Staying Up Too Late

It’s 11 PM on Saturday night and way past my bedtime. Instead I’m posting here after spending about 30 minutes working on this:

A graphic designer, I am not. However, at least I have a button/photo for this series. Didn’t want to bore you with sink photos every night.

And yes, I did clean out the sink tonight. I wanted to skip it but weather cut our band competition time short (the band got in their performance but opted to come home rather than stay for the awards portion). So, I had no excuse. Even threw in a load of laundry.

Had a chuckle reading through a few of the many (had forgot how many e-mails!) Flylady e-mails as next week is apparently kitchen week. And one of the tasks involved the pantry. Said don’t take everything out to re-organize it. Funny because earlier today I half-emptied the pantry thinking I’d do just that.

We’ll see what happens during the course of the new week. For tonight, I’m keeping this way past my bedtime post short and ending it here.

Technically, Not A Bird

So the first creature I’m sharing here isn’t technically a bird. However, I was so excited it decided to visit my front porch petunias early Wednesday morning. Made getting up at 5a.m. to get a kid off to band practice completely worth the lost sleep.

Who ever thought I’d be so excited over a moth? What a moth? Yes, a moth!

Sphinx Moth

Originally I called this a hummingbird moth as it acts like a hummingbird but I do think what I had was actually a sphinx moth and not a clearwing. However, I’m still not entirely sure. Still, beautiful and just as fun to watch as a hummingbird! Note, it was barely light out when I took these photos and I didn’t want to scare it away with a flash so they’re not the best photos but I hope you enjoy them anyway.

My New Front Porch Bench

And since I’m sharing photos that aren’t technically birds, how about a view of the back of my new bench? We picked it up on sale last week! I’d been looking to replace the bench on our front porch for about a year now, not ever finding something I liked well enough. The people at Orscheln said every time they put one of these benches together, it sold. (And they had to then take it apart like they did for us) These birds don’t cost much to feed!

Finally, so I don’t get kicked off linking up with The Bird Depot on a technicality, I figure I’d better give you a bird. Note I didn’t say the bird, that’d be a completely different post. Probably about the school car line. No, I don’t give any one “the bird” during it but I can’t say I’m not tempted at times.

Actual Birds

Sticking with my theme of being in the front yard for this post. I did finally capture a photo of the neighbor’s chickens. I don’t see the roosters in this photo but I can almost always hear them. Glad they are across the street and not next door.

And while I’ve not seen as many backyard birds lately (probably thanks to a certain Coopers Hawk hanging out), seems fitting to end this nutty post with one I did spot. The ever busy nuthatch!

Between my morning glories (finally) blooming and the moth, it was a fun week to be outside if only just around the back and front yard.

Morning glory flowers, not birds


What birds (or other winged creatures) did you spot this week?



Shiny and Not So Shiny Sink

I started my 31 days of doing the shiny sink thing a night early. In case you missed it, I’m doing a 31 days series titled FlyBaby Reborn. Started it yesterday (so a day early!).

So on September 30th before I went to bed, I shined my sink. True I didn’t go all in with the scrubbing. Mainly I just emptied it of dishes and cleaned it before going to bed.


Now, remember that I have a college aged son and a teenager living here. This is what I woke up to this morning.

Ugh. However, I chose to leave it. Made the bed. I don’t know maybe an unmade bed bothers me more.

And Tonight

It was a hectic first Friday of the month around here. Worked all day, afterward delivered a trash bag order to a friend and that turned into nice dinner out. We actually started with plans to get coffee but alas no indoor Starbucks at the location we picked so I don’t know…coffee morphed into a margarita. And dinner. And coming home to this?!

I didn’t even fix/eat dinner here tonight. Must say I am thankful they found something considering we didn’t have much. How exactly do deli chicken (we’ve been keeping some in the freezer) and rice make this kind of mess?

One margarita is not enough to answer that question. However, staying true to the Flylady form…I said nothing and simply cleaned up the mess. Realizing I forgot to push the button on the dishwasher last night. Oops. Loaded a few more dishes in there. And then, glad to have this stuff.

Just picked it up yesterday. I do have a long term plan for my late night snack fiends to find this and clean those dishes! And so, here is tonight’s “shiny sink” though again it’s mostly just clean not the full on shiny yet. 

And to start things off right and “official” tonight, I signed up for the Flylady e-mails (again).

Do you follow the Flylady sytem, does it work for you?


FlyBaby Reborn

So, I’ve decided to try a new 31 days series with a bit of a different topic, FlyBaby Reborn. What? Yes, I’m going to give the Flylady thing one more try and actually be serious about it for 31 days.

By being serious about it, I mean I’m going to blog about it as part of a write 31 days series. Note, write 31 days is no longer an official thing, sadly. However, I did find a Blog 31 Days website and plan to join in with it.

One thing I plan to do differently is post my blog entries at the end of the day. This series is going to be mostly just a tool to keep me (and maybe you, too?) motivated to continue with this method of keeping order in my house.


Honestly, because my house is a disaster at the moment. I’m feeling overwhelmed by it.  The FLY part of all this stands for finally loving yourself and I do think it’s time for that.

FlyBaby Reborn

I’ve had small amounts of success in the past with following the Flylady system half-heartedly. So I’ve decided to go all in for the month of October and just see what happens.

Not sure why I’m calling this series FlyBaby reborn either. Just sounded more interesting to me than back on the Flylady bandwagon.

The Shiny Sink

The whole premise of Flylady always starts with shining the kitchen sink. So, my main posts each night will focus on the shiny sink. Sometimes the posts might be no more than a photo of the sink. Other times I’ll share a bit more about how things are progressing.

That’s it for now. Fancy blog button and official landing page to follow. For now, I’m off to pick a kid up from band practice, finish up some laundry, make a lunch, and of course, shine the kitchen sink!




Oatmeal Cookies

I’ll confess to not being an overly huge fan of oatmeal cookies. Unless it’s this recipe. With chocolate chips. Or butterscotch chips. Something about fall requires oatmeal butterscotch cookies in my mind. Be warned this recipe makes a lot of cookies.

Making these cookies is an item on my small fall bucket list. Time to bake some oatmeal butterscotch cookies and cross an item of the list.

oatmeal cookies

Also, it’s an older recipe from my late aunt’s cookbook. I make her chocolate pie from this cookbook and these cookies. oatmeal cookies

These cookies are one of only 3 recipes I make that take the evil substance of shortening (I have no idea what would happen if you replaced the shortening with something else. However, here’s some information regarding the switch. I’ll stick with the shortening as I can’t bring myself to change up this recipe outside of adding the chips and adjusting the oatmeal a bit (see notes at end of recipe). Note if you are one of those weirdos who likes raisins in cookies, the recipe does say mix them in to heart’s content! I do like raisins, just generally not in my cookies.)

Famous Oatmeal Cookies

This is as written in my aunt’s cookbook. See my notes at end of recipe.  oatmeal cookies

3/4 cup shortening

1 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 egg

1/4 cup water

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup all purpose flour

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

3 cups oats, uncooked

Beat shortening, sugar, egg, water, and vanilla together until creamy. Sift together flour, salt, and baking soda. Add to creamed mixture. Blend well. Stir in oats. Drop by spoonful on to greased cookie sheet.

Bake in preheated oven, 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. Add chopped nuts, raisins, chocolate chips.

Makes 5 dozen. oatmeal cookies

Recipe Notes:
  • Just in case you don’t know, add the chopped nuts, raisins, or chocolate/butterscotch chips after adding the oats. Not after you’ve baked the cookies!
  • I use grocery store brand oats and find it takes closer to 4 cups of oats to get the dough the consistency I prefer as those oats are a bit smaller.
  • I use a mini muffin scoop for my cookie dough balls.
  • do NOT skip the step where you grease the cookie sheet. They will stick if you do not.
  • I bake my cookies for 11 minutes, know your oven, these aren’t very good burnt.

Final step, enjoy! They go good with a big glass of milk. And hey, if you eat them in the morning and call it breakfast (oatmeal, right?), I am not going to judge. Probably no worse than some of the cereal on the grocery store shelves.  Let’s keep the raisins in the Raisin bran though. (It’s actually the current cereal of choice around these parts.)

Are you an oatmeal cookie fan? Do prefer them plain or with mix-ins like raisins, chocolate chips, or butterscotch chips?


Happy Homemaker Monday, Late September

Please tell me you sang the song with me about late September? Of course, around here we’ve been back in school for over a month now. And of course, my preschool’s been in session longer.

First, let me apologize for not coming around to visit any of my fellow bloggers last week.  Life got busy with work, high school activities, and family. 

Ended up working all week. Had to go to the high school football game Friday evening. (Football team lost but band performance was great!) Saturday, we had a local band competition. We went a little early to go the local farmer’s market in that city. I bought some local honey! Then a farm/outdoor store where I found a new bench for the front porch on clearance. It was beautiful weather for a band competition though a little hot in the sun. Our young band made the finals and then placed 9th (out of 12) so not the best but pretty good for having 2 classes (both the freshman and sophomores) who were marching for the first time this year. They’re only going to get better!

Sunday, G recruited his best friend, his best friend’s girlfriend, and J to help him with his homework for his film class. My husband and I mostly hid out in our bedroom and watched the Chiefs game (UGH on that game!) to give them their space. Spent sometime doing outdoor things as well.

Now, it’s time to focus on the new week. Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Breakfast Time…What Is On The Plate This Morning

Pumpkin harvest flip yogurt, coffee, vitamins

Looking Around The House

Shall we just move on from this category? G moved a bunch of stuff to make his movie and has yet to move it back. I still need to decorate for fall.

On Today’s To Do List

Short one because I work later today.

  1. Get some laundry going (DONE)
  2. This post (In progress)
  3. Work
  4. Take J to his lesson tonight
  5. Charge camera battery
  6. Change Hulu to annual subscription

Currently Reading

Last week I finished up Being Dead is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral by Gayden Metcalfe. A light and funny read. I think I finished that up on Monday. Then, the rest of the week, during my downtimes, I read Beyond A Reasonable Donut by Ginger Bolton. Just a silly, cozy mystery but I enjoy this series and the characters quite a bit.

Now, I’m working my way through The Library of the Unwritten (Hell’s Library #1) by A.J. Hackwith. I guess this is classified as fantasy, not a genre I generally read but I am enjoying this book. Fun premise for a story, a library of all the unfinished books out there.

On The TV This Week

We’re watching The Voice and The Masked Singer. Not sure what else. Maybe football.

The Weather Outside Is 

back to summer feeling for us though the mornings/evenings are cooler. Highs in the low 90’s and then, chances of thunderstorms later in the week. Just hope Saturday is nice again as there’s another local band competition.

On The Menu This Week

While I’m ready for the fall foods, the weather is not cooperating. Not eating soups and chili in 90 degree weather.

MONDAY: Tacos, might also put the chicken enchilada stuff in the crockpot, yellow rice *I work 1-5:30* *J has a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Pork chops (already cooked, in freezer), homemade potato chips (making on the grill) *J has early morning band practice*

WEDNESDAY: Steak bites, salad *J has early morning band practice*

THURSDAY: Some sort of chicken? Maybe chicken and spaghetti? *J has evening band practice*

FRIDAY: On their own/leftovers *I work 8:15-3:45*

If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will

Make a list of some of the outdoor garden tasks I need to complete before it gets cold again.   Read on the front porch.

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week

Not a new one but I want to make oatmeal butterscotch and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

One Of My Simple Pleasures

Sitting outside on the front porch petting the cat and enjoying the flowers

New bench, hard to tell in photo but back design is different birds


Favorite Photo From The Camera


Praying For

A coworker who just lost her father-in-law last week to Covid-19, another coworker dealing with anxiety, my sister-in-law who’s in the hospital recovering from surgery for her throat cancer (surgeon got it all so that’s a huge blessing), friends, family, strangers, this country.

Quote For The Week

All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. 

Note: I saw this on Pinterest credited as a Chinese proverb, then my google “research” shows it credited as an Indian proverb as well as a few different authors including Robin Craig Clark in The Miracle of Flowers. Great sentiment no matter the source ( please let me know if you know the correct source).

And just to leave you with the song I referenced above, here you go:

Small Fall Bucket List

Thought it’d be fun to share my small Fall bucket list with you all today. If you know me, you know that I think bucket lists tend to add an unnecessary amount of pressure to us. However, I also concede it’s good to have a list to give an idea of things you want to accomplish.  small fall bucket list

And I know Fall is a favorite for many. Instead of making a huge overbearing list of all the things, I’m staying true to my word of the year: Less.

Here’s my small fall bucket list though I couldn’t help but divide it into categories.

Fall Food I Want To Eat and Drink

It’s always about the food isn’t it?

  1. Oatmeal Butterscotch Cookies (or chocolate chip, probably do half)-not sure if I’ve ever shared this recipe? Definitely need to either update it and share again or share for the first time.
  2. Apple cake. And of course, drink apple cider. All the apple things! Listen up pumpkin spice, September belongs to all things apple. I unofficially decree it.  (That said, I wasn’t a huge fan of the apple crisp macchiato at Starbucks. I had it iced, maybe hot is better.)
  3. Carnival festival foods like funnel cakes and kettle corn (did this over Labor Day weekend)
  4. Fresh pumpkin muffins and/or donuts. And yes, drink a ubiquitous pumpkin spice latte.

Places To Go

While fall is kind of for staying home, lighting candles, and watching it rain, it’s also for getting out and enjoying the gorgeous not too hot days and nights.

  1. All my son’s marching band half-time performances and band competitions (that’s a given)
  2. Spend each Saturday morning (when band/weather doesn’t interfere) exploring all the local farmer’s market. We have a big KC “City Market” just north of the downtown area but so many suburbs around us (including our city, where we went last Saturday) have their own. I’d like to see what we find.
  3. On at least 3 nature hikes. I was good about this last year (not much else to do) but fell out of habit this summer.
  4. Apple orchard to get fresh apple cider (see #2 above) and/or apple picking.

Other Random Things

Just a few things that I want to do but aren’t exactly food or going places related.

  1. Sit on the front porch and read (Fall reading list coming soon!)
  2. Maintain a fall garden (in progress)

Did you make a small fall bucket list or perhaps a large one? What’s on your list?



Happy Homemaker Monday, Fall is Coming

Just two little days of summer left around here. The weekend was hot and dry but this morning, I could feel things cooling off. The leaves aren’t changing quite yet but the ground is starting to have a fair scattering of acorns. And I watched a squirrel busy carrying a walnut across the wire one morning in preparation for the colder weather. The spiders are taking up residence all around the front porch and gardens. 

Not much happened over our weekend, it was a slow one. A bit of a calm before the storm I suppose. We’ll have plenty to do over the upcoming one so it was nice to simply relax a bit.

Already spent some time this morning grocery shopping and having a nice long catch up chat over the phone with a friend. Time to see about planning the rest of this week. Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Breakfast Time…What Is On The Plate This Morning

Back to boring around here, lemon meringue flip yogurt, coffee, and vitamins. However, I did have a nice treat after grocery shopping, a non-caffeinated one if you can believe it! Tried the caramel apple spice at Starbucks. If you enjoy apple cider and/or caramel…get one! So good. One for those of you who don’t like coffee flavor as it contains not one drop of the stuff.

Looking Around The House

Same tune, different day. Really do need to get out the fall decorations after a bit of a clean up, of course.

On Today’s To Do List

  1. Grocery Store (DONE)
  2. This post (In progress)
  3. Laundry (In progress)
  4. Pay a couple bills
  5. Make cookies (no reason, just want to do it)

Currently Reading

Last week I  finished Heart of Junk by Luke Geddes, just wasn’t my thing. And read an odd memoir that I only discovered because some random marketing type company has my information mixed up with another blog (maybe? I keep getting people plugging their books to me to feature on “Just the Little Things” which I cannot locate on-line. Did finally e-mail a couple of them and one children’s book author kindly said he’d let the rep know the information wasn’t correct. The poor people are paying for these incorrect leads.) While I wanted to support the author of the memoir with a positive review, I could not in good conscience give it one, two stars was really overly generous.

However, hope is not lost because I am now reading and very much enjoying two new books.  One book I had on my summer reading list was published by a fellow blogger. Afternoon Coffee: Thoughts on Motherhood, Family, Home, and All Things Cozy by Billy Jo Stoltz is a smaller book but I’m enjoying it so much. A very cozy read that feels just like having an afternoon coffee chat with her. The other book is a just for fun library book, Being Dead is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral by Gayden Metcalfe. I’ve laughed out loud while reading this one.

On The TV This Week

Maybe whatever new shows premiere, Masked Singer? The Voice? Or is that all next week? Found out Lucifer season 6 was on Netflix so watched that. It took up most of my tv watching time over the weekend. A satisfying ending to the series with all the character arcs complete. That said, seasons 4 & 5 were much better. As I told my son, only Netflix could take an absurd show about the devil and make it feel like a Hallmark special. I also re-watched The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe over on Disney plus.

The Weather Outside Is 

Starting to feel like fall today! The wind is blowing, clouds are moving in, and we’re supposed to get rain this afternoon! It’s supposed to cool down a bit for this week with mornings in the low 50’s. Time to think about bringing in a few house plants. (Mainly just the lemon tree and the monstera plant we picked up on clearance at Sam’s Club yesterday. The plant was on clearance for $9 marked down from $70! And I have no idea where to put it in here. Too good a deal to skip, pot is worth more than $9 even if the plant doesn’t make it.)

On The Menu This Week

Hoping the weather change and cooler mornings might inspire me to want to cook dinner again. Been so unmotivated lately.

MONDAY: Ham steak, cornbread, asparagus *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad *J has early band* *BUNCO for me* *Last day of summer!**I work 815-345*

WEDNESDAY: Pork Chops, apples, salad *J has evening band practice*

THURSDAY: Enchilada Chicken in the slow cooker, rice

FRIDAY: OUT *I work 8:15-3:45* *Football Game*

If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will

Sit on the front porch and read. Maybe take a nap? That actually sounds kind of nice today.

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week 

I made a scaled down version of this eggplant casserole for my lunch last week. Other than accidentally burning some of the eggplant slices and setting off the smoke alarm, it turned out pretty yummy. I did use a bit too much salt so will tone that down if I make it again. And I’ll pre-cook the eggplant slices on the grill outside!

One Of My Simple Pleasures

When everyone is safe at home. Of course, I also enjoy when they’re all out doing stuff and I’m home alone just as well.

Favorite Photo From The Camera

Praying For

Peace, this country, friends, family, and strangers.

Quote For The Week

One of my favorite autumn quotes:

And all at once summer collapsed into fall. (Oscar Wilde)



A Bit of Bird Watching

While I’ve not been taking too many photos, I’ve still been doing a bit of bird watching. Sometimes it’s fun to simply observe without worrying about taking photos.

Had to quit feeding most of them for a bit while Chip, the stray cat, hung out with us. However, now that he’s in a much better new home (hopefully, still no word on things), I’ve returned to feeding my backyard birds. And they’re starting to return.

They’ve never been bothered by my original assistant. She’d much rather snooze on a deck chair or the railing than put in the effort required to nab one.

Here’s what I’ve spotted in the backyard over the course of the past week.

Our Hummingbird

I see more than one hummingbird (sometimes around the front porch getting in the sage and lavender as well!) but this fellow insists he owns the backyard feeder.  bit of birdwatching

As it becomes closer to time for him and his cohorts to depart, the feeder empties at a record pace. I clean it and fill it completely once a week. By the end of the week, it looks like it does in the photo, low on food with a few black spots (my guess is ants are causing the spots as a few never fail to get in there despite the ant guard).

One morning, I observed the most interesting interaction between the tiny hummingbird and our little gray cat. The cat was in typical style lounging on the deck rail just behind where’d I’d moved an almost blooming fuchsia.  bit of birdwatchingThe hummingbird zipped over to in front of the cat and flew all around her. Almost as if he was checking her out to make sure she wasn’t competition for his food. She just watched him with a “what now?” expression on her face.

He’s also flown toward me and “danced” around a bit one day. I did read where hummingbirds recognize humans. Perhaps he was trying to give Chelsey (our little gray cat) a message about his feeder as well.

Returning Regulars: Chickadees and Tufted Titmice

As I’ve returned to doing a bit of birdwatching, I’ve also noticed more of the returning regular birds in the backyard. One day I spotted no less than 6 chickadees on the fence by the feeders!

Happily the tufted titmice returned to the feeders as have the cardinals, sparrows (mixed thoughts on that), house finches, and a nuthatch.

I managed to capture photos of a chickadee and tufted titmouse.

bit of birdwatching
Chickadee on fence
bit of bird watching
tufted titmouse on feeder


A Parting Scene: Story From the Front Yard

bit of birdwatching
Eurasian Collared Dove


One day while doing a bit of cleaning in the living room, I heard a commotion of crows out front. They were louder than the neighbor across the street’s rooster (story for another day but do know roosters do not crow only at dawn and they are LOUD). I opened the door to see why all the fuss.

Perched on the telephone pole across the road sat one of our Cooper’s Hawks. Knew I’d heard one earlier in the week but never spotted it. Ran to get my camera, returning, of course, as he gracefully made his exit toward the wooded area further down the street.

Almost immediately after he flew away, this Eurasian collared dove flew up and claimed the spot previously occupied by the hawk. It was like he was saying “That’s MY spot.” (I do often see doves of all sorts on that pole and the wires by it).


Linking up with the Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.

End of Summer in the Gardens

It’s the end of summer in the gardens out in the yard and on the front porch. Thankfully, many of my flowers will bloom through to the first frost.

Haven’t shared an update of the garden areas in a bit so thought I’d take some time to do it today.

Disclaimer: I have almost no idea what I’m doing when it comes to the vegetable garden stuff. And just a tiny bit of knowledge (not nearly enough) with the flower garden stuff. Also, I despise weeding.

Want to go on an end of summer garden tour of the yard (and front porch) with me?

The Butterfly Garden

This is right at the corner of our driveway, the sunniest spot around here. These bargain zinnias have brought me so much joy! Glad I took the gamble on the dead looking plants that just needed a bit of love. I grew the white alyssum flowers from seeds purchased at the dollar tree (guess I do sometimes find things there after all). Not pictured in the photo below:  all the purple asters, coneflowers, nicotiana, and lantana. Plus one recently acquired small mum. No longer thriving in the garden: white petunias and yellow snapdragons.

end of summer

A butterfly! (of sorts)


Fence/Wall Garden in Front of Front Porch

end of summer

I’ve replaced all the herbs that were in the small pots with white, yellow, orange, and pink mums. Relocated the herbs to various places mostly in the backyard. Mr. Flamingo stands watch over my bigger pots of mums. And on either side of those, my attempts at fall gardening: green beans, okra, and cucumbers for a fall harvest, I hope. My husband says no way are we getting okra in October. I say I feel like the little boy in The Carrot Seed.

On The Front Porchend of summer

Uh, that’s not a flower. No but it’s very exciting. I’ve been looking to get a new cushion for this bench since the beginning of last year. Toyed with a new bench but I just like this one even though next year it will likely need replaced. Maybe.

So excited to sit out there again (you might recall Chip, the stray cat, ruined the former cushion with a most unwelcome gift. Still miss the silly little fellow a bit). end of summer

The blue lobelia didn’t make it in my hanging basket (not sure what happened so I relocated a tiny strand to a different pot and though you can’t see it, filled the hanging basket with mint. Between the mint, sage, and lavender, the front porch smells amazing.

In late August, I cut back the pink petunias and am getting a lovely second wave of end of summer blooms. Also, yesterday, I repotted fussy Ms. Lucinda the Meyer Lemon Tree. Hopefully, she won’t throw all her leaves off in protest.

Shall we move on to the areas where I’m a bit less sure of things.

The Usual Vegetable Garden

Better than past years but still a sort of not much to see here, move along stop on our tour. We’re going to get a few more cucumbers. A few blooms on other plants as well. We should have cucumbers, beans (not enough), hot peppers, and maybe one more eggplant. Oh, I also planted another row of okra for fall harvest back here.

Around The Backyard Deck

This fussy fuchsia plant’s also been giving me fits. I think it could be best friends with Lucinda the lemon tree. However, it finally decided to get it’s color back and go ahead and bloom again after I moved it (again) and put some plant feed in the pot. Realized I don’t take many pictures of the plants on the back deck. Maybe for a future post I’ll share more. It looks a bit more shabby than the front. It’s a weird sun/shade area of morning shade followed by intense afternoon sun followed by more shade. Hoping my herbs adjust okay to the area. Also, have a citronella plant and of course, lemon grass on the table back there.

Side of House Raised Garden Beds

We planted our tomatoes in a raised bed on the side of the house this year. Let me introduce you to Audrey 3 (Hopefully, you’ve seen Little Shop of Horrors to get the reference) also know as our tomato plant(s):

We’ve had a record number of tomatoes (for us) this year. Usually, it’s early October and I’m picking the green tomatoes to just fry them. So far this year, we’ve had EIGHT red ones. However, I do feel a bit as if I’m getting eaten alive as I go deep into our tomato plant mass to search for them. And I learned a new trick this year.

Brown bag tomato trick: If you put a slightly ripening tomato in a brown paper sack and place it in a warm sunny location, the tomato ripens and turns red! Game changer for us. Am I the only one who didn’t know this?

The second raised bed was a bust with nothing much happening. I’ve moved some lemon grass (Bought way too much of that) over there as well as some woody looking lavender. Blue tub gave me a handful of beans and huge squash plant that never produced. Now, I’ve got carrots going in it. Fingers crossed.

How are things going at the end of summer in your outdoor areas?

