What Christmas Means To Me: Blogmas Day 24

Today’s topic is what Christmas means to you. So, since I don’t know how to start, how about with a song?

On a more serious note, Christmas means lots of things to me. Sometimes I get into a bit of a Grinch mood at this time of year, for 53 years now….LOL.

However, I often find little reminders of the true reason we celebrate Christmas throughout the season. While Christmas is certainly about food, family, and gifts, I believe the true meaning is to embrace and remember the greatest gift. The birth of Christ.

Keeping it super short tonight as lots to do including a bit of a mad dash cleaning of the basement. One of G’s friends is in from out of town (on leave from the army) and may stay over with us later.

So, I’ll just flip the question and ask what does Christmas mean to you?

Don’t forget to visit Tamy, the host of Blogmas, over at Chasing My Life.
