Author: jehdld

Happy Homemaker Monday, Waiting

Glad to have a few minutes (hopefully) to get my post up this morning. Well, I guess technically it’s early afternoon but I like to get to the grocery store in the morning. I’m waiting for J’s school principal to call me so we can figure out his options. Does anybody enjoy waiting for a phone call? I know I don’t!

As I wait for the phone call that may not even come this morning, it’s time for my weekly planning post. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom where she kindly hosts the link up each week.

The Weather 

The heat is gone but we could sure use some rain! Highs in the mid to upper 70’s all week long with sunny skies.

As I Look Outside My Window

No more hummingbirds though I’m leaving the feeder up until October 1 just in case of any stragglers. Herbs are starting to go and the squirrel keeps knocking my fuchsia flowers off the railing, the yellow jackets seem to like them as well so I may not pick them up this time. Cherry tomatoes turning red but still waiting on all the others…

Right Now I Am

Working on this post, waiting for the phone to ring, and keeping an eye on the clock as well. I do work later this afternoon.

Thinking And Pondering

What might be the best option for J. Reminding myself not everyone takes the same path. Think it’s time to give up the longing for the other universe where the pandemic didn’t happen and just let him move forward even if it means simply taking the Hi-SET. Also, thinking that maybe I should trust myself more to know what’s best for my child rather than a school or a therapist (while I don’t discount his ideas, I think maybe he might have different answers if he knew my child longer). And finding myself with an overwhelming disappointment in our entire education system considering everything from the start times to the lack of noticing and encouraging. Speaking in general terms as I do know there are some amazing teachers who do notice and encourage.

How I Am Feeling  

Didn’t sleep great though slept better than Saturday night. Last night I felt so discouraged but I’m trying to be optimistic as well. Not sure that makes sense.

On The Breakfast Plate

Sometimes I do eat a “real” breakfast

Too much coffee! An English muffin with butter. Vitamins. A iced caramel macchiato for Starbucks in the grocery store.

On The Lunch Plate

Not sure, I may just eat a flip yogurt depending on how much time I have after finishing this post.

On The Dinner Plate

Grilled hot dogs, chips, I may throw together some coleslaw before I go to work

What I Am Wearing Today

Blue work t-shirt, olive green Capri pants, later tennis shoes but right now my leopard print slip on shoes

On My Reading Pile

I finished Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood. It was okay, not even sure how to rate it. I stuck with it because parts of her life took place in St. Louis and Kansas City so it interested me a bit more from that standpoint. I’m coming to the conclusion that while I love autobiographies, memoirs are very hit and miss for me. Currently, I just started The Last to Vanish by Megan Miranda, promising so far as a good suspenseful novel.

On My TV

KC Chiefs, SIGH. We need our kicker to return ASAP. In happier news, The Masked Singer is back! I don’t know why but I just love that silly little show. I also re-watched all the Lord of the Rings movies at some point last week. And heard on the radio, that Netflix released a trailer for the next season of Emily in Paris. Excited for that as well.

On The Menu This Week

Trying to strike a balance between what we have on hand, not overdoing the standby’s, and new things on the menu. (Not much new this week)

MONDAY: hot dogs on grill, chips, maybe coleslaw *I work 2-5:45* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: chicken spinach skillet *Plans with a friend, need to confirm*

WEDNESDAY: Breakfast for dinner, maybe waffles or maybe super simple French Toast sticks and scrambled eggs

THURSDAY:  Stuffed peppers

FRIDAY: No idea…leftovers or OUT *I work 11-4:30*

Looking Around The House

Time to start fall cleaning for sure!

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. This post *In progress*
  3. Pay bills
  4. Bit of Laundry
  5. Figure out the school stuff
  6. Garden Chores (separate list, big things this week: getting houseplants indoors)
  7. Start fall cleaning schedule
  8. Clean out pantry (this got moved when G needed kitchen table to build his computer)
  9. Water indoor plants

From The Camera

Still practicing with the purple asters. These are the ones from the corner of the driveway.

Quote For The Week

Leaning heavy into this verse lately:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  (Proverbs 3:5-6)



Reviewing My 2022 List From January

It’s been a long while since I thought about the list of 22 things I made back in January of this year. I’ve probably been avoiding it since I know not much on the list happened.

Here’s a scary look at my progress.

My 22 for 2022 List Reviewed And Updated:

  1. Join in for every Happy Homemaker Monday *I’ve missed a few but kept up pretty well*
  2. Read 82 books I’ve read 102 books so far!
  3. Follow the Fly Lady Plan (Adapting the days to work for my schedule) *Not currently happening*
  4. Learn to use the laptop computer (my son gave me his old one in the summer and I’ve ignored it)  We shelved this idea as my son’s laptop was so slow!
  5. Host Easter brunch *Did not happen*
  6. Celebrate Rudolph Day each month with a bit of Christmas planning *Started great, then fizzled*
  7. Share gratitude each week with a Thankful Thursday post *Haven’t managed to do this every week*
  8. Drink a minimum of 3 glasses of water a day *ha, HA, nope. Needs to happen still*
  9. Go on a vacation *St Louis was a bit of a vacation, we have a trip with friends planned in October but a genuine just us or us and the kids vacation, not yet.*
  10. Take at least 3 “people” pictures for each major holiday/occasion *I’ve actually somewhat kept up with this despite a reluctant family*
  11. Make a photo book of 2021 and then delete all the pictures off the computer (or put them on a flash drive)  *Not  yet*
  12. Frame J’s all-district band photos (the one from 2019 and the one from 2021 when we get it) *Not yet*
  13. Use it up and/or  throw it out before buying new (with things like wrapping paper for example) *I’d say I’ve been about 50% successful with this, maybe a little less*
  14. Add in an evening skin care routine *I bought some new moisturizer, does that count? Need to be better about using it*
  15. Try one new restaurant each month as a family *Good idea, proving harder to actually do*
  16. Go through one bin in the basement each week (to clear out and declutter) *HA, I wish*
  17. Fix wedding ring *SIGH, this shouldn’t be hard and yet…*
  18. Organize Pinterest boards by actually trying pins and deleting ones that are no longer relevant *Ongoing process*
  19. Start doing yoga again *Not yet*
  20. Make a better effort to reach out and connect with friends and family *Need to work on this still*
  21. Create a master list of family birthdays *Not yet*
  22. Take the coffee cup advice and enjoy myself (I use this coffee cup a lot of work days as a reminder to myself to just enjoy the time with the preschool kids) *Too vague to properly gauge*


After reviewing my list, I suppose all hope is not lost. Not as much progress as I’d liked but I still have a few months to make a bit more progress. It was good to just look at the list again. I’d  not done that in quite a long time. Many thanks to Tamy over at Chasing My Life for posting about her list reminding me to review my own.

Did you make a list of 22 for 2022? How’s your list going?





Another Fall Bucket List

Last year, I made a small fall bucket list. Hadn’t thought too much about making one this year but my friend, Rebecca, inspired me. You can see her list over at Rebecca’s Hearth and Home. 

One of my favorite things about her bucket list is how she has items that will happen (planning autumn menus, celebrating birthdays and holidays) along with her dream items (fall getaways, etc.)

My Fall Bucket List For Autumn 2022

  1. Bake oatmeal butterscotch cookies
  2. Follow the Four Week Fall Cleaning Schedule
  3. Maintain a fall garden
  4. Visit with family during Halloween time (my brother is supposed to be coming back into town!)
  5. Go on a weekend getaway to Arkansas with my husband and some friends
  6. Bring a few plants in from their “outdoor vacation” before it gets too cold for them
  7. Make some pumpkin things. Not too many, I’ve managed to marry the 1 person in the world who is “not a huge fan of pumpkin”
  8. Plant some flower bulbs/sow my wildflower seeds for spring color
  9. Crunch through the leaves once a lot of them start to cover the ground
  10. Watch for migrating birds
  11. Visit a few of my favorite local farmer’s markets before they close down for the season
  12. Clean the basement (ugh, not part of the fall cleaning schedule but it needs it)
  13. Participate in the, no longer active, Write 31 days blog challenge. I already have a topic!
  14. Bake bread, maybe with herbs or other garden veggies
  15. Sort through my summer/fall clothes as I switch them over
  16. Watch some fun (but not too scary) Halloween movies
  17. Read some cozy mysteries
  18. Learn to take a decent photo of purple asters (pick up camera a bit more often)
  19. Go either apple picking, to a pumpkin patch, or go buy local pecans.
  20. Go to at least one local fall festival
  21. Last item, bonus one as I planned originally to stop at 20. Just grab a blanket, a book or the remote control, a cup of hot tea, and relax!


What things are you planning to do this autumn?

Thankful It’s Fall

Yes, this summer lover just said that. I’ve had a nice summer but it’s time for a new season. Time to embrace the inside of the house and the coziness of the season. Of course, I need to do a bit of work to make that possible. 

Today, however, I choose to go slow as I celebrate and embrace the first day of autumn. By the way, fun fact, our calendars all say the first day of autumn or the autumn equinox is tomorrow. My Farmer’s Almanac says it’s tonight at 9:04 EDT. We were curious about this last night and I looked it up: Note: Dates listed above are based on Eastern Time (UTC-5). Due to time zones, the date of the equinox may differ by +/- one calendar day in your location.(Click on the link to read more about the Autumnal Equinox). 

My plans for today involve living in my pajama pants as long as possible, baking a Honeycrisp Apple Cardamom Cake (without the walnuts though because yuck, maybe I’ll add pecans), fresh green beans and new potatoes in the crockpot for dinner (with ham), and a slow, mindful cleaning of the house. If I have time and can get to the bin, I’ll bring out some small fall touches. 

Here’s my short gratitude list.

Thankful List For The Past Week (Thursday to Thursday)


  1. A chance to go into work and spend time with my favorite age group
  2. Watching the Chiefs win last Thursday night
  3. Plenty of nice, warm sunny days (I think even I have had my fill of the hot days though)
  4. A great book to read
  5. Watching G build his own computer from parts he ordered. I’m just amazed by this. He says he’ll never do it again, ha. He did have a friend come help him a little bit but he did most the work himself.
  6. J’s very understanding and compassionate private baritone instructor
  7. That I forced myself to go to Bunco and be around friends on Tuesday night (It was a day of ups and downs with encouraging and then discouraging news regarding J’s school. We’re back in waiting mode. SIGH)
  8. Time spent talking to a good friend I’d not seen in awhile after Bunco plus plans made to get together again next week
  9. Plans to go to the art gallery with friends tomorrow, once again forcing myself to get out
  10. A chance to go with J to look at a euphonium (baritone=euphonium for simplification purposes) yesterday. The kind shop owner let him play a high dollar model as well. Wow, even my untrained ear could hear the sound quality difference.
  11. The Masked Singer being back on TV. I don’t know why I love that show so much. It’s silliness just makes me happy.
  12. Seeing an owl fly across the backyard on Monday morning just before the daylight arrived. And having the window open to hear it’s “Who cooks for you?” call from our tree last night.


Are you celebrating the first day of autumn?  What things are you grateful for this week?


Happy Homemaker Tuesday, Summer Survives!

I know Fall starts this week but summer is going out with a Fourth of July type bang around here. That said, even my summer loving self is ready to welcome a new season. 

Joining in a day late with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to plan my week.

The Weather

It’s not chili nor chilly weather yet this week. Though a cold front is supposed to move in later around Thursday or Friday. Today the predicted high is 96! Though Thursday the predicted high is in the upper 60’s. Hopefully, we’ll get some rain in there somewhere.

As I Look Outside My Window

It’s sunny and hazy. Our little hummingbirds continue to hang around each morning/afternoon. I wonder how much longer I get to enjoy their company? 

Right Now I Am

Trying to get a start on this post before I leave for a 10:30 hair appointment.

Thinking And Pondering

Yesterday at this time, I felt pretty defeated but today I’m feeling much better. The local high school had me so frustrated last week and into yesterday. How is it I could get a reply faster from an administrator at a school my son doesn’t attend (yet) than I could from his own school? UGH. Maybe because the administrator that answered was there last year and actually knows how to do his job. Anyway, I suppose it seems as though things might work out for J to transfer to a different school, work to take the Hi-SET but still get awarded a diploma. School time would be less but he’d also be required to work or volunteer. Complex but a good option for him. Very thankful there a few people left in our school district who care more about the kids than the bureaucracy of it all (not pointing fingers at teachers as I know they’re all doing the best they can within it). UPDATE: This is an ongoing saga, so much red tape to unwind…

How I Am Feeling

Very cautiously optimistic. Keep thinking of the Latin words (don’t remember those) my mom kept posted on the fridge that said “What is it in the light of Eternity?”

On The Breakfast Plate

Coffee, vitamins, and a cinnamon spice bagel. It didn’t have a hole. If your bagel isn’t holey, is it evil? Ha! Still tasted the same.

On The Lunch Plate

Absolutely no idea.

On The Dinner Plate

Mesquite BBQ chicken sandwiches (Just pre-marinated chicken from grocery store that I’ll grill. Nothing fancy). Maybe homemade onion rings.

What I’m Wearing Today

Missouri State tee-shirt (where G planned to go to college initially before changing his mind way back before the pandemic struck. On a happy note, He IS about to graduate college possibly next semester), some type of jeans shorts from Old Navy, and my leopard print slip on Keds tennis shoes (somehow they’ve become my garden shoes).

On My Reading Pile

Just finished reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab.  I loved it! Not sure why it took me so long to break down and decide to read it. I’ll definitely be looking into other books by this author.

On My TV

Glanced at The Voice last night, watched all of the Quantum Leap reboot and enjoyed it. Husband and I need to watch Cobra Kai, we managed the first episode. Football. And I did watch a bit of the Queen’s funeral procession.

On The Menu

MONDAY: Leftover pork chops, mozzarella sticks, peanut butter crackers, yogurt *I worked 10-1* *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30* In case you couldn’t tell, it was a fend for yourself night.

TUESDAY: BBQ chicken sandwiches, onion rings *I may have Bunco, need to check* *Hair appt at 10:30*

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti, garlic toast, maybe some fresh from the garden appetizers: fried eggplant, tomatoes and fresh mozzarella with balsamic and fresh basil (stole that one from preschool), salad

THURSDAY: Ham Steaks (for boys), Green beans and new potatoes in crock pot, apple cake for dessert *FIRST DAY OF FALL*

FRIDAY: Possibly homemade pizza on grill or fend for selves again or OUT

Looking Around The House

Been so focused on J’s school issues that I’ve let it slide quite a bit. Plus last week G did build a computer on the kitchen table.

On My To Do List

  1. Go get hair cut (DONE)
  2. Little bit of laundry
  3. Maybe put out fall decorations (later this week)
  4. Continue to fight with school about J (already have a headache over it)
  5. Lots of garden chores, too hot today, and mow lawn at some point
  6. Probably lots of other things I can’t think of right now

From The Camera

A few from last week and yesterday.

This groundhog has been hanging out. Thankfully, the garden is on the other side of the house.
I call this red snap dragon “Animal Crossing in real life”. I planted yellow ones and when they rebloomed, I had a red one!
I decided I prefer purple asters to mums.

Quote For The Week

The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 4-7)

Happy Homemaker Monday, Long Day

Well, Monday is almost over but I still wanted to get a post in over here. I know my blogging has been very spotty. Just a lot going on lately. Still processing quite a bit of it. Most of it concerns J’s school choices, it’s not all bad but very different from what I thought this year might be…a post of itself eventually. Essentially, we’re looking into him not finishing his senior year and simply taking the high school equivalency test.

Didn’t want to miss a second week of joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the weekly link up. Hoping to catch up with everyone tomorrow.

The Weather

We had a fall preview over the weekend (and rain!!) with temperatures cool enough to have the air off and the attic fan running. It was even dare I say cold on Sunday morning. However, it’s back to the a/c and high 80’s for the rest of this week. One last hoorah for summer weather.

As I Look Outside My Window

Dark now but this was one morning last week. It turns out praying mantis are predators of the hummingbird so this fellow was swiftly relocated elsewhere.

Right Now I Am

Working on this post, thinking it feels like midnight though it’s only 8:30.

Thinking And Pondering

How different this fall will look from the image I had in my head. The battle of what’s best for my son vs. the grief of missing all the lasts of the senior year from a parent perspective. Also, wondering what I hit my hand on earlier, I vaguely recall bumping it on something while running errands but it has a bump and is a bit sore so I must have hit it harder than I remember.

How I Am Feeling

A bit sad and uncertain about things. Gee, I’m a pocket of happiness tonight. SIGH. That said I think sometimes I tend to only post when it’s all happy and this is real life right now.

On The Breakfast Plate

A crappy grocery store donut and a Starbucks caramel macchiato (not ready for pumpkin spice quite yet). Did take my vitamins though.

On The Lunch Plate

Ham sandwich, chips, and another crappy grocery store donut, this one had no sprinkles and was some sort of spice flavor so a bit better.

On The Dinner Plate

The rest of them had roast and potatoes, I had a flip yogurt. Just wasn’t super hungry.

What I’m Wearing Today

Started out with the band tee-shirt from J’s freshman year and olive green capris, switched into jeans (it was chilly this morning!), then switched into a striped shirt (got the tee-shirt dirty while working in the garden) with the jeans.

On The Reading Pile

Right now I’m reading a Danielle Steel novel that I’m struggling to get through called Suspects. I just finished a book called No One Is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood that was an interesting satirical view of the Internet meshed with her real life experience of grieving a loss. It’s pretty choppy between the first and second parts but also quite poignant.

On My TV

How about them Chiefs!!!? I did watch the new Thor last week, it was okay. And because I came across a few references to it but had never seen it, I watched Sliding Doors over the weekend as well. Enjoyed that more than Thor.

On The Menu

Thankfully, no more donuts. They just weren’t that great.

MONDAY: Roast in the crockpot *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Korean meatballs and rice (one of my I don’t need to think meals, frozen meatballs, jar of sauce, crockpot, add rice, and then green onions for color. Bonus: everyone likes it)

WEDNESDAY: Maybe chicken strips?


FRIDAY: I work either all day or 1-3:45. OUT

Looking Around The House

We can say it’s either a disaster or looking very lived in…G is building a computer on the kitchen table, the couch is covered with a couple boxes plus a blanket from the cold morning, shoes on floor, bathrooms need cleaned.

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery Store *DONE*
  2. Pay bills *DONE*
  3. Talk to J about things *DONE*
  4. Plant cabbage, carrots, and broccoli starts in garden *mostly DONE*
  5. Laundry *2 loads to go until DONE*
  6. Return to grocery store because they forgot to give me my gas discount *DONE*
  7. Go to different store for potting soil and bird seed *DONE*
  8. Clean the house
  9. Clean out pantry (can’t do this until G finishes his computer project)
  10. More yardwork

From The Camera

Just a few from around the yard today. Time to transition from summer flowers to fall flowers as well as bring some plants back inside.

Quote For The Week

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)

Surprise! Another Post!

Not that I’m counting but I think this means I’ve posted four times this week! On a bit of a roll. Nothing special, just another random one with a review of the past week.

Believe it or not, these morning glories and this post inspired me to write today!

I’ve been tossing morning glory seeds around this post ever since my husband took the fence down a few years ago.  This post is right next to our backyard vegetable garden. I have visions of morning glories winding their way up and around the post. Every year: NOTHING.

However, Tuesday morning as I went out to check the garden. What did I find?

A morning glory tucked behind a few of its leaves quietly blooming away! A nice surprise from a rather rough morning.

Shall we grab a cup of something. And review the week. Maybe lavender? 

This planter, I waited so patiently for it to go on clearance at the grocery store, makes me so happy. And I decided to share the unedited version so you can see the mess on our outdoor table on the deck. I have visions of this gorgeous deck with plants but this is the reality. Maybe next summer.

This Week

Monday and Tuesday

Monday was our 24th wedding anniversary that we celebrated by doing absolutely nothing. I did at least bother to get my husband a card. I’ve just about simmered down over him mostly ignoring it. I did buy myself a few flowers at the garden center. Of course, I’d have done that no matter what.  Not all his fault as I did work that day until almost 6, then take J to his baritone lesson. And the weekend before was busy as well. Next year better be a fantastic trip somewhere though!

Tuesday was rather rough as I mentioned. J didn’t go to school saying he just needed to sleep. We’d got off last week to such a good start that this came out of nowhere for me causing my optimism about the new school year to take a dive. At least I found my morning glory that morning.

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday turned out to be a much better day. Took the cat to the vet in the a.m. (finally!) and let me just say putting a cat in a carrier is not a fun one person job.  I thought I had work training but I ended up not having it. So happy about it as I wasn’t in the mood. And G bought my lunch, it was just McDonald’s but it was good. Everyone went where they were supposed to go that day as well.

a bloom on my fall garden zucchini plant

Thursday ended up a full day for me. I worked from 8 until 4. And while I didn’t have the time for Thankful Thursday post (need to get back to those), I did find lots of little items of gratitude. Got to work in my favorite classroom. The school lunch wasn’t messy (it’s a bit of joke for us that whenever I sub for a certain teacher who helps the kids clean after lunch, that day’s lunch is always one of the messiest!). The garden continues to do well.

Last night was a meeting for the parents of the senior band students. And my husband actually went with me. Sure he was probably regretting it though as I’m not one to say nothing (ironic as I was always “the quiet one” who hardly spoke in high school and college). That could be a post all by itself so perhaps I should remain “the quiet one” in this space. Trying to remind myself that as a been there done that parent, I need to think kinder thoughts toward the first time parents of seniors. The difference between the parents of G’s class and J’s class, sigh. Give me the class of 2019 parents any day of the week. Has always been an issue for me.

TODAY: Happy Friday, the start of Labor Day Weekend

Everyone is once again where they belong today. I’m enjoying a few hours of bliss in an empty house before I go pick up J from school and run him to a 3p.m. appt. I’ve watered the gardens, started some laundry. Taken a quick run to the store as we were out of cat food. So I picked up a few snacks for the weekend as well as some strawberries on sale. While I could be filling the house with the scent of an autumn candle, I opted for baking an angel food cake instead.

The rest of this weekend should be low-key for us: out with friends on Saturday night and no plans as of yet for the other days. I’m hoping we manage a visit to a local festival for kettle corn and pork rinds (tradition) and of course, my garden chores are always there.

How was your week? What plans do you have for the upcoming weekend?



Summer Summary

As we say goodbye to August and hello to September, I thought I’d share a summer summary post. And just for the record, I’m well aware it’s still summer until mid-September. However, it’s time to transition to fall. 

And I’m starting that transition by looking back on the summer of 2022 and sharing some things I’d like to remember about it. I’m also starting my post in late May though I also know summer doesn’t technically begin until mid-June.

Over all it was a fairly low-key summer around here but that’s okay. I’m being lazy and sharing pictures already posted in previous posts for this with maybe a bonus photo thrown in here or there.


G turned 21! J finished his junior year of high school (whew!). I got a little more serious about my gardening adventures. Even had a rose bloom though sadly said rose bush is no more, we’ll see if it rebounds next year.

And then, it was onto the month that truly starts summer.


J got to go on a band trip to Disneyworld in Florida! I was jealous (as we opted not to go) but happy he obliged my request to text me one photo a day while he was there. The rest of us toiled at our jobs. When he returned from Disney, J had summer school. Thankfully, it went fairly smooth. And my green thumb improved enough to grow flowers out of the cracks in the sidewalks (not really but I did have some volunteer flowers that way). One day I ran into my sister and nephew in a garden center. That was a good day. 


Definitely our busiest summer month! We had a low-key Fourth of July at home. I worked and watered the garden and flowers. My older brother came into town from Texas and I was able to reconnect with family we’d not seen since 2019 (stupid pandemic and politics!). Three of us went to St. Louis for a music competition for J. We were able to visit the St. Louis arch while there. While J got superior ratings on all his performances, I think my proudest mom moment was on the grounds of the arch when my son stopped to pick up someone else’s abandoned trash and throw it away. Nice to know I at least did something right in raising him to be a good steward of the Earth.

And of course, I worked. Some work weeks were better than others but I generally enjoy summer as I typically work to cover vacations so my schedule is set for a week at a time.


July ended and August started with a sweltering heat wave. Hot even for us summer weather loving types. Band camp for J. More work for me. Less blogging than usual. A summer of Sonic Sour Patch Kid Floats. Another family gathering and reconnecting with more family!  Monthly get togethers with friends, my Mom’s Night Out friends. Game nights the first Saturday of each month with husband and different friends (in honor of his friend who passed away one year ago).

More watering, garden planning. And twice a week filling of the hummingbird feeders.

Since I mentioned J in July, I should mention how proud I am of G’s kindness. Brings me home spring rolls from Panda Express whenever he stops there on his way home from work simply because he knows I love them. Always sharing funny and interesting memes he finds on his phone. And has helped out so much with picking J up from school for us.

And Finally, here we are at the last day of August. My mind is on a very long list of end of season garden chores (though I have plenty of time with our weather here). A stack of new September magazines. Marching band (football) season at the high school with a senior! Fall cleaning. Festivals! Blogging more. Focusing on a sorting and saving (money) kind of September. And a return to the fall tv schedules.

What are you thinking and doing as you say goodbye to August and hello to September?


Recipe Repost: Cucumber Salad

Since I’ve had to go back to my So Not Organized blog twice now for the recipe, I decided to just add it over here. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that but if I could go back, I’d have stayed on my path to slowly just repost my favorite blog posts here instead of trying to transfer it over to the free word press version in one swoop. The content is still there but all my photos from many years of blogging: gone. SIGH.

Wait, did I say something about a recipe? Yes. It’s a simple one, too. I think everyone has a version of cucumber salad. This is mine. Actually, it’s my late mother-in-law’s recipe as it was usually on the table at any summer family dinner. I loved it and still do. G likes it as well and actually requested it again.

So, once again here is (with brand new updated photos!):

Cucumber Salad

Just four ingredients needed: cucumbers, fresh from the garden if you have some! Thinly sliced red onion. Rice vinegar. And sugar.

I was chatting with an older gentleman in the store a few weeks ago and he said they made their cucumber salad with apple cider vinegar. I’m not so sure about that. Might be because it makes me think of fruit fly traps. Rice vinegar is our go to here.

The basic steps:

Thinly slice cucumbers. I peel mine though sometimes if I feel fancy I leave stripes of the peel.

I bought this last year and I love it! All the tools (mandoline, two different size graters, and the guard) store inside it. And it’s dishwasher safe. OXO Good Grips Mini Complete Grate and Slice Kit.

(Note: I’m not an Amazon affiliate and get no sort of credit for sharing this, just something I like and thought you might as well.)

Place the sliced cucumbers in the a shallow container.

Layer with the thinly sliced red onion (mine is a bit too thick here but we pick around it anyway).

Mix together rice vinegar and sugar. One cup of each. Pour over layered cucumber and red onion slices.

It’s okay if some onion slices are poking up above the liquid but the cucumbers should be covered. Finally, the hard part. Wait several hours to let flavors set in and mingle.

No judgement here if you find yourself getting a fork and eating this straight out of the container when nobody is looking. Do you have a version of cucumber salad?

Happy Homemaker Monday, Still Here

Maybe I should just start planning on taking blogging breaks when school starts. I missed catching up with everyone last week but it was another whirlwind of activity. J’s school started and I continued to help out at the preschool. This week should be a bit more reasonably paced. Maybe.

Definitely missed having a weekly plan in place. I’m glad to have a bit of time this morning to post here and then link up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather 

Hot, then rainy, and then hot again. However, not heat advisory hot. Just normal end of August hot. Might thunderstorm this afternoon, then highs in the upper 80’s/low 90’s for the rest of the week.

As I Look Outside My Window

It’s bright and sunny out there. We have 3 (!) little hummingbirds that fight over our feeder and are so entertaining to watch (but hard to catch on camera!).

Right Now I Am

Ignoring a lot of housework to work on this post instead.

Thinking And Pondering

My sunflowers didn’t bloom so I cheated and bought one at the garden center!

It’s the time of year when I get a little garden obsessed. If you can recognize a perennial flower, it’s a great time to shop for flowers for next year. Or replace a few annuals that didn’t quite make it in the drought.  Plus I’m planning a bit of a front yard garden expansion going for a cottage garden look.

How I Am Feeling

Pretty good. Yesterday I was feeling a bit down but being outside works wonders for the mood.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt, coffee, vitamins, and a Stoopwafel.

On The Lunch Plate

Good question. I’m not sure. No dinner leftovers (it was a hit!) so maybe just a scrambled egg or something.

On The Dinner Plate

Absolutely no idea. It’s our 24th wedding anniversary but I work until 5:30, followed by needing to get J to his baritone lesson so it’ll be a late dinner.

What I’m Wearing Today

Currently: Black t-shirt, light tan linen look shorts, and leopard print slip on shoes, no socks. Later, for work: probably change into a work t-shirt and some thin cotton pants plus tennis shoes (with socks).

On My Reading Pile

Trying to get through The Secret Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben but I’m struggling with it. Just started Before She Disappeared by Lisa Gardener. And I’m also casually glancing at all of these:

Ignore the weird slice of sunlight there


On My TV

A few too tired to do much else as well as a rare rainy day led to a bit of TV watching. Discovered two series I really enjoyed and very much hope to see second seasons added. The first on Netflix, The Sandman. Kind of a dark fantasy, just enough for those of us who can’t do scary.  And the second, also a bit dark/comedy and drama combo on Apple TV, Severance. Both well worth your time. (On a semi-related note: As I start to evaluate the million streaming services we have here, I think Apple TV is going to replace Hulu for us. We’re too hooked to not be able to see the 3rd season of Ted Lasso).

On The Menu 

Okra bloom!

Anyone know of a chef that will work for free? Must be able to feed a super picky family and do clean up duty. Send them my way!

MONDAY: No idea *I work 1-5:30* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *Our wedding anniversary*

TUESDAY: Fish (from store boxed frozen), cucumber salad (with homegrown cucumbers!), fried okra (with some homegrown okra plus some my brother-in-law gave us)

WEDNESDAY: Pork chops, baked potatoes *Chelsey has an 9:15 vet appt*  *I have work training 1-2:45*

THURSDAY: Chicken fajitas, yellow rice *J has band practice 6-8:45* *I have a senior parent band parent meeting at 7* (Might switch this menu to Wednesday)

FRIDAY: OUT *J has an appt at 3*

Looking Around The House 

My summer loving self is going to need to do some serious fall cleaning at some point. I’m getting that back to school time to clear the clutter restlessness. Just me?

On My To Do List

A glimpse of my garden expansion planning
  1. Lots of outside chores: repotting plants to transition inside, marking off expanded front garden, weeding butterfly garden by driveway edge (it’s an embarrassing mess!)
  2. Clear out pantry/fridge/freezer (this is my typical Labor day weekend project)
  3. Take cat to vet on Wednesday morning
  4. Keep up with laundry (trying the one load a day thing)
  5. Spend some time cleaning the basement area

From The Camera

Should probably add pick up the camera more to the to do list as I ran around taking most the photos in this post this morning.

Quote For The Week

Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.
(H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)
