Other Priorities

Trying very hard to post every day for this series. However, there’s not a lot to report today.

Not even a series of fun photos to share. I did not sleep well last night. Then, I decided to do some serious weed trimming in the lot next door. Seems we had a couple of people trying to get into the backdoor of that house (owner is currently not living there and the house/yard is in a bit of disarray).

Grumpy from not enough sleep. So sore from the weed trimming. Did I mention I used hedge trimmers and not a weed eater to do all this? Add in the adrenaline as I was so scared a snake was in the mess and the word for today was exhaustion. (Probably were snakes but thankfully, I didn’t see any. Wore my snow boots for the work just in case)

Am I making excuses? Probably. However, the only thing that happened in the housekeeping arena around here was the unloading/loading of the dishwasher. A switch of laundry from the washer to the dryer. No folding!

And I made dinner. Fried pork chops and baked potatoes. All I had in me tonight. Didn’t help that my husband came home and said trimming the crazy weeds (some were over my head!) in the back didn’t help and probably made it easier for people. UGH. And a second UGH for the sadness I felt as I cut down my bird habitat areas thinking it a necessary and helpful task for the safety of everyone. I did leave some areas, just wanted a line of sight to their backdoor.

So, I’ve rubbed on the Aspercreme and taken an Advil. Still hurt, being old and out of shape is no fun. Now, I’m off to clean the kitchen sink and go to bed.


4 Replies to “Other Priorities”

  1. You did a good deed taking care of the neighbors yard. Watch out for squatters. They love to occupy houses that they know may be empty. By you keeping it a little clean, they may think the owners are back now and may move on. The birds will find shelter in other nearby areas. They want go too far.
    Tracy recently posted…Working On My BlogsMy Profile

    1. We do keep a fairly close eye on the house as do our other neighbors. It’s the first time we’ve seen people try to go the back of it. Hope the birds do come back. Oddly, I’ve not seen many birds at all this fall. Hope they’re all just getting a late start and I keep missing them.

  2. I think you deserve a pat on the back for trying to keep the other house secure , while also making sure you can see the house. Good deeds are always the way to go. I would say that some days are like that when you are tired but you did a good deed, made dinner for your family, and got basic housecleaning done with the dishwasher and laundry. I say you had a good day when you could have done nothing because of your mood. I hope today was a better day!
    Rachel recently posted…Stream of Consciousness Update from my lifeMy Profile

    1. Thank you. Really, I did do quite a bit of nothing yesterday because of my mood. Sometimes, it’s needed though. Hope your week is going well so far!
