Are you ready for turkey day? I had a brief moment of panic this morning when I couldn’t locate my cranberry sauce recipe but thankfully, I found it. Back from a quick early morning grocery store trip (not too busy yet, whew!) and ready to plan the rest of the week.
Time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and the other fabulous bloggers who participate in the weekly link up.
The Weather 
It’s been COLD (for November). Back to normal this week with highs in the upper 40’s/low 50’s. Think they added a chance of rain for either Friday or Saturday. That single digit wind chill stuff was more typical of January/February for us.
As I Look Outside My Window
Putting a different spin on this today. Outside this window, I also have a window open with Bloglovin’ pulled up, a post from My Scandinavian Home, and my Yahoo e-mail. Outside the other windows, the sun is shining in a blue sky and the birds are chirping.
Thinking And Pondering 
Where the year went. Why I did so poorly at my 22 for 2022 list. And things I’d like to do to get ready for the Advent.
How I Am Feeling This Morning
Not too bad, slept pretty good. A bit frustrated though as I broke my glasses yesterday. And apparently getting in for an eye-exam is not a same day appointment kind of thing. SIGH. Sam’s club is going to be my last call and then, I’ll just schedule a real appointment somewhere for next week. (My husband taped my glasses together with duct tape for the moment, stylish!)
On The Breakfast Plate
Apple cinnamon instant oatmeal, vitamins, coffee. And more coffee in the form of an Irish Cream cold brew from Starbucks in the grocery store. Pretty sure that one is my favorite of their holiday drinks.
On The Lunch Plate
A sandwich of some sort, chips, maybe grapes or pepper slices.
On The Dinner Plate
Plan tonight is for ham steaks, salad, cornbread. May make potatoes if I feel ambitious.
What I’m Wearing Today
Light purple (not light enough to be called lilac) long sleeved shirt, navy blue leggings, and tennis shoes.
On My Reading Pile
I broke down and read a Christmas book early. If you need light, feel good, escape to the UK or Scotland type stories, read something by Donna Ashcroft. Most her books are on Kindle Unlimited if you have that. I just finished Snowflakes and Secrets in the Scottish Highlands. Probably going to have to have a re-read of some of her books in December. Right now, I’ve just started a new book by a new to me author, Christmas at the Island Hotel. It’s written by Jenny Colgan and somehow I’ve picked up another book set in Scotland. Also, didn’t realize it was 4th in a series. Oops.
On My TV
Mostly Doctor Who. I do, however, plan to make a list of 25 Christmas movies to watch starting on December 1 (or maybe a tiny bit earlier). And of course, how ’bout them….CHIEFS! They certainly like to keep us on the edge of ours seats around here. Hoping the next game YAWN might be at noon though.
On The Menu 
As much as I enjoy the holidays, they do make menu planning a bit of a pain. Well, it’s a bit of a pain anyway.
MONDAY: ham steaks, salad, corn bread *J has a lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Tacos *I work 7-3:30*
WEDNESDAY: chicken sausage, broccoli, orzo skillet *I work 7:30-4*
THURSDAY: Thanksgiving at my brother’s house with turkey/ham/fixings. I’m bringing homemade cranberry relish and chocolate meringue pie.
FRIDAY: Leftovers
Looking Around The House
Ugh. Needs tidying/cleaning.
On My To Do List
- Grocery store *DONE*
- Make eye appointment (get new glasses, way overdue)
- Take J for a hair cut (his request)
- Write and schedule a couple blog posts
- Wash bedding *in progress*
- Take stock of stocking stuffers
- Make cranberry sauce and chocolate pie (probably do this on Thursday as dinner isn’t until 4)
- change out bathroom shower curtain/bedding for holiday stuff
- Start watering the amaryllis again, somehow I have 3!
- All the other stuff I can’t remember right now
From The Camera
I went back to the same park as last week, these photos are mostly from a different section of it. It really is a very big park. And I’m so excited to share the bird I saw this time (I’m going to make you wait until Wednesday for that).
Quote For The Week
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called to one body. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:15)