Happy Homemaker Monday, Icy Start

A light sheen of ice is covering our cars and road this morning. A lot of the local schools including my preschool are once again closed. Thankfully, by afternoon, the temperature is supposed to bounce above freezing improving the roads.Β 

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to plan my week.

The Weather

Yesterday’s sunrise

Icy and not so cold (but feels cold) to start the week. Yesterday, it warmed up to the low 30’s but still felt like it was in the lower teens most the day. We’re supposed to get more rain tomorrow and Wednesday but the temperature is also supposed to be in the 40’s so that will hopefully, wash away the snow for a bit.

As I Look Outside My Window

dark eyed junco aka snowbird


Icy sheen on the cars and the street, birds at the bird feeders seem to be coping just fine. (I put out birdseed last night so I wouldn’t be slip sliding trying to do it this morning.

Right Now

The Monday morning usuals, working on this post and listening to the washing machine. Also, working on some tax numbers (blah) and talking to my husband about the road conditions (he’s getting ready to go to work).

Thinking and Pondering

Trying to not worry too much about J who appears to be struggling again, winter blues hits hard sometimes. Happy I was able to get him out of the house for a bit yesterday afternoon. Thinking about all the decluttering I’d like to get done in this house. Saved a bunch of Christmas boxes for that purpose but now they’ve sort of become clutter themselves.

How I am Feeling

Not terrible. Slept okay, relieved it turned out to be a snow day at my work as I didn’t want to have to turn people down though I wasn’t planning on getting out in the ice. A little grumpy as we were out of regular milk for my coffee this morning. Found some sweetened condensed milk in the pantry so not all was lost thankfully.

On the Breakfast Plate

An English muffin and coffee with the sweetened condensed milk which is actually not bad. Just not something I’d want every day. Vitamins.

On the Lunch Plate

Not sure: canned soup or hot sandwiches?

On The Dinner Plate

I did finally clean out and organize our pantry on Saturday. Made a list of meals we could have based on the ingredients in there. Lots of pasta in our future it seems. Pasta of some sort for today or maybe the Asian bow tie pasta that’s on the side of the chicken stock carton.

On The Menu

Struggling to get into a new routine around here so of course, the menu planning struggles as well. Trying to clear out the freezer a bit with the pantry.

MONDAY: Penne pasta in Vodka sauce (jar in pantry), going to try to make it in the slow cooker. Salad, breadsticks. Going to have hamburger, mushrooms, and cheese to add into the pasta separately according to taste.

TUESDAY: ham steaks and cornbread (cornbread mix in pantry, ham steaks in freezer)

WEDNESDAY: applesauce waffles, bacon (applesauce in pantry)

THURSDAY: chicken enchiladas (so much enchilada sauce in the pantry!) Taco meat from freezer for husband who doesn’t do yellow cheese

FRIDAY: Husband’s choice or leftovers

What I Am Wearing Today

Chiefs tee-shirt, jeans, and right now black and white polka dot slipper socks.

On My Reading Pile

The Little Cafe in Copenhagen by Julie Caplan, just started it. I’d read a preview a while back but couldn’t find it at the library and it wasn’t on Kindle Unlimited. Finally, in December maybe, it went on sale for 99 cents and I bought it. Really enjoying it so far.

On My TV This Week

You know I have to say it: How ‘Bout Them Chiefs?????!!!! What a great game, missed a bit of the beginning being out with J but saw most of the game. Buffalo played a good one and I was almost feeling sorry for them until those fans started pelting the players with snowballs? Ice balls? Not classy. I know not all the Buffalo fans did that but ugh. Note to Carrie: I cheered on your team as well and was so sad they didn’t quite make it. Looks like a team that’s going to be there next year for sure though!Β  Since we didn’t get our Green Bay/Kansas City wish, I’m now hoping for a Detroit/Kansas City game πŸ™‚ One more week to get through.

Non-sports things: I started watching The Bear and it is really good. Also, the Percy Jackson series on Disney, nothing like that horrid movie from a few years back. And game shows: The Floor, I Can See Your Voice, and We Are Family (I’ve even had a few correct guesses!).

Looking Around the House

Well, cleaning and clearing is still the January focus not that you could tell from looking around this place.

On My To Do List

  1. Go to grocery store for just a few things (like milk and bananas)
  2. Target trip for just a very few essentials (hair conditioner, cat food, etc)
  3. Continue working on tax stuff
  4. Continue the cleaning and clearing of the house, might do a few kitchen cabinets
  5. Usuals: laundry, cleaning
  6. Hopefully, on a clear warmish day, drop off donations at charity shop
  7. Get outside and go for walk one day (maybe Thursday or Friday? Both?)
  8. Go out with friends for Mom’s Night Out, need to find the exact date
  9. Send a few cards in the mail
  10. ????

From The Camera

I had some red-winged blackbirds visit the bird feeder! I’ve had a lonely female visit previously but never a whole group. Pictures aren’t the best as it was still super cold and I couldn’t get the door open quietly. Had to settle for pictures through the not so clean glass.

And a couple from my walk last Thursday

Loved seeing all the animal tracks across the frozen stream


Something Fun To Share

Just something silly for the fans of Hallmark movies and the Chiefs. (Filmed locally!)

Fun fact: You can actually purchase a sweet nectar of the endzone candle! Do I want one? Yes but they are a bit pricey (I think). Maybe if the Chiefs make it to the Super Bowl again, I’ll cave and shell out the dollars.

Quote for the Week

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness? (John Steinbeck)



10 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Icy Start”

  1. I love all of your photos! It sure is cold in your neck of the woods!! I’m also hoping the Lions make it to the playoffs! My boys say they have never been before. I’ve been working on going through our pantry and trying to make food with what we have, I’m doing pretty good and nearing the part where I need to do a big haul again! I hope you have an amazing week! Stay warm!
    Stacy recently posted…Happy Homemaker Monday: 1/22My Profile

    1. It was crazy cold but this week is better. Oh, it’s always nice to get to the part of a pantry clean out where you need to start restocking things. Hope you have a wonderful week as well!

  2. What a beautiful sunrise….. But Go Lions Go!!!!! Oh the excitement going on in my state right now!!!! Love all your photos! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I’ll cheer on your Lions as long as they are going…unless they play the Chiefs πŸ˜‰ Hope you have a great week as well!

  3. Hello my Lovely!
    So happy for you and those Chiefs! It sure has been some amazingly fun football to watch this season. I’m totally in on Chiefs/Lions matchup since no Pack this year. I do believe we’ll be a team to contend with for several years to come (at least here’s hoping!) πŸ™‚
    Always love your beautiful nature pics. I pray for J and that the blah’s leave and he feels better soonπŸ™πŸ»
    I’m dead over that Hallmark post season video!! Hilarious!! And I think you should absolutely splurge on the candle β€οΈπŸ˜‰
    Blessings on your week ahead and Go Chiefs! 😁 xoxo

    1. Thank you! Next year for your team for sure I think. Not sure I’d hear the end of it if I splurged on that candle, might wait and see if it goes on sale. Hope you are in the middle of a wonderful week!

  4. Thanks for your nice blog again. I find those birds so charming, a different kind than we have here. I love the plant photo and the cute quote in the picture. Do you think you’ll go for a walk on Thursday?

    1. Thank you! Well today (Thursday) it has poured down rain all day long so no walk outside. I’m going later to an art gallery with friends so a bit of inside walking will happen at least πŸ™‚

    1. Ice is gone and now it’s just lots of rain, at least it’s melting away the ugly snow piles from the plows and giving our cars a free wash. Hope your week has been good so far. Tomorrow starts the weekend!
