Category: Blog365

Five On Friday: Spring

Decided to just keep it simple again for today. Just some spring sightings from this week.

ONE: Volunteer Grape Hyacinths

These tiny grape hyacinths sprang up in an essentially a very random part of the backyard. A few do every year it seems. I don’t think I planted them. Maybe some in the past but definitely not in the middle of the yard. Still just another happy spring sighting.

TWO: Stinky Trees

I’m not denying they are pretty but oh, how they stink! Bradford pears also known as Callery Pear trees. It’s the time of year they bloom with pretty white flowers. The catch? The wind blows right and they smell like sewage to me. One of my preschool friends who was at the time showing me a little bud she’d swiped off a similar tree (it didn’t stink so it was either a dogwood or cottonwood or ?) said: They smell like fish!

They’re non-native and invasive around here. And yet, I still saw them for sale at a local nursery last year. Why? And I also wonder, did not anyone notice as they planted these trees everywhere years ago, how stinky they were when blooming? The photo above is of the tree in the yard across the street. As I said, pretty but also stinky.

Three: Nesting Time

This is a crow’s nest, best I could get for now with the zoom and the lighting the day I was taking photos. You can sort of see the crow in the nest.

I spent quite a bit of time one late afternoon simply watching the nest. This is actually the exact same spot the crows built their nest last year so it must be a good one. They’ve been busy lately, at night, fussing at the owls and in the day, chasing away the local Cooper’s hawk who sometimes hangs around the bird feeders.

Also, nest building somewhere in the yard are starlings.

They are never going to be my favorite birds but after our yellow jacket invasion last year I’ve softened toward these nuisance birds a bit. It turns out they eat the pesky wasps (I don’t mind the paper wasps and a few others as I know they do good things).  That said, I still don’t like that they are quite messy in large numbers so hopefully, we won’t see droves of them around here.

FOUR: A Spring Thunderstorm

One day during the course of the week, Tuesday or Wednesday perhaps, we had slight severe weather predictions. I think we got a small bit of rain, other areas in town more. One thing I’d forgotten was the wonderful smell of the coming rain. The earth just smells different in the spring does it not? And we have more much needed rain predicted for Monday. I do hope we see it, not necessarily severe weather or a thunderstorm but the simply the rain.

Five: Tulips!

Finally, these lovely flowers completely surprised me this morning.

I thought my tulips were a few weeks away from blooming. Apparently, not. Such a lovely surprise to see out the front door this morning. More photos later, the neighbor was outside and I was not quite invested in enough cups of coffee for conversation. Also, apparently, yellow was my color of choice for fall bulbs! Love seeing the blooms after forgetting what colors/flowers I’d even planted there.


Day 95/365





Oops, I totally forgot to post on Thursday! So here’s a little place holder for it. I mentioned I picked up a pot of my favorite spring flowers in an earlier post. Here they are:

Wild blue phlox, my dad called these flowers sweet William. And they are my favorite spring flowers.


day 94/365 (posted a day late on day 95)

It Makes Perfect Sense

Just a short one today. Not so sure how well I’m doing with the wellness thing this week.

It makes perfect sense to fill this with Easter candy when trying not to eat so many sweets, right?

And it makes perfect sense to be making a cake using Peeps Pepsi when trying to accomplish the same goals does it not?

What? It does not.

Well, at least we’re having a chicken and spinach skillet for dinner. Perhaps the spinach will cancel out some of the candies and sweets? I can only hope.

This morning’s breakfast was a flip yogurt due to time constraints of getting to work. Need to plan out making the shakes the night before on work mornings. Can’t quite bring myself to wake the family with a blender at 7 AM. And today’s scale number was not in the right direction, see above, reason: candy consumption.

A few positives to end my post:

  • work was nice, a kid who seldom connects with me gave me a picture (“an invitation to my birthday and my house”)
  • I bought new tennis shoes, old ones had a hole in them
  • Finally picked up bird seed and a little pot of my favorite spring flowers (pics soon)
  • Took J for a driving lesson
  • Had a nap (We’re not going to call it a sugar crash)

Sometimes it’s better to focus on the sweet things in life that aren’t tempting things like jelly beans, Hershey’s cookies and creme eggs (I don’t even like white chocolate but these are so good and addictive),  and Reese’s peanut butter filled easter eggs.


Day 93/365

Tuesday Things

It’s been a somewhat interesting Tuesday. Couldn’t sleep last night and then, woke up to a 6:30 a.m. call into work. Could only go in for about an hour as J had his appointment but I went ahead and helped out for that short time. And doing it again tomorrow, however, this time I know in advance and won’t have to be there quite as early.

Took J to his appointment. He didn’t want to go out for lunch afterward. Who is this kid? So, we made a quick grocery store run and ended up having homemade pizza for lunch. Spent some time messing around in the backyard. We also tested the a/c in the house. Works.

Heard the crows fussing at the owls late last night. Seems the crows chased them off successfully. We’ll see if I hear the owls (or the crows fussing) again tonight.

Pretty slow basic day over all. Tacos for dinner. We (well, my husband helped with mine) set up our new phones. The kids ran to Target and I spent time watching the crow’s nest. Talked to one of my brother’s about Easter, they already have plans. Not a huge deal as invite was very last minute.

Somewhere in all that I started a new book, Two Days in Lisbon. Very good so far, probably going to go back to reading it after I finish this brief post. Not sure why this post almost feels like a rather unexciting diary entry. Just missing the fuzzy cover and little padlock with the key. Did you ever have one of those? I think I even had a little pink one with no security like the padlocks at one point. Back before they were called fancy things like journals.

Well enough of a diary/journal entry/blog post for now.


day 92/365


Happy Homemaker Monday, It’s April!

Ah, it’s finally April. Getting closer to that spring and summer weather with blooming flowers everywhere. My favorite.

Today, my mind is full of all the projects and things I’d like to get done. However, my body isn’t quite keeping up after a not so restful night’s sleep and a bit of achiness (the weather, I think).

Let’s just get to planning the week with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather 

It’s cloudy with a slight chance of rain today. It’s currently 57 but feels a bit cooler to me. Still was warm enough overnight that I left my outdoor house plants outside for an extended vacation. Soon enough they’ll be moving out there full time. Tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the 80’s (!!!) with another slight chance of thunderstorms. Then, back down to highs in the 50’s for the rest of the week. Lows in the 30’s, plants back inside for a bit. Weekend, however, looks perfect with sunshine and highs in the 70’s.

As I Look Outside My Window

I see birds that are a bit upset that the feeders are close to empty. However, let me tell you what I heard outside my window in the super early morning hours. The calling of a couple of barred owls. Very close, likely in the Maple tree. That never gets old.

Right Now 

Working on this post, doing a bit of laundry, and thinking about lunch.

Thinking And Pondering

Easter plans, if we’ll have any outside of church, all the projects around the house I’d like to get done.

On My Bedside Table

The usual. Here’s a couple views of my dresser though as it tends to get stuff on it more often than the bedside table which I limit to only the lamp, phone charger, and phone. (Of course, underneath it, I currently have all the Easter basket goodies hidden)

On My TV Tonight

Probably just The Voice. And I’ll watch my latest Doctor Who episode while folding laundry. Should probably do another books/movie/tv post soon as I’ve watched some great things and read a few fun books.

Listening To

The dryer. Probably going to hear the cat complaining as she wanted outside, she’ll soon change her mind.

On The Lunch Plate

I’m leaning toward chicken tortilla soup (from a can)

On The Dinner Plate

Pork chops, potatoes, and salad

On My Menu This Week

Kind of worked this one out while grocery shopping…

MONDAY: pork chops, potatoes, salad *J has a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: burritos (using a simplified version, we’ll leave out the beans of this recipe) *J has an appt at 11:00*

WEDNESDAY: chicken spinach skillet

THURSDAY: pepper steak

FRIDAY: Spaghetti, or OUT

On My Reading Pile

Just started reading The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell, seems like a promising thriller so far.

On My To Do List

Um, all the things!

  1. Laundry
  2. Grocery store *DONE*
  3. Clean the house
  4. Send a couple Easter cards (get Easter cards, also)
  5. Call family regarding Easter plans
  6. Need new work clothes as well as a new pair of tennis shoes
  7. Change Instagram password (we’re getting new phones, can’t remember my old password and don’t want to get locked out of my account-again)
  8. Outdoor chores: get birdseed, start more flower seeds, clean up yard
  9. Finish Easter baskets for the boys (yes, I’m making my adult children baskets)
  10. Move/Rearrange a few things around the house
  11. Bonus item: mark off some vacation weeks this summer (No longer worried about my work not calling me ever again. I work the end of May, bit of June, and so far all of July. Could change though)

Plans This Week 

Finish the Easter baskets (I went with an overwhelming/overkill on it Peeps theme plus I’m giving them some new shirts/shorts), Work on cleaning the porch/yard-take things to the city wide trash/brush drop off on Saturday, and get J started driving again (plus look into local driving schools)

What I’m Creating

Starting to plan out the garden areas and front porch/deck areas. So excited that it’s almost time to add the flowers. 

Simple Pleasure

Walking around the yard seeking out small signs of spring

Looking Around The House

Started to clean on Saturday before becoming distracted by the weather so it’s not awful. Still see lots of heavy winter blankets and such to put away. Always needs tidying as well.

From The Camera


On My Prayer List

Unknown neighbor who posted on the neighborhood site, seemed to be having a very tough time of things, friends who are not feeling well (we had to postpone our monthly game night due to illnesses), a few sick teachers (strep is going around our area apparently), family. Kindness, peace, and healing to spread throughout the world.

Quote For The Week

Seems fitting to my mood today:

Spring is the time of plans and projects. (Leo Tolstoy)



day 91/365


A Paws

Just taking a little “paws” from my usual postings this weekend. Much too beautiful a day to be inside at the computer. Needed a bit of a break. I’ll be outside alongside the cat dreaming of the flowers soon to be blooming on the front porch.

I’ll catch up with comments on Monday as well.


day 90/365


I’ve got nothing tonight. Big time writing block. Just posting to stay on track with the Blog 365. Not even an April Fool’s Joke. Here are a couple photos from April 2017 that were probably on my old blog (still sad that so many of those photos are likely lost when I transferred things to the free site.)


Day 89/365

Couple Random Photos And The DMV

It makes sense that not every day is going to be a full and exciting post if we do this for a full year. Today is one of those days.

Not too much to share. Slow start to my Friday. And didn’t accomplish too much today. Just one task really. I took J to the DMV to renew his expired learner’s permit. And we almost bought a lottery ticket afterward.

We were, not kidding, in and out of there in under 10 minutes! Only 2 numbers behind when we got our ticket. Called up quickly, handed over our documentation and money, and out with a renewed learner’s permit. Not sure where the department of motor vehicles functions in your area but around here, fast is not usually in the vocabulary if going there is in the conversation. And on the last day of the month no less!

Not much else happening around here today. Debating pizza for dinner. Washing the bedding. Slowly changing out the March decorations for Easter.

Ending this one by sharing a couple random photos I took on my phone the past 2 days. One is the end of what was probably a more beautiful sunrise than I captured (missed the best colors). And the other a cardinal that surprised me by poking its head out of the boxwoods yesterday.


Day 88/365



Questionnaire Answers

Last week, Daniella over at Dana Handmade posted her answers to this Proust questionnaire. I really enjoyed reading them and thought it would be so fun to play along!

The questions seemed a bit more serious than the ones you typically see in the about me questions (I love reading all types of those, no matter the questions!). Here are my attempts to answer these. The hard thing, I think, is I have more than one answer to many of these.

The Questions

1. My main trait – hopefully, kindness though I’m sure I don’t always succeed

2. The quality I want to meet in a man –already met one, ha. answer is honesty.

3. The quality I prefer in a woman – authenticity

4. What I value most in my friends –Do I have to say just one for these? honesty, authenticity, sense of humor, goes for the above 2 answers as well.

5. My main flaw –too many to narrow to one, struggle with criticism, not good at following rules, don’t like being told what to do, procrastination, I could go on…

6. My occupation favorite –I love my job, conversations, smiles, and hugs from 3-6 year olds are worth more than the highest salary of any corporate CEO

7. The happiness I dream of – Find it best to be happy with what I have where I am though I don’t always succeed

8. What would be my greatest misfortune –my family not knowing I love them

9. The place where I would like to live – I’m happy with where I live though I might not say no to a different part of the city or a slightly larger home.  

10. My favorite color – GREEN especially that of growing things. 

Dividing The Answers Here So I Get A Green Editing Smiley Face

11. The flower I like – I love all flowers, my favorites are lily-of-the-valley not planted in my garden because they’re poisonous to little cats.

12. The bird my favorite – I love most all the little outdoor birds but am partial to the chickadees and my hummingbirds.

13. My favorite prose writers –so many, depends on the genre really. This could be a separate post, stay tuned. Also, how about a confession? I’ve never read anything by Proust. Any suggestions?

14. My favorite poets –Maya Angelou, Robert Frost, not a huge poetry person

15. My favorite literary heroes –The Pevensies, Meg from A Wrinkle In Time, mind is a bit blank here

16. My favorite literary heroines –see above

17. My favorite composers – Mozart, Debussy, and Leroy Anderson among others. I am also partial to Blake Neely (he composes a lot of scores for television shows such as You, The Flash, Riverdale, etc.)  And of course, I grew up listening to Peter and the Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev. Also, just for fun I am sharing a new (to me) piece I heard on the classical station just yesterday: Arthropod Suite by Jonathan Peters.

18. My favorite painters – I had a couple framed Picasso prints on my walls, Bouquet of Flowers and Dove of Peace when I lived alone, so still love those. Van Gogh, of course. And Monet. Not very good at this category…

Need Another Divider To Make Editing Software Happy

I think this is a fox sparrow


19. My favorite heroes in real life –as Mr. Rogers would say “the helpers” 

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogers

20. What I hate the most –not a lot of hate but a long list of little annoyances, try not to dwell on them too much. Put your shopping cart away, be nice, personal space, don’t tailgate me, judge not lest you be judged!, and so on..

Had To Add Another Subheading, Must Have The Green Smiley Face


21. The quality I wish I had from birth – more courage, just call me the Cowardly Lion 

22. How I would like to die –  while LIVING

23. The mistakes that inspire me the greatest indulgence – those from my youth perhaps? Honestly, I’m not entirely sure I understand this question properly.

24. My motto – first one is flat out stolen from my workplace, the 2 rules: be peaceful and show respect. Second one, heard somewhere and really liked it: be curious, not judgemental. 


A copy of blank questions if you’d like to play along and I hope you will. I’d love to see your answers!

1. My main trait –

2. The quality I want to meet in a man –

3. The quality I prefer in a woman –

4. What I value most in my friends –

5. My main flaw –

6. My occupation favorite –

7. The happiness I dream of –

8. What would be my greatest misfortune –

9. The place where I would like to live –

10. My favorite color –

11. The flower I like –

12. The bird my favorite –

13. My favorite prose writers –

14. My favorite poets –

15. My favorite literary heroes –

16. My favorite literary heroines –

17. My favorite composers –

18. My favorite painters –

19. My favorite heroes in real life –

20. What I hate the most –

21. The quality I wish I had from birth –

22. How I would like to die –

23. The mistakes that inspire me the greatest indulgence –

24. My motto –


Day 87/365


Clean Kitchens, Broken Windows, and Wellness

Welcome to my 2nd Wellness Wednesday post! I’m still pretty close to 10 over the weight limit (down .5) around here. However, feeling a little more positive.

Today started a bit chaotic as I realized that my husband forgot trash day. They’ve been coming earlier than normal so I threw a sweatshirt over my pajamas and took all our recycling and trash out to the curb. And I’m glad I did as they once again came around quite early. No complaints though.

I’ve decided to start each wellness Wednesday post with my breakfast, no idea why.


Today’s shake flavor: caramel sundae flavor mixed with a cup of coffee, a tablespoon of cocoa, and a banana. It’s been my favorite flavor combo so far. I do feel like the shakes give me a fair amount of energy but that could also be the fact I’m mixing them with coffee. (Note: I’m not drinking more coffee than usual, just mixing my usual 2nd cup up in the shake.)

Next, just a couple random thoughts.

Broken Window Syndrome

We have so many unfinished projects around this house. Sometimes it gets me a bit down as well as the fact the house seems to be in a constant state of mess. And then, I started thinking about the old broken window theory from back in the 80’s. Totally random thought.

So what does this have to do with wellness/weight loss? Our kitchen is one of the worst offenders. As you may or may not know, I’m in a constant battle to keep our kitchen table clean. Some of it is life, of course. However, there are also unfinished projects in the kitchen constantly annoying me.  Plus, I know how happy I still feel when looking at the clean and organized pantry. So, I became curious.

Does a clean kitchen help with weight loss?  I asked this question of Mr. Google and found a few interesting answers.

A few articles for your reading pleasure:

Keeping Your Kitchen Clean Can Help You Lose Weight

Putting Your Kitchen On A Diet

How Getting Organized Can Help You Lose Weight

How Keeping A Clean Kitchen Can Help You Lose Weight

And one more, just for fun, about kitchen colors. Not entirely sure about this as my light green kitchen doesn’t seem to impact our food choices. Still a fun read.

Can Your Kitchen Wall Color Help You Lose Weight?

Now, I’m going to jump off here and go clean my kitchen. (Actually, I’m going to go soak up some sunshine and plant some flowers because that’s also great for health and wellness.)

What do you think about the kitchen ideas listed above?


Day 86/365
