A Time Of Transitions

Happy March! It’s coming in like a lamb around here today. However, there is a lion hiding in the midst and a bit more winter weather arriving in the next two days. Let’s just start this post like I’ve started all the winter Wednesday posts with the weather.

The Weather 

Oh, how spring and summer are teasing us! It is, however, a bit of a chilly start this morning despite the bright sunshine. It’s currently 41 degrees with a feels like temperature of 34. It’s supposed to be in the upper 50’s by around 4 PM. Then, cooler tomorrow and the start of either rain or snow, they’re still deciding. One of the local meteorologist actually said on the news last night he’d tell us this afternoon whether we needed to buy up all the bread and milk. Ha!

So, moving on….this is one of my last 3 winter Wednesday posts. Time to transition out of winter and into spring.

Some Transitions Happening Around Here

Winter to Spring, of course.

I’m happy about that with the exception of Daylight Savings Time on March 12. Can I even say it often enough? The days already get longer and shorter! Leave the time alone, please.

Heavy to Healthy

I stepped on the scale this morning. Suffice it to say the number wasn’t a favorite. And was too high on the scale for me. Don’t you wish our winter weight would fall off as easily as all our beloved pets shed their winter coats? Of course, it doesn’t. So, instead I’m over here struggling with my desire to make Lucky Charms treats for March 1 versus the knowledge we should eat the rest of the clementines.

I’m probably going to transition my winter Wednesday posts over to wellness Wednesday posts with the start of spring. (Hopefully, the grocery store won’t mind me stealing their fancy phrase.) I know Rachel over at Living Better One Day At A Time does Weigh In Wednesdays. I’m afraid she’s so much braver than me to share her weight. I won’t be doing that on my Wednesdays. Just the healthy changes I’m implementing in hopes of shedding  losing some of my weight.

Did you know March used to be the start of the calendar year? So, I’m making my fresh start for a few things today.

(I’ll probably still make the Lucky Charms bars. It’s still winter and our pantry is in desperate need of a clear-out. Just perhaps eat only one instead of half the pan? That might work.)

Yet More School Changes For J

I’ve fallen back on the phrase my mom kept on her fridge so many times during these past few years:

What is it in the light of eternity?

While this is a good change (I hope), I am still a bit sad about all the things he missed. Amazing how two kids can have such different high school experiences. The high school diploma is always the end goal and he should get that in the end. Still, I think it’s okay to be sad that the path wasn’t the one we expected. (This is where I add: stupid pandemic!)

Transitions are tough even the good ones.

Still Winter

Despite all the transitions and talk of spring, I do keep reminding myself it’s still winter. So, I’ll still take time to sit under the warm fuzzy blanket on the cold days, watch a little too much television (occasionally), and have a hot chocolate if it snows. However, I am gambling and putting away all the super heavy sweaters away sometime in the next few weeks.

Are you anxious for the lighter, brighter days of spring? Or are you soaking in the last few weeks of winter? I think I’m somewhere in the middle, mainly because we’ve had such a mild winter. If it’d been a long, snow-filled one, my answer might differ.


Day 59/365







8 Replies to “A Time Of Transitions”

  1. I hope you have a wonderful spring! I wish you the best of luck in your fight against the pounds! I need that too.

    1. Thank you! Hoping nicer weather will inspire me to be outdoors more which will help.

  2. Hello dear Friend!
    I hear you. Transitions are difficult but glad it’s going to work out for J.
    I also hear you with wanting a new start for that scale number amongst other things. Continue to work on it over here to strengthen my core and keep healing my back too.
    March came in like a lion here. blech Snowing and blowing as I type this. I hope your weather doesn’t get too ugly!! Stay cozy and think Spring! xo

    1. Hope your back is feeling much better lately. Well, our March is still in the lamb stage. We haven’t even seen the rain that was supposed to come around 2 this afternoon. Speaking of early spring, one of my daffodils bloomed! Not sure about that, still very early. Hope spring finds you up there very soon!

      1. Thanks Love! Back is still a work in progress but keeps heading in the right direction, so I’m grateful. I was just admiring your daffodil on the other post! I’ll keep dreaming through you. 😉

        1. Glad things are progressing with your back. Lots of spring bulbs are coming up around here, though I honestly can’t remember what all I planted. Those daffodils always bloom early though. Hope you start seeing some spring through all that snow soon.

  3. My son definitely would have worked harder and achieved more if not for Covid. The lack of career choice was shocking. He didn’t want to go to University, the help and confidence for interviews was lacking. His grades were excellent in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Further Maths. It was afterwards that was bad.

    1. I think Covid messed so many kids up and we’ll see the after of that for quite some time. The assistant principal said she noticed the kids who were in the process of transitions seemed hit hardest at the school (my son was in the middle of his freshman year of high school, that’s the first year of high school here). On a positive note, I do think both our sons will find their way and achieve a more than we think, just taking different roads perhaps to do it. I don’t know. I’m praying that’s the case.
