No Motivation Today

It’s another cold, gray, and cloudy day here. I’ve had no motivation all morning. And now I barely have time for a post before heading into work.

Mostly, I’m over here dreaming of more flowers for warmer days. And glancing back through my January through June garden journal. Wondering why I didn’t make one for July through August. Still time, I guess.

Planning to catch up with everyone tomorrow. And write another proper post then as well.


Day 80/365


Ten Over

So winter is over, no more winter Wednesday posts. It helped me to have a theme for something on Wednesdays so I’m starting a new one today.

Inspired by Rachel over at Living Better One Day At Time , I decided to do Wellness Wednesdays. She does Weigh In Wednesdays. Sorry, I am not going to share my weight each Wednesday. I’m not that brave.

However, I’m going to share my wellness goals and small steps I’m taking (or planning to take) to get there. Sometimes I’ll share physical (let’s not say diet) things and sometimes emotional things. Maybe it will motivate me a bit. I hope so anyway.

Today to quote an old Olivia Newton John song “Let’s Get Physical” and talk about the weight.

Ten Over

Oh, if I was just 10 over my goal weight, how happy I’d be. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I’m currently 10 lbs over my “do not pass” number. Ugh. Definitely, time to take action.

Trying something new (and not new): This morning for breakfast, I had a protein shake from a new company. I signed up for a trial with a company to see if I liked their shakes. I was pleasantly surprised that the taste wasn’t too nasty. Of course, I did use one of their recipes to make it a “caramel mocha” shake. Coffee and protein all together? Yes, please. Cheaper than Starbucks? I’ll let you know. More on the company after I’ve had more time to decide if it’s a keeper.

Goal For The Next Two Weeks

So, my short and sweet goal for the next two weeks is to simply get back to the scary scale number. Obviously, long term it’s to get to healthier weight. How am I going to do this?

Going Way Back!

I’ve been thinking about the days when I was 25 and in amazing shape. The things I did then. (Aside from not having a husband and 2 fantastic sons always wanting snack food!). Went to the gym every night. However, I also lived by myself and ate a bit healthier. Actually, I didn’t eat quite so much. (Hey, just call me Oprah but I do love bread! And pretty much all food!)

Then and now (well, the now was from February):

Back then, I ate a breakfast bar in the mornings, a big lunch, and then not much dinner really. Honestly, I don’t think I even thought about food all that much. So I’ve decided to try and replicate that eating pattern. Shake for breakfast. Bigger lunch/I might eat breakfast food for lunch as breakfast is actually my favorite meal. Then, much smaller dinner. And I’ll probably have a snack here and there, it’s not like I ever ignored the “candy jar” when I worked an office job.

Stopping here for today. So I can go back to spring cleaning. One thing I did do this morning to help with this goal is a little pantry redoux:

Sorted everything, moved things, wiped down all the shelves, and updated the ant baits (I’m on the offensive this year!). I’ve decided I’m not buying anymore junk unless someone specifically requests it.


Are you working on any wellness goals?


Spring Cleaning

My plan for today is to do some spring cleaning. However, right now I’m reading about it. Why actually do the cleaning when you can peruse a million different ideas about it on the Internet?

My thoughts for a quick spring cleaning this year are really to just do a top to bottom cleaning and clearing of the entire house.

The top part usually presents challenges as I’m not super tall. So, the ceilings and ceiling fans might not get the treatment they deserve. A little is better than none, I think.

Some of the spring cleaning I’d like to do in the coming weeks:


Clean the vent fan in the bathroom

Dust some light fixtures/ceiling fans

Clean off the top of the fridge (maybe the cabinets as well *if* I can get my husband to help)

Clear the ceiling corner cobwebs

Bonus item: I’d love it if I could talk my husband into repainting a few of our ceilings but that’s low odds


Wipe off all the kitchen cabinets

Dust pictures

Clean windows/curtains (I know I have this on my to do list for the week for some reason)

Clear off some cluttered surfaces/clean them when clear/hopefully get rid of some stuff

Refresh the mattresses


Finally, we are almost to the end of the spring cleaning!

Wash all the floors and vents and add a drop of peppermint oil to them

Basement Bonus

Last one, clean off the desk down here and go through more tubs


Before I leave here to actually go do this cleaning, tell me do you do a full spring cleaning? What’s on your list?


Day 78/365


Happy Homemaker Monday, Spring Has Sprung!

Been a busy first day of spring around here so I’m a bit late getting to things today. Are you excited for the new season? I know I am so happy and ready for warmer days, green grass, and flowers.

Let’s just get straight to joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for this planning post.

The Weather

It’s currently 60 degrees and sunny. We couldn’t have asked for better first day of spring weather. Maybe a little less windy but I don’t mind as I’m too busy soaking up the sunshine and warm temperatures. There are chances for rain the rest of the week until Friday, cooler tomorrow with a high of only 48 but then, we bounce to 67 before leveling off in the 50’s for the rest of the week.

As I Look Outside My Window 

I see a robin! A sure sign of spring. All the winter birds are still here but I I’m thinking they should be packing their suitcases soon (looking at you little snowbirds!)

Right Now

Trying to get this post done before I have to throw together dinner and take J to his lesson tonight.

Thinking And Pondering

Too much on my mind. One of the things: I was just in the grocery store thinking how sad it is that my go-to cheap meals are now some of the more expensive ones. French Toast used to be such an easy thing but now the bread, eggs, and milk make it cost as much as a “normal” meal. And still with the random things they don’t have at times. I just want my normal taco seasoning packet (and yes, I know I can make my own but I like this kind)

On My Bedside Table

Currently the camera bag. I should have my phone on the charger but just remembered it.

On My TV Tonight

Probably just The Voice. 

Listening To

Nothing at the moment. Earlier the cat was meowing mad at me for forgetting her outside when I came back inside. I got an earful of meows! Ha.

On The Lunch Plate

The boys and I had McDonald’s, one of those days.

On The Dinner Plate

No idea, grocery store chicken, leftovers (pork chops or tacos), cereal. We ate lunch kind of late. My husband had a root canal so is not super excited about eating. It’s an on  your own type of night, I think.

On The Menu This Week

MONDAY: OYO *J had to take a test for school off-site at 9:30* *J has a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes *I might go to Bunco*

WEDNESDAY: Homemade sub sandwiches, chips, fruit

THURSDAY: Might make fajitas or finally the pepper steak I keep moving around on the menu *I work 2:30-5 and then, have CPR training, I think…need to make sure*

FRIDAY: Pancakes (might switch this with Wednesday depending on how my husband feels)

On My Reading Pile

Just the spring magazines. I really need to find a book for tonight.

On My To Do List

  • Spring cleaning
  • Grocery store 
  • Pay a couple bills
  • Get some seeds started
  • Other stuff…?

Plans This Week

wash living room curtains, shower curtain, (all the curtains!), clear off a few tall surfaces, go to Bunco depending on how tomorrow goes, work

What I’m Creating

Way too early but I’m anxious to get the garden going. Also, I did buy a new diamond art painting to try.

Simple Pleasure

Warm spring days with sunshine, birds, flowers, and bees!

(See that little yellow ball on the bee? I had to look that one up as I’d never noticed that on my early spring bees before. Interesting explanation of it all in this article about why bees have pockets.)

Looking Around The House

Ugh. Let’s do that after a bit of spring cleaning happens. We did get a new dresser for J’s room at Ikea but I forgot to take a photo before we set it up in there. I’ll have to sneak in one day when he’s not home.

From The Camera

Last sunset of winter over a local lake.


On My Prayer List

A peaceful, positive spring season for all. J to graduate high school, we’re inching closer. My husband to not be in too much pain after his dental work. Friends, family, strangers.

Quote For The Week

Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. (Laura Ingalls Wilder)


Day 77/365



This seemed like a good thing to share on the last day of winter.


That come before the swallow dares, and take

The winds of March with beauty…

(From A Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare)

(I happened upon the quote while browsing Pinterest.)


Day 76/365




Saint Patrick’s Day

Just a quick post to say Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Our day was fairly low-key. Started off by baking a loaf of Irish Soda Bread.

I used this recipe. And added a few golden raisins. Turned out pretty well. I would make it again. Should note that I did use a little less salt than the original recipe, 1 1/2 teaspoons instead of the full 2.

J and I did a bit of running around so he could get some new vinyls (we called these albums or LP’s back in the day). And of course, we swung by McDonald’s for Shamrock shakes. Our tradition.

Finally, after dinner we had shamrock sugar cookies from Target for dessert.

Somewhere during today, it also snowed on and off a bit but melted as it arrived. I watched some of the local St. Patrick’s Day parade on tv and may or may not have taken a short nap.

Not a bad day at all.


Day 74/365

Topsy Turvy Thursday

Just some random thoughts for today. Pretend you joined me in the car for the addictive drive-through coffee shop. Couldn’t resist another Irish Blondie Breve. Hoping that’s a seasonal thing because I definitely don’t need to be doing that everytime I’m over near the shop.

My joke of the day: What do you call Spring Break when it happens prior to payday?

Answer: Spring Broke!

(Gather your rotten fruit, I’ll be here all year!)

Can you tell I typically work with preschool children? Where even jokes that make no sense are funny. Drive-through coffee shop might also explain the spring broke.

Would you like to see the photos that were supposed to accompany yesterday’s post?

Winter Wednesday Photos

The crocus that finally bloomed!

The purple flowers taking over more of the yard.

A pot of dirt just waiting to be filled with spring/summer flowers.

Finally, a random photo of one of my daffodils in a vase.

And now that we’re back here at the house, have fed the birds (or rather the squirrels), and drank our coffee, let’s go walk around the yard.

After This Morning’s Rain

Final picture for today:

Creepy little critter isn’t it?

I don’t like them. They’re rodents and they steal my bird seed. However, they’re also super smart and it is interesting to watch them figure out all the “squirrel proof” bird feeders. I do wonder if I started feeding the squirrels instead of the birds, would the birds eat the squirrel’s food? Hmmm…

Do you like squirrels?


Day 73/365








Final Winter Wednesday

Before we get to my final winter Wednesday thought, have you ever had an entire post just disappear? *POOF* Gone, not even a draft of it seems to exist. SIGH. Annoying.

And of course, I can’t remember exactly what I wrote.

The Weather

Maybe the wind blew my post away? It’s (don’t hate us) currently 62 degrees out there but I can hear the wind picking up. Also, cloudy though we had a decent amount of sunshine earlier. Tomorrow, however, we’re supposed to get rain that transitions to light snow by Friday morning.

My Goodbye Letter To Winter


Dear Winter, 

It’s been such a nice visit with you this year. Thank you for the snowflakes and especially for those surprisingly warm and sunny days. However, spring is on the way already having sent through some luggage covered in daffodils and tiny purple flowers. Please make sure you remember to pack up and take all your weather with you on your journey to the southern hemisphere. I’d really hate for you to have to turn around and collect a forgotten snow storm late in the spring. I’ll look forward to your return in December when you’ll perhaps bring us a white Christmas?

Wishing you snowy safe travels!


I’ll skip trying to remember the rest of my post and just share this fun meme:

How are you spending your last Wednesday of winter?


Day 72/365


Palate For Peeps

This is going to be a quick and just for fun type post today.

It all started when my husband brought home Dr. Pepper flavored Peeps, I think at the end of February (his word of the year is not “wait”). Anyway, we all tried them and if you come across Dr. Pepper flavored Peeps, know they are very, very good. We’ve not been able to find them anywhere since he bought that first package.

However, we have found all kinds of other odd flavors. I decided every time I saw a new flavor, I’d get it for us to try. And so it began, our quest to taste test every weird flavor of Peeps we could find.


Peeps are essentially just marshmallows and usually not too many in a package or too expensive. I did find some gummy Peeps at Target, a bit different.

As well as J’s current favorite flavor (also mine):

We’ve done lots of tastings over here so I thought I’d share our results with you all today.

Peeps Flavors Found And Our Thoughts:

  1. Dr. Pepper Peeps, we all LOVED these. How they managed to make them taste just like Dr. Pepper is a mystery. If you are a Dr. Pepper fan, you’ll love these.
  2. Sour Watermelon Peeps, we mostly liked these though I can’t remember them making a huge impression.
  3. Party Cake Peeps, these were memorable for all the wrong reasons. For all of us, they completely missed the mark on the cake flavor. And the sprinkles on the outside were kind of weird.
  4. Cotton Candy Peeps, I didn’t mind these but they didn’t really taste like cotton candy. I’m the only one who even kind of liked these.
  5. Hot Tamale Peeps, these were surprisingly good! Tasted like a soft hot tamale (the candies, not the savory dinner item).
  6. Sparkly Wild Berry Peeps, were not a hit with me. Too much grape (I should note I hate grape flavored things: grapes yes, grape artificial flavoring, no). J didn’t mind them. They left a weird coating on my hands as well. Cheetos can leave my hands covered in stuff, not Peeps.
  7. Fruit Punch Peeps, these weren’t bad but I was looking around for Mr. Kool Aid to come bursting through the walls (Remember those old commercials?). They tasted like Kool Aid to me.
  8. Tropical Burst Peeps, nice and subtle. We really like these. Hard to describe as no in your face flavors, definitely not coconut, but we know the flavor is tropical.
  9. The Peeps Gummies, I loved these. Very vanilla flavored. J thought they tasted just like a peep. G said they weren’t for him. My husband hasn’t tried them yet.

Final Thoughts

The only flavor I’ve seen and not bought are the ones with the chocolate on the bottom. No doubt those are good but I’m not paying the same price for half as many candies just because they have chocolate on the bottom. Maybe I’ll get some for actual Easter or when they go on clearance from being over priced.

Peeps aren’t a candy for everyone. Personally, I prefer the regular flavors of them when they are slightly stale. My husband and J like to roast them (they are marshmallows after all). And G just likes them.

What about you, tried any new flavors of Peeps lately? Or do you even like this type of candy?


Day 71/365
