Thursday Night Thoughts

Probably a pretty quick post tonight. I just committed to being at work at 7a.m. tomorrow morning. Worked not quite a full day today but I’m still a bit tired.

I’m sitting here listening to random Christmas tunes as my son practices on the concert euphonium. Cheery enough.  Thought I better take a moment to check in with how things went today.

Honestly, not much happened on the Flylady front as I was working. My husband had the day off and was kind enough to catch us up on the laundry.

I came home and made dinner, grilled chicken and salad (husband made that) with croissants (from Sam’s club) on the side. A few cut up vegetables and dip on the table while it all cooked.

Happy to report that even though I had to run the dishwasher twice after getting home from work (once while fixing dinner and again after for clean up), the counters and kitchen sink are indeed clear.

The task of the day was to wipe down the large appliances. So, I quickly did that. Quickly being the key word. I guess I’ll focus on the task more seriously on another day. Back to the progress not perfection thought. A little bit of something done is still better than doing nothing at all I suppose.

Funny thing is even though I know Flylady is all about using a timer, I’ve still not done that. I just do what I need to do and call it good. Not to say I haven’t used a timer in the past or won’t in the future. Just currently, I find I don’t need one.

What I do need is to go to bed at a decent hour.  So I’ll end this with a question: Do you use a timer?



2 Replies to “Thursday Night Thoughts”

  1. Yes to focusing on progress not perfection! I think you are doing a great job with your challenge.

    I do not use a timer. I have tried in the past but it just doesn’t work for me. I get frustrated because I feel more stressed out when trying to use a timer. I am like you. I just do what I need to do and move on.

    Have a great weekend!
    Rachel recently posted…Stream of Consciousness Update from my lifeMy Profile

    1. That has happened to me when I try to use a timer as well. I do think they work if you need to jumpstart motivation like I’m just going to clean the kitchen for 5 minutes, then I’ll either keep going or take a break. That’s worked for me a bit in the past. Been a pretty busy but good marching band type weekend so far. Looking forward to a slower day tomorrow. Hope you’re having a great weekend so far!
