I know it’s silly but does it make anyone else happy that the new year started on a Sunday? The first four Saturdays of January make for perfect multiples of seven: 7, 14, 21, 28. Then, of course, it stops since there are 31 days in January.

Time to join in for the very first Happy Homemaker Monday of 2023. I was waiting to see if Sandra might’ve changed the categories for the new year but I need to go ahead and get my post up now. If they’ve changed, I’ll just change them next week. UPDATE: She did add a few new ones but like I said, I’ll catch up on that next week.
The Weather 
Yesterday was beautiful, sunny *almost* no coat weather. Today, however, is foggy and chilly. Rain predicted for later this afternoon. Looking forward to the free carwash! Should’ve seen the lines with the nice weather over the weekend. Right now, it’s 42 degrees with a predicted high of 57 later today. Then, we start sliding back down into the reality of winter temperatures. After tomorrow, highs are in the 30’s for the rest of the week. More chances of rain (high of 38) again on Saturday.
As I Look Outside My Window
I don’t see too much, pretty foggy right now. Have an electric candle in the window and a vanilla candle burning on top of the bookcase. Semi-cozy around the mess I suppose.
Right Now
Waiting for the washing machine to finish as I work on this post. It’s laundry day!
Thinking And Pondering 
About My word for the year and what to add to my list of 23 things I’d like to do in 2023. What the new year will bring.
How I Am Feeling This Morning 
I work the rest of this week, J returns to school tomorrow (praying it goes well) so basically some standard Sunday night anxiety tripled into Monday day anxiety. SIGH. Otherwise, not too bad.
Listening To
Washer and dryer down here. If I were upstairs, I’d hear the background of the local morning news my husband is watching.
On The Breakfast Plate
Lower sugar maple brown sugar instant oatmeal and a cookie (balance, right?), vitamins, coffee
On The Lunch Plate 
Probably leftover black-eyed peas and cornbread
On The Dinner Plate
I am not sure…need to ponder it as I work on this post
What I Am Wearing Today
long-sleeved black t-shirt, greenish color jeggings, tennis shoes
On My Reading Pile
Need to start a new book on my phone! Probably the first chapters of the Marie Kondo book, Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and another book I picked up at the library about being outdoors. Can’t recall the exact title but it’s about the concept of Friluftsliz, the Norwegian word for outdoor love. Something like that.
On My TV
Probably not much with my work schedule this week. Planning to watch one episode a week of the David Tennant Doctor Who episodes.
Over Christmas break, I finished watching Litvinenko on AMC+, it was interesting. And also White Lotus, can’t quite decide how I felt about that show. First season was better than the second. It was on HBOmax. And I watched a couple Netflix movies, Slumberland (really enjoyed it!) and Troll (fun, think it was supposed to be scary but was a bit silly).
And of course, yesterday, how about them…Chiefs! Actually, they were aggravating me. At one point after they got the lead, my husband turned to me and asked if I knew they were winning. We’re very spoiled by such a good team. And though it is a bit painful, most of KC has to say Go Bengals! (Just for tonight)
On The Menu 
And here we are at the category, I wanted to avoid. As usual, I really do need to go to the store but let’s see what I can manage from the fridge/freezer first.
MONDAY: Roast in the crockpot *J has baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Chicken strips *I work 8-4:30*
WEDNESDAY: Pork chops, baked potatoes *I work 8-4:30*
THURSDAY: Pepper steak *I work 8-4:30*
FRIDAY: Turkey of some sort, sweet potatoes *I work 8-4:30*
Looking Around The House
Still a few touches of Christmas amid the mess. Trying to decide if I want to go ahead and take them down today or wait until after the Epiphany.
On My To Do List 
So much. Why did I wait until the last minute for everything??
- Grocery store
- Target for household supplies: shampoo, cleaning, etc
- Laundry
- Find books/plan for school tomorrow
- Pay a few bills/at least get them organized
- Put away all Christmas sweaters/clothing until next year
- Clean out cat box *SO overdue on this, oops
- Hope it’s not cheating if I write and schedule a few blog posts for the blog365 challenge
- Clear off kitchen table/either throw away or freeze Christmas goodies
- Clean out email inbox. Say it with me: There will always be another sale.
- Spend 23 minutes outside for another challenge I’m doing
From The Camera
Took advantage of the great weather after the game yesterday to go for a walk on a local trail. Excited to finally make it this bridge. (It’s a 5 mile loop trail and I usually don’t have time for the loop, still didn’t but got to the bridge at least) 

What I’m Creating
I have a candle project I’d like to do but likely won’t have time to look at it until Saturday
Quote For The Week
May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave. (Kate Forsyth) 

Day 2 of 365