Last week simply got away from me as preschool started up and I spent the entire week helping out there. Somehow that list of things I was going to do at home (I mostly worked 1/2 days with only 2 full days on Monday and Tuesday) turned into doing nothing.
Today marks the first day of his junior year in high school for J and the beginning of his 3rd year of college for G. J’s already at school but G’s class isn’t until 6 p.m. tonight. Time to adjust to new routines for everyone again.
Hoping and praying for a peaceful and positive school year for them both. I’m off work today and getting my hair permed later this morning.
Okay, now that we’re some what caught up with the chit chat, let’s get on with the post. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and the great bloggers who link up with her. Planning on getting in some overdue blog visiting this week!
The Weather
Perhaps it’s best described in song this week:
Yep, another week of heat advisory weather through Thursday around here. At least we had a good thunderstorm Friday night into Saturday that gave everything a good soaking. Break from watering this morning but I’m sure it’ll dry out quickly this week.
Right Now I Am
Listening to the song I posted above and singing along (be glad you can’t hear me!) while working on this post.
So much on my mind but mostly I’m hoping for a great school year for J. Thinking about all the things I need to do this week, mostly trying to cram it in the beginning of the week as I’m likely working near the end of the week. Lots of other things on my mind as well but that would make this post way too long.
On My Reading Pile
Currently, nothing. I read a silly “uplifting romance” called The Little Village of Happiness last week. I enjoyed it but it certainly wasn’t highbrow literature. Think I need to find a good thriller to read. Library was shut down for Covid exposure for a couple weeks but it’s open again so maybe I’ll try my luck there.
On My TV
Took a break from watching The Good Witch, though I was enjoying it, felt more like a fall show. Over the weekend, I watched the movie Reminiscence on HBO Max. It had Hugh Jackman and that saved it. Seemed like more of a Nicholas Cage kind of movie. The kind of movie that’s bad but not quite bad enough to stop watching.
Also started watching Westworld. It’s weird but it sucked me right into the story. I’m only on about the 5th episode and my summary would be it’s a bit like Jurassic Park with android people.
On The Menu For This Week
Here we go again with no ideas. This is one area where I’m definitely more ready for fall than normal as I’m ready for fall flavors and cooking. However, those don’t exactly appeal when it’s 100+ degrees out there.
MONDAY: Waffles? Maybe spaghetti, I really don’t know…*I have a hair appt at 9:30*
TUESDAY: Roast in the crock pot *J has early morning band practice at 6:30*
WEDNESDAY: BLT’s, French Fries *J has early morning band practice at 6:30*
THURSDAY: *J has evening band practice at 6:00* *I may work 8:15-4:45*
FRIDAY: *I may work 8:15-4:45*
On My To Do List
- Get hair permed this morning
- Get car inspected and get updated tags (Why did I put this off until the end of the month?!)
- Call and make appointment to get stray kitty neutered (We have a family that will take him if we pay for this…also had a neighborhood site person interested but they’ve alas gone silent)
- Clear off kitchen table and sofa
- Pay bills
- Mail sympathy card to sister-in-law who just lost her mother to lung cancer
- Pick up camera, hoping to get picture of full moon tonight at least
In The Craft Basket
My outdoor garden area is kind of like a craft basket for me. I’ve been working on my petunias, for the first time ever, I cut them back. Supposedly, this helps them bloom again. We’ll see. In a couple weeks, I’ll know if I did it right or I’ll be replacing them with mums. I’ll also work on my garden journal while it’s too hot to do much outdoors.
Looking Forward To
Having curly hair again, the flat, straight plastered to head look (caused by the humidity) doesn’t work for me. Enjoying a rare Monday night at home (J’s baritone instructor is on vacation this week). Also, this year we get a marching band season! Hooray! I may or may not have been a little teary eyed at the parent preview on Saturday. So nice to see my kid doing what he loves to do (actually, he prefers concert season so let’s hope we get to go see some concerts this fall and winter as well!).
Looking Around The House
Time to do some serious “get ready for fall” type cleaning. Of course, first I need to get through the I’ve been busy but not busy doing any cleaning layers.
From The Camera
On My Prayer List
All the kids and teachers returning to school this week for a safe, happy, and healthy school year. My sister-in-law and brother as she battles throat cancer. My other brother and sister-in-law as they are both currently ill with Covid-19 (and are the ones who just lost a mother/mother-in-law to lung cancer). Husband’s friend and his wife as he found out last week that his cancer is terminal. And my husband who’s been struggling with this (though he won’t say it) and is helping them as much as he can. That all those who’ve suffered recent losses find some peace and comfort. Healing and love for the entire world.
Quote For The Week
This was a verse in the Jesus Calling devotional today. I’m amazed at how it is sometimes so spot on.
The Lord replied, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)