Author: jehdld

List of Twenty-Two Items for 2022

Here’s my list of twenty-two items for 2022. Each year going back to 2019, I think, maybe earlier, I’ve made a list of items to complete for the year. Am I successful each year? On a few, yes. On others, not so much. Yet I do enjoy the challenge and taking time to put a bit of thought into the upcoming year.

Usually the number of items correlates to the number of the year although 2,022 items might be pushing things! So, just the last 2 digits. And last year, keeping in mind my word of “less”, I made a shorter list. However, this year I’m back to making a list of the full number.

Some items on my list are repeats from the previous years while I’ve also added new ones. Suppose I should start with a review of last year’s list.

A Quick Glance At My Short List from 2021

  1. Read 72 books I read 98 books!
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post I think I came close
  3. Keep a kindness journal Focus on ways to be kind to my family Still have room to improve here
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes Try one in season new vegetable each week Why wasn’t this easier? Room to improve
  5. Eat dinner together at the table as a family Tuesday through Thursday See above
  6. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times)  I think I did this 3x
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day  Maybe too vague? I don’t know. 
  8. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here) Tried 2-3 times with mixed results
  9. Follow a nightly skincare regime Turned this into a morning routine instead
  10. Learn a craft FAIL
  11. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month Room to improve, trying again in 2022
  12. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?) I moved it to a free Word press site but wished I’d done this the way I started with simply moving posts over here as something happened and all my pictures from that blog are gone. Live and learn I suppose. Still have the posts at least.

So not the best set of results from last year. However, I’m excited about my list of twenty-two so let’s just move on to it.


 My List of Twenty-Two Items for 2022

List of 22 items

  1. Join in for every Happy Homemaker Monday
  2. Read 82 books
  3. Follow the Fly Lady Plan (Adapting the days to work for my schedule)
  4. Learn to use the laptop computer (my son gave me his old one in the summer and I’ve ignored it)
  5. Host Easter brunch
  6. Celebrate Rudolph Day each month with a bit of Christmas planning
  7. Share gratitude each week with a Thankful Thursday post
  8. Drink a minimum of 3 glasses of water a day
  9. Go on a vacation
  10. Take at least 3 “people” pictures for each major holiday/occasion
  11. Make a photo book of 2021 and then delete all the pictures off the computer (or put them on a flash drive)
  12. Frame J’s all-district band photos (the one from 2019 and the one from 2021 when we get it)
  13. Use it up and/or  throw it out before buying new (with things like wrapping paper for example)
  14. Add in an evening skin care routine
  15. Try one new restaurant each month as a family
  16. Go through one bin in the basement each week (to clear out and declutter)
  17. Fix wedding ring
  18. Organize Pinterest boards by actually trying pins and deleting ones that are no longer relevant
  19. Start doing yoga again
  20. Make a better effort to reach out and connect with friends and family
  21. Create a master list of family birthdays 
  22. Take the coffee cup advice and enjoy myself (I use this coffee cup a lot of work days as a reminder to myself to just enjoy the time with the preschool kids)

What you think? Do you make lists like this? How’d you do in 2021? What are you excited to add to your 2022 list?

Happy New Year!


My Word of the Year: Heal

I really wanted a safe choice for my word of the year in 2022. Almost opted out of picking a word at all. However, starting in early December this word kept working its way into my thoughts. In a way, I guess it’s a safe choice. However, I also find it a scary choice.

As I sit working on this post in 2021 with 2 weeks to go until Christmas (wanting to get these thoughts down before I forget them), the logical side of my brain is telling me that no, this isn’t a great choice. Healing is hard and will take work. Next fall (let’s jump way in the future, of course!) J starts his senior year and I should be enjoying all that, not working away at healing.

My Word of the Year: Heal

And full disclosure, perhaps a little superstition went into choosing my word of the year as well. I mean, after all I choose “home” as my word in 2020 (*shudder*) and reflecting back on last year, “less” really didn’t fill me up with joy. It started off well enough but the end of the year with less just felt a little empty.  So maybe by choosing “heal” it will reflect around enough that 2022 will be a better year than the past 2 for all of us. Maybe not. I’m not so silly as to really think I’m the one directing the ways of the world. Still, can’t hurt to pick a hopeful and helpful word, right?

The funny thing about this word is I’m not exactly sick. Heal is a word that makes me think of someone who is sick.  Gratefully, I have no serious illness, take no prescription medications. So why chose this word? Not sure but I just keep coming back to the thought it’s time to heal some of the hurts of the past and move forward to more happiness (I mean it’s not as if I am unhappy all the time. That’s not it at all. It just seems I could feel better. So much better). I have some ideas about how to focus on healing but I’ll save those for another post.

Did you pick a word for 2022?




Our Lazy Christmas

I think that perhaps for the first time ever, we stayed home on Christmas day and didn’t host anyone either. It was strange and wonderful all at once!

Christmas Eve:

For the first time in many years, I didn’t spend the entire day shopping. Other than a quick run to World Market to look for golden syrup (for a recipe that didn’t happen as they were out of it), no running around in the crowds for me. It was nice to be at home during the day. Of course, my husband spent the day helping a friend so he wasn’t home. However, he spent many years “holding down the fort” while I shopped so I didn’t mind. That evening, we all went to church together (J played with the band at his baritone teacher’s church for 2 services) for the candlelight Christmas Eve service. I’ve always wanted to go to church on Christmas Eve, we just never have so I was very happy. The service was excellent. I’m hoping attending the candlelight Christmas Eve service is a tradition that continues.

…the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own front door 

And while I have a standard policy of not sharing photos of my family on the blog , I was very excited to get a great photo of my husband and kids together after the church service that tempted me to break with my policy. Maybe just this one time. (Shh! Don’t tell)


On Christmas, the 20 year old who used to wake us up at 4 and 5 a.m. asked to sleep. So, we complied until noon. Then, I couldn’t take it anymore and we woke him up so we could do presents. Everyone seemed happy with their gifts. Mostly clothes, I do miss the sleep-deprived toy days a bit. However, waking up rested on Christmas is also an amazing gift! 

Speaking of being well-rested, my husband gifted me a new pillow. I’ve been on a quest to find a new pillow. I’m a squishy pillow person and I’d tried a couple cheaper new ones but they sounded like squished up coats to me. He splurged and got me what my oldest called “a hotel pillow.” I think it’s down. All I know is it’s squishy AND quiet.  I slept really good last night. My big gift to my husband was a new kitchen trash can as he really hated the one I’d painted to match the walls. So I bought him a plain white one. Welcome to boring married life. 

G gave me some very thoughtful gifts this year: a pop socket for my phone (how did I go so long without one of those?), a photography guide book, and these cool metal bookmarks that look like feathers. J got me the Christmas cactus I wanted and a gift card.

In the morning while waiting on the kids to wake up, we watched Die Hard. In the afternoon, while the kids messed with their gifts (it wasn’t all clothes) and my husband napped, I watched The Matrix Resurrections. I loved the movies and was not disappointed in this one. Despite the not so great reviews, I loved the cheesiness of it. To each their own I suppose.

Other Tidbits From The Day

Food was kind of weird on Christmas. I’d bought cinnamon rolls and a couple eclairs from the good (and oh so expensive, it’s definitely a special occasion kind of place) bakery for our morning. Then, had a loose plan for dinner but forgot to thaw things. So we didn’t really do a Christmas dinner. That part of the day was a bit odd with us kind of eating what was on hand, frozen pizza at lunch, leftover Church’s chicken from Christmas Eve, and then some leftover Thanksgiving turkey (from the freezer) later that night. And of course, way too many Christmas treats from stockings and earlier in the week.

I had a somewhat nice (once I convinced him I didn’t want to talk politics on Christmas) phone call with my brother who lives out of state. Exchanged Christmas texts with my other siblings (signs of the times, huh?) and a few friends. Christmas night I was as tired as if we’d run all over the place (husband said it was because we did nothing all day) and actually dozed off watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas (the cartoon one).

Overall, it was a nice day and very relaxing without having to worry about running around or time tables. However, if we repeat our lazy Christmas next year, I’ll be sure to have a proper dinner plan in place! That was the only glitch in the day.

(We do have plans to get together with family later this week.)

How was your Christmas?


Happy Homemaker Monday, After Christmas

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a lazy Christmas around here (I’ll share a post about it perhaps tomorrow). It was very nice. And later this week, we’ll be celebrating with my husband’s family as his sister and her family get in from Florida.

Apologies to not getting around to visit everyone last week and taking so long to reply to those of you who took the time to comment on my post. Had lots of last minute Christmas running around to do. Work was fun but tiring as well.

However, new week and a Christmas break week at that! Excited to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the last Happy Homemaker post of 2021.

The Weather

Like a see-saw. Up one day, down the next. Actually, lately kind of like being stuck on the upside of the see-saw. However, I heard the weather person say we’re heading down into the 30’s one day this week. The lowest the temperatures been the past week is in the mid to upper 40’s. Not kidding when I say my potted petunia (the one I didn’t uproot) looks like it might bloom again in December!!

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Didn’t sleep great but a few too many cups of coffee cleared that feeling.

On My Mind

Things I need to do today: a bit of cleaning (hello, basement!), baking, and slowly taking down our Christmas decorations. Also, looking back on last year and thinking on items and a word for the new year (blog posts coming!)

On The Breakfast Plate

Christmas breakfast

A chocolate flip yogurt I didn’t want but it was the only kind left, too much coffee, and vitamins. Glad I went to the store to get some better yogurt flavors (J likes the chocolate but I don’t really care for it)

On My Reading Pile

Would you believe I’m between books?

On My TV

We watched Die Hard on Christmas morning (just my husband and I), then I watched The Matrix Resurrections by myself on Christmas afternoon (LOVED it.). Plus, football. Patrick Mahomes gave us all an extra Christmas present yesterday. Go Chiefs! And because it’s the season of too much tv, I also binge-watched Hawkeye on Disney plus. Enjoyed it more than I expected. Somewhere in the last two weeks I also watched Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings on there. Really enjoyed that movie as well.

On The Menu This Week

Since we’ll have family in town, this is all subject to change but here’s what I planned around what we have on hand.

MONDAY: French toast and sausage, strawberries (I splurged a bit but we need some fruits and vegetables around here) *J may or may not have a 6:30 baritone lesson*

TUESDAY: Ribs in the crock pot, corn

WEDNESDAY: Tacos or taco soup

THURSDAY: Chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole


SATURDAY: ham, cornbread, black-eyed peas, and salad

From The Camera

Buddy always visits the Nativity on Christmas Eve. This was my mom’s set.


I couldn’t get enough of yesterday’s sunrise. This was the view out the front window as it was just starting:

Looking Around The House

It’s in various stages of after Christmas disarray. I think I finally cleared enough junk from the kitchen table that we could use it once again.

New Recipe I Tried or Want To Try

Going to try and make my husband’s grandfather’s famous peanut brittle in a bit. Wish me luck. Also, want to try these Norwegian Pepperkaker cookies if I ever find golden syrup (World Market was out of it)

To Relax This Week I Will

If the weather is nice, go for a walk with the camera.

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, stranger. Safe travels for family coming to visit. Peace for all those who are struggling through this holiday season. A healthy and happy new year.

Quote For The Week

Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)


Happy Homemaker Monday (On Sunday Night)

It’ll be 5 days until Christmas when this posts. Putting it together on Sunday night as I don’t expect to see much computer time the next 3 days. Finishing out the final days before Christmas for a teacher who travels to see family. Hoping for an easy week. 

At some point, I’ll link this up with the host of the Happy Homemaker Mondays, Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Time to get to the fun categories.

The Weather

Continues to be strange. In my mind, I’d started a post for last week entitled shorts and fuzzy socks. Sums up our weather. One day we need shorts, the next fuzzy socks. Last Wednesday was especially insane with 70 degrees but super high winds before a front brought thunderstorms (still not enough rain). The across the street neighbor had a tree split and hit his roof (thankfully, he wasn’t home and no injuries when it happened). That night, it smelled like something was on fire, turned out the winds were strong enough to blow the smoke from a wildfire in western Kansas over to our area.

Today we woke up to 20 degrees and cloudy skies.  Supposed to be in the upper 40’s most the week and the 50’s (that’s somewhat typical) for Christmas day.

How I’m Feeling

Like maybe the Buddy the Elf food group diet isn’t working so well. Of course, I’ve been a little short on the candy corns.

On My Mind

Some baking I’d like to do this week, the last-minute shopping, and how nice a long winter’s nap is sounding right about now.

Something Christmas Related I’ve Done the Past Few Days

The high school band winter concert (they call it that but they always put a wonderful Christmas tune in there) was on crazy winds Wednesday. It was nice.

Christmas Movie I Watched

Two, had to make up for last week. First, I watched A Christmas Story. There’s also a sequel on HBO Max, a teacher at work told me about it. However, I couldn’t get into it and settled on the original. And in case you didn’t guess, we also watched Elf. That’s definitely one of my favorites.

What I’m Wearing Today

Wore a Christmas sweater to the store this morning, it’s blue with fuzzy balls and a black cat wearing a Santa hat. Plus black pants, and tennis shoes. However, it was warm in here so I changed into a blue t-shirt later. No idea what I’ll wear to work tomorrow.

On My Reading Pile

What’s that sleighing or slaying joke that was about in a meme on Facebook there for a while? That’s me with my reading. For light holiday reading, I’m re-reading Christmas Island still. Trying to stretch it out. However, for an intense escape into a murder mystery, I read The Good Marriage by Kimberly McCreight. Guess it was on some kind of book of the month list, my copy came from the library. It was intense and twisty. Always give good marks to a book where I’ve not guessed all of the the outcome (one part I figured out but I was guessing on the identity of the murderer until the very end).

On Today’s To Do List

Done today: grocery shopping, laundry (last of it in progress), this post, clean out the e-mail folder, and pay all the December bills (glad to have that out of the way even though it about did me in to pay my our taxes early, they aren’t due until the 31st but we have family coming into to town and I wanted to not have to worry about it). Still need to wash masks (no mandate in our area but we’re still choosing to wear them based on the infection rates, it’s about 60/40 with the mask wearing around here)

Items for tomorrow: Pick up gift card for J’s baritone instructor on way home from work (restaurant he likes is near there), take J to his lesson/deliver the gift, find out if they are playing on Christmas Eve or not, send out a few more Christmas cards (or at least get them ready).

On My TV

After watching Elf last night, I went ahead and stayed up to watch King Richard before it went off HBO max today. It was really good, definitely watch it if you get a chance. Watched a bit of Buddy vs Duff while folding laundry, the holiday one and then went back to see the start of the show. And I watched Charlie Brown’s Christmas as it aired on PBS tonight, another all-time favorite of mine.  Excited to see who wins the Holiday Baking Championship tomorrow night (it airs each Monday on Discovery plus). I actually think I’ll be happy no matter who wins as I like all the competitors this season.

Listening To

Someday the answer to this won’t be the washing machine and dryer. I’ll be listening to Christmas music in the car on the way to work tomorrow. And probably at school, the kids love Feliz Navidad.

On The Menu

I’m not sure…most of this is subject to change and probably will

MONDAY: Probably going to be husband’s choice or heat and eat chicken strips *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *I work 8-4:30*

TUESDAY: Minestrone, garlic bread, salad *I work 8-4:30**Last day before Christmas break for J*

WEDNESDAY: Maybe turkey hot dogs, French Fries *I work 8-4:30**Last day before Christmas break for my school*

THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot

FRIDAY: Not Sure *Christmas Eve* Maybe French Toast?

From The Camera

All the photos in this post were from my cell phone. Definitely need to make a concentrated effort to pick up the “real” camera more over Christmas break.

Looking Around The House

Um. Laundry’s almost done. Places to sit in the living room. However, the kitchen table looks like the wild winds blew in here. It is covered!

In Preparation For The Holidays

My husband made fudge using a 100 year old recipe a former client gave him. She’d always made the fudge and given it to him refusing to share the recipe. However, last year she gave him the recipe saying it was the last year she was making it as they were too tired. So he made some and delivered it to her this year. (Sadly, her 87 year old husband is the hospital and not doing very well.)

On My Prayer List

The husband of my husband’s former client (friends of his really), all the frazzled teachers and students trying to make it to Christmas break, those navigating the holidays while grieving loved ones, and those navigating the holidays with difficult loved ones and estranged family as well. Safe travels for all those who are traveling to see family in the upcoming weeks. Friends, family, strangers. Peace and joy in hardened hearts.

Quote For The Week

Linus says it best for this week:

Happy Homemaker Monday on a Tuesday

Since this is going to be a busy week, thought I’d just go ahead and start on my post while waiting for the on-line church services to start. Probably finish it after as I am running short on time already. *Update: Back to finishing this on a Tuesday once again*

Joining in for this fun link up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Let’s just get into the categories today.

The Weather

Can’t really talk about the weather without taking a minute to think of those affected by the terrible storms over the weekend.  Our weather’s still been all over the place. Cold yesterday but sunny and nice (but quite windy) today with a high in the low 50’s. Up more during the week, a low 70 on Wednesday maybe? We could use some rain but just a slight chance on Thursday. And did I mention the high winds advisory we’re under starting on Wednesday plus a burn ban because it’s been so dry here? Strange weather.

How I Am Feeling This Morning 

Sunday’s treat

Somewhat motivated to get things done. I was supposed to work today but there was a misunderstanding and so now I have an unexpected day at home. Of course, I could still get called in and will need to go. However, it’s after 9:00 a.m. now so the odds of me getting an “at home” day are really good now.

On My Mind

Christmas planning and prep, a student from my work who had family in the path of the tornadoes over the weekend, next year’s word (early to think on it I know), and a bit of baking I might do today. Too much! It’s a scary place in there.

Something Christmas Related I’ve Done The Past Few Days

New sheets for the basement day-bed

A bit of Christmas shopping while waiting for J’s band practice. It was in a town a bit north and they had a super Target that was very different than the one around here.

Christmas Movie I Watched

Nothing last week, busy week with not much time for movies. That’s on today’s laundry folding agenda. Not sure which movie I’ll choose.

What I’m Wearing Today

Today’s outfit is boring since I’m at home with cleaning type plans. However, yesterday was Grinch day at preschool and I wore a Grinch t-shirt with a green cardigan (our weird weather calls for layers!) and black pants plus a pair of Grinch shoes I splurged on earlier this year. Can’t say I’m too sad to be missing out on ugly sweater day since it’s supposed to be close to 65 degrees later!

On My Reading Pile

Finished two very non-Christmas books last week. First up was Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Waited such a long time for it. And, apparently an unpopular opinion, didn’t really enjoy it as much as his other two books. Maybe I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind for a science fiction novel. I don’t know. The other book I’d waited on though…Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins. And now, I’m re-reading Christmas Island by Natalie Norman on my phone’s kindle app. Christmas in an island off the coast of Norway, definitely a bit more festive than outer space and murder.

On Today’s To Do List

Shall I save time and just say everything? Or that this is ideal and I don’t expect I’ll accomplish it all. And that I’m sure there are lots of items I’ve forgotten.

  1. Laundry
  2. Wrap a few Christmas presents
  3. Christmas cards
  4. Make gingerbread cookie dough
  5. Find some recipes for fresh blueberries
  6. Clean basement and put new sheets on bed down here
  7. Clean entire house
  8. Check stockings/see what I still need to fill them
  9. Go for a walk outside (really want to make this one a priority)
  10. Do some dinner prep for the rest of the week

On My TV

Didn’t really watch too much tv last week though I did catch up and watch the latest episodes of The Flash and The Holiday Baking Championship (excited to watch the next one). Oh, and The Masked Singer. I think Wednesday might be the finale of that one. And of course, the Chiefs!

Listening To

Washer and Dryer. And the random stink bug flying around down here. UGH. Saturday night, we enjoyed the all-district band concert. The kids (biased here) are so very talented! It was an amazing concert.

On The Menu 

Husband let my ice cream cake set out a little too long last Thursday

Can I blame the weather for my lack of inspiration? Hard to do soups and such when it’s 65 degrees out there.

MONDAY: Mom’s working on a Monday special (Rotisserie chicken from the store) *I worked 7-3:30* *J had a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Something with the leftover chicken, no idea what maybe some made up version of chicken chili

WEDNESDAY: Ham steaks, cornbread, broccoli *I work 8:15-3:45* *HS band concert at 7*

THURSDAY: Probably out *J has an appt at 5*

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza?? *I work 8-4:30*

From The Camera

I really need to get back into my camera habit. These photos are just random ones I snapped on Sunday.

Looking Around The House

Christmas is under the mess

In Prep For The Holidays

Picked up some supplies for holiday baking (maybe a stretch, we’re going to make chocolate covered pretzels):

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers. The student from preschool who’s extended family lost their home in the tornadoes over the weekend (they weren’t sure of the status of the family members either), the friends and family of a teacher who used to live in one of those areas, the other family who lost their home in the fire on Thanksgiving. All those navigating the holidays while grieving. 

Quote For The Week

This verse came up in the Jesus Calling devotional today and it’s one of my favorites.

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 
 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

(Proverbs 3:5-6)



Happy Homemaker Tuesday

Tis the season to not post a Happy Homemaker Monday until on Tuesday I suppose!

Yesterday was a solidly busy day with work in the morning, an afternoon grocery store run, and J’s lesson. Add in a last-minute trip to grab an extra item for my secret Santa gift and no computer time here.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to plan out the rest of this rather busy week.

The Weather  

Is it going to be frightful or delightful? Each day is different here. Yesterday and today, a bit frightful and cold. Currently 29 degrees and a high of 44 expected today.  By Friday, delightful with a high of 70 expected. Hard to plan what to wear though. And no rain nor snow in sight for now.

On My Mind

Today, mostly Christmas. Lots of little ends I’d like to tie up today.

Something Christmas Related I’ve Done The Past Few Days

Shopped for my secret Santa person from work, bought extra lights for our Christmas tree (pre-lit tree and some of the lights are going out), enjoyed the on-line church sermon series entitled “Not so silent night”

Christmas Movie I Watched

A new favorite from last year, The Holiday Calendar on Netflix. And I also watched Beebo Saves Christmas on the CW app. (Pure silliness and I loved it!)

What I’m Wearing Today

Olive green pants and a multi color tunic that also has shades of the olive green. Tennis shoes. Should probably go ahead and pull out the Christmas sweaters sometime today.

On My Reading Pile

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. As much as I loved his first two books, I’m struggling to stay focused and engaged with this one. Might just be me though. I’m also working through Simply Christmas: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Reclaiming the Peace of the Holidays: A Devotional by Tama Fortner. Super encouraging. Love taking a few minutes with this book each morning.

On Today’s To Do List

  1. Return part of my online order to Kohls (at least I can just go to the store)
  2. Christmas shopping
  3. Laundry
  4. Wrap a few presents
  5. Get a few Christmas cards ready

On My TV

The Flash (got sucked back in), the next episode of Holiday Baking Championship, maybe another Christmas movie or baking show.

Listening To

Washing machine, the heater running, Christmas music in the car

On The Menu

It’s going to be all over the place this week.

MONDAY: J had R. Chicken, G went out with a friend, we had leftover spicy potato soup. *I worked 7:30-3:30* *J had a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Pork chops with Asian flair (new crock pot recipe), rice *EXCEPT* we might be going out for brother-in-law’s birthday. Still need to make the pork chops as I already thawed them.

WEDNESDAY: If we go out tonight, pork chops. If not, probably just tacos though I might do salsa verde chicken instead.

THURSDAY: My birthday! Not sure. J has rehearsal for the all-district honor band concert from 4:30-7:30 at a school about 30 minutes from here. Probably just going to need to eat on the go.

FRIDAY: Same deal with the all-district band rehearsal except it’s from 4:30-9:30. *I work 7:45-4:15*

SATURDAY: Concert day, all day rehearsal, then the concert so probably Subway that day.

From The Camera

Didn’t do the best job of picking up the camera last week. At all. Took the 3 photos in this post this morning.

Looking Around The House

It’s mostly decorated for Christmas and a mess at the same time!

In Preparation For The Holidays

Probably need to at least get a list made today. I’ll check it twice tomorrow. Actually, see today’s to-do list for my holiday preparation. Also, need to find time to go check some Christmas books out of the library for the next 2 weeks at work.

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers. A teacher at work who is quarantine for the next ten days. Those who are navigating the holidays with missing loved ones. The neighbors especially the girl across the street who was being bullied and harassed after trying to break up a fight at the school. A preschool family who lost their home to a fire on Thanksgiving (thankfully, all the people and pets got out safely).  J, for his anxiety and depression to subside (He seems to be doing better so thank you all for your kind words and prayers last week!) Peaceful and happy holidays throughout the world.

Quote For The Week

It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)


Sugar-Free Week

So it’s time for my last (mostly) sugar-free week of the year.  At the beginning of the year when I was making my list of things, I added to do a sugar-free week each quarter. Not sure if I managed to do all 4 quarters.

However, during the course of the weekend I met the most unfriendly scale. You know scales speak in numbers. And the numbers this scale shouted at me. So very rude. SIGH.

In all seriousness, the number on the scale surpassed my warning number. Not a good thing. Turns out high levels of stress and stress eating plus (ahem) being a bit older means that number goes up faster.

Time to fix it. Seems a bit crazy to do a sugar-free challenge the first week of Advent but that’s what I’m doing. I went (mostly) vegan for 30 days one year the day after Halloween so I can do this.

However, in light of the season, I’m allowing myself one small treat each day. So, on Sunday, I did go ahead and get that peppermint latte, a tall (seriously, as much as I love Starbucks, why can’t we just do small, medium, and large? A tall is a small. Pro tip: if you just ask for a small, they’ll just give you a “tall”).

I’ll probably be referring to my sugar free Pinterest board a bit as well. Here’s my loosely conceived plan for my final sugar-free week of 2021.

Parameters of My (mostly) Sugar-Free Week

The reason I’m saying mostly here is because sugar is in everything it seems! And I’m not going to be so stringent as to worry over a gram here or there. Two grams of added sugar in a flour tortilla while annoying is not something I plan to stress over.  I have enough stress in my life lately.

  1. Consume only foods with a sugar content of less than 5 grams (exceptions made for fruits)
  2. Drink only water and tea. Exception made for 2-4 oz. tart cherry juice, no sugar added, each night (Helps with inflammation and sleep, look it up!)
  3. Allow myself one bite (square) of dark chocolate if an intense craving hits
  4. Also, allow myself one small treat a day (does not have to be food related but must be well-thought out and savored if a food/drink treat)  sugar-free

Yesterday and Sunday, went fairly well on the sugar-free try despite the days being a bit stressful. Today things are calmer and ironically, now is when I’m really wanting a junk food type treat. Just plan to stay busy with more Christmas decorating until that passes. Or I decide what kind of proper treat I’d like for the day.

Have you ever tried to go sugar-free or mostly sugar-free? How did that go for you? Any quick tips?


Happy Homemaker Monday, November Ending

Today is the last day of November. I am more than ready to welcome in December. This month has been a bit rough and I’m ready to move into the Christmas season as well as a brand new year.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday link up. And look, she changed the categories! I had a feeling she might, some fun ones for the Advent season as well.

The Weather 

Saturday morning sunrise

It certainly does not feel like the end of November around here! It was in the high 50’s yesterday but supposed to hit almost 70(!) today. Sunshine abounds. Such strange weather. Of course, usually warm spells in the fall and especially winter usually signal some cold stormy weather around the bend. We’ll see. I did take advantage yesterday with a long walk in the park. Sprinkling the pictures throughout this post.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Tired with a slight headache (from lack of sleep I’m sure), frustrated and guilty over my inability to really help J in his struggle with anxiety and depression. Still trying to stay positive and working on getting him help.  Add in annoyed with the million cyber Monday deals in my inbox to try and sift through while looking for more important ones. 

On My Mind

The on-line church sermon from yesterday. The bullet points: rejoice how God is using you, Praise God, Anticipate how God is transforming the world, and remember God’s faithfulness in the past. 

Trying very hard especially with the first one but struggling a bit.

Something Christmas-Related I’ve Done The Past Few Days

Attempted to re-arrange the entire living room to find a new place for the Christmas tree. It didn’t work. Advice: If you have a small living room, never and I mean NEVER buy a sectional. It only fits one way. On a happier thought, I had a small peppermint mocha yesterday morning and we put up the greenery around the doorway plus the tree (didn’t decorate it yet).

Christmas Movie I Watched

I usually don’t start watching Christmas movies until Dec 1. However, I did watch maybe 5 minutes of Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire. A bit too bizarre even for me.

What I’m Wearing Today

Black short-sleeved light-weight sweater, olive green pants, socks & tennis shoes. Not very festive.

On My Reading Pile

Lots of books! I went to the library for 2 hold pick ups and browsed a bit. Over Thanksgiving, I finished one of my holds: God of Lost Words by A.J. Hackworth. It was the 3rd and final installment in the Hell’s Library series. An interesting series for book lovers as long as you don’t get too bogged down in the semantics and ideas of the settings. It’s fantasy fiction and stays true to that genre, not for everyone but I enjoyed it.

I also (finally!) have the new Andy Weir book, Hail Mary, on my pile. He wrote The Martian so I’m super excited to read this. Then, I have a slew of other random books covering everything from “getting cozy” to a silly satirical book of 90’s movie reviews.

However, currently, I’m reading The Christmas Countdown by Donna Ashcroft on my kindle app because it’s the Christmas season!

On Today’s To Do List

  1. Breathe
  2. Complete this post
  3. Gather items for renewing my driver license (yuck!)
  4. Make some appointments for J/e-mail school (half-done)
  5. Do a bit more Christmas decorating
  6. Go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather! 

On The TV

Not sure, probably just the usual stuff: The Voice, La Brea, Masked Singer, maybe The Flash. Christmas movies.

Listening To

At the moment, the clothes dryer. Might turn on some music later.

On The Menu

Tired of summer menu items but the weather isn’t cooperating for fall/winter menus.

MONDAY: turkey hot dogs on the grill, broccoli or I might make the minestrone soup I skipped over doing yesterday. Maybe both and I’ll just freeze the minestrone for a cold day. *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Roast in the crock pot, potatoes

WEDNESDAY: Pork chops with Asian flair, rice, pineapple (Freezer crock pot meal)

THURSDAY: Chicken strips, French fries *I work 8:30-5*

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza (carry over from last week)

From The Camera

Just more park pictures. I think the “all you need is love” tree must be some sort of geocache, marker in the park. Always interesting little treasures on it. And I couldn’t stand how the love banner fell so I moved it up higher on the tree again. 

Looking Around The House

Not awful, just need to decorate for Christmas. My husband did put our tv on the wall so now I have a bit more space for my Nativity scenes.

In Prep For The Holidays

This week is just going to be about decorating, maybe putting some cookie dough in the freezer.

On My Prayer List

J that he’ll overcome this battle with anxiety/depression and once again feel happy. (And if you have a spare prayer, can I ask for some for us as well because it’s a little tough dealing with all this as parents)

Those dealing with heavy feelings and grief as they try to maneuver the holiday season.

Family, friends, strangers.

Quote For The Week

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
(Psalm 55:22)  

It’s The Holiday Season

Hopefully, you had a good Thanksgiving (if in the United States) and are ready for the holiday season.

Sharing the video of one of my favorite songs of the season as believe it or not, I did not take a single photo yesterday!

To say this has been a week of ups and downs is likely an understatement.


Monday was a lovely day of mostly happiness. Started the morning with a haircut, always enjoy my “hair-apy” sessions so much. And my lovely hairdresser always gives a small Christmas gift to her clients. Guess I should’ve taken a picture of that. A little plastic cup with a straw filled with candies, lip balm, and lotion. The saying on the cup:

May your day be as amazing as your hair!

*Very grateful for her, she’s been my hairdresser since I was in high school!*

Then, I kicked off my holiday season a bit early by doing a bit of shopping. Hit a few shops on the east side of town that I don’t get toward quite as often. Picked up a tin of my husband’s favorite cookies, J’s favorites, and few other stocking stuffers. Plus a chocolate Advent calendar.   The chocolates were so pretty, I couldn’t resist!

A happy Monday, and then came Tuesday. SIGH. Crashing down.

Anxiety rushed back at J. It’s so hard to watch someone you love suffer. And we won’t even get into the guilt it brings. Suffice it to say I struggled the whole day as well.

However, G was kind enough to see just how much I was struggling and bought me lunch. (While his kindness helped my mood, Taco Bell didn’t do much for my stomach already upset from poor food choices from earlier in the day)

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday helped me climb back up the good mood ladder a bit. Time spent with loving preschool kiddos is such a mood boost! And J didn’t have school anyway so no worries there.

One of the students in the afternoon class told me several jokes. I love when the preschool kids tell me jokes. Sometimes they make no sense but his were really funny. Sample:

What do lazy dogs do for fun? 

Chase parked cars!


Yesterday (Thursday) was of course, Thanksgiving. And I’ve had lots of thoughts about the holidays and then, even more thoughts here.

It was a strange day here with just the four of us. My husband cooked the turkey on the pellet grill and I made all the sides: cranberry sauce (Wednesday night), pumpkin and chocolate pies, cornbread, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes (cheated, used instant), corn, and we also had dinner rolls (cheated, bought at Hy-Vee, not great).

As I cooked, mostly, I worked through a bit of grief and memories. Cried my way through some Facebook photos and memories.

I think I needed this holiday with just the four of us to grieve the loss of our Oklahoma holiday traditions. Hadn’t had a chance to do that yet as our aunt passed away in October 2019 so close to the holidays that I think I was simply in shock. And last year, the pandemic didn’t allow much room for any other thoughts as things were just so different all the way around.

After dinner, we did manage to lure the kids from their rooms for a few rounds of Uno. And then, J and I played Go. I think the boys had a good holiday. Hope so anyway.

Upcoming Weekend

While I thought about kicking off the holiday season with a bit of Black Friday shopping, the allure of staying in my pajama bottoms was too great. Did do a tiny bit of on-line though.

My plans for the weekend involve mostly laundry, deep cleaning, and Christmas decorating. Maybe putting together a list of Christmas books to read and movies to watch. Last year I made a point to watch a Christmas movie every day in December (not sure I managed every day) and really enjoyed it. So, a planned repeat of that is in order.

So far, I’ve deep cleaned the main bathroom and put up the Christmas shower curtain. Just taking my time with everything today.

How was your week (and holiday if you celebrated)? What do you have planned for the weekend?
