A bit late this week, unexpectedly called in to work yesterday and then last night, I watched the Chiefs game (SIGH). I’m working again this afternoon but thought I’d take a few minutes and try to get this post done before I leave.
Thankful that Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom continues to do this link up inspiring me to get some sort of order to my weeks. It’s also fun to look back at these post near the end of the year!
The Weather
Dismal. Another rainy (we need it though!), cold, and cloudy day. It’s about 44 degrees right now. Supposed to be colder once the clouds move off. Weekend is supposed to be super chilly and I’m going to pretend I didn’t see a snowflake on the weather app on my phone. Good weather for decorating for Christmas which is how I typically spend my black Friday weekends.
Right Now
I’ve returned from the store, taken a shower and got myself ready for work. Now, I’m working on this post while listening to the sounds of the washer and dryer. My husband is off work today and kindly took it upon himself to do the laundry.
Thinking And Pondering 
Wondering how crazy this afternoon is going to be. Realized there will likely be 2 subs in today plus there’s a sub there now covering the morning shift (I can’t do morning shifts on Tuesday/Thursday because of J’s current schedule). Hopefully, numbers are down due to the holiday though that didn’t seem the case yesterday.
How I Am Feeling 
A bit scatterbrained (normal pre-Thanksgiving state for most of us, I hope?) as I did shampoo my hair twice because I grabbed the shampoo bottle again instead of the conditioner. Otherwise, I feel pretty good though I’d be happy to see some sunshine, colder weather or not.
On The Breakfast Plate
I made blueberry muffins (from a box mix), coffee, vitamins, plus I treated myself to a caramel creme brulee latte at the grocery store.
On The Lunch Plate
Probably just another muffin and a flip yogurt. I don’t like to eat anything to heavy right before I go into work.
On The Dinner Plate
My husband made taco meat yesterday (we had a freezer issue so he had to use up some ground beef) so something taco related.
What I Am Wearing Today
Orange and red t-shirt that has shiny orange threads highlighting the design (needed something bright to counteract the gloomy skies), jeans, and tennis shoes.
On My Reading Pile
Finishing up The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth, then I’m switching to light, happy Christmas reads for the rest of the season. I’ve been waiting to read Christmas in the Scottish Highlands by Donna Ashcroft, so it’ll be up first.
On My TV This Week
Watched the Chiefs game last night (I have gift ideas Patrick Mahomes could give his teammates: velcro gloves so they can hang on to the darn ball, a timer, and an updated NFL rule book…in case you can’t guess, yesterday did not go my team’s way.). Probably more football on Thanksgiving. Excited for the Doctor Who special. Not sure what else.
On My Menu
It’s Thanksgiving week, always makes planning a bit of a challenge.
MONDAY: spaghetti *I worked 8-3:30*
TUESDAY: tacos *I work 1-5*
WEDNESDAY: Leaning toward OUT or we’ll forage through the fridge and freezer
THURSDAY: homemade cranberry relish, apple pie, chocolate pie, and pumpkin pie. OH wait, that’s what I’m contributing. My brother is making turkey, ham, said something about also smoking a turkey breast, sweet potatoes, green beans, stuffing, and who knows what else.
FRIDAY: LEFTOVERS (My brother always makes way too much food so I anticipate we’ll be sent home with plenty of extras)
Looking Around The House
I like my Thanksgiving decor but I’m ready to replace it with Christmas. Also, I need to clean a bit.
On My To Do List
- Grocery store *DONE*
- Target trip, might put it off but I do need to go
- Work
- Decide if I want to go to Bunco tonight, depends on if anything is going on with family
- Pay bills (Ugh, no fun but must be done)
- Also, figure out how to renew my blog hosting for 1 year instead of 3 at a time.
- Remember to-do list I’m putting as my quote for the week…
From The Camera & (Phone Camera)
Not as many pictures in this post, I missed my walk on Thursday and didn’t feel like braving the cold and wet this morning plus had to make a grocery run. Sunday night, J asked me to text him some pictures of his college music while he was a band practice. He also got these two pictures of my “helper.”

Thanksgiving Tips or Ideas
If you aren’t hosting and there’s something you’ll really miss if it’s not on the Thanksgiving dinner table, offer to contribute that item (see homemade cranberry relish listed above). Bonus tip for those of you with younger kids, I saw this reminer somewhere else and remembered doing this myself: It’s okay to feed your kids a small meal at their normal time if Thanksgiving is at an odd one/later in the day. The holiday is a lot more enjoyable without hangry/crying children. Our Thanksgiving dinner isn’t until 4 this year and you bet even without small children, we’ll still be having a light breakfast and lunch!
Quote For The Week
(Found on Pinterest)