Category: Wellness Wednesday

Wishing The Weight Away

Guess what? It’s so unfair. Turns out wishing the weight away doesn’t work. SIGH.

Here’s what I’m currently doing along with all the wishing:

A while back, I saw a $9 trial (probably on Instagram, I’m a sucker for those ads…) and after much consideration/research, I took a chance on this company. I was pleasantly surprised that I liked the taste of the shakes. Caramel sundae is my favorite as there’s a recipe to turn it into a caramel macchiato. Currently, I’m only replacing one meal (breakfast) a day with the shakes.

Before I share what else I’m doing, I’ll share a few notes on this company:

Honestly, I was a bit surprised by it. It is a little pricey once you leave behind the 9 dollar trials but I was able to get a 9 dollar trial of the shakes, the lemonade, the reds (my only YUCK here), and the greens (I do like what G refers to as my “Shrek puke water”).

Each time I ordered a trial they sent me a $10 off gift card (pretty much covers shipping but hey!)

Most trials come with a free shaker cup some of which are really nice. However, I mix my shakes/smoothies (?I don’t know what to call them) in a Ninja blender. Can’t think the shaker cup would mix it up well enough…noticed some people thought the shakes were chalky and I think that’s probably why. Use a blender.

They don’t seem to bombard me with email. I get some but not any more email than I get from say Pottery Barn (probably less!).

And I don’t care but if you’re curious to try it, I do have a referral code:  Here

Think it might get us an extra discount but I’m not sure. I’m not selling anything here, just sharing something that I like and seems to be working for me.

Or you can just check you their site on your own. If you decide to buy something, make sure to hit one time purchase to avoid auto ship but I found it very clear on their site how to do the one time thing.

Enough of the sales pitch/review of 310.

Here’s What Else I’m Currently Doing:

Wishing the weight away, ha! Note, some of these I just started doing in the last couple of days.

  • Breakfast shake in the morning. The loud blender doesn’t seem to wake the kids.
  • Keeping myself busy and away from the tv. For some reason, tv=eat for me.
  • I’ve downloaded a 5 minute yoga app that I’m trying. How can just 5 minutes of yoga be so hard?
  • Going slow…giving myself grace. Remembering I didn’t start out exercising 2 hours a night when I was in my 20’s (And no, I have no plans to go back to working out 2 hours every day, too much)
  • Not eating anything after 6 PM.
  • Trying to drink more water with the lemonade/greens stuff

And this morning, the scale was actually starting to inch back to the scary number I surpassed at some time.

I’ll lose that baby weight some time! Hopefully, before they get married and have babies of their own. Ha.

Are you on a healthy journey? What things are you trying?

It Makes Perfect Sense

Just a short one today. Not so sure how well I’m doing with the wellness thing this week.

It makes perfect sense to fill this with Easter candy when trying not to eat so many sweets, right?

And it makes perfect sense to be making a cake using Peeps Pepsi when trying to accomplish the same goals does it not?

What? It does not.

Well, at least we’re having a chicken and spinach skillet for dinner. Perhaps the spinach will cancel out some of the candies and sweets? I can only hope.

This morning’s breakfast was a flip yogurt due to time constraints of getting to work. Need to plan out making the shakes the night before on work mornings. Can’t quite bring myself to wake the family with a blender at 7 AM. And today’s scale number was not in the right direction, see above, reason: candy consumption.

A few positives to end my post:

  • work was nice, a kid who seldom connects with me gave me a picture (“an invitation to my birthday and my house”)
  • I bought new tennis shoes, old ones had a hole in them
  • Finally picked up bird seed and a little pot of my favorite spring flowers (pics soon)
  • Took J for a driving lesson
  • Had a nap (We’re not going to call it a sugar crash)

Sometimes it’s better to focus on the sweet things in life that aren’t tempting things like jelly beans, Hershey’s cookies and creme eggs (I don’t even like white chocolate but these are so good and addictive),  and Reese’s peanut butter filled easter eggs.


Day 93/365

Clean Kitchens, Broken Windows, and Wellness

Welcome to my 2nd Wellness Wednesday post! I’m still pretty close to 10 over the weight limit (down .5) around here. However, feeling a little more positive.

Today started a bit chaotic as I realized that my husband forgot trash day. They’ve been coming earlier than normal so I threw a sweatshirt over my pajamas and took all our recycling and trash out to the curb. And I’m glad I did as they once again came around quite early. No complaints though.

I’ve decided to start each wellness Wednesday post with my breakfast, no idea why.


Today’s shake flavor: caramel sundae flavor mixed with a cup of coffee, a tablespoon of cocoa, and a banana. It’s been my favorite flavor combo so far. I do feel like the shakes give me a fair amount of energy but that could also be the fact I’m mixing them with coffee. (Note: I’m not drinking more coffee than usual, just mixing my usual 2nd cup up in the shake.)

Next, just a couple random thoughts.

Broken Window Syndrome

We have so many unfinished projects around this house. Sometimes it gets me a bit down as well as the fact the house seems to be in a constant state of mess. And then, I started thinking about the old broken window theory from back in the 80’s. Totally random thought.

So what does this have to do with wellness/weight loss? Our kitchen is one of the worst offenders. As you may or may not know, I’m in a constant battle to keep our kitchen table clean. Some of it is life, of course. However, there are also unfinished projects in the kitchen constantly annoying me.  Plus, I know how happy I still feel when looking at the clean and organized pantry. So, I became curious.

Does a clean kitchen help with weight loss?  I asked this question of Mr. Google and found a few interesting answers.

A few articles for your reading pleasure:

Keeping Your Kitchen Clean Can Help You Lose Weight

Putting Your Kitchen On A Diet

How Getting Organized Can Help You Lose Weight

How Keeping A Clean Kitchen Can Help You Lose Weight

And one more, just for fun, about kitchen colors. Not entirely sure about this as my light green kitchen doesn’t seem to impact our food choices. Still a fun read.

Can Your Kitchen Wall Color Help You Lose Weight?

Now, I’m going to jump off here and go clean my kitchen. (Actually, I’m going to go soak up some sunshine and plant some flowers because that’s also great for health and wellness.)

What do you think about the kitchen ideas listed above?


Day 86/365

Ten Over

So winter is over, no more winter Wednesday posts. It helped me to have a theme for something on Wednesdays so I’m starting a new one today.

Inspired by Rachel over at Living Better One Day At Time , I decided to do Wellness Wednesdays. She does Weigh In Wednesdays. Sorry, I am not going to share my weight each Wednesday. I’m not that brave.

However, I’m going to share my wellness goals and small steps I’m taking (or planning to take) to get there. Sometimes I’ll share physical (let’s not say diet) things and sometimes emotional things. Maybe it will motivate me a bit. I hope so anyway.

Today to quote an old Olivia Newton John song “Let’s Get Physical” and talk about the weight.

Ten Over

Oh, if I was just 10 over my goal weight, how happy I’d be. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I’m currently 10 lbs over my “do not pass” number. Ugh. Definitely, time to take action.

Trying something new (and not new): This morning for breakfast, I had a protein shake from a new company. I signed up for a trial with a company to see if I liked their shakes. I was pleasantly surprised that the taste wasn’t too nasty. Of course, I did use one of their recipes to make it a “caramel mocha” shake. Coffee and protein all together? Yes, please. Cheaper than Starbucks? I’ll let you know. More on the company after I’ve had more time to decide if it’s a keeper.

Goal For The Next Two Weeks

So, my short and sweet goal for the next two weeks is to simply get back to the scary scale number. Obviously, long term it’s to get to healthier weight. How am I going to do this?

Going Way Back!

I’ve been thinking about the days when I was 25 and in amazing shape. The things I did then. (Aside from not having a husband and 2 fantastic sons always wanting snack food!). Went to the gym every night. However, I also lived by myself and ate a bit healthier. Actually, I didn’t eat quite so much. (Hey, just call me Oprah but I do love bread! And pretty much all food!)

Then and now (well, the now was from February):

Back then, I ate a breakfast bar in the mornings, a big lunch, and then not much dinner really. Honestly, I don’t think I even thought about food all that much. So I’ve decided to try and replicate that eating pattern. Shake for breakfast. Bigger lunch/I might eat breakfast food for lunch as breakfast is actually my favorite meal. Then, much smaller dinner. And I’ll probably have a snack here and there, it’s not like I ever ignored the “candy jar” when I worked an office job.

Stopping here for today. So I can go back to spring cleaning. One thing I did do this morning to help with this goal is a little pantry redoux:

Sorted everything, moved things, wiped down all the shelves, and updated the ant baits (I’m on the offensive this year!). I’ve decided I’m not buying anymore junk unless someone specifically requests it.


Are you working on any wellness goals?

