Sleepy Saturday

Um, I just learned something new as I started this post. And it has a new title because of it. I wondered why the red squiggle line was under the first word of my title. Sleepy is fine obviously.

I started to call this post “snoozy” Saturday. Um, turns out that word doesn’t mean exactly what I thought it means in all circles. I thought it meant sleepy and drowsy and according to the normal dictionary it still does. However, in the urban dictionary it has some entirely different (and not so appropriate) definitions. Oh my, I AM old. Anyway, post title switched to Sleepy Saturday. 

Why is it a sleepy Saturday?

First, It was a long week

Not a bad week, just a long one. Remember way back in Monday’s post when I thought it was going to be a busy week? I wasn’t wrong. For the first time in some time, I ended up working every day. Originally, I had Tuesday but ended up working a half-day that started early. Add in taking J to his lesson Monday night and a fun night out with friends on Wednesday. And waking up at 4:00AM for every day of it. Not on purpose, our little gray cat doubles as an alarm with only one setting.

Work wasn’t bad as I was in my favorite classroom for most of it but it’s still tiring working with preschool kids. Thankfully, we were able to be outside a lot during the week prior to the cold front moving into our area. And that brings us to the next thing in the making of this lazy day.

The Weather

Perhaps all those people putting up Christmas lights and trees (I did see one all lit up in someone’s window as I drove home on Thursday evening) triggered something. It went from 70 degrees on Wednesday evening to a cool, rainy Thursday. The temperature went from 50 to 45 degrees as I drove home that evening (and just for your reference, I’m talking about a 10 minute drive). Yesterday, we woke up to cold, felt like it was in the 20’s though the actual temperature was in the mid-30’s.

This morning, it was so cold that I had to turn on the Netflix fireplace (and bump the actual heat up a bit)! The little gray cat stayed out only a few minutes. The temperature was in the 20’s but felt like 14 degrees. It’s cloudy and dreary out. I’m not supposed to be freezing while filling bird feeders in November. Feeling this funny:

Photo found on “My Crazy Page” on Facebook.


That said, if you want to put up your Christmas decorations, go ahead. To each their own. I guess the weather is right for it anyway.

Holiday Planning

And it’s not as if I’m not thinking about the holidays at all. It’s just we have a November birthday to do first (J turns 18 on Tuesday! Yikes. When did that happen?)

My simple holiday plans so far:

  1. The boys (and husband) are going to write down 5 things they want for Christmas or for every blank space on the list, they’ll be getting underwear. They might get underwear anyway but just not as much if I get an actual idea or two out of them.
  2. In looking for the mini Keurig, I found my Christmas journal from 2021. Nice surprise (so much for the Rudolph day celebrations/planning for 2022 though. Oops!). Reminded me I wanted to do a Christmas tree theme for decorating this year. Based on a stack of Christmas tree mugs I picked up on clearance last year.
  3. If we end up having Christmas at home again, I definitely need to plan the food better. And for my own sanity, make everyone commit to a time to start things.

The holiday planning makes me think I also need to do a bit of blog post planning…

Blog Posts I Want to Write and Share Soon

I’ve been striving (not always successfully) to post abut 3-4 times a week. I’d like to continue that but sometimes I have ideas when it’s not convenient to sit down and write. Here are some of those ideas that have been swirling about in my mind lately.

  1. Keurig vs Coffee Maker. If you’re wondering why I was actually looking for the Keurig, it’s because I only use it when my husband is off hunting.
  2. A series: Winter Wednesdays, I really do want to do this. I want to work on embracing winter by doing something to celebrate it each Wednesday of the season.
  3. Sharing my fall/winter holiday reading list. I try to move from thrillers to “lighter” selections for the holiday season.

I do have more but should probably get back to accomplishing some household chores today while all is quiet around here. Mostly, I’m just focusing on laundry today (so I can watch tv and fold clothes, ha!).

What are your plans for this Saturday?




Sunny Autumn Day and Thankful Thursday (Two For One Post)

Full on working day yesterday and I wasn’t wrong about this week being busy. Had an early morning work day Tuesday as well, a half-day, voted, then worked in the yard. These photos are extras from Sunday that I didn’t have time to edit before my HHM post. Hope you enjoy!

I snapped these while working in the yard, had taken a break to grab the photo of the bunny I did share in Monday’s post.

A fall hydrangea bloom? And it’s still vibrant and pink…

Can’t walk in the front or back yard now without hearing the crunching of the


Still a few on the trees on Sunday, the Oak tree leaves (and the neighbor’s gum tree leaves, not pictured) are always the last trees to become bare.

And of course, the birdfeeders are kept busy with our constant stream of

Backyard Birds

Never did get a close enough look to determine the species of this silhouetted bird but still liked the photo.

These were taken in no coat (though long sleeved tee-shirt) weather. Still nice this morning, all changes tomorrow when our weekend highs are supposed to be the normal ones for January (36 degrees!), not November.

Thankful Thursday Things

So, this is a bit of a double post. I scheduled the above to publish yesterday morning but for whatever reason, it did not. I think the date on my blog doesn’t match the computer. Something to check into later. However, I’m just going to turn this into a 2 for 1 post. An early Black Friday deal but you don’t have to buy a thing!

A few Thankful Items From This Week
  1. Beautiful weather! The chance to get my wildflower garden seeds and spring bulbs planted.
  2. The right to vote
  3. The joy and laughs I get from working at a preschool. An election day gem: A parent arrived late saying she took her kids with her to vote. Told us how her 3 year old daughter was very confused when they got there because she didn’t see “the boat”. Ha! How fun would it be if we could go on a boat to vote!
  4. New adventures with old friends
  5. Light in the mornings again! (Apologies to my night owl friends but this is so much better!)
  6. And coffee (a staple of any time change)
  7. A good night’s sleep

My list is of course, longer but I’m stopping there today to keep this post from getting too long. What things are you thankful for this week?




Happy Homemaker Monday Except It’s Sunday

Happy the sunrise is at a reasonable time again day! I know, so many hate the dark nights but as a morning person I love having the sunrise before almost 8.  And, just have to say it again, the days get naturally shorter and longer.

Putting my post together on a Sunday because the week ahead looks to be a bit busy. I’ll link up either tomorrow evening or Tuesday with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom so I can still join in the fun. Who knows maybe the week won’t be as busy as I think. However, I want to have a plan either way.

The Weather 

Well, weird. Saturday morning we had snow mixed with rain (thankfully, no sticking!) and today was absolutely beautiful with a high of about 60. Tomorrow, the temps climb up predicted to be in the mid 70’s and then, like a roller coaster…down we go! High of 77 Thursday falls to a high of 39 degrees on Friday. Whew! Of course, who knows what the weather will actually do.

As I Look Outside My Window

After starting this post earlier this morning, I went out and took advantage of the sun. Now, it’s dark outside.

Right Now

Trying to sneak in a bit more work on this post before taking J to band practice and myself to Target.

Thinking And Pondering

My work tomorrow (really trying to decide what to wear…deep thought I know), ideas on how I can perhaps eat a little better in November, and how to keep my e-mail inbox sorted.

How I Am Feeling

Pretty good. My back stopped hurting after Friday and I am so thankful for that. Hopefully, I won’t wake up with regrets about rototilling the wildflower garden area this afternoon.

On The Breakfast Plate

I’ve decided to trade in my usual flip yogurts for instant oatmeal all this month and see if I feel a bit better. Probably going to have to add a little extra protein item to it on work days though. Coffee, vitamins…the constants.

On The Lunch Plate

A BLT with the last semi-full sized summer tomato from the garden. It was good, too.

On The Dinner Plate

My husband cooked a ham and pork butt on the smoker but we ended up having pizza. (They weren’t ready in time)

What I’m Wearing Today

Long-sleeved Chiefs tee-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Last week I finished two books that were quick thriller reads. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda didn’t really impress me. Oddly, I think this is the book of hers with the most hype but a lot of her other books are so much better. One of Those Faces by Elle Grawl was my free Amazon prime choice for November. It started out with a lot of promise before fizzling out at the end. I’ve just started The Dark Room by Lisa Gray, I generally really like her books so I’m hopeful.

On My TV

*UPDATE* It’s now Monday. Well, nothing to say here but How ‘Bout Those….Chiefs! Full confession: I had to take J to band practice so heard the beginning on the radio and then, SIGH, I fell asleep right as overtime started. Nice to wake up to a win though. Not much else, I’ve been working my way through Doctor Who.

On The Menu

Good question. No time for the store this morning.

Halloween leftovers

MONDAY: Either ham or pulled pork, asparagus if we have ham. I don’t think it goes with the pork. *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *I work 8-4:30*

TUESDAY: So far the only day I don’t work this week. Not sure, I know I’m planning to make an apple cake (finally) *Election Day*

WEDNESDAY: Something easy, maybe chicken sausage and orzo skillet *I work 8-4:30* *MNO*

THURSDAY: Something I can throw in the crock pot…roast? *I work 3-6*

FRIDAY: See above. Maybe spicy potato soup depending on what I make Thursday *I work 3-6*

(I’ll probably put together a better menu plan tomorrow after I go to the store later tonight)

Looking Around The House

PASS although it was mostly clean Saturday but then, it turns out we live here. SIGH.

On My To Do List

  1. Research what is on our local ballot by visiting Ballotpedia
  2. Mail SIL her birthday card
  3. Shop for J’s birthday (next week)
  4. Usual: Laundry and Grocery Store
  5. Plant rest of flower bulbs for spring blooms
  6. Whatever else I’ve forgotten

From The Camera


Quote For The Week

A bit of an odd place to find inspiration perhaps but this was on the Philosophy face cleanser sample I used this morning (unrelated, I really need to order more face cleanser as I’m almost out and down to using free samples).

Progress is baby steps, and little bits of momentum. These micro-moments make a lasting difference in our wellbeing.





Our November is starting off with some beautiful fall weather. Warm, just a bit of a breeze. Breezier today than yesterday when these photos happened. Good weather for a quick hike in the woods at a local nature park. 

I know a lot of you have jumped forward to planning Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, I like to take the first week of November and simply pause. Catch my breath before the “big” holidays get going in full swing.

Seems like the time between holidays gets squished closer and closer together each year. I’m certainly not one for denying someone their joy if they want to put their Christmas tree up today (or leave it up year-round) but that’s not me. I read where the holiday drinks at Starbucks come out tomorrow.

All this, Christmas time is starting as soon as Halloween ends but we’ll give Thanksgiving 2 days doesn’t make sense to me. Whatever happened to the waiting? Isn’t the waiting part of what makes things special? I know some special city holiday lighting things need to happen (I guess) before Thanksgiving to fit them in on our calendars but personally, I miss the excitement of the waiting.

Whatever happened to the anticipation? I don’t want a peppermint mocha on November 3rd, I want to look forward to enjoying one properly after Thanksgiving.

Maybe it’s our unseasonably warm weather or perhaps I’ve become a cranky old lady (possibly both) but it seems the specialness of it all fades when we rush it along.

I’m taking a moment to breathe between my holidays? Care to join me? And I promise I’ll look the other way if you happen to have a peppermint mocha in your coffee cup.


Happy Halloween Homemaker Monday

Happy Halloween! It’s always a bit odd when Halloween falls on a Monday isn’t it?  My thoughts are certainly with the teachers for today and the rest of this week.

This morning, I’ve already ran to the grocery store and now I’m taking a moment to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday weekly link up.

The Weather

It’s going to be a warm one for our trick-or-treaters tonight. A predicted high of 70 today! Highs in the upper 70’s all week until Friday when we have a 50% chance of some much needed rain. Supposed to be in the lows 60’s next week.

As I Look Outside My Window

I was watching the birds (and squirrels) at my bird feeders taking advantage of this beautiful morning. Somehow, the fallen leaves are now covering the yard. And the oak tree leaves are finally starting to change a bit more.

Thinking And Pondering

I’ve been so serious in this category lately, how about a little fun and silliness?

My radio announcers this morning were asking the question: If you could go trick or treating at 3 celebrity houses, who would you choose? So I’ve been thinking on that.

My choices: Ryan Reynolds (I just think his house would be fun!), Adam Sandler (again, somehow I think his house would be a fun Halloween one), and one of the Kardashian people (I’ve never seen their shows but I could use a make-over and wonder if they’d be handing out beauty product goody bags? I’ve been feeling the need for a make-over.)

Some local choices on the radio show were: Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, Paul Rudd, The Rock, Ryan Reynolds, Heidi Klum (I guess she does big Halloween parties?), and Kelly Clarkson.

Who would you choose?

How I Am Feeling This Morning

I’ve done something to my back and it started really hurting yesterday. It’d been hurting just a little all week. So I’m sitting here with one of those Thermacare heat wraps on it. Seems to be helping.

On The Breakfast Plate

Coffee, vitamins, more coffee in the form of a Starbucks white mocha toffee nut. It was a barista choice and very good! And a blueberry muffin (made from a box, leftover from yesterday).

On The Lunch Plate

Not sure yet but thinking maybe cheesy chicken nachos as we have leftover rotisserie chicken.

On The Dinner Plate

Current plan is homemade corndogs (carry over from last week), broccoli, chips, and Halloween brownies/cookies for dessert.

What I Am Wearing Today

A black tee-shirt with a black cat Halloween design, jeans, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Working my way through The Winners by Frederik Bachman. He creates such amazing characters and slowly builds the plot. His style probably isn’t for everyone but I enjoy it.

On My TV

Over the weekend I watched a couple of Disney movies. The first, The Princess and the Frog, I’d never seen it. It was really good, I enjoyed the music and the story line a lot. A little different from the sing-song type movies of Disney. No idea why both my boys had seen this movie but not me. Then, I watched Lilo and Stitch, some younger teachers at work really like it and I couldn’t remember a lot about it. It was still just okay for me. I’ll probably watch a few Halloween movies today.

On My Menu This Week

These Target cookies! If you ever had/remember the old Venture stores and the bakery with the butter cookies. These are as close as I’ve ever had to those.

MONDAY: Homemade corn dogs, broccoli, chips, Halloween brownies/cookies *J has a baritone lesson at 5*

TUESDAY: Chicken enchiladas *I have a hair appt at 9:30*

WEDNESDAY: BLT’s, French Fries

THURSDAY: Spicy potato soup

FRIDAY: Leftovers or maybe OUT

Looking Around The House

It’s looking a little cluttered, I need to tidy/clean.

On My To Do List

This list is going to depend on how my back feels.

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Finish up laundry
  3. Clean House
  4. Pay Bills
  5. Finish Cleaning Yard up and plant spring bulbs
  6. Go get bird seed at Menard’s (probably take J with me to lift it)
  7. Trade out Halloween pumpkin decorations for fall/Thanksgiving turkey stuff
  8. Get a new frame for J’s Thanksgiving poem (old one broke)
  9. Bake brownies for dinner tonight
  10. Early holiday planning/maybe

From The Camera

I’m still sharing Arkansas pictures in this post (with the exception of the photos of the cookies and sunrise)

Quote For The Week

It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. (Mother Teresa)

Thirty Minutes of Thankful

I’ve got thirty minutes before I have to get serious about getting to work today. My schedule changed again so I worked yesterday morning and didn’t get a chance to post my Thankful Thursday.

Today, I’m working this morning, taking an extended break, and returning for the afternoon. Always something.

Just mostly photos (still from the Arkansas trip, phone photos, hopefully, no duplicates to what I already posted. No promises though) and a list today.

  1. Having a chance to getaway in October and spend time in a beautiful place with good friends.
  2. Great weather for the trip.
  3. All the time spent in nature
  4. And a chance to be near the water so much. Something about being near water is just soothing to my soul. I think this little creature liked the water as well.
  5. That are kids are of the age where we could leave them and not worry (at least not too much)
  6. Getting everything (finally) straightened out with J’s school. Mostly. They tell me I have to fill out forms.
  7. Super caring and understanding band director who is leaving a spot open for my son when he returns next semester.
  8. Wearing pajamas to work today. Hello, pajama day!
  9. The way the preschool kids at work make me laugh every single day I’m there. I do love those kids. (Love my own older boys here as well, of course)
  10. That J wanted to go practice driving yesterday and that we have a big empty parking lot nearby where he could do that.
  11. That the hibiscus survived when G put it outside to make room in the living room for a small friend gathering while we were away. Waiting to see about Lucinda the Lemon tree…she’s not looking so good.
  12. Also thankful G cleaned the house before and after their get-together. They’re all good kids so I wasn’t worried.
  13. Have I mentioned how thankful I am that we avoided the temptation to eat out and I actually cooked dinner every night this week? I do think I’ll pass on the corndogs and just do leftovers tonight.
  14. I’m also thankful that they’ve not found my Halloween candy stash and more importantly, that I’ve managed to stay out of it (mostly, ahem)
  15. And that I was inspired to pick my camera up again during our trip.

Okay, I had time for 15 things in 30 minutes but now I must get going if I’m to be on time for work. What things are you thankful for today?

Fall Trip Photos

Well, this is really going to be a mostly wordless Wednesday post. Like the little turtle pictured below, I moved a bit slowly this morning and now I’m running a bit behind on things.

I also saw bald eagles, a muskrat, fish, kingfishers, a majestic blue heron, deer, and turkey vultures. However, this turtle was the only creature happy to pose for a portrait. 

Of course, I have more photos to share. And if I can figure it out, a couple of videos as well. Stay tuned. Happy Wednesday, friends!

Happy Homemaker Monday, Back to Reality

And I do know that it is actually Tuesday. My week has already started off going from zero to busy workwise. However, over the weekend, we had a nice relaxing time with friends in Arkansas staying at a cabin near the Buffalo National River. 

I have to leave for work very soon but wanted to get my post up real quick before I did. We’ll see if I can manage it. May be a shorter Happy Homemaker Monday today that I link up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Rained all day yesterday and is still kind of rainy and cool this morning. Highs in the mid 60’s most the week and cooler nights in the lower 40’s. I think that’s normal for this time of year but I’m not sure.

As I Look Outside My Window

It’s gray and gloomy with wet leaves starting to cover the ground. Looks like fall has arrived.

Right Now

Have a timer set as I try to get this post finished before I need to leave for work around 9:10. (Please forgive any typos/grammar errors as my editing time is very limited this morning.)

Thinking And Pondering 

Not much, just trying to get myself ready and out the door plus do too many side jobs (run the dishwasher, start some laundry, etc.) on the way.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Couldn’t sleep last night so I’ll be paying the price today. Hoping the kids aren’t too crazy with the weather and that it stops raining long enough for us to go outside.

On The Breakfast Plate

Lemon meringue flip yogurt, coffee, vitamins

On The Lunch Plate

Not sure what is for lunch at work. Have my back up protein packed: cheese and peanut butter crackers, an apple, water, and maybe a cookie.

On The Dinner Plate

Pork chops and baked sweet potatoes

What I’m Wearing Today

Old Navy tee-shirt, kind of a muted floral design and navy pants with a ruffle flare looking thing at the bottom (I don’t describe clothes well). Tennis shoes and mismatched socks (spirit week at school)

On My Reading Pile

Just finished The End of Temperance Dare by Wendy Webb. It was a bit too scary for me. Actually had to quit reading it while we were out of town. A good one but super spooky! (Well, at least for this chicken).

On My TV

We didn’t watch tv on our trip, Chiefs game on Sunday (a good one!), probably Masked Singer on Wednesday. Not sure what else.

On My Menu

Always hard to plan after being away. Ha, always hard to plan no matter what. And my schedule is crazy this week (I’m doing a favor for a younger teacher and just covering her a few hours each day so she can do observations for her school stuff)

MONDAY: We had leftover taco soup *I worked 1-5* *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUEDAY: pork chops and baked sweet potatoes *I work 9:30-4*

WEDNESDAY: Maybe white chicken chili? *I work 1:30-3*

THURSDAY: Spaghetti? *I work 1:30-3*’

FRIDAY: Homemade corndogs (sort of, I bought this biscuit can wrap stuff. We’ll see), chips, fruit *I work 1:30-3*

Looking Around The House

Surprisingly not awful. I did some cleaning yesterday morning before I was called into work.

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Start laundry *DONE*
  3. General clean up *In progress*
  4. Sort through fridge/freezer/pantry *Ongoing*
  5. Other things I can’t think of right now

From The Camera

I have more photos to share but it’s a process to get them edited to the right size for the blog. Hopefully, I’ll able to share some more on Wednesday.

Quote For The Week 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)


Happy Homemaker Monday, Cold Spell

It’s cold this morning! And due to get even colder later tonight. In the 20’s…what?

Somehow, today has turned into a busy Monday. However, before I jump into that, I’m taking time for the weekly Happy Homemaker Monday link up hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Let’s just jump right into the categories.

The Weather

It was 36 degrees when I woke up to let the cat out this morning. And it’s still pretty chilly out there, just barely 40 degrees. I know I was wishing I’d grabbed a jacket when I did my grocery store run this morning. We have freeze warnings for tonight and tomorrow night with predicted lows in the mid-20’s. Barely upper 50’s by mid-week but then on Friday, a high of 80. Welcome to the Midwest. Dig out your sweaters but don’t put those summer shorts away quite yet.

As I Look Outside My Window

Well, yesterday I glanced out the bedroom windows into the backyard and saw snowbirds (dark-eyed juncos). Those aren’t supposed to be here until early November. And this morning, I looked out the backdoor and saw a white-throated sparrow. Bit concerned what these early arrivals might mean regarding our upcoming winter.

Right Now

Just taking a minute to ignore the to-do list and work on this post.

Thinking and Pondering

I’ve started on the vegetable garden clean up

So much. An upcoming trip, some small joys, something that happened at my work on Friday (basically a teacher left, I’m unsure if she quit or was let go…thinking it was a choice), the holiday season, if I want to “compete in a friendly way” with the neighbors who upped their Halloween decorating game, what to do with the rest of my flower garden. Too many thoughts. Might need more (or maybe less?) coffee.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Not bad, husband was gone hunting Friday and Saturday, so I slept better last night once he was home.

On The Breakfast Plate

vitamins, crappy grocery store donut (it was good though…some kind of blueberry cheesecake thing), and vitamins.

On The Lunch Plate

Either a grilled cheese or PBJ (and Cheetos, maybe a banana, too)

On The Dinner Plate

My plan is for minestrone and homemade crusty bread with apple cake for dessert (we’ll see if the apple cake happens or not)

What I Am Wearing Today

Black tee-shirt, floral pink/purple button down shirt over it as jacket, and jeans. Plus I actually put on socks and tennis shoes today!

On My Reading Pile

Note to self: Do NOT read true crime/ghost story books when husband is out of town. I read my free Amazon Prime choices over the weekend. How weird is it that they were both set in Minnesota?  The first was called The Quarry Girls by Jess Lourey, set in Pantown, Minnesota during  70’s about a serial killer. I actually preferred the second book which was a little scarier than the true crime one of the first. The Stroke of Winter by Wendy Webb was a ghost tale set along the north shore of Lake Superior in the town of Wharton. I’ve read other works by Wendy Webb and always enjoyed them. This one had a bit of a cozy mystery feel to it though it was a bit creepy.

On My TV

The Chiefs, SIGH. The Bills played a good game but it was still a disappointing end. I had to listen to that part in the car as J had band practice, pleading the fifth on whether curse words were uttered. Didn’t get to see Masked Singer last week because of baseball, really hope it’s on this week. Finished Kim’s 
Convenience on Netflix. Not sure what else I’ll watch this week. Need to get back to The Walking Dead.

On The Menu

Just trying to use up a little of what we have on hand.

MONDAY: Minestrone, crusty bread (planning to use the remnants of a veggie tray for my minestrone) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Roast in the crockpot *I have Bunco*

WEDNESDAY: Chicken strips, corn on the cob, maybe French Fries

THURSDAY: On their own

FRIDAY: On their own

Looking Around The House

UGH. Enough said.

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery store *done*
  2. Laundry
  3. Clean up around the house
  4. Go get birdseed somewhere (probably Mernard’s)
  5. Pay bills
  6. E-mail J’s school with the homeschool letter
  7. Make crusty bread for tonight’s dinner
  8. Do Some early Christmas shopping *maybe*
  9. Dig out sweaters/hoodies for cold weather this week
  10. Things I didn’t do last week

From The Camera


Quote For The Week

Last week/the weekend was a little hard with band senior night/the last band competition and J not being a part of it all. I actually ran across this verse at a time I really needed to see it. Trying to keep it in mind moving forward.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12: 1-2)

Indoors and Outdoors

Just a not so wordless Wednesday post for the day. We’ve woke up to rain the past two mornings. So very nice. And then, sunny before noon hits. Here’s a glimpse of a few things from the past few days that are more interesting than the tv remote and laundry piles.


Had cool weather for a second or two…

Baked banana bread

Started decorating for Halloween/Fall

One of my indoor plants back from its outdoor vacation…


Nice to have a break from watering the garden

Last of the cherry tomatoes, hoping they turn red soon.

Threw these pots to the side of the house in disgust a few weeks ago after some creature ate all my sunflower blooms off the stalks.

Wait. When did this happen?!





