While it was super hot over the weekend again (though not *heat advisory* hot), it’s been cooling down all day and is currently 77 degrees. The rain is on the way! Oh, I hope it finds us soon. Walking on the ground outside feels like walking on concrete because it’s been so hot and dry this summer.
Bit late getting my post up today/tonight. I worked this morning and then spent the afternoon grocery shopping. Shaping up to be one of those busy starts to the week. Let’s look at the week ahead.
The Weather 
There was such a pretty sunrise this morning but by the time I found my camera and got it ready, I missed the best of it. This is a view to the south. I was just excited to see a few clouds! It’s supposed to rain later tonight into tomorrow. And then, the next two days the highs are predicted in the mid to high 70’s followed by 2 days with highs in the low 80’s. A much needed break and fall preview.
As I Look Outside My Window
Not the best photo but I couldn’t resist sharing my “star of the flying trapeze” squirrel. The view out the back door window.
Right Now I Am
Trying to get this post written and published before I need to go pick up J from band practice.
Thinking And Pondering
Whether I want to work a full day on J’s first day of school. He’s going to be a senior. After the last 2 years, instead of feeling excited and sad, I’m just so ready for it all to be done. Hopefully, I’ll find a little more enthusiasm once school starts (next Monday for him).
How I Am Feeling
I’ve got a slight headache which I truly hope means rain is really coming!
On The Breakfast Plate
Key lime flip yogurt, vitamins, and coffee.
On The Lunch Plate
Ate lunch at preschool, it was scrambled eggs (not my favorite), pineapple, and a sausage link. Then, since I only worked until 1, I had a croissant spread with Nutella when I came home.
On The Dinner Plate
Not a stellar food day. I had a chicken sandwich from McDonald’s as G went and got it for him and J while I was at the store. He ordered too much food and offered it to me. My husband ate grocery store rotisserie chicken and potatoes. (Can I just interject that yesterday we had grilled chicken sausage, corn on the cob, grilled broccoli for dinner?)
What I’m Wearing Today
At school, I wore a pink t-shirt with lace eyelet sleeves and loose fitting black Capri pants plus tennis shoes. After work, I traded the Capri pants for a pair of black shorts and my slip on leopard print shoes.
On My Reading Pile
I’m actually between books! Over the weekend, I read Kingdom of Bones by James Rollins. It was about a virus. UGH. However, it was part of a series I really enjoy so managed to enjoy it despite the subject matter being a bit too recent for most of us. (I did feel his pain as he addressed the subject of the book in the forward, how he started writing the book in 2019 right before the world went nuts in 2020. And I am glad he went ahead and finished it as I did learn quite a bit and requested some of his research books (about trees) to read for myself.)
Another quick one I read was a choice on my kindle unlimited by Brian Freeman titled I Remember You. A sci-fi type thriller where the main character has someone else’s memories combined with her own.
On My TV
Finished Ted Lasso, one more episode left of Better Call Saul. G has us all watching a strange one (comedy?) on HBO Max called The Rehearsal. It’s very funny, disturbing at times, and interesting all at once. Netflix movie called The Grey Man, not that good.
On The Menu
MONDAY: you already read about today’s disaster *I worked 8-1* *J had band practice 6-8:45*
TUESDAY: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad *I work 8-1* *Appt with counselor at J’s school at 1:30, messed up schedule, sigh* *I have Bunco!!*
WEDNESDAY: Some sort of chicken on the grill? Zucchini *I work 8-1*
THURSDAY: Pepper steak, rice *I work 8-1* *J has band practice 6-8:45*
FRIDAY: Pizza of some sort *I work 8-1*
Looking Around The House
Pass. I even have outdoor chores I’m putting off doing at this point.
On My To Do List
- Make a list of some blog post ideas before I forget them!
- Pay bills
- Find J’s lunchbox. It’s missing?!
- Figure out what I’m wearing to work for rest of the week (should be number 1 on list)
- Laundry
- Grocery store *DONE*
- Trim some more outdoor flowers (My petunias started blooming again after I cut them back a few weeks ago)
From The Camera
Yet another week where I barely picked up the camera. Grabbed most of these photos just before I put up this post.
Quote For The Week
I found this new fitness site that’s wait for it….FREE. It’s a faith based fitness thing and I’m doing the 14 day kickstart. I’ll share the link here, I’m only on day four but I’m really loving it so far: Faithful Workouts
Found it on Instagram of all places. Anyway, today’s quote in the Pep talk video was pretty impactful. I’d never heard it before so thought I’d share it here:
As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge. (Henry Van Dyke)
Now, go check out Sandra’s link up over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom!