First Happy Homemaker Monday of 2023

I know it’s silly but does it make anyone else happy that the new year started on a Sunday? The first four Saturdays of January make for perfect multiples of seven: 7, 14, 21, 28. Then, of course, it stops since there are 31 days in January.

Time to join in for the very first Happy Homemaker Monday of 2023. I was waiting to see if Sandra might’ve changed the categories for the new year but I need to go ahead and get my post up now. If they’ve changed, I’ll just change them next week. UPDATE: She did add a few new ones but like I said, I’ll catch up on that next week.

The Weather

Yesterday was beautiful, sunny *almost* no coat weather. Today, however, is foggy and chilly. Rain predicted for later this afternoon. Looking forward to the free carwash! Should’ve seen the lines with the nice weather over the weekend. Right now, it’s 42 degrees with a predicted high of 57 later today. Then, we start sliding back down into the reality of winter temperatures. After tomorrow, highs are in the 30’s for the rest of the week. More chances of rain (high of 38) again on Saturday.

As I Look Outside My Window

I don’t see too much, pretty foggy right now. Have an electric candle in the window and a vanilla candle burning on top of the bookcase. Semi-cozy around the mess I suppose.

Right Now

Waiting for the washing machine to finish as I work on this post. It’s laundry day!

Thinking And Pondering

About My word for the year and what to add to my list of 23 things I’d like to do in 2023. What the new year will bring.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

I work the rest of this week, J returns to school tomorrow (praying it goes well) so basically some standard Sunday night anxiety tripled into Monday day anxiety. SIGH. Otherwise, not too bad.

Listening To

Washer and dryer down here. If I were upstairs, I’d hear the background of the local morning news my husband is watching.

On The Breakfast Plate

Lower sugar maple brown sugar instant oatmeal and a cookie (balance, right?), vitamins, coffee

On The Lunch Plate

Probably leftover black-eyed peas and cornbread

On The Dinner Plate

I am not sure…need to ponder it as I work on this post

What I Am Wearing Today

long-sleeved black t-shirt, greenish color jeggings, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Need to start a new book on my phone! Probably the first chapters of the Marie Kondo book, Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and another book I picked up at the library about being outdoors. Can’t recall the exact title but it’s about the concept of Friluftsliz, the Norwegian word for outdoor love. Something like that.

On My TV

Probably not much with my work schedule this week. Planning to watch one episode a week of the David Tennant Doctor Who episodes.

Over Christmas break, I finished watching  Litvinenko on AMC+, it was interesting. And also White Lotus, can’t quite decide how I felt about that show. First season was better than the second. It was on HBOmax. And I watched a couple Netflix movies, Slumberland (really enjoyed it!) and Troll (fun, think it was supposed to be scary but was a bit silly).

And of course, yesterday, how about them…Chiefs! Actually, they were aggravating me. At one point after they got the lead, my husband turned to me and asked if I knew they were winning. We’re very spoiled by such a good team. And though it is a bit painful, most of KC has to say Go Bengals! (Just for tonight)

On The Menu

And here we are at the category, I wanted to avoid. As usual, I really do need to go to the store but let’s see what I can manage from the fridge/freezer first.

MONDAY:  Roast in the crockpot *J has baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Chicken strips *I work 8-4:30*

WEDNESDAY: Pork chops, baked potatoes *I work 8-4:30*

THURSDAY: Pepper steak *I work 8-4:30*

FRIDAY: Turkey of some sort, sweet potatoes *I work 8-4:30*

Looking Around The House

Still a few touches of Christmas amid the mess. Trying to decide if I want to go ahead and take them down today or wait until after the Epiphany.

On My To Do List

So much. Why did I wait until the last minute for everything??

  1. Grocery store
  2. Target for household supplies: shampoo, cleaning, etc
  3. Laundry
  4. Find books/plan for school tomorrow
  5. Pay a few bills/at least get them organized
  6. Put away all Christmas sweaters/clothing until next year
  7. Clean out cat box *SO overdue on this, oops
  8. Hope it’s not cheating if I write and schedule a few blog posts for the blog365 challenge
  9. Clear off kitchen table/either throw away or freeze Christmas goodies
  10. Clean out email inbox. Say it with me: There will always be another sale.
  11. Spend 23 minutes outside for another challenge I’m doing

From The Camera

Took advantage of the great weather after the game yesterday to go for a walk on a local trail. Excited to finally make it this bridge. (It’s a 5 mile loop trail and I usually don’t have time for the loop, still didn’t but got to the bridge at least)

What I’m Creating

I have a candle project I’d like to do but likely won’t have time to look at it until Saturday

Quote For The Week

May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave. (Kate Forsyth)


Day 2 of 365


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe evening saying goodbye to 2022 and welcoming in 2023. 

Instead of jumping right into my word of the year or my list of 23 for 23 (both in progress), today, I’m simply sharing a few random things making me happy on our sunny start this brand new year.

A New Calendar, look at all those days just waiting to be filled! 


Black-eyed peas, grown in my own garden, soaking for today.

Yes, I’ll be supplementing with a can from the store. I use this Paula Deen recipe each year.

The birdsong coming from this Evergreen tree


A Kansas City Chiefs Game to Start our New Year! 

(I’ll let you know tomorrow if that continued to make me happy to start 2023, ha!)

This basket, the base for a completely unexpected surprise gift from a friend

I just love it. And how I wish some of you with the always cozy, inviting homes lived close enough to come help me decide what to put in it and where it would go in my home.

My holiday cactus about to bloom 


 Champagne cake 

I get the same one from a local grocery store each New Year’s Eve. There is something about the sparkly pink frosting! And also,I love the taste of the cake hiding beneath it. Only on New Years.

(There’s a hint in the above picture as to my 2023 word of the year. Got any guesses? Stay tuned)


Just a few small things bringing me small, simple pleasures today.

Blog 365: Day 1 of 365


And now, I need to take a moment to share that I’ve decided to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for her Blog 365 challenge. A blog post every single day of 2023!  Sometimes the post might be a full one but other times it might simply be a picture.



Reflecting on 2022

Isn’t this the time for the great reflection on the previous year and all that?  Mostly, I’ve been reflecting on why I’ve eaten so many Christmas cookies instead of an actual meal. Maybe I should go ahead and think on my list and word from 2022 for a moment.

Photo from January 2022


Well, this wasn’t a year for great success with words and lists on this end.

Let’s start with my overly ambitious list of 22 items for 2022. I don’t know I have 2 days left, what can I squeeze in and finish? Ha.

My List With Progress Updates

  1. Join in for every Happy Homemaker Monday   Did pretty good here, think I missed a few
  2. Read 82 books  I read 128 books! Probably when I should have been doing other stuff
  3. Follow the Fly Lady Plan (Adapting the days to work for my schedule) Maybe next year
  4. Learn to use the laptop computer (my son gave me his old one in the summer and I’ve ignored it)  I tried but we decided the laptop wasn’t fixable after all.
  5. Host Easter brunch I really hope to get back to some form of this next year!
  6. Celebrate Rudolph Day each month with a bit of Christmas planning Managed a few but didn’t do all of them, okay I think I did two. Still two isn’t zero.
  7. Share gratitude each week with a Thankful Thursday post Made a decent attempt, found it easier to think thoughts of gratitude each day than force myself to write a weekly post
  8. Drink a minimum of 3 glasses of water a day HA HA ha, miss…next year maybe?
  9. Go on a vacation  My husband and I went to Arkansas for a weekend with friends
  10. Take at least 3 “people” pictures for each major holiday/occasion I did okay with this
  11. Make a photo book of 2021 and then delete all the pictures off the computer (or put them on a flash drive) Still have time, maybe, but probably not going to happen this year
  12. Frame J’s all-district band photos (the one from 2019 and the one from 2021 when we get it) Next year SIGH
  13. Use it up and/or  throw it out before buying new (with things like wrapping paper for example)  I did pretty good with this one to the point I had to have my husband buy me new wrapping paper to finish up wrapping Christmas gifts and my candle closet is almost empty!
  14. Add in an evening skin care routine Didn’t happen though I bought new moisturizer
  15. Try one new restaurant each month as a family Nope, not even close
  16. Go through one bin in the basement each week (to clear out and declutter) 2023 Goal for sure!
  17. Fix wedding ring SIGH, no. I should’ve made this a Christmas request.
  18. Organize Pinterest boards by actually trying pins and deleting ones that are no longer relevant Nope, didn’t happen
  19. Start doing yoga again Refer to number 18’s answer
  20. Make a better effort to reach out and connect with friends and family I’ll give myself a C-/D+, definitely room to improve on this one
  21. Create a master list of family birthdays Ha, no. Still want to do it though
  22. Take the coffee cup advice and enjoy myself (I use this coffee cup a lot of work days as a reminder to myself to just enjoy the time with the preschool kids) I did okay at this, think I did better than usual through the holiday season. 

Heal, My Word of the Year from 2022

Well, not my best endeavor for a word of the year. Not my worst either.

I outlined what I wanted to achieve with my word in this post.

While I didn’t really achieve the planned results, same size with the same dry skin, taking time to put myself first a bit more often did help my mental health. Quite a bit. I can’t remember the last time when at this time of the year, I wasn’t in an awful mood.

Barely a whisper to myself: Have I actually avoided my usual post-holiday funk? If so, that is a HUGE win.

Do I feel better at the end of 2022 than I did at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022? Absolutely.

What is that catch-phrase of the Flylady whose system I didn’t manage to follow? Oh yeah, progress not perfection. Works for me.


Did you do a word/list for 2022? How did you do with your plans?

And are you doing the same in 2023?




A Bit of Cabin Fever and Clearing Out Stuff

Just realized it’s Wednesday. Not much winter stuff to report today. I let G take my car to work so I’m having a bit of an at-home day.

Today’s Winter Weather

Still having cocoa with homemade whipped cream even if it is kind of warm outside

Not so wintry anymore. It’s windy out as I can hear it (nothing like the crazy gusts from “the storm”) but it’s also 52 and sunny. Snow is melting fast.

Cabin Fever and the Cat

I think the cat has cabin fever after all the super cold days. She meows loudly at anyone who will listen but doesn’t know what she wants. Outside? Nope. Love? Nope. Food? Nope.

At least it’s warm enough for her to go outside today and tomorrow but I have a feeling she’s missing her sleeping bench. It’s not going to be dry anytime soon.

And like a little kid, she’s been misbehaving a bit as well. Why play with your brand new Christmas toys when there’s mischief to be found?

She’s getting on the kitchen counters. We can hear her…she’s not a sneaky as she thinks. Chewing on the plants. UGH, something she never did in the past. And are the plants good for her? Of course not! She did get some cat grass for Christmas so I guess I better get on potting the seeds and setting them in the window. Need to water plants anyway.

I’m feeling a bit restless myself, want to go outside but it’s gone from billions below zero to probably mud. Still plan to grab my boots and go when G gets home, I think. It will be good for me.

Clearing Out Stuff

I’ve started clearing out stuff as I take down Christmas and put things back. It’s kind of nice as i’ve been doing it slowly. Usually, my husband starts helping and it stresses me. I don’t like to feel rushed. This year (maybe he’s finally figured it out?) I’ve been going at my own pace and just doing bits each day. And I’m making an Advent tub so that next year I can unpack it first. All the Advent items and things I like to put out in first in one place. What a concept!

Winter is a good time to take stock of the things I truly love or do not. One of my goals/list items for 2023 is to have things I only truly love in this home. I’m hoping this book gives me a bit of inspiration.

A nice thing about winter is the temptation to go outside and do something else is not as great as in the other seasons. I’m slightly less distracted, by outdoor things anyway.


Have you started packing away your holiday stuff yet? Are you like me and like to go slow with it or more like my husband who just wants it done and done now?


Happy Homemaker Monday, After Christmas Tuesday

I took yesterday completely off. Other than taking down a few Christmas items, I stayed in my pajamas  and pretty much watched Doctor Who all day. It was a nice break but I’m ready to be a little more productive this morning.

Already have done a few things. Including paying our taxes. Ugh, what genius in this state thought it would be a good idea for all the taxes to be due in December? Grumble. Grumble. Grateful we had the funds to pay them however as I’m sure many probably don’t at this point.

Even though I’m on Christmas break, I’m still joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to keep somewhat on track with my week. Straight to the categories, shall we?

The Weather 

Cold this morning but look at our Thursday!

Ready for that day. And a little wary, warmer weather usually brings a storm behind it. Probably nothing like the “storm of storms” that didn’t turn out to be much for us other than crazy, bitter cold.

As I Look Outside My Window

I saw this sunrise earlier! Even stepped out on the front porch in the 16 degrees to grab a photo.

Right Now

Just finished paying a few bills including our taxes so I’m taking a moment to do something a bit more fun like working on this post.

Thinking And Pondering

Christmas, how things went, notes I want to make for next year. And of course, thinking a bit about ideas, goals, and my word for next year. We did have a nice Christmas, hope you did as well!

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Pretty good. After being a bit sloth like (okay, a lot sloth like) yesterday, it felt good to get up, shower, and get dressed this morning.

Listening To

The sound of silence. Isn’t that a song? Also, can hear J moving about upstairs fixing his breakfast of scrambled eggs though it’s back to quiet so he must’ve finished.

On The Breakfast Plate

Nothing yet but coffee. Trying to decide between leftover pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream, Christmas cookies, or being good and just eating oatmeal or eggs and toast. Vitamins with whatever option I pick.

On The Lunch Plate

More Christmas leftovers, either leftover spaghetti or taco soup.

On The Dinner Plate

Since my husband went back to work, I suppose I’ll have to make us a real dinner tonight. Leaning toward pork chops, have a quick Gordon Ramsay recipe I like to use. Probably something simple like baked potatoes with them. Nothing fancy.

What I’m Wearing Today

Short-sleeved black sweater, jeans, leopard print slip on shoes (I’ll change shoes if I go out anywhere today)

On My Reading Pile

I have a stack of library books, can’t think of a single title at the moment. Today’s reading plan is to focus on all the December magazines. Give them a glance and throw them in the recycle.

On My TV

Watched enough TV yesterday for a full week probably. However, if I fold a bit of laundry, I may watch an episode or two of Emily in Paris, new season is out.

On My Menu

Um, Christmas cookie casserole? Ugh. This is definitely, I think, the hardest week of the year for menu planning. And I need to go to the store.

MONDAY: We ate out (Backyard Burger) *J had no lesson so that was nice*

TUESDAY: pork chops, baked potatoes

WEDNESDAY: chicken of some sort? I’m not sure

THURSDAY: chicken sausage/broccoli/orzo skillet *I have tentative plans to get together with a friend*

FRIDAY: Frozen/Homemade pizza maybe? with salad

This is all subject to change once I clean out the fridge and see what is actually in it behind the Christmas crowding.

Looking Around The House

Looks like in the process of taking Christmas down especially in the living room. Kitchen table is once again covered. Of course, most of the stuff on the table is Christmas goodies so it’s not all bad.

On My To Do List

  1. Pay a couple bills including taxes. DONE
  2. Grocery store
  3. Continue to take down Christmas decor
  4. Organize Christmas decor a bit better, make a special tub for Advent so I can unpack it first
  5. Sort out and add things to donation pile (doing this very little with Christmas decor as I didn’t put much up this year. However, I didn’t so much as take the plastic off my Christmas tree stacking mugs, think they can go)
  6. Ponder things, eat junk food, reflect on word of year and list from 2022, make new ones for 2023
  7. Laundry (Is this ever not on the list? Thankful my husband did a bit yesterday)
  8. Wash and put away Christmas sweaters, sheets, and shower curtain
  9. Get birdseed somewhere (not sure if I want to brave the after Christmas shoppers at Menards)
  10. Get outside and get some sunshine!

From The Camera

Picking up the camera more must be a goal for 2023! I’ve gotten so lazy about it. While I didn’t put much on the tree this year, I did love my battery operated clip on candles so much.

What I’m Creating

Goal for 2023 is to create a clutter-free, cozy home full of things I love and nothing else. Isn’t that always the goal?

Quote For The Week

How about a song instead. I’ve had this stuck in my head every since the candlelight service at church on Saturday.

Merry Christmas! Blogmas Day 31

We made it to the big day! And I *think* that even though I combined a few days here and there, I posted for every single blogmas topic. It’s a blogmas miracle!

Another short quick one today. I’m taking a few minutes while waiting on the dishwasher to finish up so I can make my chocolate pie. And yes, I could take the pan out of the dishwasher but I needed this 20 minute break.

Even have a couple pictures to share with my post. The topic is Christmas Day Traditions.

And really, we don’t have much of any here lately. We do open stockings/presents in the morning (or early afternoon depending on when people get out of bed).

Dinner with family usually.

We used to do breakfast with my husband’s family and I hope we get back to that some day as I miss it. (I’d settle for brunch timing though).

Hope whatever you’re getting into today, it fills you with joy and wonderful memories!

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve Traditions: Blogmas Day 30

Another quick no picture blogmas post. Popping on here while downstairs trying to find the Die Hard dvd. Happy Christmas Eve!

Pretty simple on our Christmas Eve traditions over here. I usually go shopping in the early morning.

Do lots of last minute things, eat Christmas cookies for the main meals of the day (not really, this year we did Church’s chicken because Subway closed earlier than we thought).

The last 2 years we’ve gone to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at a church where J’s band sometimes plays accompaniment to the hymns.

And our final tradition is for the boys to open Christmas Eve presents. The presents are always the same, Christmas Eve pajamas and a book. This year was Frosty the Snowman and books on etiquette though my kids have fairly good manners. Just thought the books would be good reference guides now that they’re getting older.

And I did ornaments this year as well. Spiderman for G and Mickey Mouse for J.

Okay, time to go watch a Christmas movie with my husband. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas Eve.

Blogmas Day 29: Christmas Menu

I just have a few minutes so I thought I’d pop on here and do a quick, no picture blogmas post. Today’s topic is Christmas Menu and that’s convenient as I’m getting ready to go to the store. Rather, my husband is taking me to the store since G took my car to work.

Our Christmas Eve Menu

Since J is playing at the candlelight service and needs to be at church by 4 with the service at 5, our plan is for taco soup in the crockpot. We’ll probably just plan on a late lunch at Subway (exciting, I know) so that we can enjoy church without worrying about everyone being hungry.

I debated getting an ice cream cake to have as dessert. Still on the fence as we have lots of cookie goodness floating around here at the moment.

Christmas Menu

Just got off the phone with my brother a bit ago. Finalized plans are dinner around 4p.m.

So, I’ll probably pick us up some million dollar cinnamon rolls from a local bakery for breakfast. Unless, my brother-in-law and his wife decide to come for breakfast, then it’ll be my husband making biscuits and gravy. Stay tuned.

Lunch will be snacks. Leftover soup.

Dinner at my brother’s house: Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, garlic bread. Cheesecake and pumpkin pie for dessert along with chocolate pie (my contribution by request). We’ll take some cookies. And I’m planning to make an odd *doesn’t really go with spaghetti but we talked about it at Thanksgiving* jello salad my mom used to make. And homemade whipped cream for the pumpkin pie.

Not exactly traditional but I’m looking forward to it.


Hope whatever is on the menu for your Christmas meal, it’s delicious and your holiday is wonderful!

Blogmas Day 28: When Do You Open Presents

Well, we didn’t get as much snow but enough for a white Christmas. And the cold did arrive. Flannel sheets on all the beds. Me, turning the thermostat back DOWN, griping about the inability of certain people in this house to dress appropriate for the weather. Suffice it to say it’s NOT shorts weather even inside. Well, unless you turn the thermostat up too high. No, not the kids. The husband.

Shall we talk Christmas instead? Getting closer…

Today’s another quick Blogmas topic, I think. Just a question.

When Do You Open Presents?

We’re pretty much full on Christmas morning/day opening people around here. G had a tradition of starting our Christmases super early until very recently.

Last year I was waiting on them to get out of bed!

The kids do get to open one “Christmas Eve” present each year. It’s always the same: Christmas pajamas and a book. This year, might be a movie though. We’ll see if the books actually arrive in time.

As a teen, once all my siblings no longer lived at home, my mom used to always let me open one present of my choice on Christmas Eve. Sometimes she’d discourage me if I happened to choose one of the bigger gift choices.

Gifts from family/friends, however, are opened as received if they arrive early. Same with gifts from school.


When do you open gifts?

Blogmas Days 25-27

It’s a cold, snowy day so let’s make it a 2 blog posts kind of day! First, this is the general Blogmas catch-up post. Then, later I’ll do the actual Blogmas post for today.

First up in the catching up….

Blogmas Day 25: Last-Minute Gifts, Homemade or Store-bought

Well, I’m not one for making crafts that turn out in giftable form so usually I stick with store-bought. My go-to gifts, not necessarily always last-minute:

fuzzy socks and lotion


Small flashlights (packaged with some candy)

For young children/teens: a card with a small amount of cash

And sometimes, just homemade cookies/fudge in a gift bag

Day 26: Weather? Lights? Parades?

Well, today’s weather is more in keeping with a white Christmas but usually, it’s more mild at this time of year. There are lots of light show/display choices in our area though we’ve been to none this year. It’s in the back of my mind to make more of an effort to put these on the calendar next year, at least one.

They didn’t have it this year but in 2019, I did get to go with some friends to Winterfest at World’s of Fun (photos). 

And in past years, we’ve gone to see the iconic plaza lights.

Other classic light displays/events (not so many parades here at Christmas time) are something called living windows on the Independence square(photo below), some sort of huge display downtown at Union Station, Powell Gardens, Christmas in the Park (a free drive through display though they do collect for charity at the end), something called The Magic Tree (I need to do this, never been to it), and probably many others I’m forgetting.

New things this year are something called Zoo Wild at the Kansas City zoo, some sort of walk through experience at the Renaissance Festival grounds, and a newer drive-through light display somewhere east on Interstate 70.

Of course, I’m not giving up hope on seeing some lights as many of these displays run until New Years. And I know they keep the plaza lights on generally until some random mid-January day.

Finally, the last day of the catch up post…

Blogmas Day 27: Christmas Past, Present, and Future

Since past is first, I’ll start by sharing the little girl with the wreath since I stumbled across her photo when looking for light pictures.

And her she is with her sleigh. The bag in it is from a local soap company, I threw it in there that year.

She’s definitely from the Christmas past. I’m keeping this section fairly brief and so just moving on to Christmas present.

How is your present Christmas season going? I cannot explain my relief at getting a delivery of a substantial part of the Christmas presents last night before the storm hit. Whew! Other than that, I’m a bit of a mess this year. Can’t think straight/get organized/minimal decor out. And I don’t think it’s just me in talking to my hairdresser yesterday.

As I pondered this yesterday, I think what it might be is an after-effect of the pandemic. Things were so off the past two years and then suddenly, they’re mostly back to normal this year. A bit of a jolt and I don’t think I’ve had time to adjust to the sudden changes from the past 2 years. Maybe? I don’t know. Just a thought. I’m certainly glad Christmas is back to normal this year though we’re doing something different for the 3rd time in 3 years. Dinner at my brother’s which is kind of back to normal and yet it’s been so long it almost feels new again.

Finally, Christmas future. I’m still enjoying this season (and playing along with Blogmas is helping!) but I’ll tell the truth and say I’m also thinking ahead a bit to things I might do/not do/do differently for next year. The yearly wail of next year “I’ll be more organized!” certainly comes to mind.


If you’re in the path of the great storm, I hope your staying safe and warm. Don’t forget to go check out all the wonderful Blogmas posts over at Chasing My Life. I’m off to bake a few cookies but I’ll be back later to add today’s topic in a new post.



