New Year, New List

Even though I didn’t accomplish much on my 22 for 2022 list, I’m forging ahead and making a new list for 2023. By the way, if you’re wondering, I got the idea from Gretchen Rubin. Her website has lots of great ideas.

(Also, if you like to write things down pen/paper style, the resource tab has a printout for your list)

Without further preamble, my list of 23 for 2023, in no particular order:

  1. Clean our basement a tub at a time (I’ve already told my husband of the plan)
  2. Participate in every Happy Homemaker Monday for 2023
  3. Read 92 books
  4. Create a cozy, inviting home filled only with things I love (though I’ll probably have to allow my husband/kids to keep their things as well)
  5. Get my ears pierced (again, I had them done a long while ago but haven’t had them in years)
  6. Get tubs to store the Christmas books
  7. Unsubscribe from at least 3 junk newsletters every time I clean my email
  8. Throw away any broken or worn out items!
  9. Re-watch the David Tennant episodes of Doctor Who, old school style…just one episode a week
  10. Rediscover the lighter, fun-loving open to (almost) anything adventurous side of my personality
  11. Celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in August with either a trip or a party
  12. Join in for the Blog365 challenge and post every single day in 2022 (in progress already!)
  13. Buy 2 Christmas presents for the boys each month (and one stocking stuffer for myself)
  14. Be better about reaching out to friends/family members. Make an effort to call/text someone once a week.
  15. Put space between the holidays to make each one feel more special (example: don’t eat Valentine’s Day candy/treats until it’s actually Valentine’s Day)
  16. Make individual binders for our bank statements
  17. Frame the photos from when J was in the all-district bands
  18. Leave a review for things I purchase (I’m so bad about doing this and yet, I always read them before I buy things)
  19. Figure out a way to either subscribe or keep all the blogs I enjoy reading in one place (Bloglovin’ isn’t really working for me anymore)
  20. Take at least 2 people photos at each holiday/special occasion
  21. Get storage containers for our DVD collection, sort, and store them
  22. Accept that a some family situations aren’t likely to change and realize I’ve done enough.
  23. Invite people to our home (family, friends, etc…been too long since I’ve done this)

As you can see, my list is all over the place from super vague to very specific. I feel better about a lot of the things on this list than I did on my list last year. So with that glowing New Year’s hope, I’m going to say I have great chance of success. What things would you put on a list of 23 for 2023?



12 Replies to “New Year, New List”

  1. I love #15 – ‘example: don’t eat Valentine’s Day candy/treats until it’s actually Valentine’s Day’ YES!!! I will buy holiday specific snacks early but I’ll tuck them away until it’s actually closer to that holiday. A lot of that stuff, you have to grab it as soon as you see it or it’s gone next week. So if I have to buy Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes in the first week of November, I will, but they won’t get eaten until December.

    If I were to make a list there could easily be about 500 things, so yeah, I’m not going to bother. I just need to get better about actually doing the things. Declutter/reduce is a huge one. My photo scanning project is another. A more fun one is to finally go to the local apple/pumpkin farm this fall. We keep pushing that off because other things come up.

    1. Sounds like you have better willpower than I do over here. I usually start buying candy hearts near the end of January and can’t stop eating them. Had to edit my list to get to 23, it’s a nice random number. 500 things would overwhelm me. Hope you get to visit the apple/pumpkin patch this year!

  2. Nice list, but how will you read 92 books? That is like 7 books a month! 😲
    Please don’t laugh, am already feeling the burn on #12 and we are on day 5🤭

    1. I took a speed reading class years ago in high school and still tend to read super fast. Plus, I have time every Monday to read while waiting on my son to complete a baritone lesson and usually read every night before bed. Sometimes more if it’s a really good book. Not laughing at you because I’m feeling it a bit as well.

    1. Thank you. The emails are never-ending. The spam ones are really tricky because some make it through the filter and then if you hit unsubscribe, it actually makes it worse. Of course, I have a whole bunch of newsletters and such I signed up for all on my own to sort first.

  3. I absolutely love your list, especially #s 4,7,12 and 15. It seems like I am seeing the word cozy everytime I turn around (maybe the universe is trying to tell me something?) . As far as unsubscribing, I am also trying to do that too each time I check my email. I am also trying to do Blog365 🙂 And I love the idea of making each holiday special by not partaking in treats and making space between each holiday. I think I will also try to do that as well. Thanks for giving me some more ideas and good luck on your list. They all seem totally doable!

    1. Thank you! Could be. I kept seeing/hearing the word that ended up as my word of the year everywhere.

    1. Thank you! I didn’t do very well on my 2022 list so I hope I do much better this time. Hope you get to see your out of state family more. It’s always harder with a bit of distance involved.

  4. I think many of us can relate to your list, and funny enough, I need to re pierce my ears too. They closed up a while ago and I can’t get them open myself.

    1. I’m thinking of telling my husband it’s what I want for Valentine’s Day (not that I need anything).
