Category: Just Photos

Indoors and Outdoors

Just a not so wordless Wednesday post for the day. We’ve woke up to rain the past two mornings. So very nice. And then, sunny before noon hits. Here’s a glimpse of a few things from the past few days that are more interesting than the tv remote and laundry piles.


Had cool weather for a second or two…

Baked banana bread

Started decorating for Halloween/Fall

One of my indoor plants back from its outdoor vacation…


Nice to have a break from watering the garden

Last of the cherry tomatoes, hoping they turn red soon.

Threw these pots to the side of the house in disgust a few weeks ago after some creature ate all my sunflower blooms off the stalks.

Wait. When did this happen?!






Random Photos: Mostly Wordless Wednesday

This isn’t the post I planned today but I still wanted to share something in this space. Here are a few random photos before I head into work this afternoon.

Chilly morning, snuggled in for a nap

One Less Garden Chore: Hope Whatever Ate It Enjoyed The Meal

Hibiscus Still Blooming

Still Working on Purple Aster Pictures

It’s a beautiful 68 degree sunny fall day here. I’m off to work. Hope you are enjoying your Wednesday! (Also, thinking of those in the path of the hurricane. Please, stay safe.)


Summer Images From My Phone

I realized today that I’ve been dealing with a bit of Blogger’s block. The Happy Homemaker Monday posts are easy enough because the categories are there. However, I just can’t seem to get into a good flow with anything else. Hoping it might pick up again soon because I do miss writing about more than my weekly plans in this space.

Since today is “Wordless Wednesday” in a lot of the blogosphere (look at me with the big fancy words!), I thought I’d pop on here with something simple and hopefully, kind of fun. Summer is coming to a close, here that just means school starts next week (for preschool) and the week after that (for local public schools). Thought I’d just go through my phone and share a few random picks I’ve took with it during each of the summer months so far.

Nothing overly exciting and I may have shared some in the past, not sure at this point. I did try and pick things I’m fairly certain I didn’t previously share in this space. And phone pics so not the best quality.


Poison Ivy Flowers. Had no idea it made flowers, did you?

Birds from from outside the Kennedy Space Center in Florida (sent to me by J while he was on his Disney trip with the band). We’re still not sure what kind of birds.

And technically, that was a June 1 picture so….


Speaking of being technical. I do this so many times it’s almost (it IS) embarrassing. Usually get them deleted but this was in the June photos…

Random screenshot anyone? How about a lovely butterfly on the lemon gem marigolds instead?

Oh how I wish they still looked that pretty. They do not. Dried out and barely clinging to life. I may pass on this variety next spring/summer.


We got on a bit of a Sonic drink kick especially the Sour Patch Kids Float. I got one just to try it. And then, I got another one. And now, I’m kind of craving it again. Smaller size. Size pictured was a bit much.

In St. Louis, we went to White Castle, a novelty that isn’t in these parts any more though it used to be here. I’m good for another few years though. This rabbit was hanging out in the parking lot.

Not much for this month yet…all food so far. Please, don’t judge.


Cucumber salad made with cucumbers from our very own garden! Then, we kept the “juice” and made a second batch with store cucumbers. I really had to dig for the recipe so will need to put it on here at some point (it is over on So Not Organized with no photos).

Last photo of my post was one I took just for laughs. J loves Cinnamon Toast Cereal but we both agreed this sounded disgusting. You can take the goodness of a flavor/brand a bit too far, I think.

Hope you’ve enjoyed the random sampling of my phone pictures from this summer. Anyone want to go to Sonic with me for a Sour Patch Kids Float?


Hawk in Flight

It’s been a pretty lazy Saturday over here. And in continuing with that theme, I’m not going to share too much narrative (have to share a little bit) and just add a few bird-watching photos tonight.

Hawk in Flight

It seems a couple of crows might be looking into real estate near our backyard. Not sure they’ve decided though. I took these photos after watching a crow attempt to chase this hawk from our backyard area. The crow seemed mildly successful. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any photos of the crow chasing the hawk or even the crow.

Too Many Starlings!

A large group of European starlings passed through (hoping they’ve moved on to somewhere else) the front and backyards during the course of the week. The tree in the front yard was full of them. They are both loud and messy (my son’s car is now in desperate need of a wash) birds. Here’s a glimpse of just 3 of them in a tree.


And to end with something a little happier, here’s a view of one of many robins that have also decided our area is primo real estate. I don’t mind the robins as much.

What birds have you seen this week?



Park Sightings

Went for a walk with my camera at one of my favorite parks on Tuesday morning. Founding it very soothing. Here are some of the images that caught my eye. It’s late (oh dear, when did 9:30 pm become late?) so I’m only sharing photos with an occasional caption. Enjoy!

park sightings

park sightings
Chicory, my favorite blue flower, happy to grow anywhere and everywhere except in my garden.

I’m listening…

park sightings

Chipping sparrow


Until next time!


Hawk in the Backyard!

Keeping this short. However, I did want to make sure and share a few photos I took of the Cooper’s Hawk hanging out in the backyard on Thursday afternoon.

A robin was shrieking a warning for all the local song birds to be alert!

A cardinal was wary but not too worried. I thought that a bit odd. It kept it’s distance but didn’t stay out of sight. Maybe it was just staying out of range?

The hawk eyed me suspiciously and with not a little annoyance. I think I was making the hunting a bit more hindered tromping about with my camera.


Flowers and Front Porch

I had a whole post written and then *poof* it disappeared. I don’t have time to re-write it but I still want to share my work on the front porch and flowers with you.

Front porch is still a mess but I’m making progress. (We need to power wash, husband cleaned the gutters, but it’s supposed to storm all weekend)



My *new* hanging basket of blue lobelia. I took out the violas and gave them a new home so I could make myself a blue lobelia basket. Can’t find them in hanging baskets.

New home for the violas.

Did you know they’re perennials?

Still waiting on a few blooms from growing flowers.

However, I did get impatient and add a few snap dragons to the side of the porch flower garden. (I ended up putting the white lobelia in a pot)

I played outside in the dirt all day except when I took a break to work on the disappearing post. Now, it’s time to go cook dinner. Have you played in the dirt this week?

Cold Moon

No lie about that moon. I was cold while standing outside snapping these photos. Photos are a mix of captures from my bridge camera and the newer one. The bridge camera takes better close up photos of the moon while the 3500 captures the clouds around it better. Asking too much to get both in one shot. Well, at least asking too much of this amateur. Hope you enjoy the photos!

Just a few from the Nikon D3500:

The rest from my Nikon bridge camera with the special “moon” setting, first my “accidental” shot:

And finally, a couple close-ups of the cold moon:

If you hopped over from So Not Organized, thank you!

Saturday Sunrise

I shared one photo over on So Not Organized but I was in such of awe of the last Saturday Sunrise of 2020. Here are the other photos I took. A little squirrel enjoyed his view from our front yard maple tree as well. You can see his silhouette in a few of the photos.
