Happy New Year! My 2021 Word

Before I share, I’ll just admit I’m a bit hesitant to pick a word this year. Last year I chose “home” and we all know how that turned out. Global pandemic. Stay At Home Orders. Ahem.

Don’t worry, I didn’t pick “travel” for this year. So if the zombie apocalypse happens it’s not going to be on account of my word. Ha!

In all seriousness, I like the word the I picked for this year. It floated into my mind sometime right before Christmas and just stuck. It might sound a bit negative when you first hear it but I’m using it in a positive way.

Drumroll….announcing my word for 2021:




And in an epic fail already, I’ve already gone a bit extra and come up with a “fancy” catchphrase to go along with my word. Want to hear it? Of course, you do! Here it is:

Less Stressing and More Blessing

I’m sure I probably heard that somewhere in passing and can’t take full credit for it but it popped into my mind. I think the phrase serves as a good reminder of my word. Hopefully, the catchphrase helps me reign it in when I’m trying too hard and need to do less.

And no, I’m not thinking of my word in terms of the minimalist movement ever so popular (especially in January!). Maybe I’ll clear out a few things or maybe I won’t. Here’s how I mean to apply my word this year:

Less junk food/more vegetables

Less worry/more relaxing

Doing Less for everyone else/More teaching them to do for themselves

Lowering my expectations/achieving more


Frankly, after last year, I’m tired. Aren’t we all? And I needed an easy word. Really, I have high hopes for focusing on my word this year. Last year, I struggled to find a word. And I’ve found in years I struggle to find that one word, almost forcing it, I do worse.

Years like this one, where the word simply whispers itself to me as the old year draws to a close, I do much better. Here’s to a much better year for all of us!

Did you or will you pick a word for 2021?



2 Replies to “Happy New Year! My 2021 Word”

  1. I love your word for 2021. I also love your sentiment that after last year you are tired. Yes and yes and yes to that sentiment! I have decided that my word for the year is grace. I hope to have a blog post up in the next couple of days about that word. Hope this is a much kinder year to everyone! Happy 2021!
    Rachel recently posted…New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day 2021My Profile

    1. Thank you! Grace is a great word for the year. I read somewhere that we should simply spend this whole year giving everyone grace. Loved the thought. Yes, I’m all for a kinder year in 2021!
