Author: jehdld

Back From Vacation

We’ve been on vacation if you were wondering. Tuesday through Saturday at Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri. Except we came home on Friday instead.

It was a trip to celebrate J’s graduation. Most of it was fine, our lodging was just very cramped and we were all ready to be at home in our own house and our own rooms and sleep in our own beds. The little gray cat was certainly not disappointed to see us a day early.

Of course, I have more photos and I’ll do a proper vacation briefing type post soon. Just thought I’d pop this little note here for now and go catch up with a few blogs while tackling that mountain of vacation laundry!

Have you ever cut an out of town vacation short?


Wishing The Weight Away

Guess what? It’s so unfair. Turns out wishing the weight away doesn’t work. SIGH.

Here’s what I’m currently doing along with all the wishing:

A while back, I saw a $9 trial (probably on Instagram, I’m a sucker for those ads…) and after much consideration/research, I took a chance on this company. I was pleasantly surprised that I liked the taste of the shakes. Caramel sundae is my favorite as there’s a recipe to turn it into a caramel macchiato. Currently, I’m only replacing one meal (breakfast) a day with the shakes.

Before I share what else I’m doing, I’ll share a few notes on this company:

Honestly, I was a bit surprised by it. It is a little pricey once you leave behind the 9 dollar trials but I was able to get a 9 dollar trial of the shakes, the lemonade, the reds (my only YUCK here), and the greens (I do like what G refers to as my “Shrek puke water”).

Each time I ordered a trial they sent me a $10 off gift card (pretty much covers shipping but hey!)

Most trials come with a free shaker cup some of which are really nice. However, I mix my shakes/smoothies (?I don’t know what to call them) in a Ninja blender. Can’t think the shaker cup would mix it up well enough…noticed some people thought the shakes were chalky and I think that’s probably why. Use a blender.

They don’t seem to bombard me with email. I get some but not any more email than I get from say Pottery Barn (probably less!).

And I don’t care but if you’re curious to try it, I do have a referral code:  Here

Think it might get us an extra discount but I’m not sure. I’m not selling anything here, just sharing something that I like and seems to be working for me.

Or you can just check you their site on your own. If you decide to buy something, make sure to hit one time purchase to avoid auto ship but I found it very clear on their site how to do the one time thing.

Enough of the sales pitch/review of 310.

Here’s What Else I’m Currently Doing:

Wishing the weight away, ha! Note, some of these I just started doing in the last couple of days.

  • Breakfast shake in the morning. The loud blender doesn’t seem to wake the kids.
  • Keeping myself busy and away from the tv. For some reason, tv=eat for me.
  • I’ve downloaded a 5 minute yoga app that I’m trying. How can just 5 minutes of yoga be so hard?
  • Going slow…giving myself grace. Remembering I didn’t start out exercising 2 hours a night when I was in my 20’s (And no, I have no plans to go back to working out 2 hours every day, too much)
  • Not eating anything after 6 PM.
  • Trying to drink more water with the lemonade/greens stuff

And this morning, the scale was actually starting to inch back to the scary number I surpassed at some time.

I’ll lose that baby weight some time! Hopefully, before they get married and have babies of their own. Ha.

Are you on a healthy journey? What things are you trying?

Happy Homemaker Monday, Tuesday Style

Worked yesterday, took J to his lesson, and was just wiped out when I came home. So my planning post is going up today. Guess that makes today Happy Homemaker Tuesday?

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Go visit if you’ve not discovered her wonderful blog yet.

The Weather

Glorious! Right now it’s 72 and sunny. Just perfect outdoor weather. Of course, after some much needed rain on both Saturday and Sunday, it’s still a little too wet here to do much in my yard. If I get to keep my day off tomorrow, it’ll be a mowing/planting/tending plants kind of day. It inches up into the mid to high 80’s for the rest of the week with more rain chances on Friday and Saturday (still needed here)

As I Look Outside My Window

Mr. Hummingbird was a bit upset with me earlier as his feeder was empty. All fixed now. Other birds fed as well. Watched a cute little Carolina wren wreck some havoc on my plants sitting on the deck. Too cute to be overly upset.

Right Now

Taking a quick minute to get this post written before carrying on with an entirely too long list of errands and chores.

Thinking And Pondering

Wondering how I ended up with exactly 9, yes NINE, days off for the rest of the summer. Not counting weekends. I mean that would be great if I was working a full-time job but I’m a substitute! SIGH. My own fault, I need to be better about carving out days off and standing firm on it when I do (as you can guess, I cave in on that one a lot).

Feeling a bit more grateful each day that my husband wanted me take a year before committing to working full-time again. And that we are in a position that I can do that right now.

How I Am Feeling

Jane, stop this crazy thing!  I know not everyone will get the reference but I bet a few who are also wondering where their flying cars are will know which cartoon it comes from. Answer at bottom of post 🙂

On The Breakfast Plate

I had a caramel macchiato 310 breakfast shake. And extra coffee with coconut milk when I first woke up (undecided on the coconut milk)

On The Lunch Plate

Made J a pepper,onion, little bit of bacon, and cheese frittata for his breakfast so it’s going to be my lunch.

On The Dinner Plate

Chicken spaghetti though I’ll probably eat my husband’s cheese free kind (he hates yellow cheese)

What I’m Wearing Today

Purple plain (hooray!) tee shirt, jeggings, and my leopard print slip on shoes

On My Reading Pile

Just finished up my prime first reads which turned out to be very good, Call The Canaries Home by Laura Barrow. (Had to put myself back on the waitlist for The End of the World is just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan since renewal wasn’t an option…). And just started a lighter read, The Villa Mimosa by Rosemary Whittaker.

On My TV This Week

Watched too many Dr. Who episodes on Sunday (the episodes were all connected, so I won’t watch it again for 2 weeks to get back to my one a week plan). Yesterday, I watched Summer Baking Championship. Seems most our shows have ended so….not sure what I’ll watch this week if anything.

On My Menu

Question: For those of you who have used a meal box service, which one would you suggest? I’m looking for one to get 2-3 meals a week the boys/young adults (ha) could make?

MONDAY: My husband made hamburgers and sweet potato fries *I worked 8:30-5* *J had a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Chicken spaghetti

WEDNESDAY: Gordon Ramsay pork chops, potatoes, and salad

THURSDAY: ?? *I work 7:30-3:45*

FRIDAY: ?? *I work 7:30-3:45*

Looking Around The House

I need 2-3 days alone to really clean it but since that’s not going to happen, sigh…just close your eyes?

On My To Do List

You know those shows where they unroll a scroll and it just keeps going….that’s what my to do list feels like though I’m sure it’s not that bad…

  1. Grocery store (I couldn’t get it together yesterday to go…not even for the gas discount)
  2. Target for new shower curtain liner
  3. Dollar Tree for straws, it’s dumb but I have to have a bendy straw if I have a breakfast shake
  4. Pay bills
  5. Call/text friend regarding if she’ll watch the cat on an upcoming family vacation
  6. Planning for family vacation
  7. Always Laundry
  8. Figure out meals for upcoming vacation. It’s next week 😉
  9. Help/encourage J to write more graduation thank you notes (a process, SIGH)
  10. Clean.The.House. Also, I’m working on a household binder for the kids to use in July
  11. Father’s Day gifts!!!????
  12. Write and schedule some blog posts, I’m determined to do this one!

From The Camera

Not as exciting as last week, just sprinkled in photos of my flowers. In flower excitement, my daylilies bloomed! Last year they did not so I was excited to see these again.

Quote For The Week

Found on Pinterest, Source: Your Coffee Guru


Jane, stop this crazy thing! reference:

Here’s the whole theme song if you need the nostalgia today:

Catching Up A Bit

It’s been a lazy, rainy (hooray) Saturday around here. One of those kinds that not much of anything gets accomplished. I do have some laundry going in the washer. And we ran to Sam’s Club this morning where I picked up a few summer tops. Time to have some tee-shirts that aren’t advertising a school event.

On and off, I’ve tried to catch up on some blogs, looked at my emails (so many), and debated my Old Navy shopping cart. Downloaded a silly fashion battle game on my phone, then uninstalled it as I realized how much of a time suck it could be. Plus, so many ads!

Randomness From This Past Week

    • Yesterday, a kid told me he needed a pink cupcake. Um, me, too. Poor guy was having a hard time adjusting (possibly some underlying issues) and won’t be back. Kind of sad but it does happen sometimes. He’s got great potential for somewhere that can give him the one on one attention he needs.
    • On Thursday, I went for a very overdue eye-appointment (I was overdue before the pandemic so…) and was happy to find out my eyes are still in decent shape, my Rx changed very little. I think my job saved me there, no looking at a computer screen all the time. And I went ahead and splurged on a pair of prescription sunglasses as well. Oh, and technology can be amazing. No puffs of air, no need for getting my eyes dilated (cool photos of eye-balls to see even).
    • My schedule changed and I don’t have to work in the kitchen next week. Woohoo! Happy about that one.
    • My poor garden and flowers are not as pretty as they should be. My butterfly garden is a mess but the lavender is blooming. And we are so behind on planting things (okra) this year. However, we’ve had longer days of summer reaching into fall the past few years so that may save us.
    • Last night, I watched We’re The Millers on Netflix. How had I never seen that one? So funny! Definitely not one for young kiddos though! And now I have Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls song stuck in my head.

(P.S. Since Jason Sudeikis was the lead in the movie, I should mention I read where they might be making a Ted Lasso spinoff!!)



Back to Work Today

Thought I’d try to get back into the Blog365 a bit. (Still sharing random pictures from the weekend trip)

Today, I had to go back to work. The weekend was nice. We got back on Sunday but I’m so glad I took yesterday off as well. Had no idea how badly I needed just a day at home to regroup and have no obligations. Well, outside of taking J to his lesson but I don’t mind that at all.

At Work

I had to sub in the kitchen today. Ugh. Except it wasn’t too bad today. Made more sunbutter and jelly sandwiches than you want to know. Then, they asked me to step into a classroom for the rest of the afternoon. That was nice to get to be out around the kids a bit. Back in the kitchen again tomorrow.

Another easy kitchen day, I have to make hot dogs (lots of ’em) and slice apples but that’s it. I’ll still be wishing I was out with the kids though.

At Home

Came home tonight and made a decently accepted dinner of potato, onion, pepper, and sausage hash. Tomorrow, someone else can be in charge of dinner. Then, checked on the gardens….tomorrow will be a watering day.

Rest of My Week

The second half of the week is still busy. I’m excited that I finally made myself an eye appointment to get some new glasses. That happens Thursday morning. So overdue on so many things that I need to do for myself. Then, J has an afternoon appointment, and I have a tiny amount of work. More work on Friday but thankfully, in the classroom.

Not much else going on around here….just looking for some more lazy summer days. Not sure I’m going to find any until the weekend.





Happy Homemaker Monday, It’s June

My June started with a quick little girlfriend weekend getaway to the Ozark mountain area in southern Missouri. Lampe, Missouri to be exact. So, I’ll be sprinkling pictures from our trip throughout this post.

This morning was spent trying to catch up on all the things before yet another somewhat busy work week.

Still, I wanted to make sure to take time today and join in for Happy Homemaker Monday hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Summer is “officially” right around the corner. It’s hot and humid. Today is a poor air quality day (we get those sometimes) with an expected high of 88, small chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. I still watered everything. Rest of the week is supposed to have highs in the upper 80’s as well.

As I Look Outside My Window

(This is the only picture from here. I was releasing a lost ladybug back into the garden and stumbled on the crow family. I think these are the younger ones)

Right Now

I’m finishing up the laundry, working on this post, have a few too many tabs open on the computer, and am trying to figure out how to talk my husband into ordering a hotel mattress for our bed. (The current one is bothering us both).

Thinking And Pondering

I wasn’t able to keep up with some friends (not everyone went) on a hiking trail and it made me so mad (not at them, at myself for being so out of shape). The trail was very steep but still.

The trail was twice the incline of this road, super steep but still…

My weight has gotten very out of hand the past few years. Stress eater + lots o’ stress = not good news. Started with a nutrition shake this morning from 310 Nutrition. Probably share more about what I’m planning to do anyway in a different post. Especially as I’m still trying to figure things out with it all.

How I Am Feeling


Honestly? Fat and out of shape. Tired and grumpy. And like I need a few more vacations very soon.

On The Breakfast Plate

A 310 Nutrition shake made with the vanilla flavor, cup of coffee, banana, ice, and tablespoon of cocoa. It’s a recipe. Calls for the caramel flavor really but vanilla worked fine.

On The Lunch Plate

Great question, maybe another shake? Not really hungry.

On The Dinner Plate

Taco salads is the plan for tonight

What I’m Wearing

S.T.A.R. labs t-shirt, very old jean shorts, and leopard print slip on shoes.

On My Reading Pile

I was struggling with The End of the World is Just the Beginning so I put it down for a bit. Picked up Pines: Wayward Pines: 1 by Blake Crouch, barely started it.

On My TV

Finished both Barry (mixed feelings) and Ted Lasso (no comment on whether I cried throughout a lot of the last episode) last week. Probably just my Doctor Who episode and some cooking shows this week.  Oh and I almost forgot, I sat and watched Scott Pilgrim vs the World with G last night. I’d never seen it, so funny! (It’s the kind of super stupid comedy I love).

On My Menu This Week

It worked out well having the boys each take a night to cook last week so I’m doing that again this week.

MONDAY: taco salads *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Sausage, pepper, potato, and onion hash *I work 8-3*

WEDNESDAY: G is in charge of bacon wrapped chicken *I work 8-3*

THURSDAY: J’s choice. I still need to get with him about what he wants to make *J has an appt at 1* *I work 3-4:30, as a favor for a teacher*

FRIDAY: biscuit BLT’s (BLT’s on biscuits with lettuce from the garden) *I work 8-4:30*

Looking Around The House

It was surprisingly tidy when I got home yesterday. However, I still need to do the basic cleaning.

On My To Do List

Sometimes I feel like this could be its own post.

  1. Laundry *In progress*
  2. Grocery store *DONE*
  3. Water flowers/garden *DONE*
  4. Clean hummingbird feeder/replace food *DONE*
  5. Sort/Pay bills if needed *DONE*
  6. Make eye appointment for new glasses
  7. Clean house
  8. Research deals for upcoming family vacation
  9. Need to pot some plants
  10. Whatever I’m forgetting

From The Camera

Pictures from Dogwood Canyon in Lampe, MO. It’s a park created by Johnny Morris (the founder of Bass Pro Shops). We took a tram ride as well as walked the grounds and some of the trails, very beautiful place.

I think this is a dickcissel (spotted at the George Washington Carver national monument in Diamond, MO)

Quote For The Week

The finite mind of man can never grasp the mysteries of the infinite. It is the highest wisdom as it is our great happiness to accept our limitations to use what we have and leave the rest to God.                                             (George Washington Carver)

Few Words For Wednesday

Not sure I can master wordless so we’ll call this one Few Words Wednesday instead.

My view out the front door at about 5:45 a.m.  Not even ten minutes later, a gentle downpour from the sky.

Today, I’m off to work another long day. Ended up working 9:30 to 6:30 yesterday and arrived a bit early at that. Today, I don’t plan on being there one minute prior to 9:30. So much I could say about my current work and the ongoing changes at the preschool.  Suffice it to say I had lots of aggravations yesterday.

Perhaps I’ll share all my thoughts, so many, in a post on a different day. Hopefully, today will be better.


Four Things From May

Thought I’d try a new link up as a way to get back to posting more than once a week again. Really want to get back to the Blog365 idea despite my little unplanned hiatus.

Stacy over at A Homemaker’s Heart mentioned joining in this link up over at Overflowing With Thankfulness and it looked so fun. I decided to play along as well!

The idea is to share 4 somethings that you loved, learned, read, and ate in the month. So, here I go!



That J decided to walk at his graduation ceremony. There’s something so special about watching your child graduate high school. The high school did it completely different than they used to back in the pre-pandemic days of 2019 (when G graduated) but it was okay.

If you’ve read the blog for any amount of time, you know it was a rocky road (and not the good ice cream kind) to get there. I am just so proud of him for sticking with it through a pandemic, constant school policy changes, and mental health issues (anxiety and depression).

Bonus item for this category: I also loved and am still loving that he wants to get his driver’s license. It almost feels as if we’re starting to make up for a bit of lost time.


I’m sure I learned something during the month of May. Hmmm…..

That things work out the way they are meant to in the end.

Ran into a friend in the grocery store having what seemed like similar issues with her daughter who’s a year behind J. And was able to share some information with her. Information that I had to search out continuously during the past 3 1/2 years. Felt nice to be able to help if only by sharing a tiny bit of hard to find information.


My favorite read of the month was definitely one of my most recent ones. I enjoyed the Tom Felton biography, Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard so much.

Really, I liked it a lot better than Spare. Maybe because it felt more down to Earth and I related to it better than reading about royalty. And the ending is quite a bit more positive than the ending of Spare.


Lots of good things from an amazing strawberry shortcake at a Mom’s Night Out gathering to ice cream cake for J’s graduation to chocolate cake for G’s birthday. And lots of ice cream. Too much ice cream. Is there such a thing? No. Not such a thing as too much bread either. That’s probably the most memorable thing I ate.

A parent brought in a wonderful loaf of round bread and butter for the teachers one day last week. Said their family had been at the lake during Teacher Appreciation Week. Oh, the bread was so good. I thought she got it from Panera or somewhere but later found out she made it! It was that kind of bread that’s hard and crusty on the outside and then has those pillowy holes in the texture on the inside. I was happy to be subbing in the classroom when she brought that in for us all.

Her 3rd kiddo graduated pre-k this  year. Such a nice family, sorry we won’t see them at the school any more.


This fun link up can be found right here. I think the link is open through the end of the month if you want to join in the fun.

Happy Homemaker Monday, Memorial Day

Still not sure  how I got so far away from posting every day to hardly posting. Wait, yes, I do know. Life got busy! And it’s not going to slow down much this week either. However, today is a holiday Monday so I have time to post this morning.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom as always.

The Weather

Well, I watered all my flower and the garden this morning and now it looks like it might rain. Pretty sure it wasn’t in the forecast. It’s currently 79 degrees and switching between sun and clouds. (Sprinkled just a bit as I was coming home from the store but by the time I arrived, sun was shining and it felt hot). Looks like there’s around a 50% chance of rain all week starting tomorrow with highs in the mid to upper 80’s.

As I Look Outside My Window

Over the weekend, I chased a catbird around with the camera (very shy, hard to capture on camera!). And this morning, I spotted a bluebird! First time I’ve ever seen one in my own backyard. Too slow with the camera. Not sure if I’ll see one again. Keep checking with no luck.

Right Now

I’ve just returned from the grocery store and sat down to continue writing this post. I did put most the groceries away first.

Thinking And Pondering

Still thinking about the catbirds (there were 2!) as well as the bluebird that I saw this morning. How whenever I feel a little lost or down, I almost always spot a different bird. And how I believe they are signs. On the morning of J’s graduation, I spotted a brown thrasher, only one I’ve seen this year, and it happened to have been my mom’s favorite bird. Hummingbirds were my late mother-in-law’s favorites and very recently, J saw one just hovering right outside our front windows almost like it was looking inside (nowhere near our feeders). 

And I have a feeling my late father might have sent the bluebird since they are a symbol for happiness and hope.

How I Am Feeling

A tiny bit overwhelmed. Who me? Put off all my have-to’s until the very last day of the weekend? Not me! SIGH.

On The Breakfast Plate

J and I had McDonald’s. We’ve been talking about getting it forever and finally both remembered on the same day. I had 2 breakfast burritos and a coffee.

On The Lunch Plate

Not sure yet. Probably some leftover chicken from yesterday.

On The Dinner Plate

Ribs (found some already cooked in freezer), hot dogs, cucumber salad, maybe corn on the cob, fruit

What I’m Wearing Today

Navy blue t shirt, jean shorts, and leopard print slip on shoes

On My Reading Pile

Finished The Outsider by Stephen King over the weekend. Looks like they made a series for it on HBO or Max (whatever they call it now). Pretty good book but a little scary, not sure I’ll watch the series, might though. Now I’ve started The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan.  Barely into the book but interesting non-fiction so far.

On My TV This Week

Need to finish watching The Dungeons and Dragons movie, it’s on Paramount + and wasn’t bad but I started it too late and fell asleep. Barry, Dr. Who, the last episode of Ted Lasso.  Started watching Locke and Key, binging my way through that one.

On The Menu

Are you even surprised to hear it’s another busy week for me? And a busy week for my husband as well. Putting 2 young adults in charge of a few dinners. And we have a freezer full of frozen pizza for any dinner emergencies.

MONDAY: ribs (from freezer, already cooked) and hot dogs, cucumber salad

TUESDAY: French Toast (G is in charge of this meal) *I work 9:30-6*

WEDNESDAY: Poutine (J wanted to try this….I’m still a little iffy about it) *I work 9:30-6*

THURSDAY: Roast in the slow cooker *I work 9:30-6*

FRIDAY: Husband’s choice (I’m out of town for a girlfriend weekend getaway)

Looking Around The House

The helium balloons from J’s graduation last Saturday are still going strong! And I have a lot of cleaning to do today. Want to get it in some sort of order before this crazy busy week.

On My To Do List

(For the week)

  1. Water garden/outdoor flowers *DONE*
  2. Grocery store *DONE*
  3. Pay Bills due at end of month
  4. Laundry
  5. Still need to order graduation announcements *DONE*
  6. Bake quiches to take on trip (I’m in charge of breakfasts)
  7. Pack for trip/decide what I’m wearing to work this week
  8. Mow the lawn
  9. Clean the entire house
  10. Get gas for the car (waiting to see if it goes down a bit after holiday)

From The Camera

Walking around yesterday, I took notice of things in the yard on the verge of blooming…

Quote For The Week

Seems appropriate to share this poem today:

In Flanders fields the poppies blow  
Between the crosses, row on row,  
That mark our place; and in the sky  
The larks, still bravely singing, fly  
Scarce heard amid the guns below.  
–John McCrae (1872–1918) 



