It’s a new week and ours is off to a sleepy, rainy start but no complaints here.
J was supposed to take his driver’s test today but opted to sleep so we’ll go either tomorrow or Wednesday. Probably better not to take it in the rain anyway though I have no doubt he could’ve passed it. Gave me a chance to get my grocery shopping out of the way at my normal time.
For now, taking a minute to plan my week with Sandra’s Happy Homemaker Monday link up. Go check it out over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
The Weather
Um, I can’t believe it but I’m actually cold. It’s currently 67 degrees with a steady downpour of rain falling. Much needed rain. Rest of the week is supposed to be no warmer than the upper 70’s. It’s as if fall is almost here.
As I Look Outside My Window
It’s a gloomy, rainy day and I’m wondering if our little resident hummingbird is also cold.
Right Now
Working on this post instead of folding the mountain of laundry waiting for me on our bed.
Thinking And Pondering
Job/career choices have been on my mind a lot lately. Mid-life career crisis? Is that a thing? I really just need to embrace this odd season, I think. On another note, ever feel like you simply can’t get things done? I feel like I keep doing just the basic chores but can’t find the time/motivation to get to a lot of the other things on my list. And finally, I did, of course like most of Americans I imagine, spend some time thinking the September 11 from 22 years ago. I could tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing at that time.
How I’m Feeling
Really, not awful. Slept okay, just need to find that motivation and I think I’d feel so much better.
On The Breakfast Plate
Coffee, vitamins, chocolate chip muffins. Then, at the store I used the end of my Starbucks gift card to get an oatmilk apple macchiato. Did not like it much. Apple macchiato is a nice candle smell that doesn’t translate to a very tasty drink. Might’ve been the oatmilk, it just had an odd flavor to it.
On The Lunch Plate
I just had a lemon meringue pie flip yogurt as I wasn’t super hungry.
On The Dinner Plate
Planning to put some meatballs and spaghetti sauce in the crock pot before I run J to his band class that’s at a college about 30 minutes away.
What I’m Wearing Today
Washington D.C. tee-shirt, jeans, and my leopard print slip on shoes.
On My Reading Pile
Tried to get away from all the serious non-fiction by reading Paris:The Memoir by Paris Hilton, turned out to be a bit more serious than I expected. While I’m not ever going to be a huge fan, I did find myself with a bit more respect for her after reading it. She endured some pretty significant abuse at one of those teen wilderness schools that were somewhat popular in the 90’s (I can remember seeing a few Dr. Phil episodes about them being a great thing).
Thankfully, I found a fiction author I liked on the Kindle Unlimited app and have been working my way through her books. I really enjoyed The Secret of the Villa Alba and The Lost Notebook by Louise Douglas. I’ve just started in on The House by the Sea.
On My TV This Week
Do I want to talk about the football game last week? I do not. Not even sure what I’ll have time to watch this week. Probably whatever streaming service shows fit my mood. Today’s rainy weather has me in a zombie mood so I plan to check out The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon later.
On My Menu
Menu planning has become interesting because until J gets his license, we are on the road at dinner/cooking times every day due to his schedule.
MONDAY: spaghetti, meatballs, garlic toast
TUESDAY: chicken strips, oven baked potato chips
WEDNESDAY: roast in the crock pot *MNO for me!*
THURSDAY: sausage/green beans/new potatoes (maybe in crock pot?)
FRIDAY: Husband’s choice *I work 7-3:30*
Looking Around The House
Let’s not do that today.
On My To-Do List
Please don’t judge if I say everything from last week plus:
- Take J to take his driver’s test
- Post office for stamps (I also need to write some letters)
- Laundry (in progress at least)
- Another blog post about our Nashville trip
- I don’t even know but I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting
From The Camera
Aren’t surprise flowers the best? Didn’t expect this clematis (a garden center rescue) to bloom again this year!
Dragonfly I spotted while I was out watering one day last week.
Happy bumblebee on my bargain zinnias. (Unpopular opinion: I’ve bought them plenty of times in the fall but I’m just not a huge fan of mums. Did you know zinnias will also bloom until the first frost? I was really excited to see these and may have bought a few more than I really needed).
Quote For The Week
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (John 14:27)