Category: On My Mind

Words I’m Not Sharing

In going through our tubs in the basement, one of them contained items from my parents. Both my parents are gone. One of the items was a copy of the eulogy from my father’s funeral.

My dad has been gone 18 years this past August.  I thought I might share the words with you all today. They speak to his character and his willingness to do the right thing even when it was hard.  However, as I reflected on this, I decided against it.

The author of the eulogy was a firefighter who worked at the station where my dad was captain. He’s also no longer with us. And they are his words. So, I can’t ask permission to share from either of them. His words reference working as a black man at my father’s firestation during the integration of the fire department in 1958.

I really don’t think “Bird” would’ve minded. However, I’m not so sure about my father. He was a very private man. After he passed (as well as my mom), we found newspaper clippings of things my dad did, saving people from buildings, etc. that we never knew happened.

He served in WWII and I can only recall him only ever sharing one story about his experience with it. And it was a “lighter” story about a Sergeant yelling at them for making a foxhole too big and then, jumping in it with them when bombs started dropping.

So, I’ve opted not to share the words from my father’s eulogy with you after all. I will, however, end by sharing the bible verse contained within them:

A man that hath friends must show himself friendly. (Proverbs 18:24)



Day 58/365



January’s Been Kind

January ends today. And I can’t help but think this January’s been kind to me. Usually, January begins with me in a bit of a funk. This year, I didn’t feel that.

Sure, I had a few not so great days here and there. However, they were just that. Days instead of a week or more of feeling blah, wanting to rearrange the house and my entire life.

Maybe it’s because the January months of 2021 and 2022 were not the best. We started the year of 2021 with COVID finally finding our household. And 2022 was yet another ongoing battle in trying to figure out J’s schooling. Both months, of course, had good points but I can’t look back on them and think they were pleasant starts to the year.

This morning as I tried to revive my grocery store flowers, I found myself thinking.  I thought how kind this January of 2023 has been to me. Wondering what made the difference.

Thoughts that came to mind as reasons for my contentment in January:

A bit of credit to Tamy over at Chasing My Life as Blogmas kept me feeling a bit cheerier than usual during the holiday season of 2022.

And to Sandra for her wonderful Blog 365 challenge. I’ve so enjoyed connecting with the other bloggers doing the challenge, some I’ve “known” for a  long while and others who newly discovered.

My decision to simply accept and try to enjoy winter more instead of longing every day for sunshine and spring/summer. (Note, I still do long for those things but I’ve found some positives this winter)

Working the whole first week of the year. You can’t help but feel joyous around the preschool kids (mostly) excited to return to school and share about their holidays.

And perhaps a bit of luck with us all having the blessing of good health and (mostly) good weather

And of course, all your lovely comments on my posts!

Will February be as friendly?

I’m hoping so. The Blog 365 challenge continues. I work a few days at the preschool, once again, to start the month.

Lots to look forward to:

  • monthly dinner out with our joint friends
  • Galentine’s night out with my mom friends
  • my husband’s birthday
  • The Super Bowl (Have I mentioned the Chiefs are in it this year??!!)
  • Valentine’s day
  • A long weekend (President’s day)

Was this January kind to you? What are you looking forward to in February?


Day 31/365 (Entire month of January completed!)






Our November is starting off with some beautiful fall weather. Warm, just a bit of a breeze. Breezier today than yesterday when these photos happened. Good weather for a quick hike in the woods at a local nature park. 

I know a lot of you have jumped forward to planning Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, I like to take the first week of November and simply pause. Catch my breath before the “big” holidays get going in full swing.

Seems like the time between holidays gets squished closer and closer together each year. I’m certainly not one for denying someone their joy if they want to put their Christmas tree up today (or leave it up year-round) but that’s not me. I read where the holiday drinks at Starbucks come out tomorrow.

All this, Christmas time is starting as soon as Halloween ends but we’ll give Thanksgiving 2 days doesn’t make sense to me. Whatever happened to the waiting? Isn’t the waiting part of what makes things special? I know some special city holiday lighting things need to happen (I guess) before Thanksgiving to fit them in on our calendars but personally, I miss the excitement of the waiting.

Whatever happened to the anticipation? I don’t want a peppermint mocha on November 3rd, I want to look forward to enjoying one properly after Thanksgiving.

Maybe it’s our unseasonably warm weather or perhaps I’ve become a cranky old lady (possibly both) but it seems the specialness of it all fades when we rush it along.

I’m taking a moment to breathe between my holidays? Care to join me? And I promise I’ll look the other way if you happen to have a peppermint mocha in your coffee cup.


Summer Summary

As we say goodbye to August and hello to September, I thought I’d share a summer summary post. And just for the record, I’m well aware it’s still summer until mid-September. However, it’s time to transition to fall. 

And I’m starting that transition by looking back on the summer of 2022 and sharing some things I’d like to remember about it. I’m also starting my post in late May though I also know summer doesn’t technically begin until mid-June.

Over all it was a fairly low-key summer around here but that’s okay. I’m being lazy and sharing pictures already posted in previous posts for this with maybe a bonus photo thrown in here or there.


G turned 21! J finished his junior year of high school (whew!). I got a little more serious about my gardening adventures. Even had a rose bloom though sadly said rose bush is no more, we’ll see if it rebounds next year.

And then, it was onto the month that truly starts summer.


J got to go on a band trip to Disneyworld in Florida! I was jealous (as we opted not to go) but happy he obliged my request to text me one photo a day while he was there. The rest of us toiled at our jobs. When he returned from Disney, J had summer school. Thankfully, it went fairly smooth. And my green thumb improved enough to grow flowers out of the cracks in the sidewalks (not really but I did have some volunteer flowers that way). One day I ran into my sister and nephew in a garden center. That was a good day. 


Definitely our busiest summer month! We had a low-key Fourth of July at home. I worked and watered the garden and flowers. My older brother came into town from Texas and I was able to reconnect with family we’d not seen since 2019 (stupid pandemic and politics!). Three of us went to St. Louis for a music competition for J. We were able to visit the St. Louis arch while there. While J got superior ratings on all his performances, I think my proudest mom moment was on the grounds of the arch when my son stopped to pick up someone else’s abandoned trash and throw it away. Nice to know I at least did something right in raising him to be a good steward of the Earth.

And of course, I worked. Some work weeks were better than others but I generally enjoy summer as I typically work to cover vacations so my schedule is set for a week at a time.


July ended and August started with a sweltering heat wave. Hot even for us summer weather loving types. Band camp for J. More work for me. Less blogging than usual. A summer of Sonic Sour Patch Kid Floats. Another family gathering and reconnecting with more family!  Monthly get togethers with friends, my Mom’s Night Out friends. Game nights the first Saturday of each month with husband and different friends (in honor of his friend who passed away one year ago).

More watering, garden planning. And twice a week filling of the hummingbird feeders.

Since I mentioned J in July, I should mention how proud I am of G’s kindness. Brings me home spring rolls from Panda Express whenever he stops there on his way home from work simply because he knows I love them. Always sharing funny and interesting memes he finds on his phone. And has helped out so much with picking J up from school for us.

And Finally, here we are at the last day of August. My mind is on a very long list of end of season garden chores (though I have plenty of time with our weather here). A stack of new September magazines. Marching band (football) season at the high school with a senior! Fall cleaning. Festivals! Blogging more. Focusing on a sorting and saving (money) kind of September. And a return to the fall tv schedules.

What are you thinking and doing as you say goodbye to August and hello to September?


A New Phase of Searching for New Traditions

Trying to plan ahead for the holidays and realizing we’re in a new phase around here. Oh, and we still have no idea what we’ll be doing on Thanksgiving. 

For so many years, we went to Oklahoma to spend the holidays with my husband’s aunt and grandparents. Then, they all passed away just prior to Thanksgiving in 2019. That year we had a quiet Thanksgiving at my brother’s home. In 2020, we celebrated with just my husband’s sister,her husband and my nephew. We cooked the traditional meal.

Honestly, last year I lost touch with quite a few family members. I just didn’t have the mental space (not sure I do yet) for political arguments and family dramas. That’s not to say I don’t miss those family members very much. I wonder how much the boys are missing out on by the lack of time spent with extended family at the typical holiday gatherings. Or maybe I’m just feeling sentimental for bygone times and traditions.

It’s occurred to me that I’m very much missing the family we used to visit and spend every Thanksgiving with in Oklahoma. That perhaps I never quite processed those losses as they all happened in one year and rather suddenly and unexpectedly. Perhaps we need just a quiet holiday with just the four of us this year. Someday, I know (or at least hope) it will be us with the boys and their families, a full gathering once again. It’s just a strange phase again this year.

Christmas Planning 

I’ve tried throughout the year to do a little early Christmas shopping as well. My struggles aren’t so much related to the whole supply chain thing as the strange phase thing. Maybe I just miss the toy departments. Or those annual strolls through Toys R Us (of course, those stores are long gone in these parts).

My mind’s blocked the negative, crazy stress of over tired young children parts and I look back fondly on the Christmas Eve parties my in-laws held each year (appetizer food only which my husband never liked but I loved). Christmas mornings over there, afternoons/evenings spent with my side of the family. Dinners alternated.

Then those days morphed into Christmas Eve sometimes spent with my husband’s family but mostly spent at home (Well, I usually shop most of the day. One of my weird, favorite ways to spend the day.) And Christmas morning breakfast here with my them, then going to my brother’s home in the afternoons. Except for in 2019 when we actually hosted breakfast for my husband’s family here and then did a later dinner also here for my side of the family. A holiday I so very much enjoyed. Too bad 2020 had to come along with it’s great big wrench (sledge hammer?) for holiday planning.

New For This Year

As I mentioned, Thanksgiving is completely up in the air at this point though it’s looking close to being just the four of us. Hard for me to envision especially as someone who grew up celebrating holidays as the youngest of 5.

My sister-in-law and her family talked of maybe coming up from their new home in Florida to celebrate the holidays in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, that’s the only information I have as of now. Using it as an excuse, however, to clean and decorate this basement area for Christmas. If they do come, I know my nephew will likely want to stay with us.

I’ve always kind of wanted to host a hot chocolate open house for friends and family alike before Christmas. So that idea is simmering a bit in the back of my mind. However, J has many concert band related items on December weekends as well.

Christmas Eve is a potential band performance during a church service which makes me happy. I gave my blessing for the idea but it depends on how many others are available to perform. No idea how our Christmas might look, though I’ve done a fair amount of early shopping (and bought mostly clothes…boring) for the boys. I’m trying to wrap my mind around the fact that our days of 4:00AM Christmas starts are probably over.

Different is Okay

The lovely Christmas planning notebook I made myself back in January is mostly empty. Truth: I’ve only written on one page of it. Jotted down gift ideas. And wrote this sentence in it:

Christmas will look different this year and that’s okay.

Are the holidays on your mind? What old or new traditions do you look forward to this year?






Let’s Stop Rushing Everything

One thing I think I learned from my word of the year back in 2018: Quit forcing things. My word way back then?  (Okay, I know it was only 3 years ago but it seems way back doesn’t it?)

Embrace. It was a good word of the year. I learned to just take things as they arrived and (wait for it) embrace them. Mostly my mindset of doing just that has stuck.

I used to be a winter hater. Hated almost everything about it. Then, I started embracing it. Finding little things to enjoy about it. Like hot chocolate on snowy (or just freezing) day. Hot tea, blankets, books, and all of us safe at home (remember, this was 2018 when all of us safe at home wasn’t because of an annoying global pandemic).

Now, I’m not a winter hater anymore. However, I don’t exactly love it but I do find appreciation for each season. And I’m finding myself a bit annoyed at those wishing to skip right over this season.

Things it’s NOT time for right now

Dear blog world, Pinterest pin people, retail establishments, and whoever else needs to know this:

I understand you are tired of cold and snow. However, it’s time for those things if you live on the part of the Earth where it is indeed winter right now.

Please quit crowding my Internet space with Saint Patrick’s Day (That’s March 17 and February’s barely begun), Easter (HELLO, it’s in APRIL this year), and Spring planting (Unless you are forcing bulbs indoors, allowed).

It makes me feel rushed. Want to know one of my Pet Peeves? Feeling rushed.

Let’s all take a collective deep breath.

Things to enjoy RIGHT NOW

Instead of rushing through each season, let’s pause and enjoy a few of the February things, you know in February.

Today is Groundhog day! I know all of last year and for some, the start of this year, felt like Groundhog day but we can still enjoy this silly tradition. *UPDATE* I meant to publish this yesterday, 6 more weeks of winter. Remember, spring is always 6 weeks away from February 2.

The Superbowl (some of us may enjoy it more than others but the food usually doesn’t disappoint)

Valentine’s Day (Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate)

Fat Tuesday (A day of feasting and usually on pancakes, I’ll embrace that!)

Chinese New Year (In case you need a fresh start on 2021, welcome in the year of the ox)

President’s Day (A joint birthday celebration for Washington and Lincoln.)

There’s pretty much a national day for each month, pick what you like and celebrate it.

Watching TV or reading when the weather is nasty outside (and some shows are back with new episodes)

Wrapping up in cozy blankets

Nothing makes me appreciate a sunny winter day more than it following a few cloudy, cold ones

Snow! Do you want to build a snowman? If it’s too cold outside, bring some snow inside (in a pan)


I certainly get it if you’re looking forward to spring. Let’s just not forget to enjoy the now. What’s your favorite thing about February?





Palindromes and Positive Thoughts

Read something interesting this morning. Today starts 10 days of numeric palindromes. (On the Farmer’s Almanac Instagram page). What’s a palindrome? Reads the same left to right or right to left.

First Inauguration in history to take place on a palindrome date. Next time it happens won’t be for one thousand years!

Did you watch it?

My Thoughts about the Inauguration

I admit to getting a bit emotional watching the Vice President take her oath of office. Hard to imagine that any of us raised during the 70’s and 80’s decades of “girls can do anything” did not.

This is not to imply those older or younger were not as moved. Just a comment of how it felt to someone old enough to remember the Ford/Ferraro ticket back in 1984 (I wasn’t old enough to vote, just in high school). For the most part, I prefer not to talk about politics at all. Doesn’t mean I’m not aware, just not my favorite topic.

Commented to J this morning (home from school so I made him watch the Inauguration with me, history and all that) how I realized I feel as though politics has been everywhere for the past few years. It’s tiring. Too much, I’m looking forward to a bit more balance of conversation moving forward.

However, I do want to talk a little bit more about the entertainment part of the ceremony today. What did you think?

Personally, I didn’t care for Lady Gaga and her rendition of the national anthem. And what about her gown? Haven’t quite decided if I loved or hated it. However, she wore it well. Too shocked from a “Who is Jennifer Lopez?” question to really remember her performance. My favorite was Garth Brooks singing Amazing Grace. We thought the poet talked a little fast though reading her words, they are nice.

Positive Thoughts


sunset on Monday
Sunset on Monday


Like many, I hope and pray today signals the end of so much hatred and bitterness and a movement toward more kindness and civility within our country. It is so very much needed.

Looking forward to perhaps, a spring and summer where we can do a bit more.

My husband told me we had the dates for our Arkansas cabin getaway with friends though it falls in the middle band season. He thinks, no band again in the fall. I hope he is very wrong! I hope by next fall school is back on it’s normal rotation complete with marching band. As much as I enjoyed the getaway last October, I’ll gladly exchange it for watching my son doing his thing again.

Today’s Things

It’s been a bit of an off day here. I ended up working all day yesterday so today became my only day off this week (not counting Monday as it was a holiday!). J had anxiety happening this morning so stayed home to do school here.

Still need to call him in, honestly at the point of wondering what the difference even is between “excused” and “unexcused” absence and if it matters if they count them all the same. I’m sure part of my hesitation is the stigma of saying he’s suffering from anxiety rather than say a headache. Probably, just say he had a headache & I forgot to call for simplicity sake.

Managed to accomplish a few things today (not as many as I wanted but can’t really blame that on the teenager).  Cleaned out the fridge, cleared out and re-organized my clothes in the dresser (even put a few items in the donation bin!), caught up most the laundry, chopped up some celery for snacks, and went for a walk halfway around the block. A couple of suspicious looking dogs stopped our walk short, wasn’t feeling sociable nor did they look super friendly. Most excited about the dresser as I cleared the top of it off on Monday. A finished project. Hooray!

Probably should have put the camera lens cover somewhere else


Going to go finish up another load of laundry, make sure everything is in order for the rest of this busy week (two full work days ahead), and then, read a bit more of my book (maybe with a cup of tea).




Looking Forward

It’s still December of 2020 as I type up this post. My plan is still to switch over to this site starting on January 1. You may find this site a work in progress while I share new posts.

Either way, I’m fairly confident in saying I don’t think I’m the only one looking forward to putting 2020 in the rearview mirror. Not that I’m superstitious (well, maybe when it comes to Chiefs football and spilling salt. As an aside within an aside: My kids make fun of me but I always throw a little salt over my left shoulder when I’m measuring out the salt and spill a little. Something I saw my own mom do or talk about often. The memory fades. Something to do with warding off evil spirits. Might throw the whole container of salt over my left shoulder on New Year’s Eve!) but I’ve been hesitant to post on my new site over here too much in 2020. Don’t want to taint it prior to the new year.

My Early Blogging Ideas

When I first started blogging, it was with those crazy lottery dreams of being a famous (and rich!) blogger. Turns out in my heart, I couldn’t do it. Not that I don’t believe the famous and rich (or simply those who earn decent incomes) bloggers aren’t genuine but for me, the steps involved in simply trying didn’t feel genuine. I still follow blogs from those days of lists of “follow back” and Facebook like days. Some I find relevant but most, I don’t even read.

For the most part, I seldom read past the first two sentence of a post containing the words “sponsored” and even before my kids became annoying teenagers, I couldn’t bring myself to put our entire lives on line (for profit purposes).  I enjoy reading posts from the heart about kids and families as long as they aren’t using their kids to “sell” me something. That sentence doesn’t sound quite right so hopefully, dear reader, you know what I mean a bit.  It’s annoying starting in on a post that sounds interesting to realize it’s a veiled attempt to sell me something.

I’m not a famous (or even almost famous) blogger earning a 6 figure (or any) income from my blog. And really, that’s okay with me. I prefer the conversational side of things and I don’t need money to chitchat with anyone.

Finding Readers

Of course, it’s not fun talking to yourself. So I still needed readers. See above about blog following and Facebook page likes. All the “advice” said I had to have a central theme on my blog.

Thus, the many posts about organizing attempts. (Don’t worry I’ll still share my attempts and failures over here.) And the title of my previous blog, So Not Organized.

As my kids grew and I learned more about life, I realized I needed more freedom in my blogging. All a mental game, of course, but I felt stalled by my blog title. So, new year, new blog with more freedom. Hopefully, my readers follow me over here from So Not Organized. I might have a few ideas to entice you all to stick around here and for a few new readers to join the party.

My Blogging Ideas Now

On this new blog, I plan to share more of my heart. More chit chat on whatever subject I feel like discussing. Note: I will still almost never discuss politics on here. One of the things I’m looking forward to in 2021 (hoping and praying for it) is a year where politics once again take a seat in the background. And we focus more on friends, family, and simply being kind to one another.

I want blog visitors to feel like they’ve walked into my house and sat either on the couch or at the kitchen table, enjoying a cup of coffee (or tea) and maybe a small treat. And we’ll share about whatever’s going on in our lives at the moment.


I did manage to add a “subscribe by email button” over in the side bar, if you follow So Not Organized by e-mail, I’d appreciate it if you’d switch over and start following Chit Chat With Jean. Or you can always also follow on Bloglovin’ (also a follow button on the side bar). Thanks!
