Not A Very Exciting Day

Today wasn’t a very exciting day. Here, let me tell you all about it. Nothing wrong with not very exciting. At all. Just a few small things to share about today.

The amaryllis bloomed.

Also, a hawk flew through the backyard while I was filling the bird feeders.

The cat took a nap.

A daffodil bloomed.

One of my house finches visited the feeder. I hadn’t seen my house finches in quite a while with so many sparrows hanging around the feeders.

I watched too much tv wrapped in a cozy blanket (it was cold outside) but it never rained despite the sky looking like this a lot today.

Other things today for which there are no photos: A lot of work texts, I’m now working the entire month of July. Some anniversary trip planning with the husband. A few texts about our upcoming dinner out on Saturday. Another about when to have the next Mom’s Night Out. An adult version of green eggs and ham for lunch (spinach, cheese, and ham omelette). An order delivery (Christmas present for the kids).

Nothing really noteworthy just typical daily life things around here.


Day 60/365




6 Replies to “Not A Very Exciting Day”

  1. Maybe not too exciting, but sounds like a lot of little ordinary things got done…things that make up the moments called life. We got the rain (and HAIL…lots of it!!!) here yesterday. Lots of both actually…rained all afternoon, evening, and overnight into this morning. I imagine that the creek at Prairie is rushing mightily this afternoon! Was that the red-shouldered hawk? They’re usually the ones that don’t mind hanging around in town and around people. Look for a thickly banded tail and a red shoulder patch. Hope today is a little more exciting than yesterday was for you. Blessings, my friend!

    1. Wow, it sounds like you got lots of rain. Our rain didn’t even get here until today or maybe overnight. It was done and the sun was out shining again by 2 PM. Not sure on the hawk,I haven’t seen it that close to tell. If I see it again, I’ll check. Today was another fairly slow day but no complaints about it over here. Happy Weekend!

  2. Sometimes there is such beauty in the simple unexciting things. Your amaryllis is stunning. And I always love to see any Spring you have popping up as I stay buried in snow! Ugh. Lol I just did a post all about how I keep busy with Spring kinds of things to help me with Spring fever.
    I hope you have very blessed weekend ahead dear Friend. xoxo

    1. I’ll have to pop over and check it out. It’s been such a strange and mild winter around here. If it makes you feel better, everyone’s allergies are kicking into high gear already in these parts, tree pollen is already super high. On the other hand, might be worth the price to not be buried in snow. Hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!

  3. Beautiful Cat and Amaryllis plant. I love the low level window, very sweet. It’s nice to have ordinary, regular uneventful days sometimes.
    Take care Cathy x

    1. Thank you! I’ve come to like my bedroom windows but it was a big fight when my husband put them in there as he took out a huge picture window to do it. Practical choice because it was one think sheet pane of glass (and so cold in the winter) but oh, I was so mad about losing all my precious light. Now, I think I prefer our two low level windows though.
