Yesterday was an interesting day. Mostly good though it ended with injury. First, G and I went to see Dune 2 on the Imax screen. Worth it. However, after a bathroom trip, I took another trip right over my purse falling on my face. SIGH. Nothing injured that time but my pride.
Then, as I was prepping dinner and slicing cucumbers on a mandolin, I missed and cut my finger. Middle finger on my left hand. Ugh, thankfully, not hospital serious but not pretty either. And have I ever mentioned I’m left-handed? Please forgive any typos as I’m trying to type with minimal use of that finger (It apparently does have uses other than giving bad drivers the bird, I don’t do that. Really, I don’t. Just fun to type it out.)
Back when I blogged as So Not Organized, I used to sometimes do Tiny Tip on a Thursday. Here’s a not so tiny tip for today: ALWAYS use the guard when slicing vegetables on a mandolin.
Did any of the above have anything to do with my blog post title? No.
True Topic: I’ve broken up with Starbucks
We just grew apart. First the grocery store put up new entrance “gates” making it just a tiny bit harder for me to get my coffee treat after shopping. It required true intention and I discovered I often just didn’t want the coffee that badly.
Next, a new (to me) drive through coffee place (Dutch Bros) opened very close to my work where I am quite often. After a fumbled start, didn’t care for my first drink, I gave them another chance with a new flavor. Plus, a gift card helped our relationship flourish. However, I think they made me fall in love with them yesterday when I ordered a hot drink.
Up until yesterday, I typically ordered iced coffee drinks or maybe was in too much of a hurry to notice? If so, apologies to my new favorite coffee shop.
Starbucks, you should listen to a certain Bruno Mars song because you should have brought me lids with beautiful words.
What’s your favorite coffee place?
(For the record, I also love some local places but Dutch Bros is my new favorite on the go spot)
Thought I’d pop on here real quick for those of you who might be wondering about the scary news from the KC Chiefs parade today. I did not attend as I was working for a teacher so she could go. Her and the other teacher who went are safe. So far all of my friends and family in attendance are safe though a bit upset and shaken. I angry and embarrassed that something that was supposed to be a happy occasion in our city ended like that. Praying that none of the victims were children. And of course, praying for the victims.
Not much else to say at this point as I’m still a bit stunned by it.
Anyway, I’ve not been around as a lot of sickness going around school and I’ve been working a lot more than usual. Hoping to catch up properly (and reply to my week old comments, I did read them all) very soon.
Hope everyone is healthy and enjoying this odd first day of Lent/ Valentine’s Day. (On a Winter Wednesday note: It’s 63 and sunny here today!)
Another quick no picture blogmas post. Popping on here while downstairs trying to find the Die Hard dvd. Happy Christmas Eve!
Pretty simple on our Christmas Eve traditions over here. I usually go shopping in the early morning.
Do lots of last minute things, eat Christmas cookies for the main meals of the day (not really, this year we did Church’s chicken because Subway closed earlier than we thought).
The last 2 years we’ve gone to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at a church where J’s band sometimes plays accompaniment to the hymns.
And our final tradition is for the boys to open Christmas Eve presents. The presents are always the same, Christmas Eve pajamas and a book. This year was Frosty the Snowman and books on etiquette though my kids have fairly good manners. Just thought the books would be good reference guides now that they’re getting older.
And I did ornaments this year as well. Spiderman for G and Mickey Mouse for J.
Okay, time to go watch a Christmas movie with my husband. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas Eve.
Though I seldom do these, I thought I’d play along and share my answers today. And I “borrowed” Carrie’s idea to use older photos for this post since fall is taking the scenic route to arrive around here.
1. What is your favorite thing about fall?
Full disclosure that I’m a full on summer person. That said, I do have some fall favorites: the scenery, bonfires, scented candles, a return to “normal” time (I know…I’m odd because most people hate the early dark but I want light in my early morning hours), the comfort foods and warm drinks. However, my very favorite thing would probably be when the different birds start migrating through in the fall.
2. Do you get fall colors where you live?
Yes though sometimes it takes until late October or early November. And sometimes the wind, takes it all away within a day.
3. Favorite fall scent? (wax melts, candles, anything)
I’m oddly seasonal about my candles: September needs to be apples or cinnamon apples. After fall is “officially” on the calendar, I like some Bath and Body Works candles in a scent called the perfect autumn and then as October rolls in…I like to switch to one called pumpkin apple. So I guess anything cinnamon, apple, or pumpkin is my preference for fall. I also love coffee scents. Just nothing too sweet.
4. Favorite fall food or drink?
That’s a tough question because I do enjoy so many of the fall foods and drinks. One food I love to get at least once in the fall is a caramel apple (I just buy one from the grocery store usually). “Real” food would be a tie between veggie chili or taco soup. And I always have at least one pumpkin spice latte for the season but mostly I drink hot chai tea once it gets cool enough for it.
5. Football . . . yay or nay?
Um, How ’bout them….CHIEFS. Yay, of course, Yay. Ironically, both our boys are not sports fans at all. Not sure where went wrong there.
6. Do you rake, jump in, or burn piles of leaves?
Sometimes we rake them, sometimes my husband just mulches them with the riding lawn mower. Always jump in them! Or at least crunch through them as you walk. Our neighbors sometimes burn leaves (though I hope not this year, way too dry out there!) and I do love the smell.
7. Haunted house or corn maze?
Haunted houses SCARE me so corn maze. I’ve never been to a corn maze though there are quite a few not too far from us. Might have to add it to the fall bucket list.
8. Have you ever gone on a hayride?
Back when the kids went to pumpkin patches for fieldtrips.
9. Cider or hot chocolate?
Depends on the weather. Warm fall days= apple cider. I’ve tried but I’m not a huge fan of hot cider, maybe I just haven’t found the right recipe yet. Cold fall days = hot chocolate. Or really, hot tea.
10. Carve a pumpkin or eat pumpkin pie?
We used to carve pumpkins when the boys were younger. However, I prefer to eat pumpkin pie. Carving is too messy.
11. Do you dress up for Halloween?
I wear pajamas for the Halloween parties if I happen to be working on party day since party days tend to be pajama days (I work at a preschool). Once in my early 20’s I did dress up as a scarecrow for a Halloween party at a different job.
12. Candy corn . . . yay or nay?
Yay, however, too much yay turns into a very quick nay. Just bought some though 🙂
13. Favorite Halloween season movie?
The Nightmare Before Christmas, Gremlins, Hocus Pocus (though I’m not a “super fan” of it), Harry Potter. Those are the ones I tend to watch this time of year…
14. Scariest movie?
I don’t do well with scary AT ALL. Anything with the supernatural and evil ghost type element freaks me out. Poltergeist scares me.
15. Halloween or Thanksgiving?
I like both but probably Halloween because (here, now with older teen/young adult kids) it’s more of a low-key holiday. Thanksgiving is a lot of work so can be a bit stressful and harder to enjoy.
16. Do you watch the Macy’s parade?
Sometimes. Usually not the whole thing. The only parade I really enjoy watching is The Rose Bowl Parade (and that one is in winter, not autumn).
17. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
Um, both. I love apple pie in season but it’s not the Thanksgiving without a pumpkin pie on the table. And let’s not leave out apple cake!
18. White or dark meat?
White and covered in (real, see below) cranberry sauce!
19. Jellied or real cranberry sauce?
When it comes to cranberry sauce, like that old song says “ain’t nothing like the real thing”
20. Will you host or travel for Thanksgiving?
Not sure. The pandemic threw our routines off but really before that we lost the family we used travel to see in 2019. I doubt I’ll host this year but we might travel “across town” (ha, 10 minute drive maybe?) to my brother’s house.
I enjoyed answering these questions. Reminds me of when I did a whole fall series I did over at So Not Organized back in 2017 on Embracing the Fall Season. And of course, also makes me think of my dear friend Rebecca over at Rebecca’s Hearth and Home as I know she’s an all things fall lover. Maybe she’ll find time to join in? Anyone else that would like to join in, please do so!
One of my favorite things about her bucket list is how she has items that will happen (planning autumn menus, celebrating birthdays and holidays) along with her dream items (fall getaways, etc.)
Glad today is a holiday for most of us around here. We woke up to negative 9 degrees and now it’s snowing. My stubborn husband still went to work. Hopefully, he won’t have too much trouble.
Seems most of the country is “enjoying” this wintry weather. Thankfully, there are warmer days (and by that, I mean we get to see the top side of the freezing point by week end) ahead.
Did I mention it’s freezing cold outside? And snowing? With dangerous wind chills? Again, so thankful today is a holiday. This crazy cold stuff lasts until sometime tomorrow afternoon. (Not thrilled to work in the morning) Then, on Wednesday, we see a balmy 20 degrees but with more snow chances. And a full “tropical” heat wave arrives just in time for the weekend with highs in the mid-30s.
How I Am Feeling This Morning
Like I drank a bit too much coffee because I did. And am I going to drink a bit more? Probably. Beautiful brown motivation in a cup.
On My Mind
My work. I’ve made no secret about loving my job. However, lately, they’ve made changes. And while I don’t hate it, I no longer have the “I love it so much I’d do it for free” feeling. One of my very favorite teachers is leaving soon. And with her departure, only one other teacher who was there when I started remains.
Realizing it’s a high turnover field I should’ve expected this. Yet, as I told the soon to depart teacher, it feels as if the whole dynamic of the place changed. And suddenly, I find myself questioning my thoughts that I’d probably be there “forever” and wondering if I, too, should move on to something else.
Currently, I’m telling myself to wait and see what spring/summer brings. However, when I started, the school had a such a homey and family feeling to it. And lately, it feels (for lack of a gentler word) so institutional to me. Not something I enjoy. Pausing and praying about it all. For now.
On The Breakfast Plate
A cinnamon swirl bagel with butter (wasn’t feeling the cream cheese) and I already mentioned the too much coffee. Plus my vitamins.
On My Reading Pile
Bad books that I keep reading. Okay, not bad but average. Maybe slightly above average. I’m working my way through the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr. Currently, I’m about halfway through the 3rd one, Whispering Rock.
Thought I’d test the books out before watching it on Netflix. However, I tried one episode of the series after being halfway through the 2nd book. And, it’s not my thing. “That’s pretty chick-flicky” was my husband’s comment. I do not disagree. Honestly, I keep reading the books because I’m fascinated by the town more than the characters or story lines. Bucket list item of mine is to visit the redwood forest so the books appeal to that side of me. The rest, chick literature. And not that well done, in my unpopular opinion.
Also, prior to this series, read The Long Road To Mercy by David Baldacci. Knew he was a pretty popular author so gave it a try. I’ll probably pick up the sequel at some point. Again, this rated just slightly above average for me with the setting (Grand Canyon) holding my interest a bit more than the characters. Though the thriller/action genre is more my thing.
On My TV
After trying and (not succeeding) to watch Virgin River, I switched over and watched X-Men: Days of Future Past on Disney Plus. Knew I’d enjoy it having gone to see it in the theater (remember those?) by myself when it first premiered. Wanted to watch it again as one of the characters is now in WandaVision (something else I’ve been watching weekly)
And since sometimes, you just have to “let it go” and give into the weather, I watched Frozen II on Disney Plus as well. Rare thing to say but the sequel was much better than the original. I really enjoyed it!
This week, I’ll probably watch a bit more Fear the Walking Dead while folding laundry (guess I’m the person who’d rather watch zombies than romance shows) as well as the new episode of Prodigal Son. My husband and I have also been watching Name That Tune but we don’t make it a priority.
On The Menu
Kept things pretty simple for Valentine’s Day yesterday
Since I have no plans to get out in this weather, it’s going to be a menu based on what we have around here. I went to the store last Wednesday but with everybody home, I think I could go to the store every day and it still might not be often enough.
MONDAY: Pork chops (maybe, have a I need to cook them if they’re okay situation. Forgot them in the fridge. UGH, hate to waste food but sometimes life happens) *Not sure if J has his lesson at 6:30 tonight or not, weather stuff*
TUESDAY: Pancakes and sausage and/or bacon *I work 10-3, though I could see this teacher pulling a do you mind just staying all day*
WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti or chicken of some sort, maybe I’ll do chicken cacciatore, this choice depends on if I can cook the pork chops or have to toss them
THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot *I work 1-5:30*
FRIDAY: Fish sticks and French Fries (or OUT, we didn’t get a Valentine’s take out as our planned restaurant didn’t open due to the weather so I cooked at home on Sunday)
From The Camera
New Recipe I Tried Last Week Or One That We Really Enjoyed
I’ve made this minestrone soup recipe with whatever was on on hand and they’ve ate it with no complaints twice now. No photo but nice to have another second time around success story! I serve it with Parmesan cheese and bread. Oh, and I have to brown some hamburger on the side for my husband to add to his but it’s plenty filling without any meat.
To Relax This Week I Will
Hopefully, get the house decently cleaned, light a new candle, and sit enjoying a clean house with a cup of tea and a book. Maybe try a new craft project (just something small I picked up at the $ spot at Target a few weeks back)
Something I Want To Share
I’ve got nothing. How about a lame joke?
Source: Pinterest
Quote For The Week
Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable. (Mahatma Gandhi)
After many years of posting on my blog over at So Not Organized, I’ve decided it’s time for a fresh start. I’m still not organized but I’ve accepted it. I’ll still share the same type of content, some of it about organizing but mostly just whatever is on my mind. Think of it as meeting me for coffee to hear about how things are going around here.