Author: jehdld

Happy Homemaker Monday, Maybe Snow?

To start this week, after some typical spring days, we get maybe snow? Not happy about that. Not sure who out there is, happy for you if you get excited about April snow. However, most of us do not.

maybe snow

I’m ready to plant my flowers and more plants in the garden. Sit out in the sunshine. Not so much still drink hot cocoa and dream about doing it. SIGH. Guess I better make the most of today’s sunshine.

First though, it’s time to join in with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather

maybe snow
A few blue skies last week

Guess it’s fitting they’re busy talking about football on the news this morning (spring training camp stuff) since the weather predictions are more fall/winter than early spring. It’s been an usually cold spring, I think. The maybe snow is probably more like a good chance of it since we’re under a winter weather advisory starting later tonight. At least it looks as if things are back to normal by the weekend, and warm (finally) next week.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Tired, relieved, frustrated, sad. Pretty much all the feelings. Tired because I didn’t sleep great. Relieved because J went to school this morning. Frustrated because I had to take the G’s car and I don’t want to take it to do my other errands, it is not a joy to drive (Husband took my car to go turkey hunting this morning). Frustrated for lots of other reasons, grab the tiny violins as I’m having a bit of a pity party. Sad because we have family moving out of state tomorrow and I’m going to miss them (though note: I am very happy for them).

Ever feel like there’s too much and not enough on your plate all at the same time? Kind of where I am right now. If that makes no sense to you, don’t worry, it doesn’t even make a lot of sense to me.

On The Breakfast Plate

Something a little different, strawberry toaster strudels with coffee and vitamins. I really need to get to the store.

On My Reading Pile

Finished two books last week. First, I read Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century by Jessica Bruder which was fascinating and disturbing and sad and hopeful all at once. After my nonfiction choice, I needed an “escape” so I read Girl A by Dan Scottow. A page turning thriller that surprised me in some ways and not in others at the end.

Finally, this week I’ll finish up reading The Flight Attendant by Chris Bohjalian. I wasn’t sure I’d like it, pretty mixed reviews on Amazon (I checked it out of the library, I don’t think it’s free over on Amazon). However, I’m enjoying it. It reads like a thriller but the author spends a bit more time developing the main characters than in most thrillers I’ve read. Seemed to annoy some of the Amazon reviewers but I kind of like it.

On My TV

Tried very hard to watch the Nomadland movie after reading the book. Just couldn’t get through it. Too depressing for a Friday night. That said, some of the people profiled in the book play themselves in the movie so that aspect was interesting. Didn’t really watch anything else of note.

Typical TV shows: Prodigal Son, Masked Singer, Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I’ve been watching a bit of the Doctor Who reruns now and then.

On The Menu

Did I mention how I really need to go to the store? Last week, I changed a lot of my menu ideas so might be some repeats here. I’m sure things will change again this week as I’ll probably get called into work as well as change my mind once I go grocery shopping.

MONDAY: Subway OUT *J has a band concert!!*

TUESDAY: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread

WEDNESDAY: Pork chops probably, salad, baked potatoes

THURSDAY: Chicken strips or there’s a moo shu pork recipe I’ve been wanting to try (would use the left over pork chops)

FRIDAY: Frozen pizza or OUT *J has an appt at 3*

Looking Around The House

I need to do a serious clean up again.

To Relax This Week I Will

Read my book, watch the birds, maybe do a little shopping other than at the grocery store

From The Camera

Something I Want To Share

I moved my So Not Organized blog followers from Bloglovin’ over to this blog. Hello! (Feel free to unsubscribe if this isn’t your cup of tea (or coffee), I won’t take offense.)

Also, look at these Earthship homes. I’d never heard of them before reading Nomadland.

Quote For The Week

Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. (John Muir)


How’s your weather look this week? Is it a maybe snow forecast for you as well?

Bird Sightings and Sounds in the Backyard

Thought I’d just catch you all up on the bird sightings and sounds from the backyard this week. Been a while since I’ve been on a walk to do any proper birdwatching but I’m still looking out the backdoor. Need to grab the camera more often.

Hoping to do better.

Regular Birds

Our regular sparrows and house finches are still hanging out around the feeders.

bird sightings and sounds

bird sightings and sounds

And while I didn’t get a photo of the action, the house sparrows are still raiding my suet feeder much the annoyance of my downy wood peckers.

bird sightings and sounds

The downy woodpecker took a minute to figure out the squirrel proof bird feeder. (The squirrel also continues to raid the suet feeder)

Moving on, we had a visitor!

Visiting Bird

The Eastern towhee came and completely checked out the backyard one morning. Two weeks ago, J had spotted him briefly but I hadn’t seen him since that day. I had a lot of fun watching on Sunday morning as the little bird explored all the feeder areas including hopping on and off the hummingbird feeder several times.

bird sightings and sounds

He spent some time playing peekaboo with the white throated sparrows.

However, I’ve not seen him the rest of the week. Perhaps he’s moved on like the dark-eyed juncos. One day they were here and the next, gone. So far, my white throated sparrows are still out there.

Birds Heard

While I’m out of practice taking bird photos, I don’t need to be near the window with a camera in hand to know a few of my birds are out there.

Each morning I hear the call of my white throated sparrows though I know that time is about to end. I’ll miss hearing their song. However, the chirping of the cardinals should keep me cheery. The grackles are back in town and trying to dominate the backyard with their rather loud vocabulary.

One night, I awoke to the familiar who cooks for you of a barred owl. My husband said he heard 2 and they were right out in our backyard tree.

Hopefully, I’ve caught you up on some of the bird sightings and sounds around the backyard. Didn’t mean to go quite so long without a bird watching post.

Other Birds Spotted This Week

Before I end this post (I’m going to resume linking up next week, I think), here are the other birds I spotted this week: a cedar wax wing! J and I took a quick walk down the street and mockingbird sat on the fence. Lots of geese by the pond. Starlings, robins, and blue jays searching for a place to nest. Looks like the starlings are returning to the maple tree in front and the blue jays to the neighbor’s oak tree. Saw the chickadees checking out a wren house. Crows flying over head. And briefly saw an appearance of brown headed cowbirds. Glad they moved on quickly.

What birds did you spot this week?




Let’s Just Chat

Since it’s been a while, other than the Happy Homemaker Mondays, let’s just chat.

A little of this and a little of that. We’ll pretend we’re at the coffee shop. Me with a chai tea latte in hand, you? Maybe a scone? Or should we go all out and splurge on cake pops?

Whatever is there to chat about?

Let’s see: Band concerts, vaccines, and taxes. Oh my! Or maybe good, bad, and ugly topics? Ha!

Let’s start with the good.

Band Concert

The kids get to have a band concert! A real, proper one. Well, except no tuxes and fancy dresses. Just dress nice clothes. Retro middle school style, I suppose. Two tickets per family unless your kid is a senior, then 4.

It’s been so quiet here for so long. I miss the music!

let's just chat

Very much looking forward to going to an event at the high school and not even going to complain about those hard bleachers in the gym this time (The entire band doesn’t fit in the auditorium. We did, however, just pass some bond issue to upgrade schools including auditoriums so maybe next time.). Really hoping this provides the spark to get J back to picking up his baritone again. Can’t even begin to express how hard it is to watch your kid lose interest in things you know they love.

Oh, how’d the good turn into that sob story? Anyway, a tiny dose of almost normal in this crazy school year? I’ll take it and enjoy. Maybe we’ll even get Subway for dinner (tradition).

Moving on to the bad (maybe).


So, I mentioned I was brave on Monday. Wanted to get that one and done Johnson and Johnson shot before they ran out of it. Silly me thought there’d be a shortage of it. Not that they’d pause the whole vaccine the very next day. My timing is amazing, no? SIGH.

Not much I can do now. Take heed in the wisdom of Tracy Lawrence, I suppose. Going country today!

In poor taste? I don’t know. Humor is requirement for things sometimes. Anyway, I feel fine. Felt pretty run down on Tuesday the day after but today I feel fine. Only symptom is an itchiness and redness around my shot site. Pretty sure it’s normal.

Did you get a vaccine yet? I keep seeing these silly things on Facebook comparing the vaccines to the Harry Potter houses. Hopefully, those of us who took the Johnson and Johnson one won’t end up as bunch of Tom Riddles later turning into you know who (well, if you read the books/saw the movies).

Perhaps, we should just move on to the ugly.


Typically, today is tax day but it’s different again this year. So, let’s just chat about taxes for a minute. Husband’s tax stuff for work is spread all over a table in the living room. My post today is actually procrastination. I should be getting a bunch of tax paperwork and numbers together for him. It’s the reason I really came down into the basement. And to pay bills as well as do some laundry. Think we have the ugly part of the post covered now.

Thankfully, once we gather all the paperwork, we take it to someone and I don’t have to think about taxes again until December. (Property taxes are due December 31 in our state). Are your taxes all done?

Let’s see, I don’t want to end our chat on that ugly note. What else can we talk about here?

Gardens and Birds

Let’s end on some pretty and optimistic notes. I’ve been bringing in the tiny tomato plants and sunflowers each night to avoid our frost advisories.

Should be done with that tonight! My husband planted some green bean seeds (still think it might be too early but what do I know, just what the garden center board said).

I’ve been dreaming of purple coneflowers, wildflowers, and sunflowers filling the yard. I have so many plans for the garden areas this year! A post is rattling around in my brain about showing you each area now versus my vision for it.

In the photo below, I’m envisioning a row of sunflowers growing up against that building in the picture. Maybe a vine with flowers climbing up the pole leftover from a broken birdfeeder. And of course, those hydrangeas blooming!

And then, hopefully, later in the summer, what happened with it. What do you think?

Hoping to finally share a proper bird watching post again on Saturday. For now though, I’ll just end this post with a photo of the cedar wax wing I randomly spotted yesterday. One of my favorites!

Tell me what’s going on in your corner of the world?



Happy Homemaker Monday, A New Week

Well, last week got away from me. Some day I’ll go back to posting more than these Monday posts that sometimes don’t show up until Wednesdays.

I ended up working a lot more than I expected last week. One of the reasons explaining all the blog silence. Anyway, it’s a new week and time for a fresh start on things.

Going to link up as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Go check out her posts!

The Weather

new week

A little cooler this morning but today is going to be another beautiful spring day! There is a chance for a frost overnight and on Tuesday night but lots of sunny skies predicted for the next few days.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Brave and accomplished. Despite being super scared of needles, I went and got my Covid 19 vaccine. Thankfully, I found a place with the Johnson and Johnson one shot kind. And I’m even more thankful for the kindness of the pharmacy tech who gave it to me. A lot less nervous now but still just a tiny bit worried about side effects. As someone who’s had an allergic reaction in the past (to amoxicillin), I probably won’t fully relax until a couple days are past. Still, I’m done with the super scary needle part of things! Hooray.

On The Breakfast Plate

Lemon meringue pie flip yogurt, vitamins, and coffee.

On My Reading Pile

After waiting since December, I finally had a turn to read The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Really enjoyed it. Over the weekend, I read a quick thriller by Lisa Unger called Under My Skin. I find I appreciate her books aren’t overly predictable.

On My TV

Over the weekend (it rained all day Saturday!), we watched a few movies. By myself I watched Gone Girl because I’d long ago read the book. Book was better. Of course. Then, we did it. We watched the FOUR hour Justice League movie. Started it Saturday night so had to watch a bit of the end again on Sunday (I may or may not have fallen asleep during part of the middle, just a battle scene, I think, and at the end). It was good. A bit too much slow motion in it (cut that and you’d probably have a 3 hour movie). Finally, yesterday, we watched Monsters, Inc. Just for fun.

Excited that Prodigal Son is back on tomorrow night! Need to finish the Q documentary on HBO Max. And of course, I’ll watch Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney Plus Friday night (husband wouldn’t admit it but he’s watching it with me).

On The Menu This Week

Last week was weird with me working unexpectedly and odd hours every day except Monday. Lots of eating out. Too much. Hopefully, this week we eat at home around the table a lot more.

MONDAY: Probably leftovers from the weekend or maybe pasta of some sort. Maybe pasta and leftovers *I have a hair appt at 11*

TUESDAY: Roast in crock pot

WEDNESDAY: Chicken Verde in crock pot

THURSDAY: Fried cube steak, mashed potatoes

FRIDAY: Probably OUT *J has an appt at 3*

Looking Around The House

Not too bad, lots of nervous energy funneled into cleaning the house a bit yesterday. Husband does have tax papers all over the living room. And we still have a box of jewelry sitting on the couch. Kitchen table is clear, however.

To Relax This Week, I Will

You’ll find me either outside working on the garden areas or inside dreaming about doing it. Read a book. Enjoy a cup of tea.

From The Camera

I’d kind of lost my camera motivation. I don’t know, all motivation. However, this little Eastern Towhee came to visit yesterday morning and I enjoyed some time chasing him around with it.

Eastern Towhee

Something I Want To Share

Probably goes under book talk but I’m really enjoying and finding a lot of peace in reading through the Jesus Calling book I picked up on Easter weekend. Have you read through it before?

Quote For The Week

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)


What are your plans for this lovely part of mid-April?


Happy Homemaker Monday, Spring has Sprung!

Didn’t work today but am still late with this post. The weather of today made it impossible to focus on inside tasks. Still thinking of things I’d like to be doing outside as I stop to write this.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. My favorite Monday morning (or ahem, evening) link up.

The Weather

It’s currently 75, partly cloudy although mostly sunny, with trees shedding a fair amount of pollen. Achoo! Same weather forecasted for tomorrow and then, thunderstorms over night. Then, more warm weather. Have I ever mentioned this is one of my very favorite seasons?

How I Am Feeling This Morning Evening

Not too bad although my stomach is giving me second thoughts about my dinner dessert of leftover chocolate (almond bark actually) covered strawberries.

On The Breakfast Dinner Plate

Kept it simple and pulled some frozen rotisserie chicken from the freezer, heated that up with salads. And the above mentioned strawberries. (If you really want to know, breakfast was banana bread and way too much coffee!)

On My Reading Pile

I just finished a great book I accidentally downloaded. Really. Last Friday I was looking for something to read during J’s appointment but I was sleepy and dozing off. Dozed off and apparently my hand hit the phone just right to download a book called Refuge by Dot Jackson. Set in the late 1920’s and not my typical style. The main character leaves her abusive husband in South Carolina and sets off to find her late father’s family in Appalachia. Love, scandal, tragedy, it’s all there but it’s a surprisingly peaceful read as well.

And I renewed the housekeeping book. Read about it at the same pace I do it apparently. Not enough.

Also bought myself a couple of “real” books while Easter shopping last week:

On The TV

Been watching that documentary on Q over on HBO Max. Interesting but I’m ready to be done with it. And watching Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney. Broke down and watched The Book of Eli one day. Not even sure what to say about it. Weird. Watched a bit of The Ten Commandments on regular tv Saturday night. Still following along with The Masked Singer. Might watch The Voice, I tend to lose interest after the audition part.

On The Menu

Honestly, just not sure. I made one out before I went to the store for Easter but now it doesn’t sound good.

Easter was good. We had a scaled down brunch for my husband’s sister and her family plus my husband’s brother stopped by for a while. My husband smoked a brisket, and I made our famous brunch bacon, put together a fruit platter, and couple of desserts (strawberry cupcakes and Fruity pebbles bars). Oh, and I put out some banana bread.

Hard to get back to regular menus after the “big” meals like that.

MONDAY: deli chicken and salads

TUESDAY: probably tacos again *I work 8:30-5*

WEDNESDAY: maybe spaghetti? *I work 8:30-11ish*

THURSDAY: salsa verde chicken in the crock pot (might change) *I work 2-6*

FRIDAY: OUT *J has an appt at 3*

From The Camera

I can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures yesterday! Here’s a few glimpses of today’s projects.

Couldn’t resist this bleeding heart plant at the nursery. My dad always had one planted by the backyard patio. Now, I have on right off our deck.

I promise I watered the poor dill plant. Plan to fill in the second row of my “herb garden” next week.


Looking Around The House

It’s in a decent state because we had company though the couch is covered with our late aunt’s jewelry. So much. It’s my turn to go through it, I’m last. Was not expecting it. Spent a fair amount of time simply sorting things out yesterday afternoon (I don’t think any one else had really bothered with it, found some old lockets and such). Not sure what to do with it all. NOT keeping it.

To Relax This Week I Will

Go outside and work on the different garden areas. Work on my garden journal (this is just a spiral sketch pad I bought on clearance). Read my books by an open window.

Something I Want To Share

Just a conversation I had with G. Not sure if I’ve mentioned it but my husband’s sister and her family are moving to Florida. They’ve sold their house and have it mostly cleared out from the showings. I said, we could move (note: not to Florida, just in general). He said, no. Then, I said we could just pretend we were going to move and clear everything out and have our house look walk through ready all the time. My son looked at me and said, well, that’s not really living is it? SIGH. What is that saying? Out of the mouth’s of babes (though he’s 20).

Quote For The Week

My husband rototilled the garden today!


In Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. (Margaret Atwood)


What are your plans for this spring week?

Happy Homemaker Wednesday

Well, I’m late with things again this week. Still wanted to pause from “living la vida loca” and get a post up this week.

Technically, since Spring break starts today (for me, tomorrow for J), I am right on time. Maybe. Ha! Let’s look at the rest of this week with a few glances back and Monday and Tuesday.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. So glad she leaves the link up longer for slowpokes like myself!

The Weather


It’s been nice and sunny the past 2 days (a nice change from constant rain last week) but today is a bit chilly! As long as the sun is shining, I won’t complain too much. However, I’m excited for the warmer temperatures to return in time for Easter weekend. It’s 36 degrees out there right now. Ready to leave my seed starter containers out overnight instead of hauling them all inside each evening.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Not too bad. Last week was rough between not feeling well and being a bit of an emotional mess. I slept better last night and woke up motivated today. Although, is it just me? Why is the best sleep always the 20 minutes when you nod off in the living room while trying so hard to watch something on the television? Actually, woke up last night after that 20 minutes convinced for a few seconds it was the next day already! Ever do that?

On The Breakfast Plate

A blueberry English muffin, coffee, and vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

I’ve stalled out on the Zen and the Art of Housekeeping book though I need to finish, due back at the library in just days. Read a thriller I really enjoyed called Heartbroken by Lisa Unger. Had just finished another of her books, can’t remember the title, read it in the library app that I enjoyed. This one would’ve been a great dark and stormy October night kind of read.

Also, I’m currently reading Sisters First: Stories from Our Wild and Wonderful Life by Jenna Bush Hager. Just finished her most recent book (I enjoyed it a bit more than this one), Everything Beautiful in Its Time: Seasons of Love and Loss. Found it a beautiful tribute to all the grandparents she recently lost. And note, while her parents and paternal grandparents are of course, political figures, this is not in any way a political book.

On My TV

J and I watched The Emperor’s New Groove one day last week. Really enjoyed it! And my husband and I watched an awful movie called Jumper one weekend day. Other than that, the usual: The Voice, The Masked Singer, Captain America and the Winter Soldier, plus a mix of whatever happens to be on each night. Yesterday afternoon, I started watching a documentary about Q on HBO. Rather interesting.

On The Menu

Unexpected surprise gifts from sweet preschool students are the best!


Easy to plan the week’s menu with a 2 day head start!

MONDAY: pork chops on the grill, asparagus, corn on the cob *I worked 8:30-11:30*

TUESDAY: tacos *I worked 8-1*

WEDNESDAY: Salad plus leftovers

THURSDAY: turkey sausages, peppers

FRIDAY: OUT *J has an appt at 4*

From The Camera


Looking Around The House

Spring cleaning needs to happen!

To Relax This Week I Will

Take the camera outside and enjoy the sunshine! Maybe visit the garden center.

Something I Want To Share

No idea why this song popped into my head this morning! However, here you go:

Quote For The Week

How wonderful yellow is! It stands for the sun. (Vincent Van Gogh)


Headings were in blue because baseball is back! Royals opening day this week. How is your week going so far?

Week in Review

I think this week is a 2.5 stars kind of week. Not the best week. Not the worst but not really one I’d want to repeat. Don’t know if I’ll do this every Friday but I’m going to recap my week (see it on a lot of blogs I enjoy, so imitation and flattery and all that, etc.)

Here’s a photo of the Easter garden flag I mentioned in Wednesday’s post:

Managed to accomplish almost all those items on the the list I shared. Great feeling!  Let’s hear it for the chair!

You sang that line about the chair, right? You know in place of these lyrics:

Our Wonderful Spring Weather

So, this week we saw rain every single day. So thankful the sun is shining today. Makes my heart happy and my head spin with all the outside around the yard plans for the weekend. Never mind it’s still too early and probably too muddy for most of them.

On the flip side, rainy days are great for being stuck inside when feeling a bit blah and blue. So many times I could’ve worked this week but didn’t. First, because I was sickish (thinking likely something I ate over the weekend did it.  Not the best food choices on my part.). Then, I didn’t work because J was not having a great week either (so much easier to be sick yourself than watch a child suffer).

Let’s talk about Rudolph Day!

I can show you how wonderful it looked in pictures:

Hadn’t made cinnamon rolls in a cake pan forever. (Note: these are still just grocery store ready to bake.)

Hot chocolate and Christmas movies!

Nice enough. However, how about the truth about yesterday?

It was not a good day. My youngest son woke up having a really hard time (mentally) and stayed home from school. I made those cinnamon rolls because I was stressed. My first Rudolph day breakfast was actually just a simple Chobani Flip yogurt but in peppermint crunch.

What about the hot chocolate? Yes, I did drink a cup of hot chocolate. First, I made a cup with a hot chocolate bomb picked up on clearance at the grocery store. I was so excited about it! However, it was disgusting. Thankfully, I’d picked up the Irish creme flavor earlier in the month. Much better. Only way to improve it would’ve been with the real thing added in the coffee cup.

Next, the movies pictured up there?  Watched maybe two minutes of a Christmas Story but just wasn’t in the mood. Instead, I watched Gremlins. Suited my mood a bit better. And did a tiny bit of on-line window shopping. Just couldn’t make my mind up about anything.

Just a bit of a reminder that the pictures aren’t always the full story.


Today Feels Better

Since I’ve been sharing flower pictures all week, here’s the second bloom on the amaryllis. Bloomed in time for the March Rudolph day! Now, I’m ready for warm enough weather to set this plant back on out on the front porch.

J went to school today. I spent today running yesterday’s errands. Tractor Supply for bird seed (and a new bird feeder. That’s a secret, it just magically appeared in our yard, okay?)  Then, Target for cat food (and people food, too plus a few Easter basket fillers).

It’s almost time for me to brave the insanity of car line pick up before we venture off to J’s appointment. (If you can spare a prayer that this appointment helps and things improve for him, I’d appreciate it!)

How would you rate your week?

More Rain, More Flowers, and a List

We’ve had rain the past two days. A few moments of sun but mostly rain. I think today is sun but tomorrow, more rain. More flowers are popping up and blooming around the yard. I also have flower seeds I need to start and soon. Sprinkling a few more flower images throughout this post.

On Monday, soon after I posted, I started feeling a bit under the weather. Blah enough to text my husband a request to bring home some Sprite. Felt a bit better yesterday and while not 100% today, passed on work, I do feel more functional.

So, since it’s Wednesday and in Fly lady land, that means it’s anti-procrastination day, I thought I’d share my list.

Today’s To Do List

Most of these I’ve been putting off for some time though the laundry is just there (and I did ignore it the past two days).

  1. Laundry: In progress!
  2. Pay Bills: DONE
  3. Make a phone call about an automatic bank charge: Something I need to cancel
  4. Reply to blog comments/visit blogs/write blog post: In progress! Also, debating making a loose blog posting schedule to follow.
  5. Clean bathroom floors
  6. Make chore cards: Saw this idea somewhere to use a deck of cards for household chores as a means to getting more help from family. Follows the make it fun philosophy. Who couldn’t use more fun?
  7. Put away blankets piled on bedroom chair: Happens to be in the fly lady zone for the week as well.

Bonus Items

These are only if by some miracle, I complete the 7 items listed. (Note: I have other items on my list today, I’m just sharing the things I’m putting in the anti-procrastination zone).

  1. Find the other Easter basket. We always save the boys (and yes, they are well past Easter basket age but I don’t care) Easter baskets to use again each year. However, one is missing. Probably in a closet somewhere.
  2. Pick up more birdseed. My poor house finches are staging a protest over the different seed I put out there.
  3. Visit Target for a few items. Might be an on-line shopping day.


In other random news, I finished my book, Ready Player One and watched the movie. Wasn’t a huge fan of either though the book was better than the movie. Ordered two new garden flags from Amazon and they arrived yesterday. I’ll share pictures of my Easter one on Friday. And see the green blooming boxwood up there. Those blossoms STINK. Thankfully, the rest of the flowers around the yard smell pleasant.

Work keeps calling. And I keep telling them, hello, I’m sick. It’s different teachers but I do wish they had some sort of bulletin so I could just mark myself unavailable for the week and avoid all the constant texts.

Ending my post here so I can cross another item off the list today. How is your week going so far? What things on your to do list have you been putting off doing?


Happy Homemaker Monday, Happy Spring!

Though it’s back to chilly and cloudy today, it’s officially my favorite season. Spring! Full of possibilities and flowers. Warmer air and sunshine more often. It seemed every time I ventured outside last week more blooming flowers greeted me. Sharing them through out my post. (Note: I did buy some outdoor flowers. Not a lot as we’re not quite into the frost free days but a few.)

Let’s join in with Sandra, our host, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and get right to the categories this morning.

The Weather

It’s Spring! And it was sunny all weekend long. And warmer, just a light jacket required sometimes. However, today is rainy with more predicted for tomorrow. Then, we get some sun again. Then, more rain. However, the rain makes the grass turn green and the flowers grow so not too many complaints. Highs in the mid 50’s to lower 60’s. Works for me.

How I’m Feeling This Morning


I felt a little sneezy yesterday (hello, pollen!) but I feel okay this morning. A bit of a rough start with J and lots on my mind in that regard.  Also, thinking about Easter and how it’s going to be different again this year.  However, I’m doing okay.

On The Breakfast Plate

Same boring breakfast I usually mention so I’ll share yesterday’s plate instead. I’ve started treating myself to a Starbucks coffee (chai tea latte, actually) when I grocery shop in the early mornings. Yesterday, I added a blueberry scone to the mix. Fun use of my gift cards and nice once a week reward after my grocery shopping is done. There’s a Starbucks in my local store so it’s easy to do.

On My Reading Pile

I stalled out on my reading a bit last week. Working my way through Zen and the Art of Housekeeping by Lauren Cassel Brownell. Also, reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I want to like it but it’s not holding my attention. Finally, I also borrowed Everything Beautiful in Its Time: Seasons of Love and Loss by Jenna Bush Hager. Looking forward to reading that one.

On My TV

Doctor Who, picking and choosing episodes of the Matt Smith season to watch. Falcon and the Winter Soldier, good first episode though not what I expected. Husband and I watched a few movies this weekend. Ford vs Ferrari was really good and worth a watch if you’ve not seen it yet. One you could easily watch with teenagers.  We also watched Cocktail with Tom Cruise. I actually saw that at the movies my freshman year of college. Music’s still good, movie’s still awful. And I guess we were on a retro kick, finally, we watched all 3 Beverly Hills Cop movies. Husband said they should’ve stopped after one. Maybe.

We’ll watch The Voice tonight and the Masked Singer on Wednesday but other than that, maybe I’ll pick up those books I mentioned in the category above this one.

On The Menu

MONDAY: Roast in the crockpot

TUESDAY: Chicken spinach skillet (carry over)

WEDNESDAY: Sandwich steaks on grill, asparagus

THURSDAY: BLT chicken salad (basically, I’m frying bacon and we’re eating it with cooked chicken on top of salads)

FRIDAY: OUT *J has an appt at 3*

Looking Around The House

Needs a good cleaning. Thinking of giving the Fly Lady system another chance.

To Relax This Week, I Will

Figure out my life in 3 easy steps? No. Enjoy Rudolph Day on Thursday. Read my books. Wander the yard and enjoy my flowers. Start some seeds. Get out the camera and capture some bird photos again. (J came and found me earlier to ask about a new bird under the suet feeder. Our Eastern Towhee returned!)

From The Camera

Lots of flower photos throughout the post, hope you’re enjoying them. All I have this week are flower photos.

Something I’d Like To Share (It’s doing double duty as my Quote for the Week)

It’s a poem, bit long. Found it incorrectly attributed to Dr. Seuss on Pinterest. Correct author (ah, the Internet rabbit hole of research) is Dallas Clayton. Worth a read and a thought for sure.

Be Kind

By: Dallas Clayton

Be kind to the wishers
who haven’t got wishes.
Be kind to the fishers
who haven’t got fishes.
Be kind to the beginners
who haven’t got ends.
Be kind to the strangers
who haven’t got friends.
Be kind to the walkers
who haven’t a shoe.
Be kind to the talkers
who haven’t a clue.
Be kind to the outsiders
and insiders too.
Be kind to the kind
kept confined in the zoo.
Be kind in your mind
and in all that you do
and you’ll find
that mankind
can be kind to you too!


So what are your plans for this first full week of Spring time?

It’s Only Thursday

I’m sure someone out there is saying: It’s already Thursday! Me? I thought today was Friday. Honestly, Tuesday felt like a Friday. That’s how my week’s gone so far. How has your week been?

I also had a whole post written yesterday and forgot to hit publish. Ever do that my blogging friends? And today, I didn’t feel like hitting the button opting instead for a whole new post. Honestly, yesterday (all week) I was feeling a bit down. The dreary weather doesn’t help with the blahs.

We didn’t do much for the holiday except eat some green food. I made a pretty simple dinner of pork chops and baked potatoes (never got to the store for spinach so had to rethink my menu).  I served some chopped up red peppers as well for a bit of color on the dinner plates. However, we had honeydew and some very green sugar cookies for dessert.

Surprisingly, despite the overwhelming green colors, the cookies were pretty good. I picked up the mix on clearance after Christmas with plans to make them for Saint Patrick’s Day. Planned to make them into shamrock cutouts but somehow in a huge box of “holiday” cookie cutters, no shamrock cookie cutter. Need a cookie cutter in the shape of Texas? I’ve got one. A shamrock? Nope.

J and I had already drank our traditional shamrock shakes from McDonald’s on Wednesday after his appointment. While the appointment went okay, my gut is telling me maybe we need to check out another place.

Winter’s Last Hurrah before Spring

The weather is still rainy and dreary. Yet, I’m thankful the predicted snow never arrived. Last night they said anywhere from a dusting to 3-7 inches (large margin). However, we woke up to just more rain. Happy to see the rain in that case!

I did take a quick picture of my blooming daffodils along the side of the house yesterday. Just in case they were buried in white stuff…

Moved my plans for the flower store to this weekend when warm weather and spring should arrive together!  Also snapped a picture of a crocus bud, purple! I don’t remember planting a purple one last fall but I probably did.

Lemon Tree and A Weird Book

With the lousy weather, I’ve been spending a lot of time inside mostly reading. I’ve not had the energy or mental space for dealing with clearing spaces. So, mostly I’ve been sitting around like my lemon tree waiting for it to warm up enough to soak up the sun on the front porch.

See the new leaves? I guess I shocked the poor thing but didn’t completely kill it. See the cat hair around it? Another sign of spring, cat shedding everywhere! We think in addition to shocking it with cold back in February, I over watered it causing a bit of root rot. Ironically, a magazine I had sitting around had an entire article about caring for indoor lemon trees.

Speaking of magazines, I’ve been doing a decent job of reading my current issues and promptly recycling them (I’ll tear out a page or make a note of anything I want to remember). My plan is to slowly start getting magazines I’ll actually really read. Debating subscribing to the Magnolia Journal.

Along with the magazines, I’ve been reading lots of books. The one I just finished was weird. I found it on the e-library sight and thought it sounded interesting. A bit different than the suspense novels I’ve been tearing through. The Resurrectionist by Jack O’Connell was so strange. I linked to my review. Glad to go back and spend some more time with the Zen and the Art of Housekeeping today. Why do actual housekeeping when you can read about it? Right?

Seems I might need a few book recommendations. Read anything interesting lately?


And now, I’ve got to run off and do a few things before I go to work this afternoon. Hope you’ve enjoyed catching up on this Thursday that I thought was a Friday.
