Author: jehdld

One Of Those Days

This is just a quick post for the Blog 365. I’ll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

Today was one of those days.  A full moon kind of day, I guess.

Kids were a little crazy but we had low numbers so it wasn’t awful. Statewide tornado drill none of us knew was going to happen, fun. Animal guy presentation, teachers did know this one, and the kids were squirrelly (ha, no pun intended) even for him. Afternoon went better.

Didn’t come home to the best news (not really in the mood to elaborate, sorry to be vague).

Started raining this afternoon. Made chicken and noodles for dinner instead of the planned chicken parmigiana. We forgot to eat the strawberry pie for dessert last night so are having it tonight.

And now off to do something to recharge for hopefully, a better day tomorrow.


Day 65/365



Happy Homemaker Monday, Marvelous March

Welcome to March! It’s been way too kind to us so far.

Almost feel as if this post should come with a trigger warning for those of you suffering from spring fever. Consider yourselves warned.

Now, let’s get on with planning this week by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather 

Our second day in a row with sunshine and warm temperatures. Yesterday was just unbelievable, 72 degrees! Oh, I didn’t even know how much my soul needed to be out working around the yard in that sunshine.

Least you get too jealous, after today’s predicted high of 61, the temps fall. We’re back to highs in the mid to upper 40’s with rain showing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I’ll be shocked if we get that much rain though.

As I Look Outside My Window

I see sunshine!!

Thinking And Pondering 

Yesterday’s church sermon on consumerism versus the simple life Jesus led. Probably not the best summary but the message spoke to me. Had me thinking about how often I’ve been buying things I don’t really need.

On My Bedside Table

The usual, lamp and phone charger. Of course, I’m not sure what’s in the drawer. And I also have some sweaters to put away stacked on the open shelving part.  I also keep my camera in the open shelving part.

On My TV Tonight

A rare free Monday night here. If The Voice is on tonight, I might watch it. If not, no idea.

On My Reading Pile

Finished If It Bleeds by Stephen King and haven’t started anything new yet. Probably need to check the due date on the My Hygge Home book. Might just spend some time looking at my magazines and garden catalogs this week.

Listening To

Washing machine spin cycle.

On The Lunch Plate

Possibly a grilled cheese maybe with tomato soup

On The Dinner Plate

Grilled pork chops, asparagus, baked potatoes

On The Menu This Week

Not too much going on this week.

MONDAY: Grilled Pork Chops, Asparagus, Baked Potatoes, and I think I’m making a strawberry pie

TUESDAY: Chicken Parmigiana (precooked chicken patties) , salad *I work 8:15-3:45*

WEDNESDAY: Roast in the Crock Pot

THURSDAY: Husband’s Choice *Mom’s Night Out* *I work 2:30-6*

FRIDAY: Chicken and Noodles

SATURDAY/SUNDAY IDEAS: Leftovers/Chili/Burgers/Hot Dogs/ OUT

On My To Do List 

Lots of things. We’ll see how many happen today…this is more of a for the week list.

  1. Call trash company about getting some yard waste stickers
  2. Wash all the bedding
  3. Replace the Terro in the pantry/bathroom (trying to get ahead of the spring ants)
  4. Make a potential meal list from items in the pantry and freezer (both need a good clearing)
  5. Prep fruit and veggies in fridge
  6. Pick the blooming daffodils before the freezing weather arrives
  7. Buy cat food (need to check our local Target for this)
  8. Clean the house
  9. Get more starter trays to start veggie seeds
  10. Make a strawberry pie

Plans This Week

Get all the bedding washed and changed over (both boys still have flannel sheets on their beds), Go to Mom’s Night Out, and do a little Spring Break planning (it’s next week)

What I’m Creating 

Nothing currently, just starting to think of what I want to plant in the front yard flower garden and on the front porch.

Simple Pleasure


Looking Around The House 

Um, don’t you want to look around the yard instead? I can show you our blooming daffodils?

It’s even nice enough we can sit on the front porch bench though there aren’t any blooming flowers yet.

From The Camera

As you can hopefully tell, I did pick the camera up a bit more often last week.

Quote For The Week

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21) 


Day 64/365



Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. (John C. Maxwell)


Every flower must grow through dirt. (Laurie Jean Sennott)


It is okay if you are growing differently than expected. (Danica Gim)


The things that bury you may also be the soil where you bloom.  (Our Mindful Life)


Quotes from Pinterest, The Health Sessions, GoodReads, and Our Mindful Life.


Day 63/365

Morning With A Cold

Not too much to share today. Just a post here to make sure there’s something on here every day.

No, I’m not sick. If you are a cat owner, have you ever suffered from the COLD?

Although the sun is shining now, the morning started off cloudy and drizzly. Making a day with the COLD quite welcome. I’m not sure there’s a cure for the COLD. And really why would  you want one?

COLD= Cat On Lap Disease

In comparison with the other ailment with the same name, this COLD is actually quite pleasant. Sometimes even comes with soothing sound effects.

That’s it for today, not much happened due to the COLD, does tend to impact one’s productivity. Managed to get a couple loads of laundry set before it happened. And finished my book. Reading is a lovely companion when a COLD finds you. We’re off to dinner later tonight and I need to go do a few things prior to that.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!


Day 62/365

Entertaining Escapes

Sometimes you just need to escape for a bit. And without a Bahama vacation on the horizon, I have to find other means. My favorite form of escape is reading. Funny to think that after reading voraciously for years, a few years ago I had just stopped. I’m so glad I picked this habit up again.

Anyway, here’s a little peek into my current and past escapes from the past few weeks.

Let’s start, obviously, with books.


I’ve been working my way through the book pictured. It’s actually a collection of short stories. The first one is Mr. Harrigan’s Phone, a Netflix movie made from it. Not sure why it was considered movie worthy as I’m finding the other stories to be far more interesting. Enough so that I’ll forgive Mr. King for apparently having no clue what states comprise the Midwest.

My other fun reads have been from Kimberly Belle. She writes pretty good suspense novels though I think so far The Personal Assistant definitely is my favorite. All her books seem to be set in Atlanta and have a pretty decent twist. By the third one I read, I expected the twist.

Moving on…

My Game

I feel as though I should preface this by saying I do play Wordle every morning.

And this game does have a puzzle element (my youngest son quickly points out it is luck but I do think there’s a bit of skill involved in the match 3 type games). It’s not as mindless as it seems. Or maybe it is and I just don’t care.

I’m not sure if I’d love this game as much if I were playing on a tablet as opposed to a small cellphone. Maybe. As I tell my family, it’s really like 3 games in one. First, there’s the match 3 levels you must win to get the coins for the makeover portion. And then, there’s the makeover portion. I recently “helped” an astrophysicist with a new look and an apartment makeover. You get to makeover both the person and their living quarters or office. And then, you also get to makeover your avatar and their dressing room.

There’s an option for other locales, I have the beach house. However, I lucked into a “sale” on that where I had enough gemstones. The other locales take more gemstones than I could get without spending real dollars. And I’m too cheap to do that.

Finally, let’s move on to the bigger screen known as TV.

Movies and TV Shows

First, I have no idea why in the beginning of March I’m on a scary book and tv show watching binge. That is so unlike me. However, these were really good.


Actually, this probably doesn’t qualify as scary. My husband turned this on last Saturday. And I threatened that I might not be able to sleep. I slept just fine. Pure entertainment.

Oh my, it was so funny! I’m not sure if it was meant to be. Had to get on my husband for cheering for the killer doll. It’s at the theaters but I’m glad we were able to stream it on Peacock. We were laughing out loud at this one.

The Watcher

This is a Netflix one based on a true story. I just wanted something short (it has just 7 episodes) and accidently found myself sucked into this story. Family moves into a super expensive house in New Jersey and starts getting super creepy letters from someone calling themselves “The Watcher.”  The whole show has a super creepy but engaging vibe to it. I was busy trying to solve the case. Let me know if you watch/have watched this one.

Regular TV Shows

Masked Singer is back so I’m happy about that one. If you do watch, is it just me or are they way over hyping Medusa’s talent?  Next Level Chef usually holds my attention but I’m struggling with it this season, not sure why.

And I did actually catch La Brea this week. Oh my, that doesn’t disappoint. I love that I can say, hey they’ve got time travel, saber tooth tigers, now all they need is a….and there it is! Ha. I might have to find a way to catch up a bit though as I was rather lost on some parts of it.

Classic Movies

After watching Megan, we did also watch Tommy Boy. Not sure why my husband added it, maybe to keep me from being scared from the first movie (I wasn’t). Tommy Boy is one of my all-time favorites though so I stayed up a bit late watching the whole thing. (My husband fell asleep)

J, my non-movie kid, walked through the living room while I was watching and said at least he’d seen that one. So, it reminded me of some other classics the kids need to see. And tonight’s plan is a family movie night with another of my favorite “stupid” comedies: Dodgeball. 

What are some of your favorite (or recent) escapes with games, books, and movies or tv shows?


Day 61/365

Not A Very Exciting Day

Today wasn’t a very exciting day. Here, let me tell you all about it. Nothing wrong with not very exciting. At all. Just a few small things to share about today.

The amaryllis bloomed.

Also, a hawk flew through the backyard while I was filling the bird feeders.

The cat took a nap.

A daffodil bloomed.

One of my house finches visited the feeder. I hadn’t seen my house finches in quite a while with so many sparrows hanging around the feeders.

I watched too much tv wrapped in a cozy blanket (it was cold outside) but it never rained despite the sky looking like this a lot today.

Other things today for which there are no photos: A lot of work texts, I’m now working the entire month of July. Some anniversary trip planning with the husband. A few texts about our upcoming dinner out on Saturday. Another about when to have the next Mom’s Night Out. An adult version of green eggs and ham for lunch (spinach, cheese, and ham omelette). An order delivery (Christmas present for the kids).

Nothing really noteworthy just typical daily life things around here.


Day 60/365




A Time Of Transitions

Happy March! It’s coming in like a lamb around here today. However, there is a lion hiding in the midst and a bit more winter weather arriving in the next two days. Let’s just start this post like I’ve started all the winter Wednesday posts with the weather.

The Weather 

Oh, how spring and summer are teasing us! It is, however, a bit of a chilly start this morning despite the bright sunshine. It’s currently 41 degrees with a feels like temperature of 34. It’s supposed to be in the upper 50’s by around 4 PM. Then, cooler tomorrow and the start of either rain or snow, they’re still deciding. One of the local meteorologist actually said on the news last night he’d tell us this afternoon whether we needed to buy up all the bread and milk. Ha!

So, moving on….this is one of my last 3 winter Wednesday posts. Time to transition out of winter and into spring.

Some Transitions Happening Around Here

Winter to Spring, of course.

I’m happy about that with the exception of Daylight Savings Time on March 12. Can I even say it often enough? The days already get longer and shorter! Leave the time alone, please.

Heavy to Healthy

I stepped on the scale this morning. Suffice it to say the number wasn’t a favorite. And was too high on the scale for me. Don’t you wish our winter weight would fall off as easily as all our beloved pets shed their winter coats? Of course, it doesn’t. So, instead I’m over here struggling with my desire to make Lucky Charms treats for March 1 versus the knowledge we should eat the rest of the clementines.

I’m probably going to transition my winter Wednesday posts over to wellness Wednesday posts with the start of spring. (Hopefully, the grocery store won’t mind me stealing their fancy phrase.) I know Rachel over at Living Better One Day At A Time does Weigh In Wednesdays. I’m afraid she’s so much braver than me to share her weight. I won’t be doing that on my Wednesdays. Just the healthy changes I’m implementing in hopes of shedding  losing some of my weight.

Did you know March used to be the start of the calendar year? So, I’m making my fresh start for a few things today.

(I’ll probably still make the Lucky Charms bars. It’s still winter and our pantry is in desperate need of a clear-out. Just perhaps eat only one instead of half the pan? That might work.)

Yet More School Changes For J

I’ve fallen back on the phrase my mom kept on her fridge so many times during these past few years:

What is it in the light of eternity?

While this is a good change (I hope), I am still a bit sad about all the things he missed. Amazing how two kids can have such different high school experiences. The high school diploma is always the end goal and he should get that in the end. Still, I think it’s okay to be sad that the path wasn’t the one we expected. (This is where I add: stupid pandemic!)

Transitions are tough even the good ones.

Still Winter

Despite all the transitions and talk of spring, I do keep reminding myself it’s still winter. So, I’ll still take time to sit under the warm fuzzy blanket on the cold days, watch a little too much television (occasionally), and have a hot chocolate if it snows. However, I am gambling and putting away all the super heavy sweaters away sometime in the next few weeks.

Are you anxious for the lighter, brighter days of spring? Or are you soaking in the last few weeks of winter? I think I’m somewhere in the middle, mainly because we’ve had such a mild winter. If it’d been a long, snow-filled one, my answer might differ.


Day 59/365







Words I’m Not Sharing

In going through our tubs in the basement, one of them contained items from my parents. Both my parents are gone. One of the items was a copy of the eulogy from my father’s funeral.

My dad has been gone 18 years this past August.  I thought I might share the words with you all today. They speak to his character and his willingness to do the right thing even when it was hard.  However, as I reflected on this, I decided against it.

The author of the eulogy was a firefighter who worked at the station where my dad was captain. He’s also no longer with us. And they are his words. So, I can’t ask permission to share from either of them. His words reference working as a black man at my father’s firestation during the integration of the fire department in 1958.

I really don’t think “Bird” would’ve minded. However, I’m not so sure about my father. He was a very private man. After he passed (as well as my mom), we found newspaper clippings of things my dad did, saving people from buildings, etc. that we never knew happened.

He served in WWII and I can only recall him only ever sharing one story about his experience with it. And it was a “lighter” story about a Sergeant yelling at them for making a foxhole too big and then, jumping in it with them when bombs started dropping.

So, I’ve opted not to share the words from my father’s eulogy with you after all. I will, however, end by sharing the bible verse contained within them:

A man that hath friends must show himself friendly. (Proverbs 18:24)



Day 58/365



Happy Homemaker Monday, Goodbye February!

Just two days left in February.

On Wednesday, we welcome in March and all it brings. Promises of green, spring, and the anticipation of a new season. Who’s ready? I’m definitely ready. Time to lighten up and move forward from the dark winter. (I’d say cold, dark winter but really we’ve had such a weird one that it’s hardly been cold or dark really.) 

However, for today, let’s just stick with planning the week ahead. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the fabulous link up.

The Weather

Yesterday was cloudy and misty, just a blah sleepy day. Today is kind of the same except it’s windy. We’re under a wind advisory until noon though I don’t think it’s that windy out there. We had some storms overnight so everything is still wet outside. It’s 51 which is pretty warm but doesn’t feel like it with the wind. I probably should’ve worn a coat to the store.

It’s supposed to be in the 60’s most of the week before going back to the mid 40’s on Thursday and Friday. I see a slight chance of rain/snow on Thursday when the cold front moves through. Does that mean March is coming in like a lamb or a lion? Hmmm….

As I Look Outside My Window

Cloudy skies, birds at the bird feeders.

Right Now

I’ve just returned from the grocery store and sat down to work on this post.

Thinking And Pondering

Quite a bit, some school changes for J. They’re for the better and mean he’ll graduate (thank you, God!) but it’s yet another transition. New things I want to do personally in March. Mainly some lifestyle changes I want to make. Time to get back in shape or at least be healthier.

On My Bedside Table

The usual, lamp and phone charger. It does hold my glasses and phone at night. Here’s something that is currently beside it by the window. My amaryllis about to bloom! This plant/flower is three years old.  Look how big it’s become.

This is sitting on our bedroom floor. I can’t fit the pot in the picture.

And yes, it started as just one of those bulbs you pick up at the garden centers around Christmas.

It goes outside every summer. And I’ve actually divided it twice though I’ve yet to see blooms from those plants.

On My TV Tonight

Probably not much. Today, I’ll watch a Dr. Who episode but probably not much else unless I decide to fold a bunch of laundry. Then, I’ll watch some episodes of You. 

Listening To

I can hear G moving around upstairs getting ready to go to class. Otherwise, it’s quiet in here.

On The Lunch Plate

Currently leaning toward a grilled hummus sandwich and chips

On The Dinner Plate

Korean Meatballs, rice, maybe green onion pancakes if I get ambitious.

On The Menu For This Week

The store sale said it was national strawberry day so strawberries were cheap!


MONDAY: Korean Meatballs, Green Onion Pancakes maybe *J has a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Taco Salads

WEDNESDAY: Chicken and spinach skillet dinner

THURSDAY: Hawaiian BBQ pork sandwiches, french fries

FRIDAY: Maybe waffles? Peanut butter pancakes?

SAT/SUN: OUT on Saturday, Roast in the Crock Pot on Sunday

On My Reading Pile

Over the weekend, I couldn’t put down a book called The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. I did have some suspicions about how it would turn out and disliked the ambiguous ending a bit but overall, pretty intriguing. The other book I read last week was called The Personal Assistant by Kimberly Belle. I enjoyed it enough to check out another book by the same author called My Darling Husband to read this week.

I’m also finally reading through My Hygge Home by Meik Wiking. It’s a “real” library book so I’m enjoying the pictures as much as the text. Thinking I’m going to need my own personal copy of it.

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Target for cat food
  3. Clean the house
  4. Laundry
  5. Sort out one shelf each in pantry/upstairs freezer
  6. Figure out J’s new school plan, it’s at a different school and I’m not sure of the times

Plans This Week

*whispers* This seems to be a slower week so no big plans. Maybe I’ll start some seeds as I didn’t do it over the weekend. We do have our once a month dinner/game night with friends on Saturday.

What I’m Creating

I shared this last week but look I did a diamond painting project! I’ll be looking for more of these in the future.

Simple Pleasure

Soft, warm blankets on cold, cloudy days.

Looking Around The House

Looks like a Monday after we were home all weekend.

From The Camera

More plants and flowers, of course.

Quote For The Week

Be a goldfish (Ted Lasso)

Explanation for those of you not familiar with the show:


Day 57/365

A Poem

While going through one of the tubs of basement stuff, I found a box of notecards. Most were old and in not great condition. Beyond salvageable. I did save a few. One small card from a company called Victorian Greetings.

This angel on the front:

Blank inside.

And this Emily Dickinson poem on the back:

Who has not found the heaven below,

Will fail of it above:

For angels rent the house next our’s

Wherever we remove. 

Seemed like a good thing to share on the last Sunday in February.


Day 56/365


