What I’m Doing Today

It’s another Winter Wednesday. Today feels slightly more like winter but not by much.

Today’s Weather:

It’s gray and rainy out though not exactly a downpour. 

While I still feel like we need an actual snow day, I admit I’m glad it’s not today. G started back to college classes and most of his classes are on campus this semester which means a 30 minute drive. J’s getting back into the swing of going to classes at the high school as well. Still waiting for the day when I don’t have to hold my breath each morning. (Still gathering my thoughts for a potential post on that whole saga)

So what am I doing today? Had lots of plans but in reality, I’m…

Moving Slow

Didn’t sleep great so I’m not full of as much energy as I’d like. Drinking coffee, eating double-toast (at least I only topped one batch with the lemon curd!). Trying to catch up on reading my book. At the point where I’m deciding if I even want to continue it.

Cleaning House

I realized earlier that I’m not a spring cleaning or fall cleaning person. However, I do seem to get the desire to give the house a good cleaning in the middle of January! Gave some actual much needed attention to the bathroom floor. We won’t talk about the last time that one happened. Kitchen floor is up next.

Have a bit of extra motivation today as I agreed to let my friend come and practice her sales pitch. She doesn’t expect me to buy anything (we clarified everything at Mom’s Night Out) and really she’s helping me a bit as well. I can not remember the last time I had a friend over here for anything.

It makes me a bit sad as I used to be quite good at hospitality and somewhere along the last 2 years, possibly longer, I lost my touch. Became too caught up in what the house looked like and what people would think. Time to get over that and get back to having people over again.  That said, I definitely do need to clean it before tomorrow afternoon as I really don’t want my friend to think I’ve started living in a pigsty.

Other Random Bits

  • According to my Farmer’s Almanac newsletter this morning, Spring is exactly 60 days away!
  • Trying to decide if I want to attend a winter gardening class at the same place I went to see the Christmas trees last week: Supplies all provided; You will be able to take home 2 containers of winter sown seeds. Winter sowing is a simple, low-care way to provide the best conditions for native seeds to germinate into seedlings using a process called stratification. In spring, you will need to transplant the seedlings into small pots to grow them larger before they go into the ground.
  • My Sam’s Club blanket is in the dryer, hoping it turns out better than the Kohl’s blankets. I think it is going to be fine. Quickly becoming my favorite blanket.
  • I let my oldest son take my car to the college campus this morning and he just called, he’s stopping by Quicktrip (local convenience store/gas station) and he’s getting me a pretzel. Hooray, no worries about lunch today.
  • Today was trash day, why on a rainy day? Nothing worse than the empty containers filling up with water. Well, at least in the winter, no mosquito worries I suppose.

What are you doing on this winter Wednesday with 60 days to go until spring?


day 18/365



6 Replies to “What I’m Doing Today”

  1. Your Christmas cactus is so pretty, Jean, and so is the candle! I enjoyed this rainy Wednesday morning…made a couple of casseroles and did a load of laundry. Have worked in the Van Gogh room this afternoon. I’m really getting restless and think I need to change some things around in there. Am thinking about adding some of my own artwork and photographs. Yum! I love lemon curd! Never thought about having it on toast. Will have to try that. 60 days to go until spring! I can’t wait! Have a great rest of the week!

    1. Thank you! I’m excited as there is another bud on it. Never had a Christmas cactus before so I didn’t know what to expect. Lemon curd on toast is wonderful. I bought a tiny jar of it at World Market for Christmas to enjoy after the holidays. Hope you get your Van Gogh room the way you like it. You should add some of your own beautiful artwork and photos to it! Happy Friday!

  2. I need to do some deep cleaning around my pigsty of a house. I have all this time since I don’t work anymore, and that just sort of makes it harder to get at it. Like the whole, ‘I’ve got time, I’ll do it tomorrow’ thing takes over.
    And I’ve gotten that way too, about not wanting people over because I’m afraid of what they’ll think. Only in my case, it’s legit. LOL I really REALLY need to just start tackling all these long neglected cleaning chores. It’s a huge and constant source of stress for me but I just can’t seem to get going on it! *cries and whines and sighs*

    We had snow here last night, several inches by the looks of it. (I haven’t actually been outside yet.) While I enjoyed the mild weather, at least this mind set right that we’re only in January and it is indeed still winter, not spring.

    1. That makes sense, I do think the Flylady system is good because it’s timer based so you can just set the timer for as much time as you’d like to spend on something. I doubt your house is that bad. Getting started is the hardest thing though. We’re supposed to get some sort of wintry mix tomorrow right during the game. We need the rain/snow but I do hope it doesn’t make too much of a mess for those leaving the game.

  3. I think the pandemic has got us used to being a bit more isolated from our friends.
    But, we’ll get over it gradually.
    Don’t worry about the appearance of your house. Friends will only remember your hospitality and the time you spent together, not how clean your house was.

    The candle is so pretty!…

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I really do miss having people over and decided to work on it a bit this year. And yes, everything with my friend went fine (she didn’t bring her white gloves to check for dust or anything ;)) I bought the candle because I liked the packaging but am still deciding if I like the smell. It has a bit of a melon undertone in the scent that’s a bit iffy to me.
