My last week of a full-time schedule started today. Am I counting down a bit now? Maybe. I’ve enjoyed it but I’m ready to go back to being a part-time substitute for a bit.
As always, I’m joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom where her Happy Homemaker Monday posts help plan my weeks.
The Weather
It’s been so hot but last night it stormed a bit and then, again a bit this morning. Right now, it feels fantastic outside. It’s 81 degrees and partly cloudy (I see lots more clouds than blue sky). There’s a chance for more rain tomorrow and Wednesday plus the heat is supposed to return. Not sure if we’ll get more heat advisory weather.
As I Look Outside My Window
Not exactly outside my window or current but on Saturday, we had two Belted Kingfisher birds in the yard! New sighting for around here. Not sure why they were so far from water (there is a pond at the end of the street though I’ve never seen any around there).
Right Now
I’m working on this post and enjoying a rare Monday where we don’t have to run to J’s lesson. He competed in a music competition on Saturday and rated so well that we had to return on Sunday for him to play an encore with an audience and get his award. The small band he plays in also competed and did very well.
Thinking And Pondering

At the moment, I’m wondering how I’m going to get to work a half-hour earlier for the rest of the week. Schedule changes from being there at 8AM to getting there at 7:30AM. I can do it but it’s going to be painful after being so used to my current schedule.
How I Am Feeling Today
A little tired, rainy days are nice when I’m at home to enjoy them. At school, however, they mean stuck inside with changes to the routine. And mud when we did go outside. It was just a rather long day. It was nice to come home and see my husband had already started dinner. That made me happy.
On The Breakfast Plate
I had a croissant with some cherry jam and one slice of bacon (leftover from yesterday).
On The Lunch Plate
It was hot dog day at school so that’s what I had along with chips and apple slices. Plus some grapes and a granola bar on my work break.
On The Dinner Plate
Korean meatballs and rice
What I Am Wearing Today
I’ve changed into jean shorts but I wore a short-sleeved purple shirt and light striped linen pants to work. Plus socks and tennis shoes.
On My Reading Pile
Over the weekend, I had a quick read of my Prime first reads choice from July (barely squeezed it in!). I picked To Die For by Lisa Gray. A fun murder mystery with some surprising twists at the end. And I’m still working through Intuitive Eating and Soulful Simplicity (not sure how I got so sidetracked from it!).
On My TV This Week
I mostly have a log of shows I want to watch next week when I’m not so busy. My Doctor Who episodes, season 2 of Dark Winds, The Mario Movie, season 3 of Only Murders in the Building. For now, I’ve been watching House Hunters International because I enjoy seeing the different styles of houses from around the world. And the mystery of disconnect between the people who have no jobs and their home buying/renting budget.
On The Menu
While I’m a summer person, this heat wave has me ready for some fall menus. And our grill broke on Saturday! Thankfully, it was nothing serious and my husband has already repaired it. However, I planned the menu this week without relying on it.
MONDAY: Korean meatballs and rice *I worked 8-4:30*
TUESDAY: Ham steaks, sweet potatoes *I work 7:30-3:45* *J has a recital at 7*
WEDNESDAY: Copycat Chik-Fil-A and waffle fries*I work 7:30-3:45*
THURSDAY: Fish sticks and ??? *I work 7:30-3:45*
FRIDAY: French Toast with fresh fruit *I work 7:30-3:45*
Looking Around The House
Probably don’t want to do that today. I didn’t get very far with my cleaning motivation this weekend. Look, a squirrel!
On My To Do List
I don’t even know…
- Get some fall garden plants in the ground
- Measure the flower pots of plants that need repotted/to come inside in cooler weather
- Laundry is mostly done
- This post/blog visiting
- ???? I’m sure there’s something…oh, clean up the living room.
From The Camera
Photos are a mix of phone and “real” camera pictures.
The sunflowers blooming at my work. Why can’t I grow sunflowers like this at home?
Is it even the end of July/start of August if the “naked ladies” aren’t dancing? Also known as surprise lilies. In our backyard.
On My Prayer List
My father-in-law as he’s having back surgery on Wednesday, the homeless and others who are dealing with this extreme weather from super hot to rain can’t be much fun, friends, family, and strangers.