
Just a short post today. Another busy work day. Yesterday was cold! Not crazy cold but windy and cold. Regular winter weather I suppose.

Today’s predicted weather (putting this one together on Tuesday night)

On Tuesday: it was cloudy, windy, and cold all day today but really the temperature was in the 40’s after a high in the upper 50’s at midnight. For Wednesday: Predicted high of 46 and mostly cloudy all day once again.


I like a good sweater in cold weather.   

And I got curious about why they’re called sweaters. Lazy google research says: they were worn by rowers and intended to “produce sweating and reduce weight” More info here (source) 


Day 4/365

10 Replies to “Sweaters”

  1. Interesting! I’ve only ever thought of sweaters as warmth-producing and comforting on chilly days; I never equated them with purposely producting sweat as a means of losing weight. Perhaps I should! LOL! It’s been windy and chilly here, too, but still nice for January. Wish we could keep that weekend weather all winter long! Hope your Wednesday is off to a great start!

    1. I never knew that about them until my lazy google search. I’m going to start wearing more sweaters and see if it works as well. Wednesday and today weren’t actually too bad with the cold. As long as the wind isn’t crazy and there’s a bit of sun it’s not too awful outside.

  2. Omg, 40-50 is so cold🥶. I just did the conversion to celsius and I can’t imagine that temperature. The sweaters look so cozy, have a lovely day.

    1. That’s actually just about shorts weather in these parts 😉 I think you must live somewhere with lots of lovely tropical weather. I do prefer the warmer temperatures myself but here in Missouri (Kansas City is pretty much just about in the middle of the United States) we tend to get a variety of temperatures. Sometimes on the very same day. Hope you’re having a great week.

  3. That is interesting about sweaters. I love wearing sweaters in the winter, however, I haven’t needed any the last 2 days as our temperatures have been in the low 60s, but it’s been raining. Supposed to have snow showers tomorrow so it will be back to sweater weather.

    1. We had that nice weather over New Year’s weekend and then, it got cold again. Still though not as cold as usual for January. The weather’s been so weird lately.

    1. I didn’t know that either. Guess the next time I wear one and start sweating, I’ll know it’s doing its job. Ha!

  4. That is quite interesting about the sweaters, although, I must say, I have a lot of sweaters and still struggling to lose weight, soooooo hahahahah

    1. Yeah, my sweaters all seem to be defective as well. Perhaps we’re not supposed to leave out the rowing part?
