Just two little days of summer left around here. The weekend was hot and dry but this morning, I could feel things cooling off. The leaves aren’t changing quite yet but the ground is starting to have a fair scattering of acorns. And I watched a squirrel busy carrying a walnut across the wire one morning in preparation for the colder weather. The spiders are taking up residence all around the front porch and gardens.
Not much happened over our weekend, it was a slow one. A bit of a calm before the storm I suppose. We’ll have plenty to do over the upcoming one so it was nice to simply relax a bit.
Already spent some time this morning grocery shopping and having a nice long catch up chat over the phone with a friend. Time to see about planning the rest of this week. Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
Breakfast Time…What Is On The Plate This Morning
Back to boring around here, lemon meringue flip yogurt, coffee, and vitamins. However, I did have a nice treat after grocery shopping, a non-caffeinated one if you can believe it! Tried the caramel apple spice at Starbucks. If you enjoy apple cider and/or caramel…get one! So good. One for those of you who don’t like coffee flavor as it contains not one drop of the stuff.
Looking Around The House
Same tune, different day. Really do need to get out the fall decorations after a bit of a clean up, of course.
On Today’s To Do List
- Grocery Store (DONE)
- This post (In progress)
- Laundry (In progress)
- Pay a couple bills
- Make cookies (no reason, just want to do it)
Currently Reading
Last week I finished Heart of Junk by Luke Geddes, just wasn’t my thing. And read an odd memoir that I only discovered because some random marketing type company has my information mixed up with another blog (maybe? I keep getting people plugging their books to me to feature on “Just the Little Things” which I cannot locate on-line. Did finally e-mail a couple of them and one children’s book author kindly said he’d let the rep know the information wasn’t correct. The poor people are paying for these incorrect leads.) While I wanted to support the author of the memoir with a positive review, I could not in good conscience give it one, two stars was really overly generous.
However, hope is not lost because I am now reading and very much enjoying two new books. One book I had on my summer reading list was published by a fellow blogger. Afternoon Coffee: Thoughts on Motherhood, Family, Home, and All Things Cozy by Billy Jo Stoltz is a smaller book but I’m enjoying it so much. A very cozy read that feels just like having an afternoon coffee chat with her. The other book is a just for fun library book, Being Dead is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral by Gayden Metcalfe. I’ve laughed out loud while reading this one.
On The TV This Week
Maybe whatever new shows premiere, Masked Singer? The Voice? Or is that all next week? Found out Lucifer season 6 was on Netflix so watched that. It took up most of my tv watching time over the weekend. A satisfying ending to the series with all the character arcs complete. That said, seasons 4 & 5 were much better. As I told my son, only Netflix could take an absurd show about the devil and make it feel like a Hallmark special. I also re-watched The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe over on Disney plus.
The Weather Outside Is
Starting to feel like fall today! The wind is blowing, clouds are moving in, and we’re supposed to get rain this afternoon! It’s supposed to cool down a bit for this week with mornings in the low 50’s. Time to think about bringing in a few house plants. (Mainly just the lemon tree and the monstera plant we picked up on clearance at Sam’s Club yesterday. The plant was on clearance for $9 marked down from $70! And I have no idea where to put it in here. Too good a deal to skip, pot is worth more than $9 even if the plant doesn’t make it.)
On The Menu This Week
Hoping the weather change and cooler mornings might inspire me to want to cook dinner again. Been so unmotivated lately.
MONDAY: Ham steak, cornbread, asparagus *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad *J has early band* *BUNCO for me* *Last day of summer!**I work 815-345*
WEDNESDAY: Pork Chops, apples, salad *J has evening band practice*
THURSDAY: Enchilada Chicken in the slow cooker, rice
FRIDAY: OUT *I work 8:15-3:45* *Football Game*
If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will
Sit on the front porch and read. Maybe take a nap? That actually sounds kind of nice today.
New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week
I made a scaled down version of this eggplant casserole for my lunch last week. Other than accidentally burning some of the eggplant slices and setting off the smoke alarm, it turned out pretty yummy. I did use a bit too much salt so will tone that down if I make it again. And I’ll pre-cook the eggplant slices on the grill outside!
One Of My Simple Pleasures
When everyone is safe at home. Of course, I also enjoy when they’re all out doing stuff and I’m home alone just as well.
Favorite Photo From The Camera
Praying For
Peace, this country, friends, family, and strangers.
Quote For The Week
One of my favorite autumn quotes:
And all at once summer collapsed into fall. (Oscar Wilde)