Thursday Things

Are you excited for it to be almost the weekend? I know I’m excited over here. Not much going on this Thursday morning. It’s another cloudy sky and more rain is moving in for later. I’m listening to J practice euphonium as I type this. Such a nice sound.

Breakfast this morning was the current usual:

Coffee and oatmeal. Lower sugar maple flavor. I’ve started making my instant oatmeal with water instead of milk. One tiny change at a time, we’ll see if it helps with the shedding of the winter pounds.

Strawberry pie probably doesn’t help. I didn’t think the pie was a huge hit around here. However, it turns out I might have been wrong. My husband’s been taking it in his lunch for dessert and I did find this in the kitchen this morning:

Did I forget to take a picture of the actual pie after I made it? Possibly. I used this strawberry pie recipe from The Pioneer Woman.  I was slightly short on strawberries (like 1/4 cup) but it didn’t make a huge difference. However, if making it for company, I’d go big on the strawberries as well as adding some fresh sliced ones on top for garnish.

On Today’s Agenda

Pretty much everything from my to do list on Monday. The only thing I’ve managed this week is to wash all our bedding. And make the strawberry pie. Forgot to pick the daffodils but thankfully, the weather never turned super cold so I think they’ll be okay. Main item today is getting cat food as we’re now completely out of it.

The rest of the list waits for me. And now, there’s more to do. Go to the bank, pay bills,  and clear off the kitchen table. Also, work this afternoon and a fun mom’s night out planned for tonight.

Weekend Plans

We have no big weekend plans at the moment. Maybe another movie or G said something about playing Mario Party 2 (they’ve somehow downloaded the old Nintendo 64 games to the switch). I usually read my book while they do those things but I used to sometimes play the Mario games with them when the boys were younger.

As I bring this post to a close, J’s finished practicing and now I can hear the rain once again falling outside. Just makes me think of the how everything will soon be green and growing. Like these little tomato plants I started indoors:

These are actually from a Dollar Tree “tomato rocket” so we’ll see how they do this summer. I was excited to see them sprout.

Are you excited about any of your weekend plans?


Day 67/365




8 Replies to “Thursday Things”

  1. I have my first vendor show on Saturday and I hope I feel like doing it. I feel awful today. My to do list is growing as well and we have snow showers moving in and extremely colder temperatures this week. Does it surprise me? NO!

    1. Oh no, I hope you are feeling better today! And that the weather cooperates for you on Saturday.

  2. I might have to make that strawberry pie recipe. Looks yummy!
    No big plans for the weekend other than Friday night I’m taking Ben out for a mom-son date while his sister is gone for large group chorale competition with school and Jacob is spending the night with my sister.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I liked it and actually preferred it without the whipped cream on top. That sounds like a fun night planned for you tonight. Hope you enjoy!

  3. I’m looking forward to the weekend too.
    Your blooming lily is gorgeous!
    Have a blessed weekend!
    (I mentioned you in a comment on my last blog post; it’s kind of a dedication to you)

  4. Drew is picking up Jake tonight for his spring break, so I am excited about that! Hope you have a great weekend!
