Happier Day Doing Household Chores

Today was a much better day than yesterday. Of course, a visit to the hairdresser always leaves me in better spirits. And I didn’t wake up with aching arms so that helped tremendously as well.

Today I did the Flylady missions from both yesterday and today. And tackled a few anti-procrastination day tasks. Including a few I didn’t even know I’d been ignoring.

Crumb tray of the toaster is now clean!

Started with yesterday’s task. Wash off the kitchen counters with hot soapy water. Sometimes (very rarely) lack of counter space is a good thing!  Also, took a minute to wipe down the items on the counter as well. And clean the crumb tray on the toaster as noted up above.


Can’t see a lot of difference in the two photos but the counter is cleaner. Or rather was clean. For a second. Ha!

The other task was to clean around the sink faucet. With a toothbrush. Our sink faucet is newer so I just used the Power Dawn soap and a rag. (Forgot to take an after photo!)

Still quite a few things I didn’t do today but her motto of Progress and not perfection is returning to my mind a bit. My main goal is to clean the sink each night.

A Few Anti-Procrastination Tasks Completed Today

They’ll sound simple but they were really bugging me so I’m glad to have them done.

  • Took the tag off my new indoor fall rug for the front door. Seriously, it’s been there a week and I didn’t take the tag off of it. First, I wanted to make sure I liked it (I did) and then, I just kept thinking oh, I’ll do it in a minute. It’s done now.
  • Clean out my purse. Pretty sure this is a Friday thing in Flylady land but it’s been at least 2-3 months. So many grocery lists! Now, I know exactly what I have in there including enough cash for a small cup of coffee out somewhere.
  • Started to do my on-line training (finally) for work. However, I did stop as I have questions. Since I work tomorrow, I figured I should get answers before continuing.
  • Made a plan with J to get together tomorrow and look at his dual credit English bill. He just needs to log on to his account so I can get it paid by the deadline.
  • And used up the tomatoes on the counter before they went bad, BLT for lunch. It was yummy! Also, finally got around to making spicy black-eyed peas for dinner (with ham and cornbread)


Tomorrow is back to the working world for me so we’ll see how I do on the tasks. However, the sink is already cleaned for tonight so I’m actually going to get to bed before 10:30. Exciting stuff.

Did you get any long neglected items crossed off your list today?


2 Replies to “Happier Day Doing Household Chores”

  1. I’ve heard of the Flylady. However, I don’t follow her blog or anything. I just came up with systems of my own that helps me in my home. For example, when I’m cooking, I clean as I go. This way there is not so much to clean up after we eat. What is left, I put in the dishwasher at night and turn on before bed. I try to make sure that kitchen is clean before bed so that way I can start in a clean kitchen that next morning. However, I have a teenager still at home too, so theres that. But, if he leaves a dish on my counter, I make him come back and either wash it or put it in the dishwasher. I try to clean a little in the kitchen while something is on the stove or baking. Like wiping down counters, cabinets, drawers, refrigerator, etc. I try to at least sweep or Swiffer the kitchen before closing it down for the night. I love my Swiffer wet vac. It vacuums and mops at the same time. Saves time. I have a whole slew of tips and tricks on our Homemaking page on our blog.

    1. Sounds like you have great systems in place that are really working for you and your family. My mom was very anal about the housecleaning so I’ve always been much more laidback about it. Prefer spending time with people (friends, family) over time cleaning. I think the Flylady intent in part is for helping people who grew up with parents who were very much perfectionist and critical of how chores were done without any appreciation of the effort. That part of her philosophy greatly appeals to me. I have a couple Swiffers, they are fun to use. Hope you are having a great weekend!
