Weekend Missions

In Flylady land, the weekend missions are a bit different. No serious cleaning tasks outside of the routines of shining the kitchen sink and such.

Saturdays are for family fun and Sundays are for renewing the spirit.


Family fun is a bit different around here as the boys are older. G works every Saturday. My husband went to help a friend in the morning. And J had a band competition in the afternoon. So, I was on my own for a bit of fun in the morning. In keeping with my small fall bucket list, I went and visited a local farmer’s market. A successful outing. Found pretty flowers, apple jam, and salsa. I’m excited to try another visit to that location during the peak of the market season.

I suppose our real family fun was watching the band competition (2nd in their division, woohoo!) and then J going with me to get food after (Culver’s did not win any awards. First time for everything but they messed up our order. SIGH)


It was an usually hot fall day and I spent most of it in my favorite place, outside!  Also visited a couple different garden centers.

A lot of perennial plants on sale right now (best time to buy those! they might look a little sad now but they’ll bounce back and rebloom next year). Also, picked up some pansies (annuals around here) to give the front porch an extra boost of fall color.

Spent time pulling up some plants in the garden. I decided we’d seen the last of the spring-planted cucumbers so pulled it. Now my okra will see a bit more sun (I’m determined to have fall okra, even if I have to glue a bag of frozen okra to the plant).  Pulled a bunch of weeds from the flower garden by the front porch before the rain moved into the area. And spent some time reading.

Preparing For Tomorrow

Overall, I’d say I stayed true to the Flylady schedule this weekend.

Tonight between watching the second half of the cringe-worthy (so far) Chiefs game, I need to wash masks, clean the kitchen sink (though it’s not too bad), get J’s lunch sorted, and figure out what to wear to work in the morning. Also, need to make sure I go to bed at a decent hour.

How are you preparing for your Monday?
