Thursday Tidbits

Well, we’re in that weird state between Christmas and New Year’s over here. Please, tell me how it’s already Thursday?

Only photo I took this week

Silly hibiscus bloomed inside earlier this week. Wish all my plants were so happy. Sadly, that is not the case.

Weather’s not been cooperative for getting out and going on much needed walks either. Did see the sun briefly today but the only walk I managed was to grab the recycle bin from the curb.

Taxing Times

Not so fun fact about our state. Property taxes are due by December 31. Merry Christmas! This year’s taxes were crazy high (thankfully, not out of hand for us but many others were not so fortunate, city is actually suing the county over the assessment practices that were apparently unlawful). As I paid today, I noticed they left one of our vehicles off the bill so we’ll owe more money. Husband went up to the local courthouse to try and fix things but the line was so long, they were full before his turn. Told him to come back tomorrow at 7AM (they open at 8) and said that the line today had gone all the way around the block. UGH. We can wait but then, we’ll have more penalties and all over someone else’s mistake. UGH.

Waiting For Word Inspiration

My word for 2023 was wait. And so I continue to wait for inspiration on a word for 2024. Wait worked well for the year mostly. Though as an impatient person in a few areas, I did struggle at times. I’ve spent the last few years waiting on stressful things/conflicts to resolveĀ  (and I continue to wait on my stubborn self to accept that some things aren’t fixable nor are they mine to try and fix). The year of the pandemic and the following few have been stressful at times and this is the first year that felt like things were tilting back to a less hectic and worried pace.

Word candidates for 2024 that have popped into my mind the past few weeks: rest, slow, relax, reset, turn, green, nature, nurture…maybe breathe. Just saw recover on a random word generator. Hmmm… I’ll continue to ponder it through the weekend.

Not Much Love For A List of 23 Items

Um, I didn’t get very far with my 23 things for 2023 list. However, I don’t feel like I failed too much as I think I just had other priorities. And I’m okay with that, I can still do the things on the list as I move into 2024. Cleared a few bins from the basement, accomplished my tv and reading goals (always, ha!), and ordered the cases for the dvd storage. Also, I managed to talk to someone in Hobby Lobby about framing the photos and get a few questions answered. Thinking of taking a completely different approach to this list making stuff for next year.


How’s your time between Christmas and the New Year going? Reflecting on any lists? Picked out a word for next year? Or are you just enjoying the quiet?



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