Winter Wednesday: Weather

Time for another Winter Wednesday post! Jump back to here for more information on my Winter Wednesday posts. 

While I was hoping to maybe have some fun photos of Christmas lights from Mom’s Night Out last week, I don’t. I didn’t go as I was around so much sickness and we planned to carpool. Didn’t want to risk getting everyone sick. Now, that I’ve been more or less fine the whole time, I’m really sad to have missed out. Still, I stand by my decision.

The Weather Report

Thought it might be fun to start these posts by including the current weather. After it rained all day yesterday (and some of last night), this morning is sunny and 33 degrees. The temperature is on the way down (supposedly). Yesterday we hit the 50’s amid all the pouring rain. My outdoor boots are covered in mud just from walking to the bird feeders. SIGH.

Needing the Sunshine

It’s been cloudy or I’ve been inside the past few days and I can tell. My mood is not pleasant this morning. Not great sleep the past few nights didn’t help either. Of course, this is a busy day with J’s appt and my work later.  Hoping the sun holds and we at least get to go outside with the kids at work for a few minutes this afternoon.

Winter, The Weather, and Moods

Yesterday’s rainy day got me thinking. Do you think that people who live where it snows more might enjoy winter more?  I mean snow is prettier than rain and no mud (until it all melts and turns to slush, worse than mud really).

Those of us who live where Decembers aren’t quite as cold and snowy, don’t really always have the gear to enjoy the weather when it happens. Or if we do have it, it’s been so long since it’s been needed we have no idea where it is. Maybe just us?

It seems like here in the KC area we are stuck somewhere between Mele Kalikimaka and a true winter wonderland.

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”  Alfred Wainwright 


One of my goals for enjoying winter this year is to try and get outside as much as I can. So, I’ll be needing to see about what suitable clothing I need. Of course, working at the preschool I do feel like I have a bit of a head start. It doesn’t take many playground visits in the winter before investing in a decent coat and gloves.

Maybe I should have tried to go for a walk out in the rain with an umbrella yesterday (didn’t). Wonder if my mood would have been better this morning.

Cozy Day Attempt was Stressful?

I tried to just enjoy a cozy day at home yesterday. However, I found it stressful? Started out okay with the roast in the crockpot (only decent pic from yesterday). Maybe it’s because I didn’t get the house cleaned enough before my husband came home for lunch (there went my clear table!) or lunch finished and then, suddenly dinnertime!

Phone call that should’ve been a pleasant catch up ending up being a bit of a pressured sales pitch (that line between wanting to support a friend and feeling annoyed by the sales pitch).

Christmas deadline pressures, you know the it’s 11 days and I’m nowhere near ready thoughts.

Well, I guess I have a whole season to try again with the cozy thing.


Stopping here as it’s time to get J to his appointment and then myself to work. What do you think, do  people who live where the winter weather is more pronounced (cold and snowy) like the winter better than those of us who often get rainy, muddy Decembers?



2 Replies to “Winter Wednesday: Weather”

  1. I’m in south-central Wisconsin, been here my whole life, and I enjoy winter less as I get older. I had a friend at work, also in this area most of her life, who absolutely hates winter. So I don’t think that theory works. hehe I will say though, our winters here seem to milder these years, so maybe we’re more of the mud and rain winter now that you are used to.

    As for traditions, we probably have a couple of small ones that just evolved and were never started as ‘This will be a great tradition.’ The funniest (and most heartwarming to this old mom) is that both sons still sit on the living room floor in front of the Christmas tree on Christmas morning and hand out/open presents. They are 31 and 28 years old now and still do it out of habit.

    1. Sigh, I liked my theory. If it worked, I had a whole other theory about how wearing fuzzy socks ruins productivity. LOL. I stand by that one though. I think most traditions do evolve and not nec. start out as traditions. Aw, how sweet that your kids still do that. Sounds like such a nice thing.
