time).  Woke up to frost advisories and 33 degrees. Please, return spring!

Speaking of spring, I’m so thankful for the returning of the color green everywhere. My favorite! And that this hydrangea seems to have survived my very basic pruning attempts.

Happiness filled my heart as I stepped outside this morning to witness this:

My bleeding heart in full bloom! Forgive me as I flood this post with mostly pictures of this plant.

About My Bleeding Heart Plant

I’ve wanted one of these plants for a long time. In the past, I’ve tried planting one in a different location around the yard without any luck. And for whatever reason, the actual plants are hard to find in these parts.  However, I bought this one last year, plonked it beside the deck, and…it returned this year! With those gorgeous blooms.

These plants remind me of my childhood home as my dad had one growing near our back patio. Supposedly, he dug that one up out of the woods somewhere. So I’m thankful for these little early blooming flowering plants that remind me of my dad and lots of backyard memories from that backyard of my past.

Next on my thankful thoughts list…

My Husband

Honestly, this week’s not been the best. Or rather maybe I should say I’ve not been the best this week. However, my husband has stepped in and figured out dinner, done the laundry, and sorted out some things that I quite frankly just couldn’t cope with doing. And I’m extremely grateful for that.

He may not bring me flowers every week (hardly ever…of course, I tend to buy my own anyway) or be the most “commercially” romantic guy out there but I’ll take the practical gestures over that 100% of the time.

And I’m also grateful that he didn’t say too much when I went out today to the local place I found last year’s bleeding heart plant and returned with another one. (I have a vision of a whole section of these)

Just A Few More

Finally, I’m just going to share a few more random thankful thoughts pushing their way to the front of my mind.

  1. My spinach seedlings finally emerging
  2. Bloglovin’ coming back on-line (Question for my blogging friends: What do you use to read your favorite blogs?)
  3. Coffee, books, Tea
  4. My job and getting to work with all those fun kids as well as all the outdoor time I get as a result
  5. Music

So many other things I could list but the furry supervisor just arrived to tell me it’s quitting time or is it petting time? Thankful for her little furry interruptions always (oh, and the non furry kids as well, of course).

What things are you thankful for this week?

4 Replies to “Thankful Thursday: Spring Thoughts”

  1. Your bleeding heart plant is beautiful, I can see why you love it. It’s so delicate. Your husband is a treasure, bless him. I hope you’re feeling better and more yourself now. Take care and enjoy the Easter weekend Cx

    1. They really are one of my favorite flowers. Thank you, I’m feeling a bit better this morning. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  2. Hello, my friend. That is the sign of a happy marriage, right? Being there to help out when one needs a hand. So glad your hubby was able to help. And I am like you. Practical gestures are my love language! Happy and Blessed Easter!
