Weird and Thankful

Weird and thankful are the two words I’m using to describe this week. I have had more than a few weird happenings. And I’ve been thankful for quite a few blessings put in my path at just the right time as well.

Tiny Bits of Blessings

These small things (but they felt like big wonderful things at the time) made me offer up a few prayers of thankfulness this week.  weird and thankful

  • Called into work on early on Monday morning, time crunch. Barely got there and as I did, the other opening teacher let me know the time clock wasn’t working so I was able to be in the classroom right at the proper time. Whew!
  • In a rush to get home, mad dash into the grocery store. The chickens I wanted to grab for dinner were on sale and right in the front so I didn’t have to wander deep into the store for them. Time saver!
  • A rain shower on Tuesday morning to save me time watering the plants. And the plants and flowers prefer that rain water anyway. And another one Thursday afternoon, actually that one was a bigger thunderstorm which cooled us off. No more heat wave this morning.
  • J agreed to go on a walk at a nearby nature center with me on early on Thursday. We saw a few monarchs and a snake (!), neither of which posed readily for the camera. Honestly, I didn’t try very hard with the snake even if it was tiny.

    weird and thankful
    great spangled fritillary butterfly

Wee Bits of Weirdness

Here’s where the weird and thankful part of this post arrives. I’ve had some strange encounters this week.

weird and thankful

  • Had to stop for gas on the way home from work Tuesday. Had a fellow ask me to slap him. Something about a bet with his friends and $200. What?! I politely declined the offer as I was wearing one of my work t-shirts along with it being a bit strange.
  • Remembered one of my dreams. I hardly ever remember my dreams. I was in the living room of a lovely older couple I didn’t know and we were talking about fields of all things. My contribution to the conversation was to tell them about Hodge’s field down the road from where I grew up, it’s now a housing subdivision. Wonder who those people were. Maybe relatives I never met?
  • In the McDonald’s drive-thru with J. Splattering on the windshield like it’s raining. Except not one other car had water on it. Something dripping off the roof, just on us. We joked maybe it was Sprite but hoped it was simply water. From what? We have no idea…
  • Need more than a wee bit of weirdness? Post a found cat (or anything really) on the Next door neighborhood app. Yeah, I don’t think I’m calling the guy who someone else posted the two different numbers for him at different times (both in the middle of the night) regarding the cat. Scam alert senses tingling.

Ending With A Song

Overall, it’s been a pretty good week around here. However, this has definitely been the theme song for the week. (Early 2000’s Country Flashback Ahead)

In case you don’t want to watch the video/hear the song (full printed lyrics here), the main chorus is as follows:

God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.


More happened but I think there’s been enough said about my weird and thankful week.  How’s your week been?

Cleaning Day

Happy Wednesday! Thought I’d check in here before I get started on what I’ve set aside to be a cleaning day around here.

cleaning day

My main focus today is J’s room as he’s off having a end of summer get together with friends. They compromised with a 10-10 type get together in lieu of an overnight. Too many schedule commitments already, more than a few of them in band so practices already in full swing. Works well for me as I need him up early tomorrow for the driver’s education course.

Cleaning Day Focus:

  • J’s room as stated above. It’s past time for a deep clean. And I’d like him to have a fresh start for school in another 2 weeks (I know, I should wait a week but this is when I have time and he’s out of the way).
  • Deep cleaning of the bathrooms. Much needed.
  • Usual chores: laundry (never ending), dishes in the kitchen, maybe straighten the living room
  • Down here still needs completed. I got overwhelmed with this project and left a bigger mess.

Other Things Happening Around Here:

cleaning day

  • At noon, someone from a kind of nearby neighborhood is coming to check and see if “Chip” is perhaps her missing “Webster” I really hope so. It would be nice to be able to reunite him with his family. I know that pain of missing a cat from the many years ago when Chelsea’s brother Chase disappeared.
  • We’re under an excessive heat warning today starting just after noon. There’s a pretty good breeze right now so it’s not too bad out but I can tell it’s going to be. Especially if the wind dies down.
  • Still going garden crazy around here. Stopped by Tractor Supply on my way home from dropping J off to pick up a few more seeds and potting soil. My grow bags on the deck drip down on it in a way that concerns me so I thought I’d make use of that water and plant some morning glory seeds (not sure if it’s too late) to make use of the excess water.
  • Vacation? Seems to be a no so I think perhaps I’m placating myself with the excessive flower planting and gardening stuff. It’s been taking me an average of 45 minutes to an hour to water each morning: Vegetable garden, front porch flowers, container herb garden, corner of driveway, raised beds on side of house (We finally have small and green tomatoes on the vines), citronella plant on deck, grow bags (new thing), and hydrangea that sprung to life in the spring. Turns out hydrangeas like to be watered. Who knew?

All my garden doings take place in the morning hours or later evenings. Especially with the current weather. That’s why I’m making today mostly an inside day.

What’s happening where you are today? Are you getting the crazy hot weather as well?

Happy Homemaker Monday, Busy Start

Called into work early this morning making a hectic start to this week. Early phone call, barely gave myself enough time to get there. Had to stop at the grocery store on the way home so J had something for dinner before band practice (Thankful for the ubiquitous rotisserie chicken today!). Feed our stray cat, help me, I’ve named him! Water the garden. And now it’s after 9!

Really need to find Chip a good home and soon!


Still didn’t want to miss posting today. Linking up later with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

HOT! Another round of heat advisory days for us. Car read 100 when I ran J to band practice. Phone said feel like temperature of 106. This current round is supposed to last until Thursday. Not sure what happens after that. Maybe rain?


 How I’m Feeling Tonight

Bit of a headache, probably from lack of caffeine on my regular schedule or not enough water or not really eating dinner (chicken didn’t appeal to me as that was basically lunch at school today).

On The Breakfast Plate

Whew! That was much earlier today. Grabbed a flip yogurt and ate it at school very quickly before any kids arrived (I opened the classroom today). Not nearly enough coffee. Forgot to take my vitamins. Oops.

On My Reading Pile

Needed a “light” escape so last week I finished 2 books in a new Daisy James series set on the Greek Island of Corfu, really enjoyed Escape to the Hummingbird Hotel and Summer at the Hummingbird Hotel. I love how characters from her other books sometimes show up briefly in different series. And the setting was enchanting enough, I found myself planning a dream vacation to Corfu after reading the first two books in the series. If only….maybe though because our fortune cookies from Saturday’s dinner did hint at a trip.


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On My TV

Still working through The Good Witch on Netflix. However, Saturday I stayed up way too late watching The Net. You know a movie from 1995?! Still pretty good, almost relevant still minus the floppy disk stuff.

On The Menu

Who wants to cook in heat advisory weather? Yeah, me either.

MONDAY: Rotisserie chicken, salad *I worked 7-3:30* *J had band practice 6-8:45*

TUESDAY: Turkey sausages, maybe on the grill or maybe just on the stovetop, chips, maybe fries *I work 11:30-3:45* *J has a baritone lesson at 6*

WEDNESDAY: Ribs, probably in the crock pot, yes has been on menu for a while, corn *J has some kind of friend hang out all day*

THURSDAY: Not sure. Maybe pork chops and potatoes?  *J has a driver’s education class 8-12* *And band practice 6-8:45*

FRIDAY: OUT! Or chicken on the grill. Or OUT.

On My To Do List

  1. E-mail school about J’s schedule, it’s not correct
  2. Laundry! Thought I just did this but somehow it’s all back…
  3. Work on finding a home for Chip (our stray cat that I’ve um, named)
  4. Yuck stuff: car inspected, tags, driver’s license renewal documents
  5. Make a vet appt for our cat and get her some flea stuff as well

From The Camera

Who could resist this sweet little face?

Apparently, everyone in this household except me. And her highness, the ruler of us all is certainly displeased with this development.

Looking Around The House

It’s better to look around the front porch and gardens!

To Relax I will

Take care of my flowers, read


Quote For The Week

More grows in the garden than the gardener sows. (Spanish proverb) Source: Pinterest


Birds, Birds, Birds

Haven’t shared a bird watching post since early July so thought I’d play a bit of catch up with this post.

First, Hummingbirds

Starting with the hummingbirds we spotted a couple of weeks ago when we visited my husband’s hunting lease land. These were all around the owners home.

The next photo is not great (took with my older camera, we were getting ready to hike and there was a decent rain chance so opted not to take my newer camera on that). However, it gives you a better idea of the number of feeders around the house (and the number of hummingbirds).

A few more photos of the hummingbirds.


Next, Park Birds

Finally, got around to going for a walk at one of my favorite parks. Been busy with work and we’ve had things going on here as well so I’d not been in quite a while. You can click back to this post to see a chipping sparrow I spotted while there. Here are the two other birds I captured on camera.

Indigo bunting

I’d hoped to get a better photo of the indigo bunting but a fellow on a bicycle rode by and disturbed it (and me, like it was a public place or something!). So, only two not so great photos. Still glad I spotted it.

This bird below, I’ve not had a chance to look up in my bird books. House finch? Some sort of sparrow? Female purple finch?  Something else? I’m admittedly out of practice with my bird watching and identifying. Liked the photo though so I’m sharing it here.

Finally, Birds Around Here

Pretty much the same set of birds visit my feeders, house finches, house sparrows, cardinals, chickadees, and doves.

Red-bellied and downy woodpeckers take turns on the suet feeder when the squirrels aren’t hogging it. And lately, the nuthatches are back to visiting. They take turns at whatever feeder is available.

And lately, though no pictures to show, I’ve been seeing the Carolina Wrens again and hearing (oh can I hear them!) the blue jays. Plus, my little hummingbird is back after I switched to yet another feeder. Had bought a pretty stained glass one but could never tell when it was empty. So back to a plain hard plastic clear model for that.

Usually also see a few robins, crows, and sometimes the hawks or turkey vultures flying overhead.

What birds have you spotted lately?


Joining in with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’

Five Things From This Week

Thought I’d share five things from this week in the style of a week in review post. Kind of a Five on Friday kind post with a twist, admittedly not much of one. When checking, I saw the last time I did a week in review post was back in March!

Oops. Didn’t think my week in review posts were going to be quite that sporadic. Maybe I’ll do better during the school year.

My Five Things From This Week

One: Speaking of Oops, I fed a stray kitten.


five things from this week

And now it’s adopted me. Except everyone in the household voted no to adding this sweet fellow to our family. Our current cat voted a very loud no on the matter.

However, in fairness to the family, we do take care when discussing adding another cat as our current cat is quite small (she weighs about 10 pounds) and we don’t want her overwhelmed by a larger cat. This little fellow is going to be fairly large if his ears and paws are any indication.

Why oh why did you feed the cat? Everyone knows not to do that. Except the poor guy was starving and seemed to be eyeing the all you can eat bird buffet at my feeders. Barely a baby and yes, I did go to Target yesterday and get some kitten food.

I do have his picture posted on the neighborhood site so hopefully, someone needs a cat and soon before I get any more attached.

Two: Front Porch Privacy

five things from this week

It’s not that I don’t like my neighbors. However, our houses are not that far apart and their porch is not big. While I’m glad they have their daughter staying with them while her mom recovers from some medical issues, she is outside all the time. Sitting on the bench which faces our front porch, it’s the only way it fits on their porch. While she is very kind, I find it hard to grasp my peace when she is out there because:

Direct line of sight is how my husband put it. And sometimes when I’m sitting on my front porch, I just want the solitude of my porch, the cat laying there, and the gentle scent of my flowers. Hard to obtain with someone a few yards away, constantly on the phone and (ugh) smoking. Case you ever wondered, cigarette smoke overpowers the scent of flowers.

Not the best picture but this is our neighbors direct view of our porch

So, I’ve been attempting to construct a living privacy wall of sorts. Tall lemongrass, lavender, sage. I need a plant stand as well. It helps a bit with the direct line of sight at least. Trying to give us both a bit of privacy, I’m sure they’d prefer a little bit as well.

Might be time to focus on making the back deck an oasis instead. Except, it’s all shady and I like my sun loving flowers that do good only around the front of the house.

Three: Feeling Summer Cozy With Books and TV Shows

The Netflix laundry folding show I’ve been watching, The Good Witch, has a real fall feel to it. And it’s just kind of a happy, settle in kind of show.

And I’ve escaped (via a kindle book) to The Hummingbird Hotel, thanks to Daisy James and her new series.

The two characters start off with that strong dislike of each other that we all know leads to love and romance in the end (well, if it doesn’t I’ll be both surprised and disappointed!).

Four: Haunted By The Ghosts of My Farming Grandparents, Apparently

five things from this week

The only reason I can think to explain this self-proclaimed city girl (okay, suburban girl) suddenly having this desire to plant a fall garden. Or even actually work in our current (albeit small) vegetable garden pulling weeds.

Yesterday, I planted a second set of bean seeds (after tearing out the current bean plants because they were tangling on all the other plants and the beans from them tasted awful!). And pulled weeds plus pulled up my poor zucchini plant that had seen better days. Does look we may have a bumper crop of cucumbers in a few weeks. Plan to get a few more things going today.

My fall garden plans include: one okra seed (This is just a to see if it will work kind of thing, I found one lonely seed in a packet from spring. The okra we planted in the spring didn’t make it), green beans, lettuce, carrots, and sweet corn. My idea is to grow most of it in pots around the front porch area as that’s honestly the place with the best light.

Five: Random Tidbits


Aside from my crazy idea to try fall gardening, I might need to ban myself from the garden centers for a bit. Can’t resist those bargain flowers that they mark down this time of year.

Huge container of petunias marked down more than 50%, yes, please!


Especially when I’m convinced by fluttering sales agents in the form of hummingbirds visiting the sage and monarchs showing me the sombrero salsa coneflowers (yes, I think that’s a weird name as well).

J had two band practices and a baritone lesson this week. G had car trouble and we had to go jump start his car the one evening J didn’t have an activity. My husband’s been mostly busy with work and visiting his friend in the hospital (things weren’t looking great on Tuesday).

Oddly, I’ve not worked all week but I don’t mind. I’m enjoying my time at home while things are slow. Of course, I should be making better use of it and doing the “boring” stuff like getting the car inspected, tags renewed, actually finishing this basement project, etc.


Well for a summary of the week, this post got rather long. Better end it here. How has your week been?


Park Sightings

Went for a walk with my camera at one of my favorite parks on Tuesday morning. Founding it very soothing. Here are some of the images that caught my eye. It’s late (oh dear, when did 9:30 pm become late?) so I’m only sharing photos with an occasional caption. Enjoy!

park sightings

park sightings
Chicory, my favorite blue flower, happy to grow anywhere and everywhere except in my garden.

I’m listening…

park sightings

Chipping sparrow


Until next time!


Happy Homemaker Monday, Hello August

Hello, August! And where did you come from exactly? Wasn’t May/June/July just here?

August is always my reminder of a few things, some good and some sad (our wedding anniversary is the 29th, however, my father passed away 17 years ago on August 1) but mostly I use it as a reminder to make sure I embrace and enjoy the rest of my summer days before the crazy pace of fall starts.

However, can I tell you a secret? This year, I’m kind of looking forward to fall. Mostly, I think because I missed that crazy pace of fall during the pandemic. J’s school  year was so rough on us especially him but this year, I’m hoping and praying we get that much desired normality. Or at least a touch of it. Marching band practices start back up this week so at least we have that (even if it does mean lots of running around for us).

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom as always. Go check out her blog!

The Weather

Strange, true dog days of summer last week with crazy heat and advisories. Woke up most days last week to 80 degrees by 7:00a.m. with it feeling warmer. This morning it was 63 degrees out there! Highs in the mid-80’s most of this week but I did hear on the radio as I was out running errands they’re predicting a high of 95 for Saturday. So who knows?

How I Am Feeling This Morning

A little tired but also a need to do ALL the things. Lots to do today that I didn’t do last week/over the weekend.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt (key lime pie flavor), coffee, vitamins. More coffee (an iced caramel macchiato at Starbucks in the grocery store, seems to be my go-to “fancy” coffee drink lately).

On My Reading Pile

Finished Unrestricted Access, the collection of short stories from James Rollins. A library hold came up for me, The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. A good suspenseful mystery. Read it in about a day. And I’ve started Walking: One Step At a Time by Erling Kagge (note: I know it sounds like an exercise book but it’s not, more of a philosophical type writing). 


On My TV

Needed something light and happy that didn’t require a lot of concentration so I settled on The Good Witch over on Netflix. Not my typical style of show but I’m enjoying it. Not much else, a bit of the Olympics here and there. Whatever random thing my husband happens to be watching (so think Storage Wars, Yukon Gold, or old westerns…)

On The Menu

Seems early to already have this busy of a schedule for J but here we are…

MONDAY: ham steaks, potatoes (on grill), green beans from garden (we’ll all get 2 beans, ha!), salad *J has band practice 6-8:45*

TUESDAY: roast in crock pot *J has a baritone lesson time TBD*

WEDNESDAY: ribs, probably in the crock pot/maybe on grill, corn, salad *I have a hair appt at 11*

THURSDAY: Chicken (grilled, lately I’ve just been marinating it in a bit of balsamic vinegar, oil, and Italian seasoning/dressing mix), salad. Something simple and easy.  *J has band practice 6-8:45*

FRIDAY: Leftovers or OUT or cereal. I’m not cooking it whatever we have.

On My To Do List 

All the things!

  1. Mow the lawn (Husband didn’t want me to do this during the extreme heat)
  2. Plan out fall gardens (vegetable and flowers)
  3. Finish cleaning basement (basement camp didn’t go so well)
  4. Grocery store
  5. Laundry (mostly just need to fold)
  6. Sort out what is in the fridge and freezers
  7. Maybe make a master list of ALL the things
  8. Clean the house (always)
  9. Start cooking a little extra when we have easy meals to put in freezer for busy fall days/nights
  10. Blog at least 3x a week on here (I think I managed this last week)
  11. Go for walk at park with my camera while the weather is nice

From The Camera

My flowers have been bringing me lots of peace and happiness lately. Hope you enjoy the photos here and sprinkled throughout the post.

My bargain zinnias really bounced back!
The black-eyed Susan flowers are taking over but I don’t mind, they’ll bloom straight through fall

To Relax This Week, I Will

Clean the house (It will help to relax later), sit on the front porch and pet the cat while enjoying my flowers, read, take that walk at the park

On My Prayer List

My blogging friend Rebecca, who recently lost her husband followed shortly by one of her oldest and dearest friends, my husband’s good friend who is battling cancer around his jaw and once again in the hospital with low calcium and possible more cancer, my sister-in-law by love who I just found out is hospitalized with throat cancer. Too much illness in this world. A normal school year for J with actual marching band performances. My family that recently moved to Florida (no reason just felt the pull to pray for them). Peace, kindness, and healing graces for us all.

Quote For The Week

I know I’ve shared this quote before regarding August but it rings so true, I’m sharing it again:

August is like the Sunday of summer. (unknown)


How are you spending your August days?

Reviewing 2021 List

Except that in keeping with my word of the year (less), I only put 12 items on it total. And then, I revised it mid-January. I had to go back to my old post and grab my list as I’d forgotten a few of the items I put on there.

reviewing 2021 list

My (revised) List

  1. Read 72 books
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post
  3. Keep a kindness journal Focus on ways to be kind to my family
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes Try one in season new vegetable each week
  5. Eat dinner together at the table as a family Tuesday through Thursday
  6. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times)
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day
  8. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here)
  9. Follow a nightly skincare regime
  10. Learn a craft
  11. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month
  12. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?)

Here was my update from back on January 15:


Reviewing 2021 list

  1. Read 72 books: I’m not worried about this at all though Goodreads says I’m a book behind on it.
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post: So far, so good on this one!
  3. Keep a kindness journal Focus on ways to be kind to my family: It’s been a say less, listen and appreciate more kind of week (mostly).
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes Try one in season new vegetable each week: We all (except J who fell asleep early) tried turnips. Mixed results.
  5. Eat dinner together at the table as a family Tuesday through Thursday: We ate together Monday-Thursday!
  6. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times): Still deciding.
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day: I’ve done this weather permitting, today may not.
  8. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here): Not yet, thinking I’ll shoot for the last week of January.
  9. Follow a nightly skincare regime: I ordered from skincare products from Philosophy but they’re not here yet
  10. Learn a craft: Still deciding
  11. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month: I did create notebook for it.
  12. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?): Not started at all. Need to research.

Here’s where I’m at on this list for the midpoint of the year:

Isn’t it strange how we can lose focus in just a few short months?

  1. Read 72 books :  I’m 16 books ahead of schedule!
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post: I think I missed one or two but I’m doing my best to join in each week. 
  3. Keep a kindness journal Focus on ways to be kind to my family: Another doing my best kind of thing. Might need to refocus on this. 
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes Try one in season new vegetable each week.  AHEM. FAIL. Time to try again now that more vegetables are in season.

    Reviewing 2021 list
    Mushroom, either a chanterelle or the poison look alike. We left it.
  5. Eat dinner together at the table as a family Tuesday through Thursday:  Well, we tried. Hard with the crazy mixed up schedules of summer. Need to do better.
  6. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times): I’ve actually done okay with this one even maybe buying more than one special magazine accidentally/on purpose last quarter. Haven’t picked one for the summer yet. 
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day: I do better with this when the weather cooperates. Need to focus on going for walks again though.
  8. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here): Time for another one of these for sure! My first one went okay and I think I did a second one? Not sure.
  9. Follow a nightly skincare regime: I was doing good with this except it sort of morphed into a morning skincare regime (fine as I was doing nothing before), then I ran out of stuff. Just ordered more facial cleanser as I did like it. Had to justify the expense with myself. Why is it hard to justify spending the money on things that make us happy and are good for us? Or it that just me?
  10. Learn a craft: Ha. HA! Ha. However, I am in the process of creating a garden journal so maybe I can check the creativity box with that one? And I did make a lot of progress on the butterfly garden.
  11. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month: Trying with this. Notice that it depends on how busy I am when the 25th rolls around each month. Did discover I enjoy iced hot chocolate. I have been at least sticking to treating myself to a hot chocolate (or cold) each 25th. And yes, I’ve done a little bit of early Christmas shopping.
  12. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?): I moved all the contents of my blog over to However, sadly the photos didn’t go through and the actual So Not Organized site is suspended or something. I need to call GoDaddy about it but haven’t really had the time or inclination to mess with it yet. Hoping I can figure it out though because I’m going to be so very sad if I lose all the pictures that went with the blog posts.


Did you make a list or a word (I’ve not been doing great remembering my word either!) for 2021? How are you doing with them?

(And yes, I’m very much procrastinating another day of “basement camp“)

Basement Camp off to Slow Start

Well, my basement camp is off to a slow start.

I can see small differences but over all it feels a bit like a bigger mess than when I began. Not really following a set plan but doing what seems most needed and what I think will help make the space feel better. Some of these items were way overdue.

A picture from before I started

Thought I’d just list out what I’ve done so far.

Monday Accomplishments:

We have a trundle type daybed down here partially broken though still functional. So my husband had to fix/replace the bed risers to get the 2nd mattress to go back underneath it.

Before replacing the mattress, I took the opportunity to deodorize (found an old jar of carpet fresh sprinkle stuff…a bonus declutter item!) and vacuum underneath it.

Washed the sheet from the bottom mattress though I need to replace it still.

Vacuumed part of the area in front of the bed.

Pulled down some hanging backpacks from when the boys were in elementary school (high school and college now!) to donate. Started a bag of books to sell to the used book store. Not looking to get rich from the books but figure that’s the best course for them.

Monday Distractions:

A late start because I had to run to the grocery store, wanted to post on my blog, and do a little laundry.

Also, I had to go pick my son up for lunch in the middle of my progress. He’s been wanting to just come home and eat lunch so far this week.

We had to go to the hardware store to get the risers. They actually lift the bed up too high so we’ll need to find a different set somewhere. That turned into another side errand with my husband so we could look at new doors and keyless entry knobs. Someone stole our neighbor’s truck Sunday evening/Monday morning and I’m no longer comfortable leaving the key in the mailbox as we’d been doing for our youngest son sometimes.

Tuesday Accomplishments

I’m not finished yet so I might have other items to come back and add. It was another slow start though.

Wiped off TV and TV stand (we have 2 remotes down here and neither seem to go to the TV so I do need to solve that mystery)

Vacuumed area in front of TV stand

Decluttered a trash can not in use and an old step stool

Shredded a huge pile of old paid bills that were just sitting on the TV stand

Had husband take down super dusty blinds that provide privacy from stairs (kind of a make-shift 3rd wall) and set them up outside. Washed them with some dish soap and sprayed off with the hose.

Fixed arms to my computer chair with duct tape (chair is very old but so comfortable that we just fix instead of replace)


Tuesday Distractions

Husband decided in the morning we should go take care of some banking business that we both needed to be present to do.

Stopped to take pictures of trash and recycle bins for “evidence” in ongoing battle with our trash service. Had to figure out how to set the date/time stamp on one of the cameras. Turned out to be a mute point as they actually picked up our stuff today. (I need to turn the date stamp back off now)

Had to pick up J from band camp as he wanted to come home for lunch.

Writing this post.

On My Basement Camp List

As I “attend” my basement camp, I’ve been making a list of the items I need for down here. Here’s what is on my list so far:

  1. Duct tape (sounds a bit ominous but it’s just to fix my computer chair)
  2. Rechargeable stick vacuum
  3. cedar balls
  4. Big tub for extra blankets (I’m giving up on space bags which always seem to get holes in them)
  5. A tub for each of our sons to keep their yearbooks and school papers stored
  6. A small bin/tub for my boost file (it’s outgrowing the folder a bit and I need to store some of it)


Although it doesn’t feel like I’ve done much, it’s been such a mess down here that even the tiniest bits should help during my basement camp week. I keep reminding myself of one of Gretchen Rubin’s secrets of adulthood: 

Things often get messier before they get tidier. 


I’m hoping to make the area nice for when the kids want to have friends over so they can have this space back as a hangout spot again.

Are you cleaning or decluttering any areas of your home? How’s it going?




Happy Homemaker Monday, Camp Week

Nope, I’m not going camping this week. However, I am off work. J has band camp and I’ve decided I’ll have “basement camp” and try to make it decent down here. 

Had a few errands and things to take care of this morning so getting a bit of a late start with my post (and my basement camp, ha!). Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

It rained a little over the weekend which was nice and cooled things down just enough to take us from an excessive heat warning to an excessive heat advisory for the rest of this week. Last Friday and Saturday were miserable hot. Today feels pretty nice so far. It’s about 85 right now but there’s a breeze so that helps. Sunny days most the week. It’s summer!

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Recharged, energetic, and ready to do all the things. We’ll see how long that lasts. And also, I’m missing my sweet preschool kids just a bit. However, it’s nice having a week at home (other than band camp chauffeur duties) to take care of things. And oh boy, I do have lots to take care of around here.

On The Breakfast Plate

Didn’t go to the store over the weekend (went this morning) so I just had a chocolate chip muffin from home and an iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks in the store. Need to take my vitamins still.

On My Reading Pile 

A bunch of overdue library books. I need to see if I can renew them as there are couple, a book of short stories by James Rollins and Peaceful on Purpose by Joel Osteen that I’d like to read still.

On My TV

Last Wednesday, I watched the finale of Crime Scene Kitchen and was frustrated with how they determined the winners. Not that I don’t think the winners deserved to win but it’s like they threw the whole way the show was run out the window for the last episode. Did you watch? Thoughts?

Friday into Saturday I binge-watched Mare of Easttown on HBO Max. Very good! Kept me guessing until the end. Thank you, Carrie from Northwoods Scrapbook for the suggestion.

On The Menu

This week’s a hard one with J having band camp, the heat, and really me just not being super motivated. Of course, I’m also debating trying my hand at a homemade angel food cake. I usually buy a box mix but I could use the extra egg shells for my garden.

MONDAY: Possibly out? Maybe ham steaks and salad. *J has band camp 8-4* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: taco salads *J has band camp 8-4*

WEDNESDAY: pork chops, baked potatoes *J has band camp 8-4*

THURSDAY: hot dogs on grill, chips, watermelon *J has band camp 8-4* *I think I’m meeting with friends, need to check date*

FRIDAY: Roast in crock pot (might switch this to Thursday) *J has band camp 8-4*

On My To Do List

  1. Go to grocery store
  2. Weed garden
  3. Start on basement clean up (started)
  4. Renew library books
  5. laundry (in progress)
  6. Clean rest of the house
  7. Pick up MO license book for J (he’s ready to get his permit, I think)
  8. See what documents I need for my driver’s license renewal
  9. Make some appointments
  10. Search for new hose and sprinkler (I accidentally ran over the hose with the lawn mower)
  11. Mow the yard
  12. Finish and file my complaints against our trash service if our bill isn’t adjusted by Thursday
  13. Actually, post on my poor neglected blog once again

From The Camera

I went with my husband yesterday to his hunting lease land so he could trade out the SD cards on the trail cameras. The landowner’s home on the property has so many feeders full of hummingbirds and the most beautiful patch of zinnias! We also did lots of hiking through the woods to get the cards.


To Relax This Week I Will

Take care of the garden and my flowers, catch up with friends, work on my garden journal

Something To Share

Watch the bugs if you go hiking, they’re bad around here this year. Even with insect repellant, I had my fair share of seed ticks clinging to me yesterday. Yuck. My husband swears by this stuff. You spray it on clothing but they also make a lotion that I dearly wished I’d applied a bit better.

Quote For The Week

I thought it looked like the image of 2 people kissing in these clouds
Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. (Rachel Carson)


